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August 25, 1855j____ THE LEADER 811
who had seduced her a severe lecture, ex...
THE ITALIAN NIGHTMARE. Again have we to ...
OBITUARY. Tub Di;kk of Manchester died l...
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The [Poisoning Case In Somersetshire. A ...
the same time , the deceased said she did not wish her husband to know of this . In the course of last November , Mr . Batt , a farmer of Clapton , and a friend of the family , was sent for to Mr . Candy's house , and informed by him that his wife intended to hang herself , and had in fact been already prevented from so doing . Mr . Batt was told that the cause of this was " a religious impression that her soul would be lost , or that there would be no mercy for her . " Mrs . Candy was present , and did not contradict her husband . Mr . Bourne , a surgeon , stated that he was called in to see Mrs . Candy on Thursday , August 2 ; that he was satisfied she had not then taken poison , as she was not so ill as he had seen her before ; and that on the following Saturday he learnt she was dead . It appeared , however , from the evidence of the servant-maid , that Mrs . Candy had sent about a week previously to a druggist ' s shop for three pennyworth of poison to kill rats and mice On the day Mrs . Candy died , Miss Huntley gave her a glass of raw gin before breakfast , a glass of brandy and water afterwards , and a glass of porter . Miss Huntley said Mrs . Candy had asked her for the drink , and she had given it to her . On the surgeon being told of this by Mr . Candy , he was very angry ; but he was answered that Mrs . -Candy would have the porter and spirits . A jjost-mortem examination of the stomach and bowels exhibited arsenic , but there was no evidence of a large quantity of alcohol having been taken shortly before death . The inquiry was again adjourned till Monday next .
August 25, 1855j____ The Leader 811
August 25 , 1855 j ____ THE LEADER 811
Our Civilisation. Assize Cases. Creild M...
OUR CIVILISATION . ASSIZE CASES . CreiLD Murder by a Maniac . —Elizabeth Sanson , a married woman , was tried at the Liverpool Assizes for the murder of her child . She had been insane after her first confinement , and had been for a month in an asylum . After the birth of the deceased child , her fourth , she became very melancholy , and one day a man found her standing up to her breasts in water with the infant in her arms . She was got out , and the child was found to be dead . In answer to all questions , she merely moaned . She had previously complained of a severe pain in her head . The jury , as a matter of course , found the poor woman Not Guilty , on the ground of insanity ; and the judge directed that she should be confined in a Innatic asylum . Burglary . —Thomas Wilson has been found Guilty at the same assizes of burglariously entering a dwellinghouse , and stealing twenty gold watches , ninety silver watches , and ninety-seven ring * ; and Christopher Banks and Henry Ingham were at the same time convicted of receiving the goods , knowing them to have been stolen . Abraham Naylor was tried at Liverpool for a criminal outrage on the person of Mrs . Frost , a respectable married woman , in a lonely part of the road to Ashton , at night . Several witnesses were called for thft defence , and endeavoured to prove an alibi ; but , upon being rigorously cross-examined by the judge , serious discrepancies were made apparent . Naylor was therefore found Guilty , and sentenced to transportation for life . The jury , in answer to a question from the judge , said ( he 3 believed that the three witnesses for the defence hail wilfully perjured themselves ; and those worthies ' were accordingly ordered in custody . The Morals ok Gambling Speculations . —A Jew , named Myers , brought an action at Croydon against another Jew , named Levi , as the acceptor of a bill of exchange for 230 / ., lo recover the amount . It was contended by Lovi that the money was advanced for an illegal purpose — namely , to set up a gambling house — and that the plaintiff , at tho time he discounted the bill , know that such was tho fact . Myers was himself examined , and denied any such knowledge ; but , upon cross-examination , be admitted that he was perfectly well aware of the general pursuits of the parties , and ho would not swear that he did not know that the money was used for the " bank , " or that he had not stated that the " business" was not carried on properly with a view to profit . Mr . Justice Wightman having summed up , tho jury almost immediately returned a verdict for tho defendant . Tub Cash of Allkghd Hocu . ssino . —Tho young man charged last week at tho Mansion House with following a young woman into a cab with a criminal intent , has boon discharged , as tho Lord Mayor believed * that both tho man and tho woman wore intoxicated , that the latter had not been drugged , and that there was no proof of tho dosigu imputed . Thk Oli > Story . —Isabella Hamilton appeared at tho Mansion House charged with attempting to poison horflolf . Sho told Sir It . W . Cardou that . sho had been seduced by n . " gontlomun , " who h : » d . solemnly sworn to marry her , but who after a while loft her without a penny , and destitute of tho commonest necessaries of life . He had previously refused to " allow" her to go back to service . Tho " gentleman , " having boon sent for , jauntil y admitted tlio facts . Tho landlutly of tho louse in which tho couple had lived spoko highly of tho girl ' s affectionate and rfnnftiit conduct ; and tlui aldor- I *& aa addressed her very kindly , and road tho ncuiiudrol J
Who Had Seduced Her A Severe Lecture, Ex...
who had seduced her a severe lecture , expressing his regret that there was no law to punish him . The persons present could not avoid a murmur of approbation ; in the midst of which , the criminal , whom the law will not recognise as such , sneaked out of court . The girl ' s former master and mistress have consented to take her back into their service . —On Monday , a woman was charged before the Lord Mayor with throwing herself over London Bridge . She said she had been deserted by her husband , and driven to desperation ; and the Lord Mayor directed that she should be lodged in the infirmary of the prison , and that the parish officers should take measures to compel her husband to maintain her . The Earl of Kingston and the Cabmen . —A few weeks ago , the Earl of Kingston was summoned for refusing to pay a cabman his proper fare , on which occasion the case went against him . His lordship was again summoned last Monday for a similar refusal , when , though due notice had been left at his residence , he did not appear . An order for the full amount , and five shillings costs , was made out against him . It appeared that his lordship resides at a grocer's shop ; and the cabman stated that he had carriedr * him about the day before for eleven hours and a half , and could not get a halfpenny of him . He had to " beg and pray" of the grocer who keeps the house where the earl resides to let him have some money . Manuel de Coktazok and Miguel Masip have been remanded at Guildhall on a charge of obtaining the sum of 1100 / . from Messrs . Murrieta and Co ., of Old Broad-street , City , by means of forged letters of credit-Captain Frederick Sharpe was on Saturday last ordered to put in bail to the amount of 400 / . for having threatened to shoot Captain Tinkler , and afterwards himself , if the former did not speedily come to some arrangement with respect to money matters . A " Respectable " Thief . —A middle-aged man , having the appearance of a respectable tradesman , who gave the name of John Thomas , but refused to give his address or any account of himself , was placed at the bar before Mr . Elliott on a charge of being concerned with two other persons not in custody in stealing a large bale containing various articles of property of considerable value belonging to the 31 st Regiment , and , further , with making a murderous attack with a life-preserver on the officer who apprehended him . Mr . Isaac Joyce , a person of gentlemanly appearance , residing in Meadow -place , Kennington-oval , was also charged with attempting to rescue Thomas , and by bis inlerference the other two j prisoners escaped . The prisoners , who were riding in a cart , took the goods out of the back part of a van , but were seen by a policeman , who succeeded in arresting Thomas . Both prisoners were remanded ; bail being taken for Joyce . An Osinibu 3 Thief . —Mary Ann Leonard , alias Mary Ann Gardiner , a notorious thief and associate of thieves , has been sentenced at the Surrey Sessions to six years ' penal servitude for stealing a purse containing six sovereigns and some silver from Mrs . Sully , while riding in an omnibus . The prisoner was one of the most expert omnibus thieves in London . Her custom was to spread her shawl over the dress of any lady next to whom she was sitting , while a male companion rifled the victim ' s pocket . In the case of Mrs . Sully , however , she was detected in this ingenious artiiice , and was pursued and captured , when she offered her watch and chain to be released . Two male companions escaped . On hearing her sentence , she threw herself down in the dock , screaming for her father and children , and seized hold of the railings in such a frantic manner that it required three turnkeys to remove her to the cells . A Dangerous Servant . —Emily Logg , a servant , was charged on Tuesday at Bow Street with throwing a fork at a little girl , eight years of age , in consequence of which one of her eyes has been so severely injured that the destruction of its sight is considered probable . On being spoken to , the woman replied , " It ' s a good job , and I'll servo the baby so too , if I ' m here long enough . " Sho was remanded for a week . A Dhunkkn Kior between some English and Irish labourers , who had just returned from Camberwell Fair , took place a few days ago at a public-house . Quart pots wore lined as weapons of offence by the Irish party , nnd three of the belligerents lie in a precarious state . Three other men , all Irish , arc now under remand . KonnKKY anu OuTKAoic . —A burglary has been committed in tho house of an old couple in the neighbourhood of Carlisle , nnd the robbers inflicted serious personal injury on the man and woman . Suspicion has fallen on two hawkers ; but they arc not in custody . A WoKTin . uss Sailor . —Thomas Davidson was charged at the Munition House with deserting tho ship Ocean Monarch , Captain Lawsou . His conduct during tho voyago hud boon very had ; and ho loft the vessel , together with nomo others whom he influenced , during very unfavourable weather . A loss of upwards of one thousand pounds was thus incurred . Davidson was sentenced to treadmill labour for ci ^ ht weeks * . Murdku hy a Maniac . —Rebecca Turtou was tried at tho Contral Criminal Court , on Wednesday , for tho murder of her husband by strangulation . Tho act was ooinniiUoil as far baulk a * April , IK . VI ; but , owing U >
the insanity of the prisoner , it was found necessary to postpone the trial . The husband was addicted to drink ; the wife , in the disturbed state of her brain , conceived that he designed to kill her ; and , having quarrelled with him on the day of the murder , under the impression that he had been consorting with other women , apparently committed the act in a state of frenzy . Shortly afterwards , she gave information of her husband's death to a policeman . She was acquitted on the ground of insanity . The Four Chinamen charged with murderously wounding their countryman , the celebrated juggler , have been found guilty at the Central Criminal Court , and sentenced to four years' penal servitude . Forgery . —At the same court , Daniel Wells , engineer , and John Wiiliams , were convicted of feloniously uttering forged banknotes , with intent to defraud the Governor and Company of the Bank of England . They were sentenced to twenty years' transportation . The Great City Fraud Case- —At the Central Criminal Court on Thursday , Daniel Mitchell Davidson , aged forty-one , and Cosmo William Gordon , thirty-four , both described as merchants , were placed at the bar to plead to several indictments charging them with obtaining various large sums of money by false pretences . Another prisoner named Joseph Windle Cole , also described as a merchant , who is already under a sentence of penal servitude , upon a conviction arising out of some of the transactions in which the prisoners Gordon and Davidson are involved , was also placed at the bar . There were four or five indictments against the two lastmentioned prisoners , the amounts mentioned as having been obtained by them being stated at 4100 * ., 2400 / ., 4900 / ., 7000 / ., and 17 , 000 / . They were also charged under the Bankruptcy Act with felony , in not having surrendered to be examined at the Bankruptcy Court on the day fixed for that purpose by the Commissioner . There was likewise another indictment in which the prisoners Davidson and Gordon were charged , jointly with Cole , with conspiracy to obtain money by false pretences . The prisoners pleaded "Not Guilty" to the whole of the charges . After a large mass of evidence had been received , Gordon was found Guilty ; and the charges against Davidson and Cole were postponed to a future day . Stabbing . —Samuel Ilewett , a sullen lad , about j seventeen years of age , is under remand at the Southwark Police Court , charged with stabbing his master , a shoemaker , in the arm and the abdomen , when remonstrated with for idleness . —Charles Branston , a marine store shopkeeper , is also under remand at Marylebone , on a charge of stabbing a barman .
The Italian Nightmare. Again Have We To ...
THE ITALIAN NIGHTMARE . Again have we to recur to the frightful exhibitions of cruelty , injustice , and oppression which haunt the disturbed sleep of Italy . The madness of Neapolitan despotism grows wilder every day , and the crowned maniac who sits upon the very throats of the people becomes pampered by indulgence and impunity . The priest who performed the funeral service over the body of the ex-deputy De Cesare has been arrested , and sent % p a monastery in Castigo , where rebellious ecclesiastics are confined in a sort of prison . Some monks having had the boldness to accuse their vicar-general of intolerance and peculation , they were confined for six years to their houses , with a money allowance ; but at the end of this time they renewed their accusations , and in consequence have been charged with conspiracy against the Government , and have been arrested . The son of the judge who condemned Carlo Poerio owed a merchant seven hundred ducats . The merchant sent in his claim to the judge , who despatched a police-officer to tho creditor with one hundred ducats , for which ho was to give a receipt , or be imprisoned . So much for the lawlessness of the law ; in addition to which , brigandage and unlicensed ruffianism threaten to throw the country into- a state of univorsal anarchy . Three American ladies have been robbed , under fear of murder , on tho heights of Camaldoli , by four soldiers who had deserted , and who said they were starving . The matter has been takon up by tho American Minister .
Obituary. Tub Di;Kk Of Manchester Died L...
OBITUARY . Tub Di ; kk of Manchester died last Saturday in his fifty-sixth year . He was a supporter of the Government of Lord Derby , from whom ho accepted an appointment in the royal household . Viscount Hkkkpoud expired on the same day in tho forty-seventh year of his age . Ho was rector of Uttlo Hereford . Mrs . Lawrkncb , of Kalinpf Park , well known for nor Horticultural Fetes , died suddenly a few dnya & go-Gknkral Co . nykrs , an old Peninsular o / hcer , who won a medal by his conduct at tho battle of Orthes , chod a low days , since at Brighton . M » . Ki > muni > WoiwiloWK , Into M . V . for East Norfolk , died on Tuesday at hi * residence , Ihorpe , near Norwich . Tho lion , gontloman roprosented Norfolk from 1817 till last Juno , when ho retired m favour of Mr II . Strawy . 1 » politioa ho was « strict Conservative .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 25, 1855, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_25081855/page/7/