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Ko. 422. April 24, 1858.] THE LUDE H. &&...
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| | America. Coxgrkss Has Been Busy With...
2 imes Pernambuco correspondent , writing on the 24 th ult . " has come to light this month . Two bills , purporting ' to be drawn by Messrs . N . O . Bieber and Co ., and accepted by Messis . J . Keller and Co ., were discounted three montlis ago at the Branch Bank of Brazil in this province . On the date of their falling due the bills , one of 20 , 000 milreis , and the other of 30 , 000 milreis ( 5000 / . ) , mrere presented to Messrs .. Keller , who declined payment , alleging them te be forgeries . Messrs . Bieber refused on the same plaa . The matter remains thus for the present ; but tlie remarkable part of the affair is the bank , usually very cautious , having discounted bills to a person unknown , and who gave into the bank at the time the transaction was effected an altogether fictitious name . The bills , it appears , are precise copies of bond fide bills which had previously been discounted at the bank . "
General Santa Anna , ex-Pre 3 ident of Mexico , with his suite , arrived at St . Thomas ' s ( one of the West India islands ) , in the mail steamer Clyde , on the 17 th ult ., from < 3 artliageua , aad was to have left on the 19 th for Havannah in the mail steamer Dee ; but the non-arrival of the Solent from the Gulf at the moment of the Dee ' s departure seems to have changed his intentions , as he still remained in the island at last accounts . Peter Besaucon , a Frenchman living at New Orleans , ¦ yfa o was dismissed from the Pension Office some months back , and refused a reappointment by the Secretary of ihe Interior , made a murderous attack , on the forenoon of the 8 th , ou that gentleman , Mr . Thompson . He presented a pistol at him in the hall of the department ; but Mr . Thompson struck it from his hand , caught Eesaneon by the arm , threw him down , jumped on him , so as to . break his arm ; then picked up the pistol , and went to his offi . ee .
The Grafton Bank , at Grafton , Massachusetts , was robbed of 12 , 000 dollars on the 8 th , 7000 dollars of which was in bills of 100 dollars each . The robbery was committed in the daytime , during the temporary absence of the cashier . The Rhode Island State election took place on the 7 th , and resulted in the complete triumph of the Republicans , who elected their whole State " ticket " and large majorities in both branches of the General Assembly . In the General Sessions of the city of Xew York on the 9 th , Oscar M . Thomas was convicted of kidnapping George Anderson , a coloured man , and selling him as a slave iu Richmond , Virginia . His counsel gave notice of a motion for aa arrest of judgment . Thomas was remanded for sentence .
The " religious revival" at New York and other cities continues in full force ; and wonderful are the " conversions , " including corrupt common council men and pMgWists . The New York correspondent of the Daily News tells an amusing anecdote : —" One meeting is being hetd daily in the forenoon in one of the leading theatres ( Burton ' s ) , and Mr . Burton himself , the manager , was on one occasion held up to the assemblage as an excellent subject for their ^ praj'ers . This was followed by an announcement , on the following day , of his conversion— a statement which lie indignantly denied at the evening theatrical performance in the same place . " It is said that a proposition had been favourably entertained for the amalgamation of all tho banks of New York City into one great institution , similar in it « workings to tho Bank of England or the Bank of France .
Tho revolution in Venezuela appears to have ^ been completely successful . According to advices , dated La Cruayra , of tho 22 nU of March , President Momigas sent in his resignation to Congross on the 15 th , and immediately , with his family and his chief Minister , Gutierrez , fled to the French Legation for rofugc , where they still remained . But the ports aro blockaded , and there is no ¦ chance for his escape . According to the New York Herald , negotiations aro proceeding for tho abrogation of tho Cluyton-Bulwor Tjreaty . Mossrs . AlHbono and Nowhull , ex-dlrectors of tho BttOkof Pennsylvania , havo been indicted for conspiracy .
Ko. 422. April 24, 1858.] The Lude H. &&...
Ko . 422 . April 24 , 1858 . ] THE LUDE H . && 1
The Sardinian Conspiracy Bill. This Deba...
THE SARDINIAN CONSPIRACY BILL . This debate on the Conspiracy Bill , brought into the Sardinian Chamber of Representatives on tho requisition of the French Government , has produced somo vigorous speeches . That of Count Cavour is especially memorable Ho spoke for two hours and a half , and went over many incidental topics . It vras necessary , ho said , for a small state lilco Snrinia , having a difficult task to get through , to cultivate friendly alliances , more especially as " thoro
was danger of attack from u gront po \ vor which behQldawitli-Uiaploasiiro-tho-sucoQdd-of ^ tv-politicaLttyan .. torn diametrically opposed to its own . " Tho froust and proudest nations had frequently allied thoineclvos with despots ; and , as to France , lie thought , while entertaining the greatest respect for tho French nation , that It is ono of tho lo . int fit toil for Jtupublican institutions . All Republics luid an egotistical Char no tor , and wero prone to tyrannize over othor nations . " JUavo we not , " uakod tho Count , " tho example of
the French republics ? Both the first , which was warl i ke , and the second , which was pacific , always had , with respect to Italy , a worse thaii egotistical policy . The flrst drove out the Germans , but it was to make a market of the conquered provinces . It gave Venice to secure itself the Rhine . ( " Bravo / " ) And the second ? There were in the Government representatives of the most advanced revolutionary opinions , the Ledru Rollins , the Bastides 5 nevertheless , not only did they refuse us the assistance of men , of money , of armies , but even the loan of a General whom we committed the fault of asking them for . ( " Bravo ! bravo ! " ) "When—the form of
the Government having been somewhat changed—we turned for assistance to its head , do yoij . know what happened ? Nine years have elapsed since then , and I do not think I shall be indiscreet in telling it . ( Movement of attention . ) The head of that Government was disposed to give efficacious assistance to Cliarles Albert in his war against Austria , but he was prevented by the chiefs of the National Assembly and by his Ministers , among whom were ancient and present Republicans . ( Sensation . ' ) I Can confidently affirm this , because I heard it from the lips of a celebrated writer , who had the sad courage to boast to me of the part he took in that resolution . " ( Profound sensulion . )
Count Cavour then denounced those who incessantly demand a revolution . " Inseiisati . '" he exclaimed , " who think that a revolution , which would imperil social principles , would be favourable to the cause of liberty in Europe . Insensati I who know not that its surest effect would be to make all liberty disappear and to take us back to the middle ages ! Insensati di buoiia _ fede , who love revolution more than they love Italy ! { Great applause . ) To maintain alliauces it is necessary to inspire esteem , to seek to promote common interests , to show reciprocal benevolence ; and this we have done with treaties of commerce , with copyright treaties , and we have found the Government of France very benevolent . The war converted this goodwill into a formal treaty . We then did what lay in us to reestablish good relations with Russia , and we succeeded . At no period were our foreign relations better . "
Alluding to the attempt on the life of the French Emperor , he said that it was not an isolated act , but one of a series . It was , therefore , not surprising that the Emperor should seek to prevent such attempts , and should address himself to friendly powers . " And we are bound to acknowledge , " said the Count , " that the despatches dictated by the French Government , and especially that sent to us , are marked by a sentiment of friendliness and benevolence which cannot fail to be recognized by those who may have read the document , which for many days past has been deposited in
the offices of the Secretaries of the Chamber . I do not , however , think that in the despatch in question the facts relating to our country are all appreciated in the justest manner ; I do not hesitate to express my opinion that with respect to many of them , and especially to the occurrences at Genoa last June , that document passes a judgment which is excessively severe and not altogether conformable with fact . I believe that the causes and the consequences of those occurrences have been greatly exaggerated by the French Government , and that there has remained in its mind an excessive preoccupation with respect to them . "
The Piedmonteso Government had expressed its willingness to do all it could towards the suppression of such crimes , but had said that the best plan for checking them would be better government and less oppression . Count Cavour then read a despatch sent on the 1 lth of February to Count Minerva , Sardinian Charge' d'Affiiires at Rome , to be communicated to the Papal Government . Copies of this despatch ( which ran as follows ) were sent to France and the other powers • — " Tho system of expulsion exercised on a large soale by tho Pontiiioul Government—since in our territory alone his llolinoss ' a expelled subjects amount to several hundreds—caunot but have tho most fatal consequences . The man exiled on suspicion or for indifloront conduct is not always corrupt or indissolubly affiliated to revolutionary sects . Retained in hid country , watched over , punished if necessary , he might ineud , or at least might not bocomo a very dangerous man . Sent into exile ,
irritated by illegal measures , excluded from honest society , and often without means of subsistence , he noocsHurily becomes connected with the partisans of revolutions . It i * easy for them to delude and seduce him , and to muko him ono of themselves . Thus the man of loose habits quickly becomes a political sectarian , and 11 moot dangerous ono . Whonoo it muy with reason bo assorted that tho syatom followed by the Pontifical Government has for result continually to furnish now boldioi's- ^ to- ^ tho ^ rc-volutipnary—ruukd . Aa ..-lon £ ... ftH _ . thia lusts , all tho uUbi'tri of Government to put down tlioao socta will provo fruitless ; beoiuiso , in proportion as thoao are dispersed from tho dangerous coutrew , otlusra converge thither , sent in a certain doyroo by thoir own Government . To this must bo nttributud tho extraordinary vitality of tho Ma / . v-iul party , and the measures adopted by the Papal Government contribute , to it in groat part . " The JL ' mnior related that , after the January
at-WHMMMVVnHVHMMVIiMBVMHMHIHfllHOTISMB ^ HI ^ IH ^ HHHiwBVMPVHMMMHHV """ tempt in France , information reached the Sardinian Government , " from a Government most friendly to exiles , and most jealous of the right of asylum , " that the republicans talked of renewing the attempt ; at Paris , and also of assassinating the Sardinian monarch . There could be no doubt , said the Count , of the truth of this statement . He continued : — " If the Liberal Ministers of the nation had doae nothing against such infamous attempts , there might , perhaps , among the masses that reason little , have occurred" ( when the projects became publicly known ) " a reaction not only against us , but against all the Liberal party . ( " Bravo / " ) 1 think that in this none can see the effect of a foreign pressure . Jf there was pressure , it was one to which it is an honour to yield it
was the pressure of our conscience . This is a very grave question , on which depends tlie fate of the Ministry ; it is a question that brings with it what is called a ministerial crisis ; and this not by wilful ness or caprice , or by excessive susceptibilitj- on the part of Ministers , but by a necessary inevitable consequence of tilings themselves . In a country where the constitutional system is loj-ally practised , when a Ministry finds itself in open disseusion with the majority of the Chamber on a political question a crisis is the necessary consequence If you , gentlemen , share the opinions of the majority of the Committee , you ought not to allow us to sit here longer as representatives of the Crown . We await , then , with confidence the vote and . the judgment that you are about to pronounce ; whatever it may be , we will accept it with reverence . "
On a subsequent day , Signor Brofferio made some observations touching the alleged refusal of the French Republic to give aid to Italy . He said : — " Marquis Pareto wrote that Marquis Brignole ought to persuade France not to interfere in our affairs . And a despatch from Lord Palmerston , referring to the army of the Alps , and to an order of the day of General Oudinot , called the attention of the Sardinian Government to the interest it had in preventing a French intervention , and said that the best way of getting put of it would be by a compromise between the Government of Milan and that of Austria . Thus spoke that Lord Palmerston who now , fox the great good fortune of liberty , has fallen . Therefore , if the Republic of 1848 did not interfere , it
was because we did not wish it . And here I ask leave , in my turn , to make an indiscreet revelation . General An ton iui , a few months before his death , communicated to me a letter , of which I have spoken to my political friends , aud in which General Oudinot wrote to him : — ' 1 have GO , 000 men , artillery , cavalry , and infantry : give me an opportunity of interfering . Ring the alarm , bell at Susa . I will descend the Mont Ceuis , and we will go together to Vienna . ' ( Sensation . ) After Custoza , assistance was asked for ; but tlion Cavaignac already exercised a military dictatorship . . . . A Republic no longer existed , but the dictatorship of a General who had killed 40 , 000 Frenchmen-at the barricades . ( Sensation and murinura . ) I say 40 , 000 , because 1 consider transportation as a political death . "
The next speaker was General La Marmora , who , referring to a speech ma . le by Signor Brofferio about a year ago , said : — " He said that the French Republic was disposed to assist us . I was charged at that time with a thankless mission , and can give explanations aa to those good dispositions . ( Movement (\ f attention . ) I was at Novara , Chief of the Staff of Division . I was called to Turin by the Prime Minister , Alfieri , and three hours wore given me to prepare to start for France in searoh of a general . Two or throe illustrious names wore mentioned to me ; one was that of Bugeaud . Marquis Brignolo immediately procured me an audience of Cavaignac . Tho General — and ho was at tho head of tho Republic—was astonished that I should have presontcd myself without
an autograph letter from Charles Albert , and also that I had no credentials . I had never been on a diplomatic mission , and did not oven know what credentials were . ( Lauijhler . ) Thoro wore no railways or tolegraphs then , and tho credentials did not arrive until after ton or twelve days . Then I thought that all was right . Marquis Brignolo asked for another audience for mo . What did General Cavaignac reply whon I asked him for Marshal Bugeaud , who appeared disposed to cumo ? 4 Vous no l ' auroz pas , ot jo vous previous qu'il out garde " tt vuo . ' ( Valorio : — " You should have gono to Lamartine . " ) But if they woru nil tho emmo ? ( Laughter . ) You wish mo to spoak of Lamurtlno ? Tho reply is well known which ho niailo to those who aukod him to assiat
Charlus Albort : —1 will nuvor allow tho Mediterranean to bocomo an Italian laku . ' Ho profosHcd Italianlsm only whon in opposition . 1 recollect also that , in ' 40 or ' 47 , ho mild , from tho tribune , that ho had fluon tho Austriana working at tho fortifications of Alexandria . I thought to mvriulf , > Vli « t oi >» dd ever havo put it into that poetical iioadfliOT know what it wan ? ilu had hoou our Mappers and ininiMtt working in thoir uliirl-sloovurf , and had taken Ilium for Au . ttriaus . ( fJanv . ral laughter . ) 1 will not naiuu tho othor gonoralri . Cavalgunu , with rortpoot to them , Hiiid to mo , ' 4 If they like to go , thoy aro froo to do bo ; apeak to thorn . ' Ono or thoin hud already asked mo many explanations , and liatonod willingly to those I gavo him . Fifteen days had already passed ; our army
Leader (1850-1860), April 24, 1858, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_24041858/page/7/