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THE LAWS OF EUliOPH. Mr. En fro it, -The...
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Contjnkntal Notes. According To The Moni...
Epernay to Chalons , Novem ber 10 , 1849 ; from Chalons to Vitry , September 5 , 1850 ; from Vitry to Bar-le-Duc , May 29 , 1851 ; from Bar to Commercy , November 18 , 1851 ; from Commercy to Nancy , June 19 , 1852 . On the other side the section from Strasbourg to Sarrebourg was opened on May 29 , 1845 . A Marseille ' s Journal reports that the President will visit that city between the 15 th and 20 th of September . The Assembles Nationalc reports the projected evacuation of Rome by the French and Austrian troops simultaneously . The organization of a papal army has lately been
pushed with great activity , " whether on the slopes of the ultra-Catholic Jura , or on the plains of Protestant _Schleswig-Holslein . " Two regiments of active Uoinan troops are organizing at Vclletri ; while detachments of French and Swiss recruits , raised in the department of the Ain and neighbouring Swiss cantons by General Kalberinatten , and destined to form two foreign regiments for the Pope ' s service , arc marching to Macerata in the Marches . The total effective force in the Roman Slates is to amount to eighteen thousand men . The period mentioned for the simultaneous withdrawal of the French and Austrian
armies of occupation is the end of the present year . Still France will leave a garrison of 2000 men at Civita Vecchia , and Austria will continue to keep the same number of ti'oops in Ancona ; so that , if fresh troubles should break out in the States of the Church , both those powers may be ready to act in concert for their immediate repression . The withdrawal of the troops , says the Asscmhlee National e , will be accompanied by the concession of some reforms . Count Mosti and six other young men of good families , noted for their attachment to liberal principles , were arrested on the 13 th by order of the Austrian ? , at Fossa d ' _ailbero , in the lloman States . The Assemblee Nationale reports that General Filangieri , Prince of Satriano , has resigned his office of governor of Sicily .
The accounts from different parts of Poland respecting the cholera are very unsatisfactory . At Kalisch , which numbers about 11 , 000 inhabitants , the deaths have for some weeks averaged thirty a day . Here , this scourge is confined almost exclusively to children and to the Jews , among whom it is extremely fatal . This is in a great measure to be attributed to their local position , for there , as in most , of the Russian towns and cities , they are severed from the rest of the inhabitants—shut up in a close , narrow , densely-populated , and bad - part of fhe city , named the "Jews ' ' Quarter . " The cholera is likewise very fatal at Warsaw . Some hopes are entertained at Naples of good effects from the visit of the . King ' s brother fo England . We do not share these hopes of indoctrinating a Bourbon into humanity .
An American squadron of frigates has called at Naples on the way to Athens , there to prosecute the demand of redress for grievances suffered by an American missionary imprisoned in Greece . Meanwhile Edward Murray still languishes in prison . If Lord Palmerston were minister , his case would bave long since been decided , and _English justice amply satisfied by a thorough investigation . Mr . Freeborn , the British consul at Rome , has come to England on leave of absence . The Emperor of Austria has conferred the dignity of Baron of ( he . Empire upon Captain Henry Ilentzi , ol Arthunn , son of the lale general .
The Laws Of Eulioph. Mr. En Fro It, -The...
THE LAWS OF EUliOPH . Mr . En fro it , -The notes of the three norfliern courts about a Bonaparte , dynasty in Prance , published sometime ago , were of interest . _Schwnrzcnberg had uo objection to un hereditary emperor , ( lie Russian and t he Prussian court allowed only an elective emperor . They pointed lo the treaties of 1814 and 1815 , by which Napoleon and his family were , precluded for ever from ( he . government of France , and said that they had given in almost loo much by allowing , as they _hitherlo _quielly had done , ( he laws of . _Thtrope to be broken . II' in France it should be ( he question of a crown , if belonged fo a , Bourbon . Since Schwnry _. enberg has died , and ( he Emperor of Russia has made an attempt , personally lo impose his opinion in Vienna , "about Ihe laws of Europe . "
We . take no interest in u . Bonaparte dynasty , but we do in "tbe laws of Europe , " and it , is a , rciuurluihlc fact , that the Emperor of Russia calls _< hose laws I he ( real ies of IS 15 , Ihe same whicli st ijm . nto _everywhere tbe . _ibnliliim of _perhoiiuI government , and ( he establishment of n legislation by a . majority , and that Poland should be governed independently of Russia , and ( 'racow remain a lice town . 'Hit ; Emperor of all tht- Kussias lias forgotten that he himself , in lH . 'H , tore lo pieces the treat ies of' 1815 , and that England and France were obliged to protest against his violence . They did it . as upholders of Ihe I real ies of 1815 . The quest ion therefore is uu ( , shall t lie t rent ies be _enn-ied out P it is : shall thev he carried out , in the Kussian or in Ihe English wuyP Era 1 ice , of course , in quest ions of law , cannot he mentioned any more .
Yes , sir , ( he treaties of IN 15 nt last , should be fulfilled . They never yet , have been carried out , Ihey served only lo be trodden under fool , by the Kussian party in re fere nee ( o the frontiers , as well as in reference In I lie political and legal basis of ( he period , \\ hich waslo be t _he-coiistit _tilionol period , ( lint is , ( he legal government by majority and public opinion . For with llinf war-cry , " tbe tyrant , " Napoleon Bonaparte , was conquered Iiy Europe . Is ( he _legitimacy of 1815 nothing else but " hereditary" monarchy i ' Or is it rather " ronslil ufiomif" inonureh \ . Hereditary monarchies lire I ram . formed into legitimate or coiiHtitufiouul ones by ( he ( rout ies of 1815 . Ip (<> ( lull lime I hey were merely by the grace of Cod ; then Ihey were , to be nunc ! ioiied by law , or ( o Income " legitimate . ' Even _Icgil imacy is a product of the Rev . obit ion , and Talleyrand , iwi bishop , baptized it .
Such is Iiu- stale of public law in Europe . Who has trespassed _against if p 'fhe _( hree hereditary nioiiarch _. s of the continent , Who thurol ' oro in fwr * la ldi _> ( a futon ) am-
The Laws Of Eulioph. Mr. En Fro It, -The...
cording to his own law and to the law of Europe P Those hereditary monarchs . And it is adding insult to injury , if the blood-stained Emperor of Russia now come forward and appeal to " the laws of Europe . " Yes , the laws of Europe have been broken , wheresoever the command of the mufti has taken the place of law , voted by duly elected parliaments , that is to say , wheresoever the Russian interpretation of the treaties by the bayonet and the scourge have been adopted . And tho violation of the laws of Europe must be punished by a public and solemn verdict against the criminals . They themselves appeal to those laws . Woe to them if they come to be applied .
The maintaining and carrying out of the treaties of 1815 is calling together an Amphictyonic council , impeaching the hereditary monarchs for high treason , and it is introducing constitutional government , viz ., the laws enacted by a majority . It is clear , that now , after a bloody counterrevolution , the authority of the law is the doom of the offenders . The law of the majority , applied to those hereditary criminals is , the Republic . The Emperor Nicholas should not have appealed to the treaties . A roving thief may triumph for awhile , hut he does not appeal to the jury .
Now , England is a guarantee for those treaties . England does not understand them in the Russian sense . What is the duty of England and her allies P Of her allies ? Has England any allies remaining , and if so , who are they ? Is he who despises all treaties and laws , even his own ; is the Czar an ally of England to aid in maintaining those laws ? Is the beleaguerer of his own country , the Emperor of Austria , who with one hand gave and with the other burnt the Hungarian , the Austrian constitution , and all his own enactments , an ally of England to aid in maintaining the laws of Europe ?
Can that wavering King of Prussia , who from the very commencement played with oaths and laws , who was then tossed about by the Revolution , and now has become a play-ball of the Courts of Petersburg and Vienna , be an ally of England to aid in maintaining the laws and treaties of the nations ? Can England , in carrying out the treaties of 1815 , in making the history of Europe a development of law , join those , who fight with fire and sword against the very principle of those treaties , and the principle of all legality and morality ? This question is quite the same as if wc were asking : Can England join the sworn enemies of her own principle , the supremacy of law , can she join the enemies of her life and her glory ?
No , never ! Even the Tories cannot join that holy alliance of pure violence against the laws of Europe and the rights of alt nations . Who then are the allies of England ? We shall know them , as soon as we know England herself . England , nowadays , is the English people , and the allies of that England are not the princes and their ministers , grown hoary in forty years of crime . The allies of that loyal people are . the nations themselves struggling for their laws : the nations , who with the dearest of their blood acquired those treaties , who then by treason and violence were robbed of the benefit of those laws , and who now are gathering new strength in order fo reacquire their lost rights , and fo bring ( ho criminals to justice . The party of crime and the party of law cannot compromise . The existence of the one is the condemnation of fhe . other .
Such i . s ( lie difference between English and continental constitutionalism . In England hereditary monarchy is legitimate , on the continent it is hors la lot , what they cull " above the law , " just as every successful criminal will call it . "A nd we , the free men on this side of the channel , should bike up arms in order to defend tho Magna Charta of Europe , nnd ( o realize the treaties of 1815 , whilst the people of ( he continent , in their indifference , allowed one piece after another lo be torn away from if . Do ( hose people really exist , in the shape of nations P And is il , cerhiin we should have ( heir alliance P Or would ( hey not rather abandon us , if wc should act in ( heir favour , us ( hey abandoned all their leaders , and flung ( hem oil her upon ( he scaffold or upon our shores ?"
That , question seems lo be put with justice ; Ihe people of Ihe continent , were indeed the most dangerous enemies <> l' their own _IVecUoni anil welfare ; lull , the question is really put very cunningly . for indeed not ( he dreaded weakness , but the dreaded force , of the Revolution has induced ( lie English Government to support , the Kussian interpretation of tin- treaties of 1815 , in Hungary and in Italy ; lias induced ( he English press ( o oppose ( lie . constitution of Germany , and consequently Ihe real accomplishment of the peace of 1815 , as u . ridiculous and insane idea . If was the (( evolution uf the people , not the Revolution of the Emperor of Russia , which the inmates of _Downingstreel , were afraid of ; they did not fear Ihe abolition ol all law , hut the rebellion in favour of tliose laws . And the English Government carelessly accompanied fhe counterrevolution through all its bloodshed , until Ihe amp d ' etat
of the 2 nd of December . Af that . moment ( he Ministers and fhe Times became at once alive to fhe danger . Who therefore have forsaken their own cause P The English statesmen up lo Ibis day . dust as , I railors to ( _heniselvei , they gave Persia ami Turkey into Ihe hands of the C / . ur , Ihev have now delivered lo him Hungary , Austria , and Prussia . Who therefore have allowed the laws of Eu ro ] ic to be administered by bur bar iai is with Ihe scourge P The English statesmen up lo this day . Who have forr . iiken tbe mq . reniary of tbe law of nations over the world , the welfare of Europe , and their own principles ? The English Government . Who was bin own bitterest enemy and the adversary of his own _infereslsp Who have surrendered themselves unto the hands of their enemies , who can close against them any day all ( he Heliports of the < 'onlinonfP Who but the _rtlufenuu-11 of England haye raised ltuuuu , to that power which mho JMveises uowP Cou _«
The Laws Of Eulioph. Mr. En Fro It, -The...
founding the order of the barbarians with the order of tl , laws , they sought for their allies in the camp of the enem and forgetting their origin from the victorious revohit ' of their forefathers , could not recognise their friends _^ ° But if even the statesmen of England , if even the E lish press could act so blindly against themselves , that _tlf " coup d ' etat of the 2 nd of December was necessary t _° teach them , what a danger for England and for the world the victorious Russian order implies , if the wisest anion ? t the wise could be sueh fools as to congratulate _themselve even about the 2 _ndT of December , at least until the _sf-m . J _?
of public opinion had branded the front of those men who , stained with crimes and perjuries , tore to pieces the laws of Europe and of France , pointing their piratical guns to the very shores of Old England ; if the E nglish ministers by those facts alone wore to be enli ghtened about the danger of their country and the infamy of the counter _, revolution , then I should say , one might have good reason to pass a mild sentence on the people of the Continent said to be unfit for the management of their own affairs ' They were just in the same state of mind as the English ministers have been .
Yes , sir , the people of the Continent have likewise been converted by those brutal facts . The people of England too have learned something . They know the dangerous policy of their old and used up statesmen . And after the election of a better Parliament , probably no Russian ministry will again be sent to Downing-street , and we may expect the absolutism of law and the real interest of England , not , the absolutism of kings and the interest of Russia to rule the conduct of Great Britain .
If such an event should come to pass , it will happen by the enlightenment of the * Englishpeople about their statesmen and their own interests . And on the Continent the realizing of the treaties of 1815 will spring from the same cause , viz ., the " g lorious Revolution" of the Roman , German , and Sclavonian nations , which likewise must be preceded by an enlig htenment about their governments , and in which wc expect a descendant of William of Orange , with his fleet , in order to join us in carrying out the laws — " the laws of Europe . "
On the white shores of England now the waves of the counter-revolution break ; England is the only obstacle to its complete triumph , England will play a part in its downfall . If England were not on the globe , Russia would march their own troops into Germany , whilst now she is only occupied by degenerated and degraded Austrians and Prussians . If England knows her interest and her duty , she will not allow Russia to march her armies into Germany . But for Russia and her vassals , the occupation of Germany by the Russians will become necessary as soon as France recovers her honour and her liberty , which sooner or later we must expect her to do . Where then will be the allies of England ? Real sympathy with England is to be found in the North of Germany . There , in the English motherland , everyone understands the _English and their institutions ; both
nations maintain a constant commercial intercourse . And now , after the experience of the Revolution , nothing is wanted hut the accomplishment of that spiritual conquest , of Hanover and the whole of the North sea coast by an English alliance .. The whoh . of tho German people Avould rejoice at it . For ( hereby would be erected a beacon of freedom in the middle of their present darkness . And English principles , we speak of politics and the supremacy of law , are popular in Germany without contest . At the same time it is understood that England will make no conquest of land in Germany . England may make her cause , the supremacy of law , that invisible sovereign of free nations , triumphant ; she may overcome , in alliance with the legal insurrection of Germany , the Russian violence ,
without being suspected by any but Russian-Germans . That ( he French could not . Tho invasion of Hungary has given to the Emperor of Russia the control over the German princes ; the invasion of ( Jermany would give fo him an immediate control over fhe Gorman people . Such is his intention . He said 111 Vienna , fo his protected client : " Remember that 1 am always thy friend , " ¦/ . e „ thai , twill occupy Vienna ; and iu Merlin he called { ho . officers of the army his eomradcH . The meaning of hoih . speeches is ( he same . T | io E"U " ! 'y , ' .. <• . \ _.. dy „ . . trrri . ho _omcoi-N „ M «; rrussiun army « r < - me 011-jeet , of hatred with the nation . The Russians will occupy 'Vienna and Berlin in order to lend _assislunce and to combat the Revolution ; and Eredevick William I V . and _Eraiicis Joseph will apply for such assistance to the Czar . mustdeclare
Then if happens that England and Erunce , flint , assistance ' lo be an invasion which involves n breach of the peace of Europe . And when Erunce is drawn into the war , England must , accept , the alliance of the German I _nsurgenls against the Russian league . Eor every Gormaa stale or town which refuses the Kussian ' •¦ assistance" will be declared insurgent .. Things of course si and now much worse for the legal party than _tiioy did , when on Ihe II tingarian soil Hie whole gang of criminals could have been crushed with one sing "' blow ; but nevertheless if must bo done . That new Eo'iiM XIV . a . l , SI . Petersburg is incompatible with fhe law , the honour , and the interest of Europe ; and England now ' must act the purl , which Holland played in KIHS . She must help fo establish 11 Gen 1111 . 11 Count , itu I iou , wherein Iho people belong fo themselves and guvern themselves , iii nj 1 . bo must aid in terminating the moat , infamous period Europe has ever experienced .
If that , be nothing but . a moral duly , we should not deciu if siiflieienl ; but fortunately , the _nuidnesn of the rountrrrevolufioiiisls knows of no hounds , even not of those ol the frontier of Great _Itrilaiu end Ireland ; and the excesses of the Russians , announced by fhe speeches ol the Czar al Vienna , and Merlin will rouse even Ihe most _iipn-( belie from their security . . The lawn ef Europe , find the alliance of Iho enlig htened nations ! must , be Iho watchword . Aunoi _. I . Itu OKI _' . S . The five powers have granted _Nwufehatol to tho King of _1 _' jfui . _uin _, _iMivoiriling to the _treuUei of _Ittlfi . If tW
Leader (1850-1860), July 24, 1852, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_24071852/page/8/