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«===-man left his position till after th...
MISS NIGHTINGALE. A Lboteb having been a...
A HORRIBLE STORY. Isabella Mary Jolley, ...
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\ T I • —J. »Ii Qextitacts From Otn-Priv...
gSstt-srJsssfs 7 i cEr of Pleiades hung down from the sky . But the cheering , except from English voices , was an SmostindilerniblJ " rumble-making the ear loos t ™ hearty British burst . Fleet-street cheered Louis Bonaparte ten tunes more than the Boulevard Montmartre cheere 1 Victoria . In fact , Paris has a hundred thousand bayonets in its throat , which naturally produce a slight guttural obstruction . You can smell the blood of December on the Boulevard Montmartre now . '
THE LEADER . _ f No- 283 , Batobpat , 7 ^ V ?
«===-Man Left His Position Till After Th...
«===-man left his position till after the passage of the ; 5 ^^?^ J « 3 : AftiFi &&^ * 3 £ . From the French part of the crowd an unintelligible " Hoo , hoo , " arose 1 but the 1 reach don t know how to cheer ; hats off , but no waving of handkerduefs ; banners lowered as the carnages mwed . except when the bearers , in their eagerness to see , forgot this act of politeness . For the great obiectwal to see the Queen , individually and dist £ t \ y 7 her countenance , her features , her complexion , the colour of her eyes , her hair , the shape of her bonnet ( not approved of by nulling ) , herattitude . It appears that as long ;«¦ ¦« £ * lasted . » like the sun , she shone on all alike ., foi everybody boasts of having received a point-blanc smile and npd . They will treasure the memory SereX anS boost indirectly , affecting to reveal t e fact in the midst of cold criticism Poor human nature ! But where are the Republican , i Suikin « at home , consuming their energies in hope or despair , and joining , alas ! too often the peaking Orleanists in their opposition of sneers and disbelief .
( From another Correspondent . } . The arrival of the English Queen in Paris has produced an impression so mixed , so confused , that it is difficult of description . We may state it for a certain fact , however , that under the excuse of curiosity Paris has flocked en masse to lay its homage at the feet of a real Queen It has long been hungering for such a sight and such an opportunity . Listen to tho conversation that is going on on all sides . They aretalking from the saLm up to the mansards and down to the porter ' s lodge of her descent from a line of < sovereigns , of the fact that she came to her crown by inheritance , and may probably transmit it to her children—just as in the old times before revolutions came , or usurpers ; for , of course , there were no revolutions before ' 93 , and usurpers all sprin- from Corsica . Some criticise the style of the royal lady ' s beauty—not generally approved of * but all admire her character and speak benevolently of her young family . What you sec in the papers about the reception being intended for England is trash . The crowd goes to see Queen Victoria because she is Queen Victoria ; and England , except as the land that makes her great , is never spoken of , or only with the compassionate contempt usual since the disasters of the wintercampai ~ n . All this means natural love of kings over people in high places : it also means opposition . The homage paid to our Queen ' s position directly , is secretly paid to Henri V . or to any one who will assist in shaking off the incubus . Not that the idea takes form in many minds : it is a sentiment rather than a conviction—perhaps not a very dangerous one to power , unless defeat or famine come . No one will combine to overthrow what all are ashamed of ; but all would be glad if , in the course of a night , things were to change , and another strong government were to announce itself with proclamations , and even -with grapeshot * in the morning . As to a constitution—republican or other—nobody cares about it : the very name stinks in the nostrils . Prince Albert is-eheered because he is supposed to have recommended strong measures against press and parliament . If he were to imitate " the chivalrous Charles X . "—a supposition not absurd to a French politician , in the state of information usual amongst that class—he would be jin immense man . Coups eT & ut coming from a bond fide prince would be regarded as dew from heaven . . . . Outside of all this there is of course a small coterie of honest men , ay , honest and enlightened ; but what do they weijL-h in the nation ? . . . Paris expects her royal visitors to be munificent . Some already grumble that a good number of pictures were not bought at the Exposition ; and artists sneer at the fact that our Queen stationed longest before tho canvases of Horace Vornet , the Alexaridre Dumas of the brush— -which Eng lish critics , haying graduated for their position by studying picture-dealers' slang , agree also to admire . . . There w a little ill-humour , by the way , abroad , on account of the late arrival of the party on Saturday . It is certain the arrangements were detestable . Why not have managed to start from Boulogne in the morning ? As soon as darkness closed in people began to grumble . A little hair-dresser ventured to observe : " I have left my shop to receive tho Queen of England with _ Venoh politeness ; and I cannot see her . ] do feel hurt in my dignity ; but , poor lady ! ] suppose it is not her Tault , and I forgive her But the railway company—never ! " Curiosity or servility , or both , however , carried the day : and not a man left the ranks . I dc not kuow what is said on this point u the English papers ; but you may bo quit < certain that tWy do not exaggerate the num bers or the eagerness of the people . Not i
The Mechanics At Knowsley. A Vf.Rv Pleas...
THE MECHANICS AT KNOWSLEY . A vf . rv pleasant mingling of the humbler orders of society with the more exalted took place on Saturday , s when the fine old mansion and park of the Earl of Derby at Knowsley were thrown open to the members of the mechanical institutions connected with the Institutional Association of Lancas hire and Cheshire . About five thousand persons from the chief towns of those two counties were present . Lord Derby was himself absent in Scotland ; but Lord Stanley was " athome , " and made a genial and wellllt Seed ? in which ' he addressed his hearers aj " Ladies and gentlemen , —Good neighbours all . He said bi never walked out in the park without ashing for a few more happy faces to enliven the scene . Keferr ng to the subject of education , and premising that ™ If instruction is better than any amount of government tuition , his lordship remarked ;—« In this association , I suppose youdon ' t want telling , there are 70 institutions , and more than 16 , 000 jnembers , while your libraries and reading-rooms contain in thT aggregate about 250 , 000 volume * . Of this association , as I understand it , one of the leading features is mutual assistance among a large number of unconnected institutions , the securing of a bond of union between them , of a common centre to which all their members may look ; so that local difficulties may be more easily Kot over , local quarrels or differences as to management decided in an amicable way , and the special experience of each institution made available for the common benefit of all The other leading feature is the establishment of itinerating libraries , or collections of books , circulating gratuitously from village to village , in rural districts which are not populous enough to maintain libraries for themselves . That is sflll almost a novelty in England . It is now for the first timo being tried in other counties ; but hero the system has been ( though but on a limited scale ) in operation for three years . It has met with sitrnal and remarkable success ; and I am bound to affirm , and glad to have an opportunity of doing so , that as a means of diffu 9 ing knowledge , it deserves more general notice than it has yet received . After thanking the visitors in las own and his father ' s name , for " the compliment of the visit , and for " the courtesy nnd good humour manifested by all Lord Stanley retired amidst vehement applause . Three cheers were then given for Lord Derby , three : for the Countess of Derby , and three for Lord Stanley ; and the excursionists dispersed themselves about the grounds .
Miss Nightingale. A Lboteb Having Been A...
MISS NIGHTINGALE . A Lboteb having been addressed to tho Hon . Mrs . . Sidney Herbert , requeuing her to state what she conceives would be the most acceptable testimonial to Miss Nightingale , Mre . Herbert boa replied that tho menna of founding a London Hospital on her own system of i unpaid working , so a « to reform the nuramg system of . Enrfand , would bo tho only one testimonial acceptable > by the heroine of Scutari . A subscription list , called [ " The Nightingale Hospital Fund , " ia about to be [ opened at Messrs . Coutts'u . We have received a letter from Mrs . S . C . Hall on thia subject , iu which aho trusts that our support may ' bo given to a design which nil men of tho commonest feeling must have so deeply at heart . It in , wo are J sure , needless for us to inform tho reader that nn object > so entirely in harmony with tho beneficent nature to » whom it will bo at once the highest satisfaction and tho 3 noblest tribute , will always command our warmest sym-- pathios , and every aid which it is within our power to 1 accord . We cun conceive no occasion on -which the
navmont of a subscription could give to the donor a decree of satisfaction so deep and varioup , so ample and complete . The rendering any testimony to services so nuro , noble , and self-deny ing as those of Miss Nightingale , is in itself n pleasure of no small amount , as a mode of venting the love and admiration with which all England is charged towards one who will stand foremost amongst the heroines of the war ; but when this testimony is to take the shape of a reform which is most deeply needed , and to enable her whom we wish , not to honour , but to thank , to carry out that reform hi England as sho has already carried it out in Turkey wo feel that we are only expressing the universal feeling of the country in saying that the means will not be wanting for carrying out such an object .
A Horrible Story. Isabella Mary Jolley, ...
A HORRIBLE STORY . Isabella Mary Jolley , a respectable woman about forty-two years old , has been examined at the Westminster Police Court under suspicion of murdering her mother , a lady between eighty and ninety yeara of age . From evidence taken at the police office , and before the coroner it appeared that the mother and daughter had a house at 33 , Hill-street , Knightsbridge ; and , in course of the night preceding the tragedy , Miss Jolley went uito the servant ' s bedroom , and told the girl not to get Un till "even , when she was to take breakfast into the old ladv's room . This was done ; but the room door , contrary to the usual custom , was found locked . Miss Jolley said it was to prevent the cat getting in , and ordered the breakfast things to be taken into the backroom This was the more extraordinary as the servant alwav » went into the room to cut Mrs . Jollev ' s bread-andbutter . Some time after the breakfast things were again found in the back room , with both cups bearing evidence of having b ; en used . About eight o ' clock , and again before ten o ' clock , Miss Jolley went out for a short tune ; and a little after twelve o ' clock , Mrs . Crapp , the wile of a neighbour , and a friend of the family , saw the prisoner at the parlour window , in a state of great detraction , holding her hands to her head , and exclaiming , ' I am mad-lam almost mad !" ., Mrs . Crapp went in . and heard some wandering fragments of sentences from Miss Jollev , to the effect that her mother was dead , that Her throa ' t was cut , and that she had died quietly . A policeman was called in , and the old lady was found stretched across the bed , with her feet on a chair , and her throat cut . Miss Jolley related that about daylight she heard something the matter with her mother , who said , - 1 am very wet , " and it then appeared she was covered with blood . She added , " dying , and she expired almost immediately . . The policeman was directed to a drawer , where he found a razor , but it was quit , clean Miss Jolley said she had washed it , had taken it out to be sharpened , and b , d then tried to cut her own throat , but it would not act on her . In reference to her not telling the servant of tho death , she remarked that the girl was a Roman Catholic , and would swear any-1 The first examination was on Friday week , when tb « prisoner was remanded till the following Thursday , yn that dav , further evidenco was received , the most important being that of a cutler , who said that Miss Jolley had been twice to his shop to have a razor .-hnrpeneu and set , and that on one occasion a companion ot t 10 prisoner motioned to him not to let her have it . 1 » c servant girl stated that a night-gown found by " »« policeman on ft table , and covered with blood , belong ! to Miss Jolley . It appeared that the prisoner had b .-eii for some time very depressed in her spirits owing to being in debt and in want of money ; and she onco apoke to a friend of committing smcide . The cast- was again remanded . On Saturday lost nn inquest was held , and the jur \ returned an open verdict , that tho deceased died Iroin a wound in her throat , but by whom inllictcd there was no evidence to hIiow . ¦
The [Poisoning Case In Somersetshire. A ...
THE [ POISONING CASE IN SOMERSETSHIRE . A case of myBteriouH death from poisoning near Mid-Bomer Norton , in Somersetshire , was briefly neon ca in the Leader of last week . The Inquest then stood adjourned , and the facts wore suppressed ; but a iuriuu flitting has ainco tuken place , and the evidences has ocj u inado public . From this , it would « in that tli « < " - ceased , Mrs . Candy , hud been in a low « tato of mind M ¦ Home time past , and hnd often brought ui » blomi , nnd that she occasionally throntened to hanjf 1 ht .- * ii . In tho service of her husband , was ft Mmh " «« " - ley , a counin of Mr . Candy , who employed » or a a dairymaid . He occasionally drove out with unj cousin ? but bis wife , ho sated at the '"" I" ™ ' '' not disapprove of it ; she wished it . " Ho added that hk « wife was not j «« louH of any woman ; unc > in , domestic servant at tho house , a » well a » «»«<»; ^ . " , ' j ; , stated that they had never heard Mr . and Mr * . " quarrel . It appeared , however , that Mwa «"' fl , told tho Borvaiit , before * she came to tho inquest , U >' , aHtutemcntto that effect . Thin witness had i « ' miHtrcBH , to prevent her cutting her throat ; n »< l «> « ( , woman occasionally employed by Mrs . Candy l . nd »< ' , her any bIic would take arsenic if she could get n .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 25, 1855, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_25081855/page/6/