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No. 422, April 24, 1858.] THE IE ADEB. 4...
The State Prosecutions of the Press.—Sub...
: — ~— , _ |V . ".^TTniTPi uwnuwmiui ^uuuu.
: London, Friday Evening, April 23. Thb ...
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No. 422, April 24, 1858.] The Ie Adeb. 4...
No . 422 , April 24 , 1858 . ] THE IE ADEB . 405
The State Prosecutions Of The Press.—Sub...
The State Prosecutions of the Press . —Subscriptions have been entered into at Manchester in aid of the defendants to these prosecutions , and the committee report a fair , amount of success both among the middle and -working classes . Efforts which are being made in the surrounding towns are also said to have been well responded to . The East India Company . —The three Directors nominated by the Crown—viz ., Lieutenant-General Sir George Polloek , G . C . B . ; Major-General Sir John Robert Hussey Vivian , K . C . B . ; and John Pollard Willoughby , Esq ., M . P . —took the prescribed oath , and their seats as Directors of the East India Company , on Friday week . Completion of the Duke of Wellington's Tomb . — The final slab was placed on Thursday week over the remains of the late Duke of Wellington in the crypt at St . Paul ' s Cathedral , in the presence of the present duke ; of Lord John Manners , Chief Commissioner of the Board of Works ; Dr . Milhnan , Dean of St . Paul ' s ; and Mr . Penrose , the present architect to the cathedral . The sarcophagus was then hermetically sealed . The tomb is constructed of the purest porphyry , highly polished . It lies immediately beneath the centre of the dome .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths. Births. H...
BIRTHS , MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . HUTCHINS . —April 20 , at Hanover-square , Mrs . F- L . Hutchins : a daughter . MUNDY . —April 18 , at Hollybank , Hants , tho wife of Major R . M . Mundy : a daughter . PEARCE . —April 19 , at Montpelier-road , Brighton , the wife of R . Pearce , M . D .: a son-MARRIAGES . BAGEHOT—WILSON . —April 21 , at Claverton , near Bath , by the Rev . W . Hale , M . A ., W . Bagehot , Esq ., son of Mr . Bagehot , of Herde-hill , near Langport , to Elizabeth , daughter of J . Wilson , Esq ., M . P ., of Claverton Manor . CARTMELL ^—OUTRAM . —April 20 , at Barkestone , Leicestershire , by the Rev . Dr . Cartmell , the Rev . J . Cartmell , of Asfordby , Leicester , to Adelaide , daughter of the late Rev . T . P . Outram , Rector of Bedmile , Leicester . DEATHS . rOWKER .. —April 18 , Jesse , wife of T . Dowker , Esq ., of Huntitigton , near York , a ^ red 71 . EASTWOOD- —April 20 , R . S . Eastwood , Esq ., M . A . of Eastwood , near Todmorden , J . P . for Lancashire and Yorkshire , aged 42 . FALLOFIELD . — April 20 , at Warren-street , . Fitzroysquare , tho Rev . W . Fallofleld , M . A ., aged 70 .
: — ~— , _ |V . ".^Ttnitpi Uwnuwmiui ^Uuuu.
Cnmntmiul Mam . ——*
: London, Friday Evening, April 23. Thb ...
: London , Friday Evening , April 23 . Thb appearance of the money market is somewhat firmer than last week . The Budget , as expounded , by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on Monday , is considered on the whole negatively satisfactory . Tho tax upon bankers ' cheques has given great offence to the bankers and Stock Exchange , but as it is an easy tax for the public , and as it will fall upon people best able to pay it , there will bo no violent opposition to it one would think . If the Chancellor nod gone even further and taxed accommodation bills—the basis of the false system or credit now prevalent , and to which wo owe tho late crisis that has left us prostrate and lifeless—there would be some hope of a reform in our trade y The funds during tho week have been 90 J to ttGl . There have been several transfers from Consols into Reduced and New Three per Cents . whioh are now bought with advantage ; to effect this Consols have been sold . It is understood that the uneasy state of political feeling consequent on tho issue of Simou Bernard ' s trial has created a strong party for tho fall . The New Indian Four per Cent , loan is within 4 per cent , of par . Tho foreign stock market has been steady ; a domand for Venezuelan , Uuenos Ayrean , and Peruvian securities has existed . Turkish Six nor Cents , quite stationary . French railroad shares are dull , and very few transactions are marked . Tho prico of all tho Indian guaranteed railways has been fully supported . Canadian Grand Trunk shares aro firmer , tho traffic showing an increase In tho heavy share markot there is a groat lack or business , and tho weekly decline of traffics makes tho shares very little sought after . Caledonians and Dovorsare dull and do not nt all recover from their fall . . In mining shares there has boon rather more business . Whcal Trelawny , Edward , Mary Ann , Tolvndden , and Herodsfoot aro inquired after . Nothing doing In foroign mines . In Miscellaneous shares thoro has been a domand for tho shares of some of tho Australian Land Companies . No change of importance in Gas Companies , Insurance , or Joint-Stock Banks , „ , „ , Blackburn , 9 , 10 ; Caledonian , 84 S , 85 i ; Chester and Holylioad , 35 . 37 ; Eastern Counties , 084 , 09 ; ^ reat No ^ L » X 02 J . 1031 ; Groat Southern and Western ( Ireland ) . 00 . 101 ; Ureat Western , 50 , 50 * j Lancashire and Yorkshire . 89 i . 80 S ; London and Black wall , 6 , OJi London . « nBh ' ° "> and South Coast , 10 S . IOO j London and North . Wostorn . O . U , 04 ; London and South-Western , 02 J , 03 1 ; Midland , 024 , D 2 J < North-Eastorn ( Berwick ) , 014 , 024 ; Soutli-Eastorn , ( Dover ) , 70 . 70 J ; Antwerp and Rotterdam , 0 , 04 s Dutch Rhenish , 41 , 41 , dis . ; Eaatoru of Franco ( Paris and ( Strasbourg ) . 274 , 279 ; Groat Central of Franco . - — ; Groat Luxembourg , 7 i . 8 ; Northern or France , » 74 . 37 ft ; l ' arlb and Lyons , 31 » , 3 SJ ; Royal Danish , 15 , 17 ; Royal Swedish 4 , i ; Sambro and Moubo , 8 J , 8 .
British Funds For Thi3 Past Whek, (Closi...
BRITISH FUNDS FOR THI 3 PAST WHEK , ( Closing Priors . ) Sat Mon . Tv . es . Wed . Thttr . Frid . 1 — 'BanlrBtockrrr ^ iTr ' . ' :-- > ,-, ; ,. ?¦ -an—S 20- ,..-220 ,. -,, 221 .. , -. 8 ? 3 _ 3 por Cent . Rod 054 004 015 f 05 J 05 J 05 { 3 per Cent . Con . An . 00 S oof » 0 A 001 00 * 00 | Oonsols for Account 004 00 * 001 002 OOi 00 * Now 3 nor Cent . An . 05 * 00 $ 08 | 054 051 061 New af por Gouts ' " •; .: Loiik Ana . 1800 11-10 11-10 11-10 U-10 Xl-KJ 11-10 indfaBtook 2204 222 ! •¦¦••• Ditto Bonds , £ 1000 17 P Ditto , under £ 1000 gl p 21 D Ex . Itlllfl , X 1000 80 p « 7 p 30 p Slip » B p 30 p . Ditto , JE 600 33 p 88 p 34 p 38 p « 5 p ...... Ditto , Small 37 p 33 I ) 37 p 37 P 31 P | 80 p
MM ^ H ^ MVMmM ^ BHaW ^ H ^ B ^ ai ^^ HBHMMmiMIMMMHHMiMl ^ a ^ MHmm ^ MiMBHaMBHMIi ^ B ^ MH FOREIGN FUNDS . La . st Official Quotation during the Week ending Thursday Evening . ) Brazilian Bonds Portuguese 4 per Cents . ... Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cents ... Russian Bonds , 5 per Chilian 6 per Cents Cents HOf Chilian 8 per Cents ... Russian 44 perCents Dutch 2 £ per Cents Spanish 43 | Dutch 4 per Cent ; Certf . ... Spanish Committee Cer-Equador Bonds j of Coup , wot fun Mexican Account i Turkish 6 per Cents 97 | Peruvian 4 i per Cents .... 81 i Turkish New , 4 ditto Portugueses per Cents . ... I Vunezuela 4 i per Cents .. _ 35 i CORN MARKET . Mark-lane , Friday , April 23 . "Wheat has fallen 2 s . per quarter , and Flour has declined 2 s . per sack . Barley is in good demand , and last week's prices have been fully supported . French Barley has brought an advance of 6 d . per quarter and Oats are firmer at last quotations .
Fhom. The London Gazettf. Tuesday^ April...
FHOM . THE LONDON GAZETTF . Tuesday ^ April 20 . BANKRUPTS . —Abraham Maek Cohes , Commercialplace , City-road , paper stainer— Charles M'KiNNBtL , Great St . Helen ' s , merchant—Chaeles Powell , Leather-lane , Holborn , cheesemonger— John Piebce , Ironmonger-lane and . Liverpool-street , Bi . shopsgate , carpenter , and Colemanstreet . licensed victualler—Daniel Tidey , Buckland-crescent , Belsize , St . John ' s-wood , and Queen ' s-gardens , Bayswater , builder—Spil 8 bukt Butler , Cheistopher Baker , and Charles Edward Butler , Birmingham , wire drawers —Benjamin Starkey , Sheepridge , near Huddersfield , woollen cord manufacturer—William Thomas Senior , ilorbury-bridge , Yorkshire , fellmonger— Thomas Wainvbight , Dunham-o ' -th ' -Hill . Cheshire , cattle salesman . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . — J . Nicol . Aberdeen , merchant tailor—J . Gray , Glasgow , engineer—J . Christie , Aberdeen , auctioneer—A . Swiei . es , Arbroath , currier—J . Boak , Lundin-mill , near Largo , Fifeshire , draper—J . Henperson , Glasgow , coachbuilder—J . Miller , Glasgow / warehouseman—R . Craig , Saltcoats , horse dealer—W . B . and A . T . Adamson , Leith , merchants . Friday , April 23 . BANKRUPTS . — Jacob Frankenstein , Devonshirestreet , City , commission merchant—John Anthony , Plymouth , grocer—William Tyack , Camborne , Cornwall , innkeeper—James Wilkins , Ketley . Salop , draper—William Cooper , Harvills Hawthorn , West Bromwich , coach axletreo spring-maker—William Weldon , Sleaford , Lincolnshire , haberdasher—James Pontet , Manchester , licensed vietualler- ^ JonN Barry , Bath , milliner—Matthew Firth and Win . Firth , Manningham , Yorkshire , plasterers —William Campling and Samuel Browne , Norwich , shoe manufacturers—Frederick William Hooper and Charles W . Wass , 3 , New Burlington-street — Thomas Evershed and Charles B . Whitcomb , Gosport , soap manufacturers—Thomas Hebard , Broad-street-buildings , merchant — Frederick Peidgeon , King ' s Lynn , corn merchant—Benjamin M'Cleish Chrees , 180 , Hoston Old Town , draper . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS—J . Craig , Kirkton-toll . Renfrewshire , wright—J . Maclean , Glasgow , hotel keener —G- M acdonald and Co ., Campbell-town , Iuverness-shire liotel keepers—W . Christie , Elgin , cabinet maker—J . Kay and Co ., Glasgow , tea merchants—J . Matthew , Kirktown Mills , Dundee , flax spinner .
Tmpoetant To Every Man Who Keeps 1. A Horse, Cow, Sheepor Pig.—Thorley's Tables Also
KOOD for CATTLE , as used in her Majesty ' s ; on his Royal Highness tho Prince Consort ' s farm , Windsor Sold in casks containing 418 feeds ( with measure enclosed ) , price 50 s . per cask ; carriage paid to any railway station in tho United Kingdom . For horses it is indispensable in promoting and sustaining all the animal functions in health and vigour . For milch cows it is invaluable , increasing the quantity and improving the quality of milk . For beasts nothing can compare with it for feeding quickly . For sheep a « d pigs its effect in one month will exceed all expectation A pamphlet , containing testimonials from Mr . Brobner , steward to his Royal Highness tho Prince Consort ; Mr . James Fisher , farm manager to her Grace tho Duchess of Atholo ; Sir David Cunyngharae , Bart . ; Sir John Cathcart , Bart . Sir John Ribton , Bart . ; and some of the leading agriculturists of tho day , may be had , post free , on application to fcho inventor and solo proprietor . JOJsEPH THORLEY , 77 , Newgate-street , London ; 115 , Higlvstrcet . Hull . Post-office orders to bo made payable at tho General Post-office
FOR GOUT . RHEUMATISM , AND RHEUMATIC GOUT . SI MCO'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS aro a certain and safe remedy . They restore tranquillity to tho nerves , give tone to tho stomach , and strength to the whplo system . No other medicine can bo compared to theso excellent Pills as they prevent tho disorder from attacking tho stomach or hoad , and have restored thousands from pain and misery to health and comfort , Sold by all Medicine Vondors , at is . ljd . or 2 s . 9 d . por box .
rpRIESEMAR . —Protected by Royal Letters JL Patent or England , and scoured by tho seals of tho Ecolo do Pharmacia do Paris , and tho Imperial Collego of Medicine , Vienna . Triesemar , No . 1 , is a remedy for relaxation , spermatorrhoea , and exhaustion of tho system . Tricsomar , No . 2 , effectually , in tho short space of threodays , completely and entirely eradicates all . traoos of those disordora which capsules have so long boon thought an antidote for , to tho ruin of the health of a vast portion of tho population . Trlosomar , No . 3 , is thogroat Continental romody for thatolassof disorders which unfortunately tho English physician treats with mercury , to tho inevitable destruction of the patient ' s constitution , and which all the fjaranparlllainthQ world cannot remove . Trlesomar , Noa . i , 2 , and 3 . aro alike devoid of taste or smell , and of all n ' rusdati nrq « aHtiesT ^ aMiey-may , ^ lio-on-thp tg » ut _ tftbl « , without their use boJiiKausnoetod . —bold in tl » oasos . prioo lls ., free by post Is . 8 U . extra to any part of the United Kingdom , or four oasosin one for 33 a ., by post , 3 a . 2 d . extra , which savosUB , ; and In 0 / . ouscb , whereby thorp is a saving oi'll . 12 a . ; divided Into aoparato doson , hh adnnlnistorouby Valpimu , Liillomand , ltoux , & c . Hold by W . Olmrch 78 , Gr « ooohuroh-Hfcroeti Bnrtlott Hooper , 4 » . King WUUnm-stroot i (> . F . Walts , 17 , Strand ; I ' rout . iMO , Strand ; Hannny . Oil , Oxford-Htroot ( SaiiBor , 100 , Oxford-street , London s Jl . H . Ingham , Markot-stroot , MaHohestorj and Powell , 16 , West-I moroland-Btrool , Dublin .
HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE TITIENS . ORTOLANI . GIUGLINI , ALDIGHIERI VIALETTI , and BELLETTI . LES HUGUENOTS . Tuesday , April 27—LBS HUGUENOTS . Thursday , April 29—Extra Night . LES HUGUENOTS , and the new Ballet Divertissement , CALISTO , OU LE RENVOI DE L'AMOUR , by Mesdlles . Pocchini , Annetta , Pasquale , Bioletti , and Morliechi . A limited number of Boxes have been reserved to the Public , prico 21 s . and 31 s . 6 d . each , and may be had at the Box Office at the Theatre .
ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA , COVENT GARDEN . M R . G-YE has the honour to announce that THE NEW THEATRE will open on Saturday , May 15 , on which occasion will be performed Meyerbeer ' s Grand Opera LES HUGUENOTS .
M ISS ARABELLA GODDARD'S Second Soiree of Classical Pianoforte Music ( Second Series ) , on WEDNESDAY EVENING , APRIL 28 th , 1858 . at WILLIS'S ROOMS , when she will be assisted by M . SAINTON , Herr GOFFRIE , and Signor PIATTI . To commence at Half-past Eight o'clock precisely , and terminate about a Quarter to Eleven . Reserved Seats , Half-a-Guinea ; Unreserved Seats , 7 s . To be had of Miss Ahabella Goddard , 47 , Welbeck-street . Cavendish-square '; and of the principal Music Publishers . PROGRAMME—Part I . SONATA DUO in A—Pianoforte and Violoncello ( Op . 32 ) . W . S . Bennett . PRELUDIO CON FUGA , in A Minor —< 2 la Tarantella ( by desire ) . J . S . Bach . GRAND SONATA in F— " Ne Plus Ultra . " Woelfl . Part II . GRAND SONATA in A Flat , " Plus Ultra" ( Op . 71 ) . Dussek . GRAND QUARTET in B Minor , Pianoforte , Violin , Viola , and Violoncello . Mendelssohn .
FRE NCH EXHIBITION . —The FIFTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION of PICTURES by Modern Artists of the French School is NOW OPEN , at the French Gallery , 120 , Pall-mall , opposite the Opera Colonnade . Admission , Is . -. catalogues , 6 d . each . Open from 9 to 6 daily .
DR . KAHN ' . S ANATOMICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL MUSEUM , 3 , Tichbome-street , opposite the Haytnarket . Open daily . Admission , One Shilling . Lectures by DR . KAHN at Three and Eight . Dr . Kahn ' s Nine Lectures on the Philosophy of Marriage , & c , sent post free on receipt of 12 Stamps .
THE RECENT CHANGES OF TEMPERATURE . —It is very important that such changes as have recently taken place in the temperature of the atmosphere should not be treated with indifference . The public should be watchful of the effects which they frequently have on the body . Tho skin and the nervous system suffer severely—Erysipelas , Blotches , Boils , Rheumatism , Colds , Sore Throats , and the many other complaints of this nature , being frequently generated through the above cause . When symptoms of the above diseases show themselves they should be promptly attended to : Holloway ' s Pills and Ointment are wonderful remedies , and eradicate tho above attacks immediately they show themselves . Sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world , and at l > iofossor HOLLOWAY'S Establisliment , 244 , Strand , London .
K NOW THYSELF . —MARIE COUPELLE continues to give her graphic and interesting delineations of character , discoverable from an examination of the handwriting , in a unique stylo of description peculiarly her own . All persons desirous of knowing themselves , or any friend in whom they aro interested , must send a specimen of tho writing , stating tho sex and age , and enclosing Vi penny postage stamps , and a directed envelope , to Miss Coupelle , CO , Castle-street , Oxford-street , London , and they will receive in a few days a minute detail of the talents , tastes , virtues , and failings of tho writer , with many other things hitherto unsuspected . All letters arc considered strictly confidential .
DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR , WHISKERS , & c . P-COUPELLE'S ORINUTRIAR ia guaranteed to produce whiskers , mustachios , eyebrows , & o ., in two or three weeks with tho utmost certainty , strengthen weak hair , prevent its falling off , check greynesa in allJts stages , and reproduce tho hair in baldneas , from whatover cause . Price 2 u . Sold by all chemists in tho world ; or will bo sent post free , on receipt of 24 penny postage stamps , by Miss Coupollo , 00 . Castle-street , Newman-street , Oxford-street , London . A toilet guide sent poat free for four penny postngo stamps . "It completely restored my hair . " —MiBS Davis . " My whiskers aro now growing freely . "—II . Merry , Esq .
An Act of Sincere Gratitude . —6000 Copies of a Medical Book to bo given away ! 1 ! A CLERGYMAN OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND , having been cured of severe Nervousness , Pains in tho Hood , Loss of Memory , Indigestion , Debility . Prostration , and other fearful symptoms , not tho least of whloh was tho groat mental anguish resulting from the terrors occasioned by tlio frauua of wicked pretenders , "adopts thi 8 unuBual-Mio ( ioof-touHfyiiiK , hla . doop . griititude . by publishing , for the bonodtof othora , the moans employed for liis own iniirvollou * restoration to health and happiness , to which ho had long bcou a etrangor . Ho will therefore send a copy of tho remarkable book containing all tho noccsHary information , pn receipt of two penny stamps to prepay pontngo . Address : Rev . H . R . Travors , M . A ., 1 , North Cumberland Place , Buys water , Middlesex . Caution . —Tho advertiser regrets to find that of lato sovoral disreputable quaoktt havo dishonestly adopted this plan of pulling off their deceptive books .
Leader (1850-1860), April 24, 1858, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_24041858/page/21/