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394 THEJEADER, IISTo. 370, S^ubday
AK mt^** jfr.+n+^-AZt " WlIxU VSbuUUuL v f- w — - v ¦
: + rtst ittls DEPJ.ftTkreirr. as \tx. o...
Th€t6 iB no learned man. but will coiife...
LAND SOCIETIES. (To the Editor of the Le...
Tug Em:cj'iox of a Spkaicicr.—The follow...
' —-= jtt^ jf~ ' TttT CTTfl «) vj><h#/"> yt* ¦£ ^ <J V n§W fc *& Af 1% V (^^ (&}* ^ - ^ W \ZJ " ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ "»' —
SATURDAY, APHlli 25, 185 7
' ' -— —= ^nltlti* <13frVW JlUMHU.^UUUIJ&L I _ "
There is nothing so revolutionary, becau...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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394 Thejeader, Iisto. 370, S^Ubday
394 THEJEADER , IISTo . 370 , S ^ ubday
Ak Mt^** Jfr.+N+^-Azt " Wlixu Vsbuuuul V F- W — - V ¦
( Dpti CfltrartL ¦ ¦
: + Rtst Ittls Depj.Fttkreirr. As \Tx. O...
: + rtst ittls DEPJ . ftTkreirr . as \ tx . opinions , however extreme , are AtW ) WED AX EXPRESSION , THE EDITOR NECESSARILY JIOLUS HIMSELF BESrOSSIBtE FOR NOSE . J
Th€T6 Ib No Learned Man. But Will Coiife...
Th € t 6 iB no learned man . but will coiifess he hath much profited by reading controversies , his senses awakened , and his judgment sharpened . If , then , it be profitable for him to read , why shoiild it not , at least , betolerablefor his adversary co write ?—Mixton .
"Candide" On The Elections. (2 T O The E...
" CANDIDE" ON THE ELECTIONS . ( 2 o the Editor of the Leader . ') Sir , —You have commented ' with ' extraordinary severity upon the conduct of the magnanimous and 2 ) afciiotic citizens-of . Kidderminster . " Can rou not recognise in that hearty and vigorous demonstration a practical assertion of & Briton ' s inalienable right to " tell a bit of his mind ? " Unblessed with the celestial gift of eloquence—or at least prevented by a batoned and
"bluecoated police from exercising their oratory—the nonelectors of that borough proved themselves worthy to be the countrymen of " the divine Williams , ' * and , like him , discovered sermons in stones and good ( missiles ) in everything-. For my part , I know not how they could more effectually and efficiently have asserted , their claim and capacity to discharge the responsible duties of electors ; and all impartial individuals must agree with me in thinking that they have made out a strong case in favour of the immediate introduction of the universal
franchise . " And . in ¦ what other way could these much-maligned citizens have expressed their strong convictions ? In ivhat nianner could they more clearly , have expounded the text , "V ^ e -will not have this m an to Teign over us ? ' Would you have had them pelt the obnoxious candidate ¦ with xose-leayes , or-with cowslip balls ? That might have been more graceful , but assuredly it would have been , less national , and would have lost in power what it gained in elegance . Unhappily , it is too much the spirit of the times to sacrifice force to fceauty , and to compel Minerva to "do the hair" for the Graces . It was
not thus , however , that Britannia learned to rule the waves like a copybook , or to nutter her blue bandanna , for a thousand years , in the face of hailstorms and bullets . This secret of our power is well known . to other nations , who . conceal their jealousy and alarm in affected sneers at our boorishness . Even the pensive and dreamy Turk can appreciate the heroic elements of our national character more wisely than you London journalists , who sit at ease in your editorial chairs and deem the world to be circumscribed between St . James ' s and Temple Bar . It is in my power to illustrate this remark from my personal experiences .
In the course of my peregrinations I happened to remain a few days in a provincial town , more remarkable for the excellence of its cutlery than for the beauty of its women , and for the magnificence of its gin-palaces than for the politeness of its artisans . Among the inmates of the hotel , I became slightly acquainted with a genuine Turk , -who was studying the manners and customs of the modern English through the medium of a Trench patois apparently calculated for the meridian of Lower Flanders . One morning as wo stood gazing out of the window—hoping against hope that the days of Pyrrha were not about to return , when the finny tribe , unlifee General Mack , mmma kecsit in XJlmo—a rabble
rout rushed past with many an oath and with almost as many dogs , crop-eared , curtailed of their tails , and Bendigo-ish in facial expression . Proud of my country and its prejudices , I naturally dilated to my full stature of nve feet eight inches in boots , and thirty-nine inches round the chest . Turning half round , I looked down with lofty compassion on the ignorant barbarian by my side . u Quest-ce que Jest que tout qa ? " asked he , in French , worthy of Bruges . In equally pure Parisian I replied : — "Monsieur , Jest un delassement Bntannique—un delassement de geants—mats de g < fants a la chretienne " "Ah ! " he responded , in a manner that implied cither total
a ignorance or a perfect comprehension of my meaning . Whichever it might bo , he hurried out of the room , and I saw no more of him until dinner-time . Owing , probably , to my possessing a large share of that jpudewr Bntannique , which , according to one of the translators ot 1 he Antiquary , " tronve " shocking" le mot ll ; ~ " ° ™ > <™ cherchant «» asite dam la ptrijtircue inexpr ^ Sibles /' oM ce ^ on ne peut exprhner , I confess SS «« is TRthor not a « ftin have encountered the Mongoh an sav age , and would certainly have shunned o-hSr « W ! AS * ontered the room l . o rose from his shJuldet Tn i , T Chc ( l mo > lnid ™* h' « * on my kmd fnesa th » 8 fr " ? M 1 in tl > e fnco ' with sol ° ™
"Monsieur , ' -that is all I revnemlw of the Turco-Prench , but porhnpa it will do na . veil in EnXhl *™ you are right . It was truly a uport f ,, S Vou are a groat people , and will conquer all ni oSou aie as gt « at na my ancestors were , wlvcn they eat down before tho gat e * of Vienna . But you drink . That is bnd It is your women who persuade you to drink , lost you should take more than ono wife at a time . Don ' t listen to them . Tho tliront never mndu any man Meat Wives are bettor than drink . "
This unsophisticated Turk would have appreciated the lapidation of 3 tr . Lowe . He Would have looted upon it as a delassement de giants , and perchance might have reminded you that the Israelites , when they were a nation , amused themselves in like manner by stoning the Prophets . IsTow-a-days , stones cry out by proxy ; they don ' t do it themselves , but they make -unpopular candidates do it for them . A jrropos- to . my Byzantine friend , I must tell you how our acquaintance originated . Having removed all desire of eating and drinking by ample potations of Allsopp ' s B . B ., and a fair allowance ¦
of tough cows-flesh , I was . leaning'back , in my chair with my eyes closed and ruminating various fancies , neither particularly original nor select . Presently I overheard a discussion as to the relative merits of the Crescent and the Cross—not 3 Ir . " War-burton's book , but the creeds of which those shapes are the emblems . The Turk ' s opponent was also an Oriental , but converted to the outward and visible signs of the Roman Catholic faith . Neither disputant appeared to be very strong as a controversialist ; each , seemingly , entertaining a pleasant conviction that tho value of a religion must be estimated by the acreage and census of its Olvmpus .
" You have no Virgin Mary ! " triumphantly exclaimed the apostate , renegade , or convert . "No Virgin Mary ! We have millions of them—in our Paradise , " scornfully replied the Turk . " Well ! But you have no Immaculate Conception , " said the E . 0 ., doggedly returning to the attack . " Bah ! It is because we don't want one . If we did , we could , have one ' every minute—in our Paradise . " Unfortunately , a slight chuckle escaped me at this moment , which induced the Christian to remark to his companion , in a stage whisper , " That gentleman understands us . " " Not he , " grunted the Turk . " He has eaten beef enough to send four dogs asleep . "
There was no alternative but to confess my acquaintance with the French language when spoken in a manner to puzzle the lively Gaul . We then fraternised , and in an incredibly short space of time must have succeeded in flaying the ears of any intelligent party from France , had there been ono in the room . The Turk was a Tory—one of the old school—and bitterly deplored the innovations that had been introduced into his country . Why , the Sultan was a mere cypher : he could no longer send the bowstring to a rich or refractory satrap , without every newspaper in Europe making a noise about it . And then what security was there now in private life ? One of your wives might play you false , and you dare not even slit her nose—the sack and the sea were quite out of the question .
JN ow , sir , knowing what you must know of the present degenerate state of the Ottoman Empire as compared with its ancient poAver and magnificence , and tracing this decadence—as , of course , you will do—to the influx of an artificial civilization , are you still disposed to use such bad language towards the enlightened and independent citizens of Kidderminster , because they repudiate the idea of being tamed and refined until they become more rational and intellectual beings ? Should you insert this protest against your one-sided declamation , I may perhaps hare occasion to intrude upon your columns once and again . In the meantime I have the honour to remain , sir , your obedient servant , Candide .
Land Societies. (To The Editor Of The Le...
LAND SOCIETIES . ( To the Editor of the Leader . ) Sir , —Can any of your readers inform me whether there is any Land Society in existence in which the land and buildings are proposed to bo held jointly under the now partnership laws , as I have , with many others , anxiously wished to see such a society established ? The advantages to bo gained in such a society , if it can be legally carried out , would be incalculable over the old Land Societies , where the estate is wastefully divided into lota , and where tho buildings-arc obliged to be separate , and consequently more expensive and imperfect ; whereas , if the buildings are constructed after the ir » odel of a London club-houso , and in one block , it would give each member many conveniences and educational advantages at a less cost , and preserve tho rural appearance of tho estate . I am , sir , yours , & c , A Constant Keader . Battle , April 21 , 1857 . [ Our Correspondent will probably obtain tho information lie seeks at the Friendly Societies Institute , 4 , Trafalgar- square ]
Tug Em:Cj'iox Of A Spkaicicr.—The Follow...
Tug Em : cj'iox of a Spkaicicr . —The following circular luis been issued to the members of the Liberal party : — " Whitehall , April lo , 1857 . —My dear Sir , — As the first business upon tho assembling of Parliament will bo tho election of a Speaker , I trice the liberty of informing you tliat Mr . J . Evelyn Denisora will bo proposed as a candidate , and I trust that tho whole of tho Liberal party will attend find concur in his election . May I vonturo to press upon you the importance of buing present on tho 30 th of thin month , on which clay tho election will tiiko ploco ? I fihould fool greatly obliged if you would have tho kindncsH to inform me whether I may rely on your presenco aad support . — Very truly yours , \ V . ( i . IIaytkh . "
,^\ Notice S To Uohruhvonn-Ewis "~ " The...
, ^\ NOTICE S TO UOHRUHVONn-EWiS " ~ " The ttalians in Alexandria , " " IcarfW Miss Pte ^ B » ^ . letter , and other communi ^ t ^ ft , JJT ^ wM * qmittod this week . . »»• tire unavoidably It is impossible to acknowledge th 6 mass of lett ^ ro „ ceive . ^ heir insertion is often delayed , oNvinl to ?* J * L of matter 5 > and when omitted , it is frequenSvft ^^* sorw quite independent of the merits oTthe cffiS SS nnl & S *^! - ^ ---fth ^ U i
' —-= Jtt^ Jf~ ' Tttt Cttfl «) Vj≫≪H#/"≫ Yt* ¦£ ^ ≪J V N§W Fc *& Af 1% V (^^ (&}* ^ - ^ W \Zj " ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ "»' —
' ¦ -. ¦ 5 lP W * c -
Saturday, Aphlli 25, 185 7
SATURDAY , APHlli 25 , 185 7
' ' -— —= ^Nltlti* ≪13frvw Jlumhu.^Uuuij&L I _ "
: v ; ;; , ;; . ^ hltt-, M ( r f ); 0 :. ' ; - ' . - t I ¦ . _ ' ¦ ' .
There Is Nothing So Revolutionary, Becau...
There is nothing so revolutionary , because Uore i ^ nothing so unnatural and convulsive , as thest-VL ^ to Tceep things fixed when all the worWis by thevp ™ law of its creation in eternal progress . —Dii . AiiKOLr
Imperialism, Ancient And Modern. France,...
IMPERIALISM , ANCIENT AND MODERN . France , paralysed since 1851 , supplies an example without a precedent in history . The cessation of her national development has been so sudden as to be almost inexplicable . Ten years ago her -people " were rapidly multiplying | - five years ago their growth was checked ; their numbers are now actually diminishing . English statistics , during a similar period , present a parallel , which appears the more extraordinary the more closely
it is-studied . From 1842 to 1854 < three millions of persons emigrated from these islands '; yet three millions were added to the home population . Since 1851 , the registrar-general computes England and "Wales have gained 1 , 757 , 000 ; France only 256 , 000 . The population of France is double that of England and "Wales , so that while the increase in England and "Wales is absolutely four times and a half greater than the increase in France , it is relatively nine times greater . When
figures of this kind are quoted with respect to America , the usual answer is that the vacant territories of America encourage expansion ; but , as we showed last week , England is considerably more crowded than France . In point of population , therefore , the French have sustained a severe positive loss since the establishment of the Empire . What have they gained ? Not peace- —they have had the Russian war ; not prosperitythey have universal gambling , dear provisions , heavy taxation , and deficiency of employment ; not public confidence—they have perpetual rumours of conspiracy , and the
credulous among them anticipate that the Emperor will some evening be blown by gunpowder out of his Opera-box ; not material securitythey have the certainty of another revolution , the probability of domestic strife , the clmnce of a military Terror . They have sacrificed liberty , dignity , constitutional law , in exchange for a system which brings them neither present repose nor the prospect of a tranquil future . The only monuments of the Empire likely to bo permanent are its facades , exactly ns the Baths of Caracalla . preservo tho traditions of the Roman decadence .
Boman history is shadowed forth in [ Roman walls and arches . Augustus , creeping to the throno through tho shadows of Cjesaii ' s memory , imitated all but his geniua and hia glory ; ho completed the theatres and bftHilicas begun by hia uncle ; a few fragments of the uncle ' s plan sufficed to employ tho whole of tho nephew ' s capacity . In hypocrisy , however , this despot , of a quality new in Konio , may bo allowed to have been consummate . Ho set tho example of dissembling tyranny under a popular disguise , of venorat-
Leader (1850-1860), April 25, 1857, page 10, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_25041857/page/10/