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THE ^.EAIMSt Bv [Hw aSg,^wjm^t,
, MISCELLANEOUS. Suicide.—A gentleman, h...
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The ^.Eaimst Bv [Hw Asg,^Wjm^T,
THE ^ . EAIMSt Bv [ Hw aSg , ^ wjm ^ t ,
s ^ cW KBntai , n ( Hes . _ A PMVATB letter from € c « atantmople , j f the 6 th inst ., A PMV ^™ ^ " l . _ | ti < | n ito c 6 nst * $ & " > suspension Se ^> J ^ he ?^ of Pera t ^ prf , made to . the Port ^ Ba ^ ti ^ siXb ^ imE ^ l ^ ^ eer Mr . Ken-! j ? iLrSL ^ ms been aSprovel , and it is to be Sed be ? we £ the ^ coateacting parties , and that'the work will be commenced without delay . , - , •¦•• ine Junds-fbr thU undertaking will be subscribed by an Emrlii * company . The cost of the bridge is estimated at between 600 , 000 / .-and-700 , OOOJ . " , An Enelisfc cbiipatty has offeied ; to purchase certain of the crown Iand 7 id Turkey , to the value of about 1 , 000 , 0007 . sterling . ~ " _ , ^ , « Cholera is raging throughout Tuscany . The Government does not allow any publication of the number of deaths—' . ^ General Kalergi has fallen into great disgrace at the court of Athens . ? The sjory is , that in a letter from him , which was published in a newspaper , he used exinSions ' towards : the Queen which If ; Mavrocordato called * ' unseeinly , < " and which the Austrian ambassador , not satisfied with thai mild epithet ; termed" imptident . The Ministers of Russia , Austria , Prussia , and Bavaria , supported , the- King in his , determination to dismiss Kalerrf from his post of Minister of W ar : indeed , they hadprCTioiis ^^ Hrea ' tened that , if he were not dismissed , thev ^ ould intewaptr their official' relations with the Greek Ck > vernment . The Minister , in consequence , has heen forbidden to cross the threshold ofrthe palace . Lord John Russets speech on the state of Italy has not given any great satisfaction at Turin ; while Lord Palraetaton ' s reply—allowance being made for official seserver ^ -has been received with some degree of negative * f £ h 0 * I >< irtame / ito of Madrid , asserts that M . Olozaga officially informedthe Emperor -of the French , m a recent audience granted by Tils Majesty , that the Spanish GoVemment has adopted the resolution to take part m the w .-w against Russia , and of sending an army to the Some artisans have lately been prosecuted in Paris for combining to leave then- work : They were employed in the making © f tbosfrbronzes for which Paris is famous ; and they / contended that their health suffered from the charcoaLdust employed in preventing th & bronze adheriuo-to th < Tsides of . the moujd . Meal had for a tune been used for this purpose ; but being- found injurious to the casts , it was discontinued . The court found all the prisoner * but four guilty -, ' and they were sentenced to various terras pf imprisonment . It is thought that the Emperor will remit or mitigate the sentences . A roan in court called out audibly , , f It is infamous . " He was arrested ; and , although at the earnest solicitation of the public . prosecutor ^ and of his own brother he begged pardon for the expression , ; ha . waa sentenced to two iuonths ' i imprisonment . <; ¦ , < ¦ . ¦¦ , !¦ ¦ .: ¦ ¦ ' ' i ¦ ' ' Th 2 Wch between tih » Spanish Government and the Pope on ihelcclqsiastical questions seems to be growing wiaerl ThiMkdrid correspondent of the , Ttmes writes : — I understand ^ tltet the Government hdv B tesolvefd to repJV to ths Popiefs allocution , and to publish all the coi ^ pondence whiqh , r has taken ., place , wjth Monsujuor French ! % er measures are alsp dpoken of , one of Oxein being the ' suppression of tlie Tribunal dela Rota , a hikh - ecelesiasttcal Court over which the Pope ' s Nando presided <* z > offici 6 , and decided the coseB brought before it after , hearing the , meftiberpi of the tribunal . ¦ It is said that ihe idea fa to . su bstitute a tribunal , composed of six bishops ' , instead of it . " ' . ,. .- A despatch front Viennaof August 20 th , says : — " Cardinal driVialewPrelat , Apostolic Nuncio at Vienna , and the Archbishop of Vienna , ; hove terminated the negotiations i -for . > concluding a , concordat , betweenithe Soly Bee and the Austrian government , and it , was 8 igHed ' y 68 teWla . y ;' anu WiU ^ fcii ' published as flbon oi the ratification !* * ave befen exchanged ! . " ' j , \ l % was stated in some of i the i & ireign journals thot the Austrian jGovernm ^ ot , . had , addressed , a note to the Nea 7 poiitan [ Cabinet on . the . barbarous pnnishments revived by ' the Mitfiflteir' of Police . This , \ am sure , is not the eaVe , ' remonstrances of a friendly and ndri-bmciul kind only . having toben' addressed to It by thci Austrian Envoy at Naiflef . 1 % Woa stated tli » t a ; nojtc had ; been addressed to the ( EngUah Government by Austria o » the , subject pi the enrolment ot an Italian Legion . I am assured that tiu ^ stateinent ' alsp'ia ' iriciqrrect . —' -. Tinte * Paris CorregjXhUkM . - 'l I ' .-iu ; .:, . ; . . ¦ . ; ¦; ! i ,- ' ¦ .: r . ru-i ¦¦! - " ^ , Princd Ii »« jwn , BoiiApatte ^ iaecond eo n ) of iPrince Chavbce , Prince , de ; Canbio , , whp Jb ^ j , a ^ umed ^ he . ficcloriastjcal profe ? 8 SQn , la to be named ^ ardinal and Grand Almone to' his ' cduflfn , the Kmperor or the Freiic ) i . . The vounfl prihec' ^ rhd ib noW twrihty ^ onlj' , 'has-iaWetedy ffeclihfed ucoeptiiig . the Gardinol'tf i hdfr , i iand daclatwU ) Uiat he ! haa tin ambition **> > " ^ AthW- M » * i * i M mt > h f A bW- / 1 'W « - ' ^ W * " ? ' > yleMedou < of p ^ p ^ en ^ e to tl ^ c ^ ppo . —^ rfy / i : | , .,,. * % ma rtnwlittiihiu been' cauflcd m OQiis ^ anhnoplc ( Sayi ' thb CtiitMel' tUMflihetiBt ) W'flWftf '» ix eilhUchE \ n fWllmt > QriM > $ ttlb < i Q having availed' a rmpQiitfiblii EfnSw i ^ Bj mterrih Att \ vtith nBtotoeBl dndr . Bt , ick » yr , tuukiki hmtoll x Jn ) txeated | h ^ of Uffffxyf , Jj lm . ft r / dead . ;; fT |^ Wk ^ Wt ^ vfitich th ' o . oh ' nl » cns , ' iv . em removing . The j ! T'M ' . Tdl 11 ' ill 11 : 'II n I ; l ¦ " ¦ ¦ > ' n 'Hi' I' ' ' ' " ' '' '
Prussian legation . has mad . e ^^> inp laint tothe Porto on Wt ^ J . I anH is iii hopes of . obtaining ijhe pwnishnxent 9 f T ^^^ across the Biac ^ Sea ^ tje Crimea lias becoine denin & d , and It is to be replaced by ^ new one . Tlil >
Faval A17p Military News. The Sapj-£Rs A...
FAVAL A 17 P MILITARY NEWS . The Sapj- £ RS and Miners received the Crimean medal on Friday week at Woolwich , The number of recipients was forty . A dog belonging to . the Lieutenant awl Adjutant also , appeared on parade with the ^ med al round his neck , which had been awarded him for his devotion to his master while serving in the Crimea , as during his stay the Russians several tiroes stabbed him .- . A Fwato-o Faciouy fob xhe Abut , —Messrs . .. W . and T . Smith , of St . Peter's , have constructed , a powerful iron screw-steamer , named the -Chasseur ,: which- is being fitted up as a floating factory for the army in the Crimea . Artisans will be able to execute any kind of iron work on board of her . Between decks is laid out as a large fittimr shop , which is furnished vitix machinery of the latest improvements . She has also several / smiths forges , with four blasts fitted up , two circular ^ saw benches , and _* cupolo for cast Iron and br * 6 S founding . In addition to her marine engine , a ten-horse portable enmne Avill drive the machinery ; : * nd . the workman 3 he takes out with her will have ample accomtnodation , with bath * & c . The artisans engaged to go out with her are en-ine-fitters , blacksmith ? , brass finishers , cast iron and brass-founders , houso carpenters , shoemakers , ! aud guncarriajre and wheel-makers . A party & minors ftlao proceed with her , for the purpose of being engaged , n sinking wells for the supply of water Cor the army . They have a complete sot of mining apparatus , . , Loss oftwe Transport Corr » NcaiAM . rr-lhe English steam transport Cottinghani , QapUin Moore , retivnwg from the fleet to lvngland . with one hnndred ; an 4 * l « ven invalids and twelve other passengers ran ashore , during a thick fog , on a reef of ( rocks off * ahl-Ud 4 .. All the passengers -were'saved . . . .. ; ,. ' ^ ^ _ , » ^ i ^ The FonEWKf Legion was last Wftdneeday presented with its colours by the Duke of CambriUg * , at Sandling Park thq seat of Mr .-Koikes Currie , M , P-,: Mfhere the officqrp and men were entertained at dinner , the day being concluded with dancing , and other sports Lord , Pair mereton , Lord Panmure , the Turkish Ambassador , ; and other notable persons were present . :
, Miscellaneous. Suicide.—A Gentleman, H...
, MISCELLANEOUS . Suicide . —A gentleman , having- the features and accent of a Polish J ^ , MMijtofca hirnjself a few days ago in a cold water bath at Plymouth , file had previously paid for the bath , and ordered that it should be increased in depth from thirteen to nineteen inches . M « . BoyvKKiE hfl , s been re-elected , for KUmarnock without opposition . } lc was , not present , , " This Coukt | £ S . s j > e ^ evu- ^ y , accompanied by , tjic , Duke and Duchess deNqmours , A yukp anrt Uu ? h 988 d ^ A-nmale , and the Princess Salcrnc , have been staying ha Wales , and viaiUug Bcaumaris , Llanberi * , an 4 Car" I ^ vtai . Boh , eb Exn-osioNH . — -A fearful boiler expipsio ^ Cto which we briefly alluded in last week ' s leader ) took place at Sheffieldthte day fortnight , white the boiler < Sras being tested . The pereon whoi Uad ohUr ^ c of the ! trial - > iMundu to tho square inch ; but , on reaching acventy-iive pottmla , ! ho proponed to let the steam blow olT . Some delay , hdwWer , occurred , And- ' an ! explosion ' ' fdWorwcW . ' The I boiler was carried through tho gates of tlio yard , knock-• ing . dawn-ucYornl w « Uh , i damaging eorrtc , building and ¦ inflicting < wijnriosi upon . liuwinn < bejngo , ^ Vhidh ihayo rc-• ault 3 dd , ii » , f « urdeathw . l An inawfficroncy of M-ater , / com ^ \ billed * with cnrefea » ananrtgcmOUt , appbnra Ito htayo . linen ; thelcrtusoofitho ! nccidenb ' , ami a verdkt toithatjefTdot winfliroturncd at i tlio inquest ^ . vlrliioh wndnot broughtto j a cIobo uhtiLithc uVehlng , of Hrfiday ^ eeJcJ i * he boii « r i wiiB'gulrr nnteddi do bear & . pvdH « uw » iaf-, ninety ; ipoundicito I tho HQunro inch . —On tho very next day to that ion » which [ tho linqiHMifi doiffcl « d « d ^; - . Another .. boildr-Mfacplofluini ( ooouvrttVriurld ^ rMit ^ ularlyi < m «| ttgh < in . too mill / iioxfti to ¦ tlwi 11 In , which | . tlw inrofc iexpl 6 » ioi >» -hnfl ^ akwv : plftcoj i i i Ah i in thoforrti « r crt 8 e / i imnnrt » wda « BMige ) Wa « i ^ lo « ti toi 4 ho , 11 , ,, ,, ¦¦ . ¦ .. | H' , . ¦ ., ! ; . . ' •! / I i . . ; mi . . lit : I'M . i /•>¦!
surrovinding brickworkii » mo . jaeighbourmg . « ott « ee 8 were almpst d * 8 he 4 to piecef ? ? youth ^ was WkJ and four other peraoos were ^ enoualy ; hort . . At the time of the rupture , the pressure yr * 8 forty pounds to the square tn £ iEBK ^ . —Colonel > Valkerythe defeated " FilUbuster , " according toth & last adv ^ ces ; frou » America , had retreated fromS ^ n Juan del f Sur toiReaJto . He f » -ab » **«* recruiting at L « qn , where / he has : Bhot one of hia folloir «« . Colonel jhnnoyjwasat ; San Juan with twenty-four men . The insurrectionary government in Nicaragua tt In a state of disrupUon . Mexico is StlU in- * jvery distuAed condition ; Santa Aima ha » proposed , the inauguration of a new constitution ; General Wolf hafr fidlen back upon Matamores , but the revolutionists are . concentrating their forces upon that . city , , the capture of whitth » considered certain , l ^ rom California , we hear « otttinued reports of the extraordinary fertUity . of the mines , )' and of an i immense conflagration , ^ tt « a , n Francisco . An election : riut has opcucred ati Louisville , in-which twenty persons lost their li > -cs . Mr . Tbackemy t lias been engaged to give a -iviuter course of lectures in New ¥ oEfc Trade is reviving , and money continues abundant . Ti ^ : Si-VVBRY La > y 1 H Ambwga . —The dismiMal of Mr . Reeder from the governorshiji of Kansas , for refusingto lendhiropelf to the designs of ? thtf pro- slavery party , has created great sensation in Amficica ; and tne excitement has been , increased by an incident which has latel y . occurred in PiiUHdeJpbia . Xne American minister to Nicaragua waspassing through th « Quaker city mth some ejavea , and stayed there for a abort time . A Mr . WiUiamspn went to the boat in which the negroes were kept , told their master , that * b y , bringing them there he hadmado them free , and ,-with the assistance of some other negroes bore : them off . A writ *> f habeas corpus was issued against Mr . Williamson for the recovery of the slaves- « a replied that he had not . got possession of them , and ; never had ; . and he > w * a therefore , corn ^ mitted to : gaol for contempt of court . He still lies in ^ ATADVENtUttB ON A RailwayI ^ A very violent etorra of thunder , lightning , and raift ^ passed over the north of Englaud . on Wednesday iweek ; and the river Tvne w » s so- swollen that it threatened to burst through thcwwll which eeparates . it from tkfe Newcastle and Carlisle Railway . The rail itself was flooded with water and loose gravel ioauch an ^ xtenti tjiatllt waa found necessary to make several breaches through 4 he waU to let off the torrent iuta the river . This having been done , tho train , which , h « d been , brought to a atandstill , proceeded * t a vecy alow' pace , wntU a new disaster occurred iivtlicj * h » pe of one of the carriages running offthe railt and breaking away from the cost of the traiu . lho xarriagB tvaa- - close- to the breach . of the waU ; ihc flood raged round it j and i the « ltu « tioK ^ w «» :. < lne : of . extreme peril . However , after a time , the passenger * were got out , and , conveyed to other carriages ;• and Newcastle w-aa At length reached in safety ^ ' ¦ ' -i- ¦ ' ¦ ' /' ¦ , Okb o ^ Natubb ' s NoBiwrr .- —A man at Swansea , named Lewis , hafl ^ becnthenieans ofsavdng no lesa than eighteen > . of UU ? ifiellOw-crcature » : from drowning . The Other . &*) % while engaged in hi « ordinary business , aud thotweather being comparatively fine , he ¦ was himself drowned off Port Talbot , ' taking ' - raft of timber to tlw work * of the Mo 4 sm , Vivian ^ t Tmibachi' A widow and nine orphans are , left . ; "¦ ' -..- : ; ¦'" ¦¦ ¦ "' ! - WiNoson Casile . —Some extensive works uto now goiuift on at Windaor Ctortle , 1 including , a BuUcnaneaii pa « agc from ttie northern to the « wuttiern-wipg , wiUi coal ^ uellata at tho sides . ^ - ^ ' . ,. Tub WBBTXBN MFisMKBrtau—Durinfg tho week ending last Saturday , thefboata in t « d St . lVe ' s pUchard fishery took from TOGO to « 000 pilchards each , wlifch have been eold at from 1 « . Gd . to 3 a . per hundred of six score . At Poli ) em > , ' the boats brought : in from , 1000 to 2500 each , and the price realised hms been from 2 s . to 2 s . 4 d . per hundred , ¦ ••; i ¦¦ n ¦ ' ¦ il ' '' ' ' THt Moonar—Reports liave gone abroad that wnai . maybe called tho .. " grouse crops ? - are not good tbU vflar ; but the Internes * Courier states to tho contrary , and says that tho quantity It * scarcely below that of last aeoeon , which was an extraordinary one in Hportln ?; nnnalaj \ , ¦ . ( < < ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ •¦ ' ' ¦ - .... „_„ Tint Harvest .- ^ The fine dry weather which has snooee « le < l to the rain ! has had nrt cxcclleiit < ffcct upon tlie oorrt and dtuop cropsi and ¦ ha ' n-est operationa have now begtin in nomo '«« striots , with tho pro » i >© ct of bcinrt brought to a f « vourablo ! con « lusion ; , IJ «) X at Ci / Hrtiwwk- —Owinffto thaarrwt of a drunken man , tometvoty serious / dibturbaYicos hav « occurred «« CIonrhcL Th « Holioe at one tinid'foutid It necesaory-to advaiiud . against't ) io > i » oplo with'fida-d UAyoiictH -, »»< l it wasmot untiMho ! arrival vC tho South Tippurary Ar-, tttlery thatr ' ftlwrlot'wai ^ iMUed . " ' ' . ' , , , ,, f A . WATrtDitsroTiT . burrtii : ovcif tho > nwigUl »«> urli < K * l «» ¦ atiriin »> oriiW « ln «* iday-frc « fc , ' awcepinir * wny l «™< w "» lftyin K , a greatdenl of who » t V : flooding houses , a njl < l « - KtroyinB * Uwgo-amount .. bf i ^ ropcrty . ^ HeW l dlh titifl nv l » f « iTfricfl «} ilra . l aiift -e 4 M « r- oo « UtW « U * tluJ soiUU ; oi iSootlnndHia - foWscmiaoodcH jT .: ! -,. " , .,, ( ,.. . » -A . B « Ki'vt * ' -OJunmisCT- « v Ibdlundj '!» cK « 4 n tnoviiiB » JJ , otntr tdayj M « ftcr . Hrciniilm . »| r . < iuictt >¦ Atr Mv | mty ycar * It-hail *«« i- . wo » eii i « hU . Bnally l flct-utfoat l . y Uw » - «*» ., rains . / fwiri .. * A-r » - r , i 1 rr ,.., ¦ -., r . . i .-r o . h " » > ( , , \ , ¦ - ' , t >¦ . ! ¦ t . / i > . ,, i ' f ip . i •' ,, . | i - 1 " , v u-ur'A v " . \ ¦ ' •< ¦ ' ' '
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 25, 1855, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_25081855/page/8/