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406 THE LEADER, [No. 422, April 24, 1858...
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406 The Leader, [No. 422, April 24, 1858...
406 THE LEADER , [ No . 422 , April 24 , 1858 .
ALLSOPP'S PALE ALE IN IMPERIAL PINTS . HARRHSTGl'ON , PARKER , and CO ., iire now delivering the October Brewings of the above celebrated Ale . Its surpassing excellence is vouched for by the highest medical and chemical authorities of the day . Suppliedln bottles , also in casks of 18 sallons and upwards by ^ ABBINGTON , PAB . KEB . and CO ., Wine and Spirit Merchants , 54 , Pall-Mall . Feb ., 1858 .
PURE BRANDY , 16 s . PER GALLON . — Pale or Brown EAU-DE-VIE of exquisite flavour and great purity , identical , indeed , in every respect with those choice productions of the Cognac district which are now difficult to procure at any price , 35 s . per dozen , French bottles and case included , or 16 s . per gallon . HENRY BRETT and Co ., Old Furnivars Distillery , Holborn . ____
TTNSOPHISTICATED GENEVA , of the true KJ juniper flavour , and precisely as it runs from the still , without the addition of sugar or any ingredient whatever . Imperial gallons 13 s . ; or in one dozen cases , 29 s . eaon , D & ok & £ 6 included HENRY BRETT and Co ., Old Furnival ' s Distillery , Holhprn .
SISAL CIGARS ! at Goodrich's Cigar Stores , 407 , Oxford-street , London , near Soho-square . Boxes , containing 14 , for is . 9 d . ; post free , six stamps extra ; lb . boxes , containing 103 , 12 s . 6 d . None are genuine , unless signed " H . N . Goodrich . " A large stock of the most approved Brands- Orders , amounting to 1 Sovereign , sent carriage free within the London Parcels Delivery circuit ; amounting to 2 Sovereigns , carriage free to any railway station in the United Kingdom . The trade supplied .
S EEDS TO BE DEPENDED ON . —Timothy Brigden , Seedsman and Florist , begs to announce that his unrivalled collection of AGRICULTURAL , VEGETABLE , and FLOWER SEEDS is now arranged , of which Priced Catalogues will be forwarded free upon application . All orders from unknown correspondents must be accompanied with P . O . order . —Seed Establishment , 10 , Railwayarcade , London-bridge , London . ¦
PIESSB AND L U B I N ' S FBAHGIPANNI PEEFtTME , 2 S . 6 d . FBANGEPAlTNr SACHET , Is . 6 d . Fbaito-ipanni Soap , Is . Fkan & ipaniti Pomade , 2 s . Fbahchpanni Incense , Is . 6 d . Sold by all fashionable Perfumers and Druggists . Bo sure to ask for PIESSB and LUBIN'S FRANGIPANNI , there are numerous imitations . LABORATORY OF FLOWERS , 2 . NEW BOND-STREET , LONDON .
K EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . —For half a century this well known remedy for Pulmonary disorders has successfully stood the test of public approval , and their usefulness has been extended to every clime and country of the civilized world . They may be found alike on the gold-fields of Australia , the backwoods of America , in every important place in tlio East or West Indies , and in the palace of Pekin . During this long period they have withstood the pretensions of numerous inferior rivals , and are the now acknowledged antidote for Coughs , Colds , Asthma , & o . Prepared and Sold in Boxes , is . 14 d ., and Tins , 2 s . 9 d .. by THOMAS KEATING , 79 , St . Paul's Churchyard , London . Retail by all Druggists . ^
DBAFJNESS , Noises in . the Head . Turkish . _ _ i '¦ Treatment by a Retired Surgeon from the Crimea fenonflnu himself porfootly cured ) , Just published , a book , gjgLSrOyRjBjtiroo by post for six stamps . Surgeon COLB * Y 5 »» rn . t 1 t . 0 S ., 7 , X « hjeator-place , Leiooater - square , Xxnufcmu : At inm « W U to * , to receive visit * i from patients .
E LASTIC STOCKINGS AND KNEE-CAPS for VARICOSE VEINS and WEAKNESS , of a VERTX SUPERIOR QUALITY , yielding an unvarying support without the trouble of bandaging . Instructions for measurement and prices on application , and the article sont bj post from tho manufacturers . —POPE and PLANTB , 4 , Waterloo-placo , London .
SEND for a PRICE LIST . —Household and Family Lineu . —National Linen Company ' s warehouses , 150 , rieet-streot , London . —In giving publicity to the prices at which the Company are now selling TABLE LINEN , linen sheeting , Irish linea , towellings , and every description of househol d and family linens , the Directors of the National Linen Companv invite the public to send for patterns for comparison , which will be forwarded post free , paymen not being required for goods ordered from patterns until received and approved of . —National Linen Company , 105 , Fleet-street , foot of Ludgate-hill , London . Catalogues , containing particulars and prices , post free .
THE SYDENHAM TOP COAT is made from the best Materials , by Workmen of cultivated taste , at the moderate sum of Two Guineas ; the appreciation of the fashionable world of . genuine and perfect Articles ol Dress renders the success of the Sydenbam Top Coat a certainty . —SAMUEL BROTHERS , 29 , Ludgate-hill . WHAT'S IN A NAME ? — This query can be answered by SAMUEL BROTHERS , 29 . Ludgatehill , the Inventorsof the SYDENHAM TROUSERS . l 7 s . 6 d . for in the fashionable world there is associated with the Sydenham Trousers a perfect idea , synonymous with a graceful , easy , and well-fitting Garment .
THE FORTY-SEVEN SHILLING SUITS are made to order from SCOTCH , HEATKHflR , and CHEVIOT TWEEDS , all wool and thoroughly shrwk , by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant Tailor , 74 . REGENT-STREET , W . The TWO GUINEA FROCK and DRESS COATS , the GUINEA DRESS TROUSERS , and the HALF GUINEA WAISTCOATS—N . B . A perfect fit guaranteed .
MR . MILES and the 16 s . TROUSERS . — These Trousers ( originated by him ) are patent to the world for the excellence of the material and superior cut . Also , the MORNING SUITS , at SI . 3 s . —No . 02 , New Bondstreet . No other address .
LA WRENCE HYAM , MERCHANT CLOTHIER AND MANUFACTURER , 36 , Gracechurch-street , City , London , solicits public attention to the immense variety in style and pattern of Men and Youths ' Clothing , manufactured by him expressly for the approaching season . The system of business pursued is to charge one uniform and low per centage of profit . THE READY-MADE DEPARTMENT is celebrated for the oxteut and variety of its stock , consisting of every description of gentlemen's , youths ' , and boys clothing ' , while the saving effected renders it important and entitles it to great consideration in large families . THE ORDERED DEPARTMENT offers also peculiar advantages , tho artistes being men of celebrity and the material the best . CLERICAL and PROFESSIONAL men arc specially invited , the black and mixture cloths being of n , fast dye , and warranted for durability . An ordered suit ol' black for SL 3 s . ; also tho celebrated 17 s . trousers in great varioty . LAWRENCE HYAM , Merchant Clothier and Manufacturer , 30 , Gracochurch-street , City , London .
A GREAT PALL IN THE PRICE OF PERMANENT BLACK FROCK AND DRUSS COATS , 42 a . The best fitting trousers in London , l ( te . — Observe , J . SMITH , 38 , Lombard-street .
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS ia allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to bo tho most effective invention in tho curative treatment of Hernia . Tho use of a stool spring ( so hurtful in its effects ) is here avoided , a soft Bandage being worn round tho body , while tho requisite resisting power is supplied by tho Moc-Maiu Pad ana Patent Lovor , fitting with so much easo and olosenoss that it cannot bo detected , and may bo worn during slcop . A descriptive circular may bo had , and tho Truss ( which cannot fall to lit ) forwarded by post , on tho circumference of tho body , two inches below tho hip , boing sent to tho Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . Price of a single truss , 16 s ., 2 ns .. 20 s . Od ., and 31 s . 6 d . — Postage Is . Double Truss , 818 . 6 d ., 42 s ., aud 02 s . Od . —Postage Is . Sd . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 02 s , 0 d . —Postage Is . lOd . Poat-oHlco orders to bo made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post-office , Piccadilly . | T « LASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c , Mli for VARICOSE VEINS , and alt oases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of tho LEGS , SPRAINS , & o . They arc porous , light in texture , and inexpensive , and arc drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 s . 0 d . to 10 s , each . — -Postage Od . JOHN WHITE Manufacturer , 228 , Plooadilly , London . A NEW DISCOVERY , whereby Artificial Tooth and Gums arc fitted with absolute perfection and success hitherto unattainable . No springs or wires , no extraction of roota , or any painful operation . This im-P ° rtm U ^ ft cloa 6 nos 8 of lUandboauty of appearance bolnjc obtained equal to nature . All imitations should bo carefully avoided , the gonuino being only supplied by Messrs . GABRIEL , tho old-eatabllshod Dentists , from Sa . Od . por Tooth—Seta . U . da . Jbseryo name and nutnbor particularly . S 3 , Ludgato-lilll , London ( five doors west of the Old Bailey ) \ and 134 , I > ukc-Btroot , Liverpool , Established 1804 . * Prepared White Gutta Porqha Enamel , tho boat Stopping or decayed Tooth , renders thorn sound and useful in mi » ailoatlon , no matter how far decayed , and effectually proven Ih Toothache—In boxes , with UlrooUona , nb Is , Od . \ froo by post , 20 atauipe , Sold by moat Chemists in Town « u » Country . Aak for Gabriel ' s Gujita Porcha Enamol . —Sco oplulona of tho Proas thereon ,
OEDSTEADS , BATHS , AND LAMPQ JO WILLIAM S . BURTON , has SIX LARRP SRnw ROOMS devoted exclusively to' the SEPARATE DISpPa v of Lamps , Baths , and Metallic Bedsteads . The stonk « # each is at once the largest , newest , and most varfcdevnr submitted to the public , and marked at nfices nm ^ tiouate with those that have tended to make his ?& blishmcnt tho most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from 12 s . 8 d . to £ 20 0 s cttrh Shower Baths , from 8 s . 0 d . to 6 0 s %$£ Lamps ( Modcrateur ) from Gs . Od . to 7 7 S . eacli ( All other kinds at tho same rate . ) Pure Colza Oil 4 s . Od . per gallon . -pEA URNS , of LONDON MAKE ONLY — A The largest assortment of London-mado TEA UN / Vs in the World ( including all tho r " eoeiit novelties , maiwnf which are registered ) is on SALE at WILLHV e BURTON'S , from SOs . to 0 ? . "^ WA . tt . S . / CUTLERY WARRANTED . —The most varied \ J assortment of TA & LE-CUTL 12 RY in tho world oil warranted , is on SALE at WILLIAM S . BURTON'S at prices that arc remunerative only because of the larpeiiess of the sales—3 £ inch ivory-handledtablo-knives , with hieh shoulders , 12 s . fid . per dozen ; desserts to match , Ids . ; if to balance , 6 d . per dozen extra ; carvers , 4 s . 3 d . per pair ; 'farce r sizes , from 20 s . to 27 s . Gd . per dozen ; extra fine ivorv 33 s if witli silver ferrules , 40 s . to 50 s . ; white bone table-knives ' 6 s . per dozen ; desserts , 5 s . ; carvers , 2 s . 3 d . por pair ' black horn table-knives , 7 s . 4 d . per do / . en ; desserts Gs ' carvers ., 2 s . Gd . ; black wood-handled table-knives and forks ' 6 s-per dozen ; table steels from Is . each . The largest stock ' in existence of plated dessert knives and forks , in cases and otherwisc . and of tho new plated lish-carvers . WILLIAM S . BURTON'S GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE may be had cratiss , and free by post . It contains upwards of 400 Illustrations of liis illimited Stock of Electro and Sheffield Plate , Nickel Silver and Britannia Metnl goods , Dish Covers and Ilot-wator Dishes , Stoves , Fende rs , Marble Mantelpieces , Kitchen Ranges , Lainus , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Tea Trays , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Kedsteads , Beddinjr , Bed Hanging-, & c . & c , with Lists of Prices , and Plans of the Sixteen large Show Rooms , at ss > , Oxfordstreet , W .- ; 1 , 1 a , 2 , and 3 , Is < nvnian-sircct ; and 1 , 5 , and 6 , Terry ' s place , London—ESTABLISHED lx- >\> .
H ANDSOME BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS . —heal and SON'S Show Rooms contain a large assortment of Brass Bedsteads , suitable both for Home use and for Tropical Climates ; handsome Iron Bedsteads with Brass Mountings and elegantly Japanned ; Plain Iron Bedsteads for Servants ; ( .-very descri | ition of Wood Bedstead that is manufactured , in M . ihoeany , JSirch , Walnut Tree woods , Polished Deal and . Japanned , all fitted with Bedding and Furnitures complete , as well as every description of BedroOiH Furniture . HE AL and SON'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE , containing Dosigns anil Prices of luO Bedsteads , as well as of 150 different articles of Bedroom Furniture , sent free by Post . — Heal and Son , Bedstead , Bedding , and Bedroom Furniture Manufacturers , l ' . uj , Tottenham-court-road , W .
F URNISH YOUR HOUSE WITH THE BEST ARTICLES . —They auk the Cukai'ust in ran end . —DEANli and Oo . ' s Priced I ' uniishing List may bo had gratuitously on application , or forwarded by past , fren . This list oinbracos the leading articles from all the various departments of their rstiiblislmient , and is arranged to facilitate } purchasers in the selection of their Booas . It comprises Table Cullery—Mloctro-plate-I-nnips —Baths—Fenders and Fire Irons—lion JJcdntoatls , and Bedding—Hritania Metal , Copper , Tin , and Brass ( ioods—Culinary Utensils—Turnery— Hruslies—Mats , & c . — l . ) i ; nno and Co . ( opening to tho Monument ) , London Bridge , l . stablishod a . d . 1700 .
M APPIN'S SHILLING RAZOR , sold everywhere , warranted good , by thu Makers , JI . U'l'LV BROTHERS . Quoou's Cutlery Works , Shellielil . andiiVaud 08 , King WiUiam-sti ' eot , City , London , where the large a stock ol Cutlery in tho world is kept .
Leader (1850-1860), April 24, 1858, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_24041858/page/22/