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October 25,1856-1 THE DEADER. 1011
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October 25,1856-1 The Deader. 1011
October 25 , 1856-1 THE DEADER . 1011
Fatal, Accident At The Surrey ° A Garden...
FATAL , ACCIDENT AT THE SURREY GARDENS . An appalling catastrophe took place on Sunday evening in the New Music Hallof the Surrey Gardens . The Rev . Mr . Spurgeon , a young Methodist clergyman who has recently attracted great attention by the vehemence of his oratory , bad advertised that he would preach on that evening in the building alluded to , the money paid in admission ( after the discharge of all expenses ) being de- voted to the erection of a new building capable of hold- ing 15 , 000 people , iu -which Mr . Spurgeon proposes to continue his exhortations . Upwards of 10 , 000 persons attended on Sunday evening in the Music Hall ; and the preacher had not long commenced the service , and was addressing his audience , when an alarm was given which led to most lamentable results . The precise nature of that alarm remains in mystery . According to some accounts , three men rose up in the body of the hall ¦ with extended arms , and shouted " Fire ! " According to others , there was a cry of " The building ! the build- ing ! " or " The galleries are falling ! " Others again state that there was a slight ringing of a bell , while some say that they heard a noise as of the rumbling of carriages approaching the building . However this might have been , there was a sudden and uncontrollable panic . A frantic rush Was made by the people in the first or lowest gallery , and , pouring precipitately and in a dense mass down the circular stone staircase in the north-west tower , many of them fell and were trampled to death . When within six feet of the bottom of the stairs , the balustrades snapped under the strong pressure ; but "it is beyond all question , " says the Times , " that death in every case ensued upon the staircase . It is also an indisputable fact that every one of the persons killed sat or stood during the service until the alarm was given in that first gallery ; and , what is perhaps more remark- able than all else—the very individuals who came by this violent end were precisely those nearest the place of exit , and who were the first to run for safety at the earliest manifestation of the panic . A . man ( Samuel Heard ) , two young women named Johnson , and three others , named Harriet Barlow , Mrs . Skipper , and Harriet Mathew , all stood immediately within the doorway lead- ing on to the fatal staircase , and were , therefore , one would have thought , in the best possible position for effecting a safe retreat . They were likewise the first to run . But , as the event unhappily proved , it was far otherwise They were all trodden to death on the stairs , even the strongman , Samuel Heard , of all men the most likely to le able to hold his own in a crowd . " It is extremely probable that Heard , from his posi tion near the door , as described by his relatives who ac companied him , was the first to make for the door when the alarm was sounded , that in his precipitation he made a false step as he . began the descent , vas hurled head long down the stairs , could not recover his feet again and that the women , Johnson , Barlow , and Skipper , who would from their position be immediately following him fell over him as he lay , and were with him trampled to death by the crowd from behind . Those who remained quietly in the building until the consternation had passed away , as might have been expected , fared best , and this with the melancholy fate of those who were the first to run , conveys a practical lesson as to how each man and woman should behave on a similar emergency , in a vast crowd , having regard alike to their own individual safety and to that of every one around them . It is singular fact that , after the balustrade gave way to the pressure of the crowd , no one appears to have fallen through the breach on to the iloor below ; but after that casualty happened there was au oxample of female heroism and the force of maternal love deserving passing record . Susannah Heard , a young married woman , her husband ( the brother of Samuel Heard who was killed ) , and their little boy , with man others , were jammed , up on tlie stair and unable to make any progress one way or the other . She stood nearest the balustrade , and to save her little boy from suflbeu tion she held him a considerable time over the hand rail by the neck above the well of the stairs . At that time , a man—probably George Lane , now in Guy Hospital with n comminuted fracture of the right arm >—was wedged so forcibly against an iron pillar which supported tlie stairs that slie and her husband could dis tinctly hear tho bones of hia arm snap several timen When thu balustrade gave way herliusbund put his ar round her ami Uo . pt her from fulling' through the gap sho standing while lie did so on only one leg , with the other hanging over the edgo of the stairs , and still hold ing her little boy over the gulf . By and by the pressu slackened , and sho was relieved from this perilous posi tion . The husbund at this moment took hold of woman standing near him in thu crowd to prevent from falling , and ho found she was dead . It is remark able , as showing how grogarious a orowd is , tluit though the means of exit from the building aro so many , greater part of tho people in tho first gallery , -where the mischief was done , appear to have mado for door , there being at least thrco others equally con venient , and affording equal facilities of escape . " While this was going on in tho first gallery , seve persons in the other parts of tho hall forced their through tho windows at tlie side of the building , leapt out on to tho roof of tho refreshment-room , many sustaining very Hcrious injuries in so doing . A portion
° a n ( at di tl ti w tl ot pi m v - \ v tl -w si S h tl ci si h & a S r c v t p t £ a 1 ; t t v 1 1 c v i 1 , i < i - s - i ] ; - i , i , ; i i i , < i ( i a i a y - 's - . m , - re - a her - tho all one - ral way niul of the balustrade near the bottom of the staircase at the eastern extremity of the edifice also gave way ; but nothing serious resulted from that particular casualty . Mr . Xund , Superintendent of Police , who was seated among the audience together with his wife and daughter , did all he could , in connexion with the constables sta- tioned in the hall , to arrest the flight of the scared mul- titude "b y blocking up the entrances ; but the officers were soon pushed aside , and the gardens were filled with the crowd , some of whom were seriously hurt , while others , who were only frightened , called loudly for the police and for surgical assistance . Two medical gentle- men , who had formed part of the audience , speedily volunteered their aid ; and several wounded persons were attended to on the spot , and then sent in cab . 3 to their own residences or to Guy ' s H & spital . The dead were conveyed to the workhouse . This terrible catastrophe only occupied about five or six minutes . On the first rush taking place , Mr . Spurgeon , after a moment's pause , directed that a hymn should be sung ; but this was not finished , though the audience joined in it , and he then continued tho service by giving out the text of his sermon . For this , he has been greatly blamed ; but it has been urged in bis favour that lie adopted the course indicated iri order to allay the excitement and alarm , and to disabuse the people of the idea of clanger , Several times did he recommence his discourse , at the request of some among the audience , but was as often compelled to break off , saying that " his brain was in a whirl , " and that preaching was impossible . During the delivery of these remarks , several renewals of the panic took place , and fresh rushes were made towards the doors . Finally , another hymn was sung ; and Mr . . Spurgeon , after beseeching tlie audience to disperse . calmly and deliberately , was led away by his friends , apparently in a fainting state , and was taken in a cab to his own home in the Borough . It must be confessed 1 that the observations of the preacher immediately after s the first panic-were not of a reassuring nature . They i were of the fierce , denunciatory character favoured by ! Evangelical pastors ; and Mr . Spurgeon is reported to ; have said that the reason why the auditors fled so rapidly oh the alarm being given -was that they were afraid of L what -would happen to them after death , and that they ; would rush fast enough to save their bodies , but did not heed tlie salvation of their souls . Unless the speaker . was too bewildered to comprehend the meaning and j effect of his own words , nothing could exceed the ) cruelty or the frivolous indecorum of this attempt to misread a natural instinct by the lurid light of super- - stition . Moreover , an allusion which Mr . SpuTgeon - made to the necessity , as indicated by the accident , of l having a larger building for their meetings , such as tha s which it was proposed to erect , was not in the best state - at that precise moment . . , According to the daily papers , it appears that the ) calamity was not lessened by some instructions given by , Mr . Spurgeon himself . In order that the people who attended on Sunday evening might not be induced to I roam about the gardens , and that they might confine 1 themselves to the purposes for which the gardens were y on that evening specially opened , he ordered that all the a entrances on the side of the building opposite the prin 1 cipal door should be closed—a circumstance which pre t vented the people from obtaining egress from that aide 1 of the hall , an < l induced a general rush to the principal i door , -which was soon blocked up by those who were e making such desperate efforts to escape . n It was at first assorted that , after order had beenin some t measure restored , the money-box was sent round in aid e of the funds for the new conventicle ; but it has since a . appeared that this was not done by Mr . Spurgeon ' tl agents . Some unauthorised person , however , collected I , in this way about 8 / ., -which will be devoted to the sufy ferers . e The number killed was seven , of whom five were it women ; the other two were a man ( Samuel Heard , a - Bermondsoy tanner ) and a little boy . The latter was - carried away dead by his father . The wounded it amounted to thirty , principally women . Somo of the ' s easos -wore slight ; others very serious . One of tho n killed ( a Mrs . Barlow ) was on the eve of her confinement , h Her husband was greatly opposed to her going ; but he i- ac length consented on his wife telling him that her * . nurse would accompany her . The Cassarcan operation u was resorted to after death , but not until it was too late . ii , Tho infant , which ,-hi tho ordinary courso of nature , ie would have boon born the next day , waa dead . I- The sister of one of the women who lost their lives re waited upon the police authorities on Monday , and gave i- a painful narrative of that part of tho catastrophe . She a stated that she- hcrsolf smothered her sister ; that , when or tho rush touk place , both being anxious to get out , the It- deceased , -who was in advance of her , fell , and was ; h forceil Avith lior faco on tho stone flngn , and « lie was liu driven upon lior , nnd folt the last respiration sho gave , ill but , being closely pressed by thoso from behind , » lio was ne unable to get up , or to render the least assistance , n- An inquiry into tho origin of tho disaster was institutou by the proprietor of tho gardens , aided by the nil police . Mr . Lund is of opinion that the alarm was wiliiv fully given for somo sinister design ; but a fireman cmn < l ployed in tho building related a circumntanco which ny Hcoms to throw Homo light on the subject . Ho state'on that while Mr . Spurgeon waa reading tho lesson , ono ol ¦ ¦ ¦
tl ai w tl T si w ai ci fi : tl tl b oi p n : d w 1 I a q a n t I 1 t % f r y \ ( ' j ] i \ i 1 | < j ] \ l ; t - - s the deacons came up-stairs and desired bis immediate attendance in the third tier of the north-west galleries , where he said some youths had been misconducting themselves by exploding small quantities of gunpowder . The fireman proceeded to the spot , and perceived the smell of exploded gunpowder . No person being able or willing to point out the offending parties , he was in the act of descending to the ground floor of th « hall when the cries of " Fire ! " first ran through the building ' . The first suggestion , that the alarm was purposely given by thieves , is discredited b y Mr . Lund , who thinks no thieves were present , and who believes that some rival body of Methodists desired to create a disturbance in order to injure Mr . Spurgeon ; but a more probable explanation would seem to be contained in the statement , made before the coroner on the first day ' s inquest ( Tuesday ) , by Louisa Johnson , sister of Harriet Johnson , who was killed . This -witness said : — " I was fifteen last May . On Sunday evening , I accompanied my sister , Harriet Johnson , to the Surrey Gardens . "We-went into the first gallery of the hall . We stood close to the door at the top of the stairs . After we had be « n there threequarters of an hour , my sister said , ' The house is falling !' and we ran down the stairs . I had not seen or heard anything to lead to such an impression . I fell , and a number of people fell upon me . I and my sister were the first that got into the staircase . I took hold of the banisters and fell , the staircase being narrow . I then lost my recollection . I was afterwards raised up and taken out . I did not hear any alarm given hesides ivltat my sister said . As soon as she told me the place was falling , I rushed out . She did , not speak loudly , but she might have been heard by a few people around us . When we ran out , she was behind me , and when I fell she fell upon me . I do not believe my sister had any motive in . calling out that the place was falling . " A juryman : " As you rushed out . of the door did you meet any persons coming down the other stairs ? " Witness : No , I did not . The staircase was free . As soon as I heard , what my sister said , / ran out , screaming . Other persons followed . I fell , and they fell upon me . " The damage done to the Music Hall by the accident is not very considerable . It consists principally of broken windows , and 50 Z . will cover it all . An investigation into the state of the building has shown that there was no cause for alarm with respect to its stability in any part . At a meeting held at the chapel in Park-street on Monday night , Mr . Moore , a deacon , made the following 1 statement with reference to the accident : — - " Had it not been for an overwhelming sense of duty , I never could 1 have come here to-night . I am more fit to be in bed . I f never passed through a more miserable and distressing t day than this has been . " With reference to the origin of J the alarm last night , there is no doubt that it originated from wicked , designing men . If ever Satan was per-2 mitted to take human appearance and walk the earth , it ¦ r was on last night . Oh , that dreadful scene ! But you ) are anxious to hear about our poor pastor . He is very > bad . Very bad I say , not from auy injuries or bruises 3 he has received , but from the extreme tension on his ! nerves , and his great anxiety . So . bad is he that we J were fearful for his mind this morning . Under these circumstances , only one thing could be done , that is , to send him into the country away from tho scene . As we knew that a great number of persons -would call at his I house during the day , we sent him early this morning ; J so that none of his engagements can be entered into this week , From information I have just received , I am 5 enabled to tell you that to-night ho is a 'little better , but I still very prostrate . Mr . Olucy ( another deacon ) is ill 3 in bed . " 3 :
Other. Accidents And Sudden Deaths. The ...
OTHER . ACCIDENTS AND SUDDEN DEATHS . The recovery of the bodies of tho thirteen workmen has been delayed by another accident to the machinery employed in raising the water from the pit . One of the iron wire-ropes used in tho process of lifting water by means of the cage gave way on Friday week , and not only did considerable damage to tho engine-house , but also caused a second rope of tho same description to fall to the bottom of the pit , together with the cage to which it was attached . This accident happily occasioned no loss of life ; but since its occurrence thvo men have been unable to descend into tho mine , and they have made much less progress than had been expected in the operation of extracting the wntov , tho pump only having boon available for that purpose during tho last two days . An , inquest has been opened at Manchester , on the body of Thomas llitchcn , aged thirteen , tho son of a mechanic at rcniUeton , whoso death resulted from & practical joke . lie was employed at the mill of Sir I ' ilkuuuh Armitago and Sons , rendletou , and on Friday week was playing with three companions at a clothprews , when ono of them asked tho boy to lay his head within . the press . Ho did so , and ono of the lads then turned the screw till arrested by a shriek from llitchcn . 1 'lioy released him in great alarm , and found blood , llowing from his ears . Tho unfortunate boy only sur-• vived until tho following evening . A train from London , on Monday afternoon , ran into an engine and a coko waggon at Nortliam , near Southampton , on tho South-Western line . The engine-driver of tho passenger train , had as usual just shut off tho
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 25, 1856, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_25101856/page/3/