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1026 W>%t 3Leafc*t* [Saturday ,
BUTCHERS* MEAT. Newgate and Leadenhaix.*...
Hbad or Catixb at Smithfikld. Friday. M<...
AVERAGE PRICE OF SUGAR. The average pric...
1' OUIS ROSSI, HAIR-CUTTER and -J COl FFEUlt, 254 Regent-street, oppositell anover-square, inventor of the TRANSPARENT HEADDRESSES and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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1026 W>%T 3leafc*T* [Saturday ,
1026 W > % t 3 Leafc * t * [ Saturday ,
Butchers* Meat. Newgate And Leadenhaix.*...
BUTCHERS * MEAT . Newgate and Leadenhaix . * 8 m tthfibld . * s . d . 8 . d . s . d . e . d . Beef 2 0 to 3 0 3 4 to 3 8 Mutton 2 6 — 3 6 3 5 " ~ f 2 Veal 8 4 — 3 8 2 8 — 3 8 Pork , 3 0 — 4 4 3 0 — 3 8 To sink the offal , per 81 b .
Hbad Or Catixb At Smithfikld. Friday. M<...
Hbad or Catixb at Smithfikld . Friday . M < 2 n ™ ' ^ ::-:::::::::::::::::: £ :::::::::::::::: « gS CaiTea 322 i Piga , OiO " ¦
Average Price Of Sugar. The Average Pric...
AVERAGE PRICE OF SUGAR . The average price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar , computed from the returns made in the week ending the 2 nd day of September , 1851 , is 22 * . 10 £ d . per cwt . ^^ ¦
;From The London Gazette. Friday, Octobe...
; FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Friday , October 17 . Bankrupts—G . F . Nilbour , Slough , Buckinghamshire , music seller , to surrender October 23 , November 24 ; solicitors Messrs . Linklater , Charlotte-row , Mansion-house ; official aleignee . Mr . Johnson . Basinghall-street-J . Marriott ,, Gracecliurch-street , oil and Italian warehouseman , OctobeV 2 j , November 27 solicitors . Messrs . Linklater . Charlotte-row , Mansionhouse ; ' official assignee . Mr . Bell . Coleman-street buildings—G Liws . Walthara-abbey , linendraper , October 29 , November 25- solicitor , Mr . Chambers , Tokenhouse-ysud , Lothbury ; official assignee , Mr . Edwards . Sambrook-court , Basingha lgtreet—J . WHiTAKERand J Crowthbr , Bjslingthorpe , York-• hire , stuff dyers , November 3 , December 1 ; solicitors , Mr . Courtenay , Lincoln ' f-inn-fields ; Mr . Sutcliffe . Sowerby-bnd p , near Halifax ; and Messrs . Courtenay and Compton , Leeds ; official assignee , Mr . Hope . Leeds—W . T . Adcock , Manchester , hotel-keeper . November 7 , 24 ; solicitors . Messrs . Cooper and Son , and Mr . Street , Manchester ; official assignee , Mr . Mackenzie , Manchester . Tuetday , Octobtr 21 . Bankruptcy Awnuu . kd . —J . W . Gordon , Cullum-street , Fenchurch-street , and Church-row , Limehouse , -wine merchant , Bankrupts . — G . F . Niebour ( and not Niiboor , as before advertised ) , Slough , Buckinghamshire , music seller , to surrender October 23 , November 24 ; solicitors , Messrs . Linklater , Char-Jotte-row , Mansion-house ; official assignee , Mr . Johnson , Ba-¦ inyhall-street— J . Marriott , Gracechurch-street , oil and Italian warehouseman , October 25 , November 27 ; solicitors , Messrs . Linklater , Charlotte-row , Mansion-house ; and Mr . Berkeley . Lincola ' s-inn ; official assignee , Mr . Bell , Coleman-8 tre « t bulidins ? s—E . S . Howard and T . Stone . Norwich , builders , October 30 , November 27 ; solicitors , Messrs . Abbott and Wheat ])* , Southampton-buildings ; and Messrs . Miller and Son . Norwich ; official assignee , Mr . Johnson , B & singhall-street —C . Cooper , Wandsworth , grocer ,, October 30 , November 27 ; solicitor , Mr . Wclborne , Tooley-street ; official assignee , Mr . Johnson , Basinghall-street— K . W . Jearrad , jun ., Oxfordstreet , carpenter , October 31 , November 28 ; solicitors , Messrs . Bhodes , Lane , and Rhodes . Chancery-lane ; official assignee . Mr . Edwards , Sambrook-court , Basinghall-street—G . Hatnbs , Leek , Stafford * hire , dealer , November 6 , and 27 ; solicitors . Mr . Dodge . Liverpool ; and Messrs . Motteram , Knight , and Emmet , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . Valpy , Birmingham—R . Till . St . Helen ' s , "Worcestershire , grocer , November 1 , and 24 ; solicitors , Messrs . llea , "Worcester ; and Messrs . Wright , Birmingham ; official assig-nee , Mr . Christie , Birmingham—E . Caikns , Newport , Monmouthshire , corn merchant , November ( i , December 2 ; solicitors , Mr . Addison . Gloucester ; and Messrs . Abbot and Lucas , Bristol ; official assignee . Mr . Hutton , Bristol—J . Sykbs , jun ., Sowerby . Yorkshire , teadealer , November 3 , December 1 ; solicitors , Mr . Bagster . Walbrook-buildings ; Mr . Sutcliffe , Soweiby-bridge , near Halifax ; and Messrs . Courtenay and Compton , Leeds ; official assignee , Mr . Hope , Leeds—J . Dovu , Leeds , currier , November 7 , December 8 ; solicitor , Mr . Shackleton , Leeds , official aseignee , Mr . Hope , Leeds—J . Deane , Liverpool , chemidt , November 3 . December 8 ; solicitor , Mr . Peel , Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . Morgan , Liverpool .
1' Ouis Rossi, Hair-Cutter And -J Col Ffeult, 254 Regent-Street, Oppositell Anover-Square, Inventor Of The Transparent Headdresses And
1 ' OUIS ROSSI , HAIR-CUTTER and -J COl FFEUR . 254 Begent-Htreet , oppositell anover-squarc , _ . __ . . . r » I . .. ft' (•& v o I ) 4 111 , vi * X \ li I . K I \ 1 "fcl > U * t _ 'C : 1 , " U .. »» - !
ill v | niwi tt i n j i > m ivnii > 7 i ii ii i > t ^ . a . i > ijiii / m ^ - * m * *~ -- - j ^^ «••••>• PEKUICES , the Hair of which is singly attachrd to a thin , transparent fabric , rendering the skin of the liead perfectly visible ;; and being atlaehcd to a foundation constructed on geonictriciil principles , renders them superior to all others hitherto invented . n Sole proprietor of the CELEBRATED PE 1 UJVIAN BALM , which is unversally approved and admired . This HALM , containing neither ardent spirit , pungent esHentiul oils , nor other injurious materials , cleans the Iluir expeditiously , renders it beautifully bright , and imparts to it the delicate fragrance of Flowers . The Hair when washed with this Itnhn soon becomes pleasantly tu > rt , and luxuriant iii growth : and although by improperly employing injurious exuacts to clean it , the Hair may have been rendered harsh , or turned grey , it will toon be restored to its Natural Colour and Brilliancy bv lining tho 1 'EIUJVIAN BALM .
rWMiE AMERICA . —A valuable newly invented , J- * ery small , powerful WAISTCOAT I'OCKKT GLASS , the siie of a walnut , to discern minute objects Ht a di » tunc «; of from four to five mileB , wliich itj found to be invaluable to Yachtcrs , Sportsmen , Gieutleineu , und Gamekeepers , l ' rico 30 s . ; tent free . —TELESCOPES . A new and inout imporlnnt invention in Telescoped , poBseutiiug such extraordinary powers , tbut eome , 3 J inches , with an extra eye piecv , will allow distinctly Jupiter ' s mooim . Haturn ' a ring , und tho doublo Btarx . They luperscdc every other kind , and are of all much , for the waiutcoat pocket , shooting , military purponrB , & c . Opera mid Jluce- € ourne Glasses , with wonderful powertt ; a minute object can !>?¦ clearly seen from ten to twelve miles tlUtant . In- ' valuable , newly invented Preserving Spectacles ; iuviwible und ' nil kinds of acoustic instruments , for relief of < xtremo < le ; iflie «» , Mr « sru . S . and B . 8 OLOMONH , Optician * and Auriuts , 31 * . Albi-marle-street , Piccadilly , oppoaile the York Hotel . J
CXHJOA is u mil which , benuh-N fuiiiuiccous sub- J Mtance contains a bland oil . The oil in this nut Iiuh ono 1 advantage which in , that it in le «» liable than any other oil to , raiu-idi Lr Possessing thone two nutritive substances . Cocoa ia becornn m . moJt valuable article of diet , more particularly if . by , mechanical or other weans , the farinaceouB aubtituiicc can t >« bo perfactly incorporated with the oily , that the on < i will prevent the otUer from sepuratinir . Such ¦ union ia presented iii the , CI"Vto tfft ^ fr * It 44 M KH KPPM ; wkI thus , winlo the deliirhi-KllMiTuQiisil ' Jfr li nt upon the oil , U rutnineil , tho whole ¦ WlUlMIMlKlMMmHil with the mout delicate utonwich . ' ^ AMSMflWWfcSaJtocBopathic Chemiut . lliJ . <; r « ut Ru . ssull- < . ' fto * Kvi 3 HB M * ifofcn *" ol ( t JUrond-strett , Oily . London . ¦^ rafflE
r _ I a ¦ ¦ T ? NAMELIiED DAGUERREOTYPES by -Ci Mr . BEABD . 85 . KING WILLIAM-STREET , CITY ; 34 PARLIAMRNT-STKEET : and the KOYALi POLYTECHlflC jStiTTOMPM . ' » EGENT-STBEET ; alto 31 , CHUBCH-8 TB » Er . LFVEKPOOL . . Mr . B . BEABD has recently introduced an important Improvement , by which hU Daguerreotype Miniatures are enamelled , and thereby eecured from that susceptibility to tarnish and become obscured , which all others are liable to ; the colours also attain the brilliancy , depth of tone , and permanency of an * ti I nainiinrf
' - . 1 r • ; ' L ! j ; ; ; ; ; Vtl ^/(• lUblllgt ^ _ ] | - | a MUSEMENT AND INSTRUCTION . — J \ . The public are admitted , without charge , to the British Museum , National Gallery , East India Company ' s Museum , London Missionary Society ' s Museum , and to the Splendid Exhibition of Art and Industry , on view from 8 in the morning ; till 8 at night , at Benetfink and Company ' s Emporium for Furnishing Ironmongery , 89 and 80 , Cheapside , London . The splendid stock comprises every variety of Electro-plated Wares , Chande-Hers , Lamps , Tea-urns , Tea-trays , Cutlery , Iron Bedsteads , Baths , Stoves , Fire-irons ; in short , every requisite either for the Mansion or the Cottage . . At this establishment you cannot be deceived , because every article is marked in plain figures , and at such prices as can be offered only by a house whose gross sales are so enormous as to enable them to sell the best articles at 10 or 15 per cent , less than any other house in ihe king dom . That we can furnish a mansion , is demonstrated by the continued patronage of the nobility » nd gentry ; and to prove that we can also suit the necessary and Judicious economy of those moving in a more humble sphere , we are enabled actually to furnish an eight-roomed house for £ b , and the articles , too , of the best quality and workmanship . This may appear incredible ; but as we are the largest buyers of iron goods , to say nothing of those of our own manufacture , in London , we c » n do it , and subjoin a list of the requisites : — 1 Hall-lamp £ 10 $ 1 Umbrella-stand ° * J 1 Bronzed Dining-room Fender and Standards .. 0 5 6 1 Set of Polished Steel Fire-iron 0 3 6 1 Brass Toast-stand .. .. •• •• ° 7 5 1 Fire-guard 0 16 1 Bronzed and Polished Steel Scroll Fender .. 0 8 6 1 Set Polished Steel Fire-irons , Bright Pan .. 0 5 6 1 Ornamented Japanned Scuttle and Scoop .. 0 4 6 1 Best Bed-room Fender and Polished Steel Fireirons 0 7 0 2 Bed-room Fenders , and 2 Sets of Fire-irons .. 0 7 6 Set of Four Block-tin Dish Covers .. .. 0 11 6 1 Bread- grater , 6 d ., Tin Candlestick , 9 d 0 13 1 Teakettle , Ss . 6 d .. 1 Gridiron , Is . .. .. 0 3 6 I Frying-pan , Is ., 1 Meat-chopper , Is . 6 d 0 2 6 i Coffeepot . Is ., 1 Colander , Is . 0 2 0 1 Dust-pan . 6 d ., I Fish-kettle , 4 s 0 4 6 1 Fish-slice , 6 d . 1 Flour-box , 8 d . 0 12 1 Pepper-box 004 3 Tinned Iron Saucepans .. .. .. .. 050 1 Oval Boiling-pot , 3 s . 8 d ., 1 Set of Skewers , 4 d . .. 0 4 0 3 Spoons , 9 d ., Tea-pot and Tray . 3 s . .. .. 0 3 9 Toasting-fork 006 ~~ £ 5 0 0 Notb . —Any one or more of the articles maybe selected at the above prices . And all orders for £ 5 and upwards will be forwarded free to any ' part of the kingdom . Note , therefore , the addre-s . BENETFINK and Co ., 89 and 90 , Cheapside . London ; and if you are about to furnish , and want to buy economically and tastefullv visit this establishment .
' ' J < K ( li "IJlSNTRAlTCO-OPERATIVE AGENCY , INSTITUTED UNDER TRUST , TO COUNTERACT THE SYSTEM OF ADULTERATION AND FRAUD NOW PREVAILING IN THE TRADE . AND TO PROMOTE THE PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION . Trustees—Edward VansittartNeale . Esq . ( Founder of the Institution ); and Thomas Hughes . Esq . ( one of the Contributors ) . Commercial Firm—Lechevalier . Wood in , Jones , and Co . Central Establishment—76 . Charlotte-street . Fitiroy-sq . London . Branch Establishments—35 , Great Marylebone-street , Portlandplace . London ; and 13 . Swan-street . Manchester . The agency is instituted for a period of 100 years . Its objects are to counteract the system ot adulteration and fraud now prevailing in the trade ; to deal as agents for the consumers in purchasing the articles for their consumption , and for the producers in selling their produce ; to promote the progress of the principle of Association ; to find employment for cooperative associations by the collection of orders to be executed und » -r especial guarantee to the customers . A commercial firm , acting under the permanent control of trustees , has been found the safer and more acceptable mode of carrying out these objects according to law . The agency consists , therefore , of trustees , contributors , subscribers , and a commercial partnership . The capital required for the wholesale and retail business having been supplied by the founder and the first contributors , no exproSB call is made at present , cither for contributions or subscriptioitB . The cnpital will be further increaued after the public have been made acquainted with the objects of the institution , and have experienced it * mode of dealing . Customers , after three inonthu' regular dealing , are entitled to a bonut , to be fixed according to the amount of their transaction * by the council of the agency , consisting of the trustees and partners . After payment of all expenses , salaries , profits , and bonuses returned to contributors , « ubnciibers , « nd regular customers , the general proUta are to be accumulated , part to form a reserve fund , and part to promote cooperative association * . Bu » iness transacted wholesale and retail . Subscribers . Cooperative Stores , Working Men ' s Aiuooiatioiis , Regular Customers , and the Public supplied . The Agency intend hereafter to undertake the execution of all orders for any kind of articles or produce ; their operations for the present are restricted to GROCERIES , WINES , and ITALIAN ARTICLES , an » hi'KCIMhn of what can be donu with the support of cooperative- customers . Ruleo have bern framed and printed to enable any number of familiei of all clauses , in any district of I-ondon , or any part of < tho country , to form themselves into " Friendly Societies" for enjoying the benefit of Cooperative Stores . To be sent by post < to |>& rtie » forwarding four stamnit . I Particulars of tho nuliiro and objeclH of the Central Cooperative Agency , irith a Digest of the Deed of ( Settlement , are lo be / found in the printed report of a meeting held at the Central Ofllce , of the Agency . To be sent by pout to parties forwarding 4 stamps . . A lint of artioleH with tho wholesale pric « n for Cooperative Storm , uixl u detailed Catalogue for private ouutoiiioru , will uluo t bo brut liy pout on iiuynit-. nl of «> n « postage stamp for the Wholesale Lint , and two lor the Catalo ^ iu-. I'ai liciilurH , KuIch , l . iut , and Catalogue will be forwarded iin- ' mediately on receipt of ten posture Htauips . All communications to ho addrfuued lo MM . Lechevalier , * Woodin , Joiicn , uiul Co ., at the Cciitial-ofllcc , 7 ( i , Charlotte- K utieet , r'ilzroy-squure . * •« OllDKKS FOll THE AHSOCIAT 1 ONS OF WORKING MEN ALUKADY IN EXIHTKNcK— It ( J ILDKKti , PRINTERS . < j HAIvKlta , TAILORS . H 11 OKMAK ' ERH , NEEDLEWOMEN— ( CAN HE BENT THRotKill THE AUENGV , AND WILL 11 RECEIVE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION . 1 | , , , <
r THE GREAT WESTERN AND FORp ^ ; - ¦ . OF DEAN COAL COMPANY . ^^^ X CAPITAL , JE 25 . 000 . In Shares , of £ 1 each—paid-up . _ , Provisionally registered pursuant to 7 th and 8 th Viet Mn i , * I Temporary Office-No . 3 , Bridge-atrect , Westmin ' ste ?* ° J . TRUSTEES . . * 8 Colonel Salwey , M . P ., Egham-park , Surrey a James Harmer Esq ., Ingreas-park , Greenhithe , Kent . This Company is formed for the purpose of working » r - Field , situate in the Forest of Dean , Gloucestershire and iirfJi u the present Proprietors under a grant direct fro m ' the Or y 1 comprising an area of about one hundred and fifty Acrp » j . contains five Seams of Coal , of fifteen feet in thickness thr r which it is proposed to work , which will produc e UDwarrta ° i 1 three million and a half Tons of Coal . awards of r One of the Seams alluded to produces Cannel Coal of whi k there is a large consumption in the Gas Works of London anH other places . The other two Seams are already in great demand both in the Provincial and Foreign Markets ; large quantitiw being consumed by the Steam Engines of West Gloucesternhirl the Cotton Mills and Gas Works of Bristol , and the Iron Fur ' ; naces of the surrounding districts . Immense supplies ari > shipped from Lydney , under the well-known title of " Forest ' Wall's End "—a coal equal in quality to the best Newcastle . Specimens of the various Seams of Coal from the Forest of r Dean have been sent to the Exhibition in H yde-park by Mr L Atkinson , one of her Majesty's Deputy Gavellers of the Forest The nature and capabilities of this Coal Field have lon <* been ! known , and , in the immediate neighbourhood , made available Hitherto , the want of Railway Communication haB kept the prol j ductions of this Field out of the London Market . The difficulty of transport is now obviated ; x Branch of the Gr « at Western Railway , six miles in extent , is about to be carried through this ; very Coal Field , and will pa 39 close to the intended Pit ' s ; Mouth . ; This Company will , therefore , be able to afford the means of ; supplying with the best fuel , and at a cheaper rate than ever yet ; offered , not only London , vrith its Foundries , Gas Works , and Steam Mills , but also the Towns and Villages on the line of the Great Western Railway . Amongst the places which can be so supplied may be named , Gloucester , Cheltenham , Stonehouse , Slroud , Brinscombe , Cirencester , Tetbury , Swindon , Farringdon , Wantage , Abingdon , Oxford , Woodstock , Wallingford , Newbury , Goring , Pangbourne , Basingstoke , Reading , High Wycombe , Great Marlow , Maidenhead , Egham , Windsor , Slough , Uxbridge , Colnbrook , and the Port of Southampton with its large fleet of ocean steamers . FORM OF APPLICATION FOR SHARES . GREAT WESTERN AND FOREST OF DEAN COAL COMPANY . Gentleften , —I request you to allot me Shares in the above Company , and I agree to accept the same , or any less number that may be allotted to me , to pay the sum of Jt'l per Share , and to sign the Deed of Settlement when the same shall be ready for execution . Name Address Business Referee Address of Referee Dated this day of To tlie Provisional Directors of the above-mentioned Company , Prospectuses may be obtained of , and application for the remaining shares addressed to the Secretary , at the offices , as above ; or to the Solicitors to the Company , Messrs . Coombe and Nicoll ; Messrs . Lind and Rickard , stockbrokers , 3 , Bank Chambers , Lothbury ; and of the following agents : —Bristol : Henry Dayrell , Esq ., stockbroker , 6 , Clare-street . —Gloucester : G . P . Willccs . Esq ., solicitor . —Liverpool : Messrs . Lowe and Sons , stockbrokers . —Plymouth : J . B . Wilcocks , Esq ., Barbican . — Windior : Henry Darvill , Esq ., solicitor . By order of the Directors , HENRY CAPPER , Secretary . , - - , , - ,
A PPLICATIONS OF GUTTA PERCHA .-XTjL DOMESTIC , & c . —Soles for Boots and Shoes , Lining for Cisterns , & c . Picture Frames , Looking-glass Frames , Ornamental Mouldings , Bowls . Drinking Cups , Jar » , Soap Dishea . Vases , Ornamental Jnk-stands , Noiseless Curtain Ring * . Card . Fruit , Pin , and Pen Trays . Tooth-brush Trays , Shavingbrush Trays . Window-blind Cord , Clothes' Line , Drain ami Soil Pipes , Tubing for Watering Gardens , Stc , Lining for Bonnets , Watch Stands , Shells , and Lighter Stands & VHGICA . L—Splints , Thin Sheet for Bandages . Stethoscopes , har Trumpets . Bed Straps , and Bedpans for Invalids . CHKMICAIj —Carboys . Vessels for Acids . & c , Siphons , Tubing for conveying Oils , Acids , Alkalis . & c . Flasks , Bottles . Lining for Tanks ana Funnels . MANUFACTURING—Buckets . Mill Bauds , I « mp Buck « U , Felt Kdging . Bosses . Shuttle Buds , Washera . K » una Uanitu and Cord . Breasts for Water-Wheels . FOR OHlCl ' . b , & c—Wafer Holders , Ink-stands , Ink-cups . Pen Trays , Cusn Bowla , Washing Basins . & c . Tubes for CoiiTeying Messafjes , Canvas for covering Books , Sec , and Plan Canes . Auiii-CUI / L'UttAL —Tubing for Liquid Manure , ''« llln ? _ Muiiujc- Tanks . Traces , and Whips . JJLKCTKIOAK « c-Covering for Electric Telegraph Wire . Insulating Stools , lJalury Cell * , mid Electrotype Moulds . OIW AM EM TAL—M edallions . Brackets , Cornices , Mouldings in imitation of Carved "" t Bouewoud , & c , and Picture Frames . USES ON SHIl'llOAU ^ Life Ititoys . Buckets . Pump Buckets . Hand Speaking liu"np < i- »» Drinking Cups , Waterpioof Canvas . Life Boat Cells . lu , " . ' ,,, Pumping Water from the Hold to the Deck . Round und I * "" ; " Cords . Lining for Hoxes . MISCELLANEOUS—Suction 1 *!»* - * for Fire Engines , liuckets . Communion Traya , Tubing for v « tilation , Hearing Apparatus for Oeaf Peiaona , Uallt , * " . Htavt's , Life Preservers , Railway Convetsfttion Tubes . Mm Capi . Thread . & c . OHicial Seals . Sec , Powder Flasks , & c- « ; The Gutta l ' ercha Company . Patentees , 18 . Wharf-ro » U , cuj road . — —' . — ^ — I , i . iii . . , — - ¦— ' - ¦ !!¦ ' — - " _ . ,
MA T 111 M O N I A L A L h I A N O - ASSOCIATION . ( LEGALLY KSTAMIJSIIhO . ) < ' «" ducted l , y u committee of gentlemen of hig h Htaudintf in « ' ( incluJiuif two members of thu legal prof «« ai (>» of KrealeiHi _ ^ on principles of equity and honour with inviolable aecrt j both sexes . - frcl . The system of introduction adopted by this Society ^ from tho many olyectiona all other association * |» oau « - »» . tlc alik « ap ^ licuble to nil olabuca of society , from tno [»« . peamuit . , fr () n , This AHSociatlon has been many yearH in <> l »« r * 1 ° " i " i , « , ir la « t tho Kreut succeuu uttviidin ]; it tho niHi » if (» : rM deouu « > , illU , < , uart « rly moetintf to extend it « publicity tbiou K U tho ofthuprutm . nicutio " The « onlld « iitiul secretaries being- in «|»» 'y ^""'" . " " . u with | i «[ Ni » of both Hexe » in nil l > oHill «»»» «» " ' /' . ivory K uuraia « o a »|» oody arraiufcment to tho Hall « fa < . tio » applicant . minted for " Tho prospectus coiitiuninfr every instruction wiiu I ll , | , ll -e » n ofupplioation . &« . . will b « forwarded , p . iHt free . U " ? (( f \ i ( uitltm- r . ral or lle . titioua in th . ) ( ir » t t » " % i "™\" n v t moM « ^' iiohIuku Humps , by the ehief neoretary " I "'""" * A " li »« i ., lo . < Jiaoh « Hler-pluce , JiintfD-croMB , London . , < | < I / , . ' * K * < j ( 11 1
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 25, 1851, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_25101851/page/22/