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Mat M, 1866.J . ., , TJ^.^Al?^. m
• T ^ ¦ ¦ ^ • \
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CORN MARKET. Mark-lane, Friday, May 23,1...
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From The London Gazettetuesday, May 20. ...
TI ¦ TTnrrniTrrT . < x —* 1 Irtrin *^ " *^ -y , ^ - ^ """ ^ -G 4 aegow ; - enKii » eerfl . mUlwrights , and / ounders ^ H . F 5 NwicK ., Dundce , " wlvetiSfaifb * ' * 1 wS' ^ rlfajri ' underwriter and dealer irt books ¦ indi piimttagii - ' ¦ - ¦¦^>> ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ '' ¦¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ f ..- •¦ . ?; -,. <; . / . ;¦<"¦ ' ¦ I Friday , 'May 23 ., ¦ V ' BANHiWJI TS- " ^ E 1 > : 'ylnl > ' * I <> BOAMP « Prov '' 8 ion mercliaut , ' Hastings— Johk Sqxjikb S ^ jsen ,. miller . Ware Westmill , Hert s—JPHir . H £ K £ FNSD & ,. grocer , Nottingham- Geokgk -WTitWcloCK'Si & ce ?; Nortliwibh . ' " SCOTCH SBQTTESTRATIOirS ^ -irAiiEs King , merchant , , & artr ^ Gl » aBc * v'l r rJoli 1 * ' M 1 Leoj > .. merchant . Wick—Wi & liam wStqhtv paintpr ^ . iGJasKQWTTiRo ^ tBliI , ScoBip , accountant , ' GldJww ^ lKjflfel' . M'GBEiJOR and Co ., calico printers , > Giarigow . ^ ¦ ' ¦¦^/ i - '; - [¦ ;/ - " . . ' . . . .
Mat M, 1866.J . ., , Tj^.^Al?^. M
Mat M , 1866 . J . ., , TJ ^ . ^ Al ?^ . m
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^ ; ; ' ' ' . ' , " ; ' , " ! X ^^ iV' ^ rid » yEvenijy ? , ] ilay 23 ,, l 866 . ; " $ && lifnk ' of EtigTarid ' yesterday equalized the rates of disconnt oh the longand short bills , fixing 6 ' por cent , for both ; , ^ his ,, ai »( l . the expectation that from the state of the Money Market , they ; TfjU make a further reduction in the rates HbeforelOng ) lias feuded to support . tbe markets generally , in some degrCfei ; Consols which closed yesterday evening at Mi , Mi opened thi 6 mornings at a slight improvement , being . flwtqiiot ^ d bujera at WJj There baa . been scarcely any fluctuation in them throughout the day , and they closo ' at the Opening jJMce , 94 } . ft ** , for the June account , and 94 f , 94 J for ¦ flibney .. ^ PIier & - -has been a " £ reat improvement in the last . flayer two-jnri / VxeBiboargSi it hrrving beeirrcported that
the-[ Belgian Government would , grant them a 4 per cent , guaran-1 £ ee , and they were purchasing tne shares in large numbers . gfatho <> irly parfcof Uiis week they were quoted 5 f , 5 * . they are now 6 ] , 6 | . In the foreign market , securities have been , well supported during the week ; theG per cent . Turks have been steady , ranging between 9 SJ . 99 . Mexicans have had a further slight nso , they are now- 28 f . . 231 . Bueno » Ayres have risen about 10 per cent , in the week- All shares in the . Jrearymaifcets are good . j . ¦ ¦ ¦ , The following are the leading prices : L . Aberdeen , 26 ., 27 ; Bristol and Exeter , 87 . 89 ; Caledonian , W . tftt ; 'Chester S * tidHolyhead , 15 j , 1 GJ . ; East Anglian , 16 } , iSi ; Eastern Cdunties . * 1 » , 16 f : Edinburgh and Glasgow , 60 , « £ ; Great Northern . 95 , 96 ; Ditto , A stock , 79 , 81 ( Ditto , B stock , 127 , 129 ; Great Southern and Western ( Ireland ) , l ^ fc 1 Ot : Great "Western , 591 , 60 ; Lancaster and Carlisle , 70 , 75 ; Ijancashire and Yorkshire's ©^ , ; London , Brighton , and £ outh Coast , 102 , 103 ; London and North-Western .
roift'lOal ? Xbntlon and Sbuth-Western , 951 , 96 ; Manchester / Sheffield , and Lincolnshire , 29 } . 29 f ; Midland , 77 f . 77 f ; Newport , Aber ^ avenny ,. apd Hereford , . 13 , ' 15 ; ITorth Brftfsh , i & 36 ; Nqrtfi Eastern _( Berwick ) , 80 , 81 ; Ditto , Bxtensiof t , Ci , 4 i dis . ; Ditto , Great North Eastern Purchase . 3 f , 2 f idifcj Ditto , -I ^ edB ^ 16 » , 17 ,- © itto , York , 57 , 58 ; ^"' T'bi ^ toflByrds . hite , 6 , « 4 di « . cj Oxford ; Worcester , an * Wol * R J ? i * SP > fe ^' " - ? % &? IW * Ceafef ^ ios 1054 .. Scottish Midlaml , 76 , 78 ; Soiitli Devon , 14 ,. f 5 j iSquth Eastern g >» vei 0 v 11 ; 72 T South'Wales ,-71 , ? 3 ; Vale oT Neath ; W , 20 ; » e » t Cornwall , 6 i » 7 J ; Antwerp and Rotterdam , 8 } , 8 ?; Bombay and Barqda . i } J £ pm . ; Dutch Hhenish , 1 J , lj pm . ; Eastern of FranceOParis and Strasbourg ) . 39 f , 40 i x . d . ; East Indian , 23 J , 24 ; Ditto . Extension , 23 , 231 ; Grand Trunk of Canada , A issue , 9 , 8 dis . ; Great Central of France , 83 , 9 t Dm . z Great Indian Peninsula ^ 221 . 9 . 1 -. dr ^ a . t TjiT » m .
bourg , 6 , 6 i ; Ditto Obligations , 8 f , Sg ; Oreair Western o C ^ ijada , tGi , 26 | i Ditto , New , 3 i * 31 pm . ; Groat Westeri Of ^ Canada JJojids . p ^ yjibw 1857 .. 99 , 10 L ; Ditto , ditto ^ Bonds payable 1876 , with option until 1860 , 127 , 132 ; ' Ditt 6 , ditto p « yabl © 1873 . without option , 1094 ; liOJ ; Madras 4 * pei oeftt . gv & r-, 40 , 2015 Ditto , . Now , 5 per cent , guar ., if , 24 pm $ amuranaILicge ,. 7 |> 7 i |; Northern of France , 45 J , 46 j ; Boya Danish , ' 19 , 20 ; Swmbre add Meuse , 12 , 12 J ; Sciiide . guar frfet « cew « ., 2 * . Spin . ; West Flanders , 4 J , 4 J x . d . ; Westerr » ijd Northwestern of France , 38 , 39 ; Australian Agricul . tural , 29 , 31 ; Canada Land , 135 , 137 : Crystal Palace , 2 } , 3 ffdrth , British Australasian , $ , 2 ; Oriental Gas , 1 J , 1 J ; Pee BiVer \ Lkiid , 2 i , ' 51 VScottish Australian Investment , lg , lg Ebuth ; Australian , 36 , 38 ; Brazil Imperial , 2 f , 31 ; St . John del-Roy . 1 M 26 ; Cobra Copper , C 3 > 65 ; , Great Lhiarcs , 75 , 8 J ^ outgtbaud , }\ , 12 ; Santiago dp Cuba , 3 J , 4 ; Waller , \ , \ .
Corn Market. Mark-Lane, Friday, May 23,1...
CORN MARKET . Mark-lane , Friday , May 23 , 1850 . TllKEBliave tocon bi * t small supplles-of Wheat , Barley , and Oats jntp L . ondc-11 dM * UvsMw week . Some quantity of Wheat hero and on . thp East Coast having been taken for France , prides are Well maintained , though the amount of business dOingiis-vfeVy limited ^ ' Harley 1 liA » remained unchanged in nrjpo piujco Monday ; and Oats soil readily . at ( id . advance . Beans and f ' eas ^ ar ^ . very llrin without alteration in value . There have been Scarcely any arrivals off the coast . A cargo ofSaidi Wheat has been sold at 44 s . coat , freight and in-BU ] jauot } , t *> tU . o , ( yOntiue «> t , , aml two cargoes of GalaU Maize at 30 s . cost , freight and insurance .
Brjtjsh Funds For Tub Past Week. (C^Oain...
BRJTJSH FUNDS FOR TUB PAST WEEK . ( C ^ oaiNO Piticns . ) Sat . Mon . ^ Tuos . Wed . Thur . ^ Friil . Bank Stock :..... ...:.. 211 ! 210 214 21 CJ 3 per Cent , lied 021 02 J SWl t > 2 j 1 ) 3 J <>; $ 3 per Cent , Opn . An . 03 * Oik » -U I ' ll 044 1 MJ Consols for iAcdoui > t 931 JMft t ) 4 i 84 * 1 MJ \ H & Now 3 perCont . An . i ) U « 3 03 ? 03 i 'Mi t > 3 { New 2 A per Cents LMifrAnsJ . 1800 ... 3 i 3 : 5-10 India Stock 230 232 23 ft DittoWOrtds . i 6 U ) 00 4 d 2 d
^ Htp , tutiKr ^ 1000 3 d 2 d Ex . Bills , Jf iooo io d 4 d fid id Id id £ ! " ° > £$ 00 8 ( 1 3 d 2 ( 1 Id Id Id J > itto , Small ad 2 d par Id Id ' . ' ' . FOREION FUNDS . ( Last OjinorAiv ' QwiryrA'rroN pwuino thk Wkkk kxijinq ^ ' ¦' /'" / ' . ¦ ' ' ' I ' itlWAY EVENING . ) I ^ silW ' iponda . i )» f Portuguosn 4 por Oontn . ... ; W * BQH \ Ayrc * 0 p . Conk * , 78 Russian JJouds , 5 per ^{ TyW ^ jPor QffntH 10 * Cents 10 M ^ "Han 3 por Cents Russian A \ per Gouts . ... ' . insJ iWM 24 vn « P . ppiit , H « . ., « u Spanish ; 10 •| jiAv'H'ftja » rCoafc . Pfi | - | , f . POj Bpjniiah Committee Cor . Tw'J 3 f ^ l ? "I * W ^—*—« fi •¦ - ' , of Coup-not f » m o ff ^ 'WftiAeqp . unfc ^ f , -. % H Turkish < l porG «« ts » 8 J Icrijvian 4 rpofO « nts .... 78 Turkislt Now , 4 ditto ... 103 1 or tuguoso 4 per Cents . 61 i Venezuela , 4 * per Cents . 2 »
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¦¦ ^^ ^^^ " ¦ ^^ ^ ¦ ^^ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ^ ¦¦¦¦¦^ ¦¦ i ^^ H ^ aHH ^ — iM p novKMgirrs atWibubuu ViHim : —Tub east Tflit- " RACB- —The absence fit her Majesty from Windsor Caatlo causes great activity in the works connected wjth tjie vniious improvements tiow- in progress . The East Terrace oftheOastlo may be particularly mentioned as ohp Of the works , from the circumstance of its being paved withSeysscl Asphalte of Pyr ^ mout . Tlip n ature of the material sot . only 1 attracts notipe , but' the , arrangements Claridgo ' s Asphalte Company « ave made for ' carrying it out , are worthy of remark . At one end of the Terrace is placed a steam-engine , which drives three large caldrons , containing each about one ton and a half of materials . The principal-ingredient put into them is a bituminous limestone , in a state of powder , to which is added mineral tar and grit of a uniform size . These caldrons being over strong fires , the contents are kept
unceasingly agitateu by tjhc machinery connected with them , and which , after a space of . tiliree hours , thoroughly amalgamates the ingredients , and reduces them to a semi-fluid state .. In this condition it is run into iron trucks , placed upon a portable railway , and then rapidly despatched to the workmen at ' the ' extreme end of the Terrace , where our atte ' ntioii was first arrested to the work in progress . Tbo ¦ thickness of the pavement is determined by strips of wood , against which the material is poured , and before it becomes set the workmen bring the surface remarkably uniforn . and with a degree of neatness that makes it appear almost without a joint . The channels for waterare formed in the same material , which , from its impervious character , would seem much better suited to carry off- the drainage than tho stone oues . This Asphalte has been used upon the roofs aud other portions of the Castle , and is said to answer the purpose admirably . Some years back the Royal Kennels were paved with it , and are now in excellent condition . — Windsor Express ,
R Oyal Italian Opera, Lyceuaj. Extra Night Next Wednesday.
Mdlle . CJiBITO . . . . On Wednesday next , May 23 , a Grand Extra Night will take place , on which occasion v / ill be performed Verdi ' s favourite Opera RIGOXETTO . Principal characters by Madame Bosio , Mdlle . Didi 6 e , Signor Itonconi , Signor Tagliaflco , Signor Polonini , and Signor Mario . Conductor , Mr . Costa . After which , tho Divertissement entitled EVA . Principal characters by Mons . Desplaces aud Mdlle . Cerito . Commence at Eight . There will be no performance on Thursday .
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . — Lessee , Mr . AXEHBD . WiOAJfi . Monday ' , and during the weefc . ( except Thursday , when a morning performanco will Be given ) , THE TRAGEDY QUEEN . Mrs . Bracegirdlo ( her original character ) , Mrs . Stirling .- After wJiicb , the new and « ri ^ inftl . Romantic Drama of Sloder ^ Life , called RETRIBUTION . Principal characters by Messrs . A . "XVJRa , n ' Emery , G . vining , G . Murray , Leslie , Franks ; Miss Jttarsfori ' and" TMisS' Herbert ( her first appearance ) . To , conclude with STAY AT HOMJE . Characters by . Messrs . G . Vining , Emery , Leslie , F . Vining , G . Murray , White ; 3 Iiss Bromlev . Miss Ternan , and Mrs . Stirling . Commence at Half-past Seven o ' clock .
. f ]\ yfADAME JENNY OOLDSCHMIDT-LIND . * JLVX Farewell Concerts , Bxctcr Hall .-Mr MITCHELL t ro 3 peotfully announces the last Concerts which will be given »; by MADAME GOLDSCHBIIDT iu this country : Wednesday p Kvonlng . Juno 11 . 18 ^ 6 .. eraiid Miscellanoous Concert , witlv r- full-band-and chorus- ; Wednesday Evening , June 25 , 1856 , l Haydn ' s Oratorio , " The Creation ; " and Monday Evening , Ji ) no 30 , 1850 , grand MiscoUancous Concert , with full band 1 and chorus , on which occasion MADAME GOLDSCHMIDT will inake her last and farewell appearance in this country . I Reserved and numbered seats , 11 . is- ; unreserved seats 1 ( body of room ) . 10 s . 6 d (; area ( under west gallery ) , 7 s . No i more Tickets will bo . issued , than can be conveniently ac-1 comihodated . Applications for tickets received by Mr . ;• Mltehelli Royal Library , ' 3 S , Old Bond . strcet . ' ¦ ' :
DANTE , ALFIERI , THE ITALIAN DRAMA , AND MADAME RISTORI . COUNT ARRIVABEN'E will deliver two lectures at tho Dudley Gallery , Egyptian Hall , Picoadilly ( by Lord Wardfs kind permission ) , on Tuesday and Thursday , Juno 17 th and 10 th , at threo o ' clock in the afternoon . The lecture on ' AWleri , will include readings from tho Tragedies in which Madamo ltistori is about to appoar . Tickets to . bo obtained at air . Mitchell ' s , 33 , Old liondstreet ; and at Rolandi ' s Library , 20 , Berncrs-street , Oxford-street .
In tho High Court of Chancery . nPRIESEMA . lt . —On the 29 th of May , 1855 , JL an Injunction was granted by tho High Court of Chancery , and on tho nth of Juno following was made perpotual , against Joseph Franklin find others , to restrain them , under a penalty of 1 . 000 ? .. from imitating this medicine , which is protected by Royal J , ettoi-s Patent of England , and secured by the seals of tho Hcnle de Phamiacio do Paris , and tho Imperial College of flloilirine , Vicnnn . Tricsemar , No . 1 ,, is a remedy for Relaxation , Spermatorrhoea , and all tho distressing consequences arising from early abuse , &(! ., and its effects are ollicacious in youth , manhood , and old jitfo ; and to those persons who airo j > revcutcd entering tho married stato from tho resnltu of early errors it is invaluable . Triesemar , No 2 , ertV-etiiJilly , iu tho short . space of threo days , completely and entirely eradicates all traces of thoso disorders which capniviiuul cubebs h : ivo so long been thought an antidote for , to tho ruin of the heal 111 of a vast portion of the population . Tmiscmnr , No . 3 , is the Rreat Continental remedy for that olaos of disorders which unfortunately tho English physician treats with mercury , to tho invyitublH destruction of tho lialicnt ' s constHution , and which nil tho uarsaparilla in ilio world ennnot romovo . Trinitcuiar , Nos . 1 , 2 , nnd . 'K aro nliko do void of las to or ft moll , aud of all nauseating qualities . They may lay on tho toilet table without their use being Miwpeoled . —Tri <; s (! inar , Nob . 1 , 2 , ; J , arfi sold in tin eases , nrico Mh ., or four canes in one for : ); is ., whi « h saves Ms , j and in frl . oasos , whereby ( bcrci is a Having of M : 12 s ; dividcul into Noparntu ( loses , as adininistored by Vitlp / xiu , Lalluinaud , itonx , & o . To be hud wholesale and rotuil in London , of Johnson , 08 , Carnliill ; llannay and Cj .. dH , Oxford-Htrtiot ; nnd Snugor , lflo ; Oxford street ; It . II . liiKbnm , dn »( fBit » t , 40 , Markot-atreor , Manchester ; II . Bradbury , bookanllor , Ucnntignta , Bolton ; •! . Priestly , ohcmiat , 54 , Lord . stToet , LivurrAiol | Powoll , booksollor , la , W (; stinonilandstreot , Dublin ; Whmall , bookuollor , High-atreet , JUrmingham .
^ Y ^ ra ^ A 17 ~ -p-AT 7 AT ^^ Id / iCONCERTS .-thc Third drand Concert bvth « Arties orthe ^ Royal Italian Oj ^ WlH & S , ' » n Friday ; nextf , May 34 th ... The capabilities df the bulldin * havingnpw ; beeji sufficiency ,, tested , the Directors havl determined to issue a limited number of TICKETS of adinissioiS'for this Concert at 7 s 6 d : each . These Tickets may be obtained at 79 . IJombard-Btreet at ? the Brighton Railway Station , London Bridge ;; of-the various agents of the Company ; and at tuo . Crystal Palace , on pr before tho day of the Concert . Reserved seats in the new galleries may be engaged at 2 s ; Gd . ' each , ' :- ¦ ¦ , A strong desiro having been expressed by some of the holders of one guinea , season , ticket ^ to have them exchanged for two guinea personal season tickets , tho Directors have determined to allow such exchange , on payment of one guinea additional for each ticket , on application personally or in writing to the Secretary at the Crystal Palace . By order . Crystal Palace ^ May 23 , T 858 . G . GROVE , Secretary .
FRENCH EXHIBITION . THE THIRD ANNUAL EXHIBITION of PAINTINGS by Modern Artists of the FRENCH SCHOOL is NOW OPEN , at the GALLERY , 121 , PALLMALL . Admittance Is . Season Tickets 5 s . Catalogues Gd . ,.,.. . ., . .. : B . TRODSHAM , Secretary .
MR . GEORGE BUCKLAND has the honour to announce that on MONDAY , TUESDAY , WEDNESDAY , and FRIDAY EVENINGS , and on THURSDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS , in next week , he will open the Lower Room , Regent Gallery , 69 , Regent-street with aPICTORIAL and MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT of Songs and Scenes from thq Tempest . Tho Tableaux , 14 in number , will be given liy Living Artists . Tho original music Of Ariel will be sung by Miss Clari Fraser , who will introduce anew ballad , by W . S . Rockatro , "The Cradle of Genius . " Mr . George Buckland will . sing two new songs , " Caliban ' s' Curse , " composed by f . W . Hobbs ; and " Prospero * s Farewell to Ariel . " The Scenery and Dresses entirely new . The-Entertainment will conclude with a buffo song , illustrated in pantomime , * ' The Rehearsal of a Melodrama . —Admission , Is . and 2 s . ; Dress stalls , 3 s . The office is now open , evenings at Eight , afternoons at Three .
DR . KAHN'S ANATOMICAL MUSEUM , A , Coventry-street , ' Leicester-square . Open ( for gentlemen only ) from Ten till 'fen , containing upwards of one *" thousand models and preparations , illustrating every part of the human frame in health and disease , the race of men & c . Lectures delivered at Twelve , Two , Four , and at Halfpast Seven , by Dr . < J . Sexton , ' F . R . G . S . ; and a new and highly-interesting -Series of Lectures is now in course of deliver . y by Dr . Kahn , at Half-past Eight every evening . — Admission Is .
qisal Cigars , sisal cigars , at goodx 3 ltlCH' 6 Cigar , Tobacco , and Snuff Stores ( established 1780 ) , 407 , Oxford-street , London , near Soho-square . —Box , containing 14 fine Sisal -CigarS j for is . 9 d . ; post free , six stamps- extra : lb . boxes , containing 109 , 12 s . 6 d . None are genuine unless signed "H- N . Goodrich . ' A large stock of the most approved Brands .
SCHWEPPE'S MALVEBN SELTZER WATER . Having leased tho Holy Well Spring at Malvern , renowned for its purity , J . S ; and Co . can now produce a SELTS 5 UR WATER with all the CHEMICAL and JUEDICINAL proportion , whioh have rondorod tho Nassau Spring so celebrated . They continue Manufacturing SODA , MAGNESIA , and POTASS WATERS and LEMONADE , at LONDON . LIVERPOOL . BRISTOL , and DERBY . Every- bottle is protected by a Rod Label bearing their signature .
MINERAL WATERS OF VICHY . —Tho increasing dernand for theso Waters , as valuable rer niediHl ' -ngedttf , hyihu Upper Classes in England , ha 3 induced the Company to whom the French Government has conceded the priviloge of vending them , to form an Establishmcut ixx London , where Uuvy anay be obtained in any . quantities ' prccisely as they arc bottled at tliri springs . Tho PASTILS or LOZBNGE 8 pr (> parcd from the Sahno Constituents of tho Vichy Waters , and the SALTS , for Internal Use or for Baths , so celebrated on the Continent for aU Stomach , Liver , and Renal Diseases , Gout , Rheumatism , & c , are also kept at the VICHY WATERS COMPANY'S DEPOT . 27 , MARGARET STREET , CAVENDISH SQUARE .
MORE CUltES of ASTHMA , CONSUMPTION , and COUUHS , by DR . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS . From Mr . J . C . llcinhardt , chemist , 152 , Market-place , Hull : — " Many and KiirprihiiiK are the testimonials of roliuf nd ' orded to conflruiod ciwji ' . s of asthma and consumption , nnd loii £ -stnii ( liiiK coughs , and it will gratify 1110 to refer to many respectable parties who aro really anxious to mako known tho great benefit derived from tliia soasonablo remedy . To SINGERS and PUBLTC SPEAKERS it in invaluable for clearing and strcngthoning tho voico . Price Is . IJd ., 2 s . ltd ., and lls . por box . Sold by all drugtfiat . s .
DEAFNESS and NOISES in the HEAD .-Free of Chargo , for the Protection aud Instant Relief of tlui Doaf . A Hook of 30 ' pages . — An extraordinary Di » - . covory . —Just published , sent freu by post to any deaf person writliiit for it , "A STOP to EMPIRICISM and EXORBITANT FEHS . " Sud'crors extremely doaf , b y moans of this book , permanently euro thein . sclvcH , in any distant part of tho world , without pain or uso of any instrument ThOjiiNandij have been restored to perfect htiariug , and for ever rescued from tho snares of the numcious advertizing , daiiKi-rouN , uiKiualillcd prctundorn of tho present day . It contains lists of startling otreH , published by Dr . F . B . JIOGHTON , Mombor of tho London Royal CpllcRo of SUr-Kcon . t , Mny 2 , 1845 ; L . A . O . April 30 , 1846 ; Consulting ( Sui'k < m > ii to tho iiiMtitution for tho Cure of Peafnosa , 0 , Sulfolk-placo , YnM Mall , London , whoro all letters are to bo addressed . 1 ' orHonal coi ' iKultationH every day between , 11 nnil 4 o'clock . Huirororadoaf 40 orCOyears n & vo . theirhoaring perfectly restored in half an hour . Without a' moment b incoiivonionco . 'lVstimonialti and cortillcatow can bo aeon from all tho loading momboru of tho faculty and from putionta cured .
Leader (1850-1860), May 24, 1856, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_24051856/page/21/