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Ocr. 25, 1851J W ».»»»«*» ¦ 1027 and
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Ocr. 25, 1851j W ».»»»«*» ¦ 1027 And
Ocr . 25 , 1851 J W » . »»»«*» ¦ 1027 and
" A CARD . ^ DOBSON COLLET , late of the Royal Italian Ssssesssskss nmni wick-square . .
itlrTTRE GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE , M ANNUITY and FAMILY ENDOWMENT A 8 $ OCIA . T ^ a ? S ^« SiSKt the age of 25 to assure £ 1000 in , ^ h offices as adopt the principle of granting Bonuses at stated in ££ R wiff 2 ? Te Ml'iW assure " nearly ^^ 00 Here is an IMMEDIATE B 0 NU 8 of what requires more than twepty v « ar « to attain in other cases . ' y Endowments granted on liberal terms for School and College Education . Professional Premiums , Marriage Portions , & c . Oct . 1851 . WILLIAM BRIDGES , Actuary and Secretary .
R " ECIPROCAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 32 , Great Coram-street , Russell-aquare . Capital— £ 100 , 000 , in 20 , 000 Shares of £ 5 each . Deposit , 10 s . per Share . One-tenth of the profits of the Company will form a fund for the relief of aged anddistressed Shareholders and Members , their Widows and Orphans . TBTJSTBKS . T . A . Knight , Esq . I J- Moseley , Esq .. B . C . L . R . Marshsdl , Esq ., M . A . I Reverend C . Owen , M . A . F . C . 8 key , Esq ., F . R . S . This Company it established for the pur ^ se of bringing the benefits of Life Assurance within the reacn or all classes , and with this view its details have been most carefully considered , ¦ o as to afford every facility and advantage consistent with safety . Three-fifths of the Profits being annually divided among those members who have paid five annual premiums . The Business of the Company embraces Assurances , Annuities , and Endowments of every kind ; also Annuities payable During Sickness ; Assurances of Leaseholds , Copyholds , and other Terminable Interests ; and Guarantee Assurances for the Fidelity of persons in places of Trust . SPECIAL ADVANTAGES TO ASSURERS . Policies wiU be granted for any sum as low as £ 5 . No Policy Stamp , Entrance Fee , or other charge , except the Premium . Policies indisputable , except in cases of actual fraud . Diseased and Declined Lives assured at equitable and moderate rates . Premiums may be paid Quarterly or Monthly if desired . Half the Premium , for the first seven years , may remain unpaid . Every further information may be bad on application to the Actuary and Resident Director .
PROFESSIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . Admitting , on equal terms " , persons of every das 3 and degree to all its benefits and advantages . Capital—Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds . Chairman—Major Henry Stones , LL . B . Deputy Chairman—Jambs Andrew Durham , Esq . With upwards of Fourteen Hundred Shareholders . There are two important clauses in the Deed of Settlement , by which the Directors have power to appropriate ONE-TENTH of the entire profits of the Company : — 1 st . —For the relief of aged and distressed parties assured for life , who have paid five years' premiums , their widows and orphans . 2 nd . —For the relief of agtfd and distressed original proprietors , assured or not , their widows and orphans , together with 5 per cent . p « r annum on the capital originally invested by them . All policies indisputable and free of stamp duty . Rates of premium extremely moderate . No extra charge for going to or residing at ( in time of peace ) Australasia— Bermuda— Madeira—Cape of Good Hope—the British North American Colonies—and the Mauritius . Medical men in all cBses remunerated for their report . Assurances granted against paralysis , blindness , accidents , insanity , and every other affliction , bodily and mental , at moderate rates . A liberal commission allowed to agents . Annual premium for assuring £ 100 , namely . — Age—20 £ 1 10 9 I Age—40 £ 2 13 6 30 £ 1 19 6 I 50 £ 3 18 6 Prospectuses , with tables and fullest information , may be had at the oflices of the Company , or any of their agents . Applications for agencies requested . EDWARD IJAYLI 8 , Resident Manager and Actuary . Oflices , 76 , Cheapaide , London .
EAGLE INSURANCE COMPANY , Established by Act of Parliament 53 Oeo . III ., and Kegulated by Deed Enrolled in the High Court of Chancery , & , Crescent , New Uridge-street , Ulackfriars . DittBtrroitH . The Honourable John Chetwynd Talbot , Q . C ., Chairman . Walter Anderson Peacock , Esq ., Deputy Chairman . Charles Dischoff , Kb < j . Charles Thos . Holcombe , Ettq . Thomas ltaddirifdou . Esq . Hichard Iliinrmn Lloyd , Esq . Thomas Devns , Ks < j . Joshua I . ockwood , Kb « i . Nathaniel Gould , K «< l . ltalph Charles Price , I ' . aq . Robert Alexander Gray , Esq . William Wybrow , Esq . AUDITORS , Jamea Gnsgoiiie Lynde , Esq . | Thoa . Godfrey Sainbrooke , Esq . PHYSICIAN . OoorgeLcith Roupell . M . D ., K . R . 8 ., 15 , Welbeck-street . nuuouoNH . James Saner , Eflfl ., M . I ) ., Finsbury-square . William Cooke . Esq ., M . I ) . . . Trinity-square . Tower-hill . Actuary and Secretnry—Charles Jellicoe , Knq . The Assured havu received from thia Company , in satisfaction <* their claims , upwards of Xl . WO . 000 . The Amount » t present Assured U £ 3 , 600 , 000 nearly , and the income of the Company is about £ liift , ( S 00 . At the last Division of Surplus about £ 100 . 000 w «« added to the HiiiiiB a « Biir < - < l under policies for the whole turm of life . Tho DlvUion U Quinquennial , and the whole Burpluu , Ioih iJO p « r cent , only , in distribute A mnongHt the uaiured . 1 'hu liven uMaurcd iue permitted in time of peace to rtiaido n any country , or to pans by sea ( not biiimr seafaring perHons ¦» y profeHHlon ) but-ween any two purtH of the name heininphen ; diHtunt moro limn 3 » degree * from the equator , without extra hftrgn . Deeds assigning policies are registered at the tnlco , and a « - ¦ 'ffmneiits can bo olh-cled on forma supplied th « : r < from . I'lio biiHineuB uf the Company 1 b conducted on j n « t and liberal pniielnlob , and tluiiittureatu of tho aaaurud In all parlioulum uro carefully consulted . Tho Annual R .-portn «> f tho Company ' s state and pro |< rcnH , lHuapootm ^ H ami frrinw , may be had , or will bo Kent pout »*«*> uU application .
MET ROPOLITAN COUNTIES and GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 27 , Regentstreet , Waterloo-place , London . DIRECTORS . Samuel Driver , Esq . J ^ " ^ - Llttl f |? ' ? 9 *' John Griffith Frith . Esq . ? dwar , » T"t . fn 8 q ' Henrv Peter Fuller , Esq . 8 amuel Miller , Esq . joTOSkoHaSS-v f = ^ rd vrSPSSSL *** q " Petpr Wood Esa Sir Thomas N . Reeve . Spt ' iSS G F % otham , - R . N . William Studley , Esq . Life Assurances . Annuities , and Endowments . Three-fourths
INDUSTRIAL BRANCH OF THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Incorporated by Act of Parliament , 7 and 8 Vic ., cap . 110 . With a Guarantee Fund of Fifty Thousand Pounds . Chief Office , 34 , Moprgate-street , Bank , London . TRUSTEES . John Hinde Palmer , Esq .. I Thomas Wiakworth , Esq . William Anthony Purnell , Esq . | John Poole , lisq . DIRECTORS . William G . H . Baines , Esq ., Kensington . Stephen Broad . Esq ., Rye-hill , Peckham . e ,,, iar , > , am William Carr , Esq . ? Bishopsgate-street Without , and Sydenham . John Cropp , Esq ., Oakland-house , Clapham . Joseph Davison / Esq .. Friday-street , Cheapside , and Highgate . Wellingtou Gregory , Esq ., Cheapside . John Poole , Esq ., Gutter-lane , Cheapside , and Highbury . Wilham Anthony Purnell , Esq ., Oriental Club , and Lee , Kent . AUDITORS . James Hutton , Esq ., Accountant . Moorgate-street . Henry Chatteris , Esq ., Accountant , Gresham-street . William Henry Furnell , Esq ., Accountant , Old Jewry . PHYSICIAN . Henry Letheby , Esq ., M . D ., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence , London Hospital . SURGEONS . Thomas Olliver Duke , Esq ., Kennington . Thomas Carr Jackson , Esq ., Hamilton-place , New-road . Bankers—Commercial Bank of London . SOLICITOR . Edward Kelly Harris , Esq ., 52 , Lincbln ' s-inn-flelds .. SURVEYOR . Henry Annesley Voysey , Esq ., Guildford-street , Russell-square . Manager—J . W . Sp * ague , Esq . The Directors of this Society , in addition to the ordinary business usually transacted by Life Assurance Societies , have formed a distinct Branch for the Industrial Classes , embracing every system of Life Assurance , and for that purpose have caused extensive tables to be prepared , combining themterests of every class of Assurers , in a manner more comprehensive than has hitherto been attempted by any similar Society . The system of Life Assurance hitherto propounded , although admirably well adapted to the means and circumstances of the middling and higher classes of society , nevertheless is not available to the ever-varying condition of nearly nine-tenths of the people of this great commercial country , viz ., the Industrial Nhfepence per Mouth , or the cost of one pint of beer per week , will secure JE 30 to the wife and family , at the death of a man aged 25 next birthday ; or . One Shilling and Three Pence per Month will secure to a per-» on of the same age the sum of £ 25 on his attaining the age of 60 , or the same sum would be paid to his family should he die before attaining that age . NON-FORFEITURE OF MONEY PAID . 8 hould a person from any cause be unable to meet the payment of bis Premium , he will not lose the benefit of the Assurance but will be allowed , as often as the value of the Policy will admit , to charge the amount thereof on his Policy ; or , Should a person be altogether unable to continue the Assurance the Sums paid will not be forfeited as in other Offices as he will be granted , by the Directors , another Policy of less amount , but equivalent to the sums already paid , and exonerated from any future payments . .. - « ,, * . The Rates of Premium for Deferred Annuities , Endowments fDr Children , and every other information may be obtained of the Secretary , at the Oflices of the Society , 34 , Moorgate-Btreet , llank , or of any of the Agents .
GRATIS 1 GRATIS I—A BOON TO Till * l'UULIO 1 Just published , the I 47 th Thousand , EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR ! A popular Medical Work , devoid of all technicalities . 8 ant post free on receipt of four postage stamps , by Dr . UUTimiB , 6 . Ainpton-street , Gray ' s-inn-roatl , London . " Your book has been an incalculable blessing to me . II . MAUTlN , Wclwyn , Herts . — "I will insure your book an immense circulation in this neighbourhood . It has only to be read to be appreciated . " Reverend R . HiNO . Colney . — " 1 his book appears cipreasly written for the million ; the details of symptoms . , are as plain as an ordinary spelling-book . Kent Herald .
DO YOU WANT BEAUTIFUL AND LUXURIANT IIA lit , WHISKERS , MOUSTA 0 HIO 8 . KYKHUOWB , Etc . i T HE Immense Public Patronage bestowed upon Miss ELLEN GRAHAM'S N IOUKRKNK . during the last seven years , ia sufficient evidence of iln amazing properties in reproducing the human hair , whether lost by diseane or natural decay , preventing the hair falling off . strengthening weak hair , and checking K' « y » ' «» a . It in guaranteed to produce whwkerH . inouutachioH , fcc . in three or four weekn , without Jail . It ih elrjruntly scented ; and sufficient for three months use will be nent post-free , on receipt of tw « nty-four poHtago-Htaini-a . by MIbb KUen Graham . , hand-court , Holborn , London . Unlike all other preparations for tho Hair , it it . free lroin aitincial colouring ant { filthy ( rreaeineBS , well known to bo so injurious Ubnuinr Testimonial * . — " I had been bald for years ; your Nloukrene has quite remored my hnir . '— Ilonry Watkiim . Colncy . Herts . " 1 have used your Nioukrenu threu weekt ) , and am happy to inform you that a full mouutiiclw ia growing . "J . IliMiimond , Naan . Ireland . " My h : tir wub turning grey rapidly ; U has ufflictuully cheeked it . and I have new hair jrrowinif . "— R . ElkinB . Surgeon . ' « It in tho b «» t nujraury preparation 1 everuaed . "—Mn . ltose , Clicshiiin . For the nursery , Nioukreno 1 h invaluable , its balsamic properties being- admirably aditpted to infuut ' a huir . LIQUID HAIR DYE . —Tho only perfect onu extant is Mins Grahum ' a . It is u cleivr liquid , that chauu ;« u hair ill three imiiuteB to any tdiade , from light auburn to jut bl . uik , ho natural an to dufy detection , does not slHln th « skin , and iu fife from every objectionable quality . It neetlo only to be used once , producing a permanent dy « for over . I ' uruom * who hav e been deceived by uDeltiuii preparations ] ( dangerous to the head , & c . ) will find this Dye perfect lu every re . ipi- < : l , and that " nonu but ituelf can be it « parallel . " Trice 3 h ., sent nont-freo b y pout lor forty-two postage utmnps , by Miss Clruuam , 11 , Iituid-oourt , Holborn , l , ondon . I ' rofeaaor Ryan uays :- — " * Your dyo in the only pure and perfect one I havo unulyzud ; tho uuutrul principle lu decidedly better than all othcru' *
-VTERVOUSNESS , and all its attendant miseries J _^ l and distressing symptoms , positively CUBED , without the least inconvenience or danger to the most delicate constitution , by a new and infallible remedy ; guaranteed to effect a perfect cure in the moat inveterate case ; even in cases of complete prostration of nervous energy its success is certain . Dr . Alfred Beaumont , M . D ., M . R . C . S ., and Consulting Physician , having long used it in his private practice without a single instance of failure , begs to offer it to the Public , from benevolence rather than gtdn ; and will send it carriage free , with full directions , upon receipt of 7 s . 6 d . in postage stamps , addressed to him at 6 , Beaufort-street , Strand , London . DEAFNESS — SINGING in the EARS . — Extraordinary Cures are effected daily , in cases long since pronounced incurable by the Faculty . Even in cases of total deafness , which have existed a lifetime , a positive cure can be guaranteed without pain or operation , by a newly discovered and infallible mode of treatment , discovered and practised only by Dr . FBANCIS , Physician , Aurist , 40 , Liverpool-street , King's Cross , London . Dr . F . has applied this new treatment in the presence of and on several of the most eminent medical men of the day , who have been utterly astonished at its magical effect . All martyrs to these distressing complaints should immediately consult Dr . Francis , as none need now despair , however bad theircase . Hours of consultation daily from Eleven till Four , and Six till Nine- Country patients , stating their case by letter , will receive the means of cure per post , with such advice and directions as are guaranteed to render failure impossible .
CUBES FOB THE UNCUBED ! HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT . —An extraordinary Cure of Scrofula , or King ' s Evil . Extract of a Letter from Mr . J . H . Alliuay , 209 , High-street , Cheltenham , dat « d the 22 nd of January , 1850 . To Professor Hollo way . • Sir , —My eldest son , when about three years of age , was afflicted with a Glandular Swelling- in the neck , which , after a short time , broke out into an Ulcer . An eminent medical man pronounced it as a very bad case of Scrofula , and prescribed for a considerable time without effect . The disease then for four years went on gradually increasing- in virulence , when , besides the ulcer in the neck , another formed below the left knee , and a third under the eye , besides seven others on the left arm , with a tumour between the eyes , which was expected to break . During- the whole of the time my suffering boy had received the constant advice of the most celebrated medical Gentlemen at Cheltenham , besides being for several months at the General Hospital , where one of the Surgeons said that he would amputate the left arm , but that the blood was so impure that , if that limb were taken off , it would be then even impossible to subdue the disease . In this desperate state I determined to give your Pills and Ointment a trial , and , after two months' perseverance in their use , the tumour gradually began to disappear , and the discharge from all the ulcers perceptibly decreased , and at the expiration of eight months they were perfectly healed , and the boy thoroughly restored to the blessings of health , to the astonishment of a large circle of acquaintances , who could testify to the truth of this miraculous case . Three years have now elapsed without any recurrence to the malady , and the boyis now as healthy as heart can wish . Under these circumstances I consider that 1 should be truly ungrateful were I not to make you acquainted with this wonderful cure , effected by your medicines , after every other means had failed . J . H . Allida . y : " Sold by the Proprietor , 244 , Strand ( near Temple Bar ) , London , and by all respectable Venders of Patent Medicines throughout the Civilized World , in Pots and Boxes , at Is . lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., 11 s ., 22 s ., and 33 s . each . There s a very considerable saving ia taking the larger sizes . N . I ! . —Directions for the guidance of Patients are affixed to each pot or box . ____^______
DR . CULVEUWELLON NKRVOUSN KSS , DEBILITY , AND INDIGESTION ; also on Urinary Derangements , Constipation , and Haemorrhoids . Is . each ; by post , Is . ( id . WHAT TO EAT , DRINK , AND AVOID . " Abstinentia inulli curantur morbi . " A popular exposition of the principal causes ( over an . careless feeding , & c . ' of the above harassing and distressing complaints , with an equally intelligible and popular exposition of how we ehould live to get rid of them ; to which is addetl diet tables for every meal in the day , and full instructions for the regimen and observance of every hour out of the twenty-four : illustrated by numerous cases , & c . VoIh . 2 and 3 , companions to the preceding , THK ENJOYMENT OK LIFK . | HOW TO UK HAPPY . " Jucundt ; Vivere . " IV . ON TJRINATIY DISORDERS , CONSTIPATION , and H . / KMORUIIOIDS ; their Obviation and Kemoval . Sherwood , 'J 3 , PaternoBter-row ; Mann , ' M , Cornhill ; and the Autltor , 10 , Argyll-placis , Recent-street : consultation bourn , ten to twelve ; evcningn , seven till nine .
A NEW MEDICINE . PRANKS'S SPECIFIC CAPSULK— -A . form of Medicine at once Baft ? , mire , speedy , and pleasant , eupeciully applicable to urcthral morbid t » ecretionH , and other ailments for which copailiaand cubebs are commonly administered . Kneh Capsule containing the Specific u \ miule of the purest Gelatine , which , enr . anccl in tinfoil , may lie conveniently carried in the pocket , mul , being both elantio untl pleasant to tiike , affords the greatest facility for repeating the doses without interiiUHsion—a desideratum to persona travelling , visiting , or engaged in business , as well uh to tht > ae who object to fluid inedicineH , being unobjectionable to the most susceptible Ktoinucli . rrepitredonly b y ( JKOHOK FRAN KK , Burgeon , at l » i » Laboratory , 'JO , lilaekfriius-road , London , where they may be had , and of all Medicine Venders , in boxes , at iin . Dd . and 4 s . ( id . each , or Hint free by pout at 3 w . and Jia . each . Of whom , also , may bo hud , in bottleu , at 2 b . ' . Id ., 4 « . <) d ., and lit * , each , l'KANKB-8 hVhOIFIC SOLUTION OF COPAIBA . THHT 1 MON 1 AI . H , From Joseph Henry ( Jrvcn , Esq ., K . K . b ., 1 ' renident of the Itoyal College of SurgeoiiB , London ; Senior Surgeon to St . Thoinan ' ts HoHplUl ; and l'rofusMor of ( Surgery in King ' n College , London . "I have made trial of Mr . Frank . )' a Molutioii of Copaiba , at St . Thomas's Hospital , in a variety of enact ) , and tho reaulln warrant my mating , that it W an elllcaoiouu r . inody and on « which does not product ) the usual uiip lei . BHiit efteot * of < , <> pull > a . ( Blglicdj " JOHBl'II HKNUY UUHHN . " Lincoln ' s-inii Fields , April l . > , 1835 . " From Knumhy Coo ,,,-. . Km ,., F . R . ., one of the Count , I of the Hoyal Collie of K . irV '"'" . ' ¦"" < l <> " f" «> r H"W fm lo ° " a Ho « pital ; and Loc . turor on Anatomy , & o . f , ' Mr . li . a . mby Ooo ,. e « present * his co . np i . nent » Mr < leorco FrankH and him irr ' iit pleuaurti in bearing ttmtiinony to tlio ... -acy ' t . f » Hoh . - > .. « , /«»| M . il « . Mr . Cooper 1 ... proBorlbed t " ! ' SohUion in ten or twelve cu » e » with perfect hiiooohh . I * ^ S ^ lluoC ' ^ t ^ tal ¦*»««" * counterfeit . bT the Oovernment Ht « . r . p- « . n which i » engraven " UBOBUB I'KAKKB . Maokfrlanj-road "—btilaff attached to each .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 25, 1851, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_25101851/page/23/