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October 25,1856.] THD LEAI)E!E. 1015
' • ¦' ; OUR GITILIZATIOK ' ¦ ' ¦ " ¦ , ...
Beware of Sausages !—A butcher, livingin...
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Ikeiiand. The Tirimsiiaity Bank Aitkals....
and others in Australia , and whicli is now ia Belgium , ¦ whither it was transmitted to him after his return to Europe , has been suffered to . remain , there because he declined to pay a duty chargeable upon it on its removal from the Belgian territory , Mr . O'Brien has written an explanation of the circumstance to the Nation . He says that , as nearly as he can compute , above 180 ? . was ¦ demanded from him in the shape of duty . The cup , therefore , now remains in Belgium , in the hands of Mr . Oorr Vander Maeren ; but the reshipping from the London Custom-house to Brussels cost Mr . O'Brien 82 .
Ieish Progress . —The annual exhibition of the Mackrae ( county of Sligo ) Farming Society took place * at the end of last week , and the proceedings closed -with ¦ a substantial dirraer . The president of the society is a gentleman . ' not less known by his high social position as the leading Conservative and Protestant landlord of the--district than he is by his scientific acquirements and his . general reputation as a scholar . Some idea of Mr . E . J . Cooper's popularity in the -capacity of landlord may he gathered from-the fact that , at the dinner in question , the duty of proposing the chairman's health devolved upon the Roman Catholic parish priest , the Rev . Mr . O'Rorke . At tlie conclusion of his speech , the band in attendance stru « k up ( hear it not , all bigots !} the air of " Protestantboys . " —Times .
October 25,1856.] Thd Leai)E!E. 1015
October 25 , 1856 . ] THD LEAI ) E ! E . 1015
' • ¦' ; Our Gitilizatiok ' ¦ ' ¦ " ¦ , ...
' ¦' ; OUR GITILIZATIOK ' ¦ ' ¦ " ¦ , ' ¦ . ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ : ' - ? - : . ' . " ¦¦ ¦ '' .. ATTEMPTED MURDER AND ROBBERY . Ax audacious and murderous attack , -with a view to robbery , was made on Monday night on the assistant of Mr . Berry , a jeweller in Parliament-street . This person ,-whose name is Cope , conducts the business at that shop , where Mr . Berry himself rarely appears ,- ' as he has another shop in Pimlico , which he conducts personally . The ; house in Parliament-street is closed at half-past nine o ' clock , after which it has been the practice of Cope to take away to Mr . Berry the more valuable contents of the place . About a quarter of an hour before the time of closing on Monday night , a maiv entered the shop in Parliament-street ; but what transpired between him and the assistant remains for the present unknown . Cope , however , was soon murderously assailed by the intruder , who used a heavy weapon . Two or three passers-by saw the assau . lt , and one of them gave the alarm . This person states that the man was violently striking Cope on the head . The latter crouched down behind the counter , -overcome by tbe repeated attacks of his assailant , -who , on being interrupted , walked forth very coolly with a cigar in his mouth , pushed by the man who had come to the rescue , and , finding himself pursued , fled into Palaee-yard , where he was seized by a man belonging to the cab-sta-nd at that spot , after knocking down a boy -who attempted to stay his progress . His right hand was then observed to be bloody .
In . the meanwhile , Cope was attended to . He was found to be insensible , bleeding profusely from several injuries on the head ; and the wall behind the counter was splashed with blood . On being conveyed to the Westminster Hospital , it was discovered that his skull was fractured ; and lie now lies in a very doubtful state , paralysis of one side having supervened . The prisoner , on being taken to the station-house , said his name was Joseph Jenkins . He was flashily dressed , seemed to be about thirty-four years of « ge , and from Ins accent
appeared to be Irish . On first issuing from the shop , he had with him a parcel ; but this had disappeared when he was captured . He had snatched it up in the shop , under the impression , probably , that it contained the jewels , & c , usually removed at night . However , it appears to have been a ' dummy' which Mr . Berry always lias sent to his house at the ' close of the day , to divert suspicion , the real stock being taken elsewhere . When being examined before the magistrate on Tuesday , Mr . Berry declined to montion the place to which the property is removed , as the thing is done secretly .
Previously to giving the alarm , the milliner ' s porter who first of all pursued the ruffian had been attracted by hearing a moaning as he passed the shop , and by seeing some persons standing near the door . In answer to his inquiries , he was told that a man was quarrelling with his wife , and for ft moment ho passed on , but soon returned , and perceived the murderous naturo of the assault . It is supposed by the police that the men who gavo the false information as to the cause of the disturbance were in league with Jenkins . The weapon employed hy the man has not been discovered . Jenkins is now under remand at Bow-street , to await the result of Cope ' s injuries .
L'Orgeries By A Corn-Merchant. A Young M...
l'ORGERIES BY A CORN-MERCHANT . A young man of the name of Octavius Kinpr , carrvinc ; on business as a corn-factor , at Dullingham , near Newmarket was charged at the Mansion House with forging three bills of exchange amounting altogether to 4500 * ., two on Messrs . Bovil and Co ., and one on Messrs . Coventry piopjmrd , and Co ., corn-factora , in Mark-lano . On the 16 th of laat August , the National Discount Company , a now flocioty lately established in London .
received a letter from King at Newmarket , stating- that , being largely engaged in mercantile transactions in Mark-lane , lie had a great deal of discounting-, and therefore . wished the firm to transact business with him in that line , adding that he could give first-rate references in'town ,, a ' not , if necessary , furnish title-deeds as a proof of his respectability . The manager of the firm wrote an answer to this letter , saying that , if King would favour them with a letter of introduction or a reference to some firm in London with -whom they -were acquainted , they should be happy to see whatever bills he -wished them to discount . After this , the National Discount Company heard nothing more of King until the 20 th September , when he again wrote to them from Kewmarket , enclosing a bill for discount , and a . letter
from his bankers , the latter being a testimonial as to his respectability . Reference was made by the acceptor of the bill to Messrs . Mason and Sons , King Williamstreet , City ; but , as the company diil mot consider the bill perfectly satisfactory , they declined to discount it , and sent it back to Newmarket by post . Shortly afterwards , they received , another letter from . King , enclosing for discount a bill of 14501 , drawn and endorsed by 0 . and A . King , purporting to be accepted by Messrs . Bovil and Co ., and made payable at their bankers ! , Messrs . TVinings , in the Strand . This was immediately followed by another letter from the same source , which enclosed two bills of exchange of 150 O 7 . each , and was directed to the manager of the London Discount
Company—a new metropolitan society now in course of formation , but not yet opened . Although the suspicions of-the' manager of the National DiscountCompany were aroused by this last communication , he discounted the bill for 1450 / ., requesting Messrs . Eaton , Hammond , and Co ., King ' s-bankers ' , to hand over the proceeds to Messrs . O . and A . King , upon application , -while , at the same time , he gave information of the circumstance to Daniel Forrester . That officer ' went to Newmarket , saw King at his bankers , and , obtaining a private interview with him , showed him the letter whicli he had sent to the National Discount Company with the bill for 1450 / . After a little while , he made a full confession to the officer , adding , that he had not acted with any ' intention to defraud . Forrester then tookhim into custody .
These facts having been proved in evidence at the Mansion Houses a gentleman in court , who was weeping throughout the whole proceedings , and who said that he was the prisoner ' s brother ( probably his partner in business ) , prayed that he might be mercifully dealt with for the sake of his family . King , who appeared to be ill and very much affected , and who was seated during the examination , was remanded , and bail was refused . ¦ : He is not above tSventy-one years of age , and is said to have married a young lady of fortune only a few weeks ago . An adjudication ot' bankruptcy was on Thursday made in the Bankruptcy Court in connexion -with this case , when Octavius King was brought up iu a very depressed state of mind . The debts are supposed to ba not less than 30 , 000 / . ; but the exact amount cannot as yet be ascertained . ¦ . ' .
Beware Of Sausages !—A Butcher, Livingin...
Beware of Sausages !—A butcher , livingin Orangeroad , Bermondsey , was charged before Mr . Burcham , at the South wark police-court , with having exposed for sale in his shop a quantity of diseased sausages and other putrid meat . Dr . Chalice , medical officer to . the Board of Works for the Bermondsey district , stated that he saw hanging iu the shop a leg of pork which appeared to him to be bad . He afterwards found it to be quite fetid on one side . He then inspected the premises at the back of the ahop , where he siiw , in a sort of
pigsty , about a hundredweight of sausages and some pieces of beef , all of which were in a most filthy and corrupt state , and altogether unlit for human food . For the defence , it was alleged that the accused did not know tliat the leg of pork was bad ; and , a . s for the beof and sausages , thoy were not exposed for sale , and therefore could not come within the meaning of the Act of Parliament . Mr . Bnrcham considered that the charge against the butcher was fully proved , and he therefore lined him 21 ., and ordered that the bad meat should be destroyed .
MuiiBBit in Jisrsev . —An inhabitant of the village of St . Ouen , Jersey , named Josne" Le Gresley , has been apprehended on a charge of having murdered his wife , Henriette Lo l ' ouvro , elite Fiellnstro . The man was one clay ongaged digging potutoes , and , a . few minutes aftor ten in the forenoon , his wife took a . digging-fork and proceeded to whore her husband wns at work , probably with the intention of assisting him ] Madame Lo Feuvre was not seen alive after this . Her children returned from school at twelve o ' clock , and , finding their mother absent from homo , they went iu search of her , and
iound her lying dead in a field . It wns afterwards discovered that she hud been killed by ono of the prongs of the fork being thrust through the back part of her skull , whence it had subsequently piorced her brain , and thus caused instant death . Suspicion having fallen on her husband he was taken into custody , but , during the whole of the remainder of tho day ho maintained a sullen silence . It appears that the supposed murderer hns been greatly addicted to chinking , in consequence of which ho was confined in his kitchen for eighteen months ; and it ia conjectured that ho must havo
committed the crime with which he is charged under the influence of some sudden gust of passionate madness . Boy Impostors : •—With reference to tbe case of the two Irish boys , who complained last week before the Thames magistrate of having been refused relief by the parish authorities of St . George ' s-in-the-East , some statements exculpatory of those authoriti-es have been made at the police-office by the overseer and guardians , who said that they tad examined the boys , and discovered that they were impostors , and that they had told a great many falsehoods . When first they applied at the
workhouse , they stated that they had last slept in Liniehouse parish , and . they were therefore referred to that parish , with directions when and where to apply . As regards the old man , who was also alleged to have been neglected , he had since admitted that he had been treated by the poiter with perfect civility . He is now being taken care of by the parish . Mr . Selfe , on hearing these facts , expressed his regret at having censured the parish officers , and at not being able to punish the Irish boys- .
A PpsOFLigate Mother . —A shocking case of female profligacy has been brought under the notice of Mr . Norton , the Lambeth magistrate , before whom Mrs . Fanny Mary Russell , a fashionably dressed , middleaged woman , was charged-with creating a disturbance at the house of her brother , who is a very ^ respectable man . She had been enraged by this brother refusing to represent her as a respectable person , to a tradesman from whom she was about to reuta house . The brother being too ill to appear in court , a gentleman attended for li'ni , and related the histor } ' of Mrs . Kussell . Her husband ([ now dead ) was Dr . Russell , a medical gentleman in excellent practice in Bennondsey ; but the woman ' s dissipation was so great that her husband was obliged to leave her and to emigrate to Australia , where
he died . Mrs . Russell ' s brother and h is family behaved with great kindness to her , notwithstanding her irregularities , and a sum of 200 / ., for which Dr . Russell had insured his life , was obtained for her . This sum she is now spending in profligacy ; and she is also bringing up her daughter , a girl of sixteen , in the same vicious habits . On hearing the latter statement , Mrs . Russell denied its truth ; but the gentleman confidently asserted its accuracy , adding that the daughter was to be seen walking about the streets with her mother , or drinking at public-houses , at all hours of the night . Mr . Norton , who recollected Mrs . Russell having been brought before him , some five years previously , in connexion with her differences with her husband , ordered her to find bail for keeping the peace towards her brother for three months .
Burglaries in Staffordshire . —Several burglaries have recently taken place in Staffordshire , and a fewdays ago two of the offenders were taken into custody at a public-house in the village of Ellastone , having been , traced by means of an accordion taken from one of the plundered houses , and sold to a young man for 2 s . 6 d-The burglars have been committed for trial . One of them is a ticket-of-lea \« B man . —A great ' many burglaries have also been committed lately at Bristol . Highway Robbery . —A farmer and cattle-dealer , named Whitaker , while returning from York fair to his residence at Thryberg , near Rotherliam , was attacked by four men in a lonely part of the road near Masborough , where he had in . va . iu endeavoured to get a bed
at an inn . He liad 180 / . in his pocket ; and it was with a , -view to obtain this booty that the murderous assault was committed . Whitaker resisted with great gallantry , but he was overpowered , and cruelly beaten , lie said to the men , If you murder me you will have to account for it another time . " He caught fast hold of the leg of one man , and found it trembled very much ; but tbe villain struck him savagely on the head several times until he became nearly senseless . The fellows then rifled his pockets , and left him . Having crawled to a neighbouring house , lie roused the inmates , and
was taken an ; and he has since died . The weapons used Avere two bludgeons , one loaded with lead , the other pointed with a square piece of iron with sharp edges . Mr . Whitaker , in a statement written a little before his death , says that one of the ruffians hacked him "in the sumo way as a butcher would an ox . A cowardly fellow ! ho did not appear to like the moon . " The men issued out of tho back of a blacksmith ' s shop ; and Mr . Whitaker , hearing them behind him , and suspecting mischiof , turned round and confronted them , with the intention of going back to the inn , when ho was act upon . The murderers arc not yet in custody .
Inci : jji > iarism near Nottingham . —Mr . John Morton , a person possessed of considerable household property , has been brought before tho county magistrates at tho Shirehall , Nottingham , to answer a charge of incendiarism . Ho was seen by several witnesses to set lire to a stack belonging to a Mr . Davison , with whom he had had . a quarrol . The facts having been fully proved , Morton was committed for trial . Cruklty to a Cat . —James Marrin , a costermonger , was charged at Bow-street with ill-treating a cat . He was in a cofi ' ec-sliop , very drunk , and was drinking some coifeo by the lire , when , the landlady having said something to offend him , he stamped several timea with greal violence on a cat whicli was lying asleep on tho rug , The animal wns so stunned that it lay npparontly dead
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 25, 1856, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_25101856/page/7/