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930 ' THE LEA PER, [No, 392, September 2...
LATTER-DAY POETRY. Miching Mallecho, and...
INDIAN PAMPHLETS. The best days of the p...
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930 ' The Lea Per, [No, 392, September 2...
930 ' THE LEA PER , [ No , 392 , September 26 , 1857 .
Latter-Day Poetry. Miching Mallecho, And...
LATTER-DAY POETRY . Miching Mallecho , and , Other Poems . By Paul Richardson . ( Burton-upon-Trent : Whitehurst . London : J . and C Mozley ) . —This is a volume by a imter who has already put forth some verses which ; are here reprinted , and of which we spoke in a former marshalling of Latter-day ^ Poets ( Leader , April 19 , 1856 ) . The first poem in the present book is , we believe , original ; but-we can do little else than repeat our previous opinion of the author ' general practice . Again we have to regret that a writer of such evident honesty and such manifestly good intentions should indulge in vulgar Abuse and virulent denunciation of every "body and everything he does not happen to agree with . He commences his present volume with some remarks on the critics of his former publication , the upshot of which is that they are . all knaves and fools . Then he passes forth into the great world of humanity . Everybody there too is a knave 3 or a fool , or both , with the exception of
Mazzini—and himself . Every lord is a rascal and a numskull . Every priest is ditto . Every minister and every member of Parliament is a perfect 4 sink of iniquity . Every man who goes to church is fit only to be kicked out of ihe world ; just as , in the opinion of fanatics on the other side , every man -who does not go to church should be devoted to a similar fate . Every young -l & dy who dances a polka at a ball is in heart the same as the poor girl who leers at us from under the street lamps towards the small hours of the jnorning . In short , everybody who does not act as Mr . Paul Richardson acts , and thinks as Mr . Paul Richardson tlainks , is an abandoned scoundrel ¦ or a born idiot . All this is ^ liere petulant egotism , strutting in the mask . and domino of heroic virtue ; and we the more regret to see it because Mr . Hichardson has real faculty , and because tliere is so much to be done in the way of reforming and bettering the world that it is painful to find Intel-Jectual power thrown away in the ravings of what is truly nothing more than . another form of bigotry , as great as any which it attacks . If this country be
. so thoroughly corrupt as Mr . Richardson would have us believe—If we - simply get worse and worse with every age—if we have fallen helplessly . away from some ideal time of heroism and freedom , when ( as Mr . llichard-. son maintains , but without fixing the date } England was always fighting the battles of liberty all over the earth , and making kings and emperors bow before her—it is clear that the case is hopeless . Such writings , therefore , . supposing them to have aiiy effect at all , simply plunge us into despair and inaction . There is much truth in many of Mr . Richardson ' s strictures , and he has such a free , hearty admiration of what is noble and generous in the -abstract , that we are sure he is really desirous of doing service to the world ; but we put it to him as a man of sense whether he would not effect that purpose niuch better by acknowledging the good . that is in society , as well . as denouncing the bad , and by tempering his denunciations with a little -charity for individuals , who , whatever their mistakes , may not he either absolute scoundrels or hopeless blockheads . We are almost tempted to . apply to Mr . Richardson some lines of his own , and to say that he is
Without the love that seasons life with joy , Or -wit to draw its better flavour out . Because the rind is bitter to the taste , He'll suck an orange witl a sour , wry face , And find no sweetness in it . This is a singular strain in which to review a volume of poems ; but Mr . -Richardson seems to consider that poetry is little else than rhymed politics , . and expresses great scorn of those who think otherwise . Of his poetry itself we may confidently say , that it indicates unquestionable faculty . Amid much wildness , incoherence , and ribaldry , sometimes bombastical and occasionally commonplace , we find a true feeling for beauty and grandeur ; passages exhibiting thought and originality ; bold strokes of wit . and satire , alternating with tender gleams of description ; rough humour and savage sarcasm . Very admirable are his mock Methodist prayer and . sermon ; very spirited some of his lyrics- And so we will part company ¦ with him in friendly mood , and hope to licar him singing in a pleasanter . strain at some future day .
The Fairy Family ; a Scries of Ballads and Metrical Tales illustrating the Fairy Mythology of Uurope ( Longman and Co . ) . —That beautiful system of spiritual life which succeeded to the denii-gods and nymphs of antiquity , and which is summed up in the Anglo-French word ' faery , ' has formed the subject of dramas , ballads , and narrative poems out of number , from the . gorgeousMidsummer Night ' s Dream of iShakspeare down to the humble 'Composition of the magazine verse-writer . HeTe , however , is a gentleman who puts forth a whole volume of fairy poetry , dividing his romances -systematically among the Fairies of the Woods and Groves , the Fairies of the Fields and Meadows , the Fairies of the Hills and Caves , the Fairies of the Hearths and Homesteads , rend the Fairies of the Seas and Rivers . Each of these sections he prefaces with a short prose account of the particular < iass of elves alluded to ; so that the book is a mirror of the whole fairy world . The idea is a pleasant one , and it is pleasantly carried out , though the author strikes a somewhat conventional key noto in his Preface . He eays that he " has been led to the composition of this work chiefly by the while
iact that , Fairy Lore possesses a charm and an attraction above all . others for young people , and while its value and importance as a means of moral instruction ivre fully recognized , much of our Fairy Literature , so engerly longed for and bo greedily devoured , is but moral poison—weakened by unmeaning extravagances , polluted by indelicate allusions , and disfigured by purposeless cruelties and crimes . The Fairy Mythology has always apjpeared to him to present peculiar advantages as a -medium for virtuous teacliin < j" What fairy tales the writer can luive been in the habit of roading we know not . It is quite new to us to loarn that so large a part of our . Fairy Literature is moral poison ; and w « confess wo cannot avoid an uneasy ieeling when we see a poet objecting to extravagance in a fairy talo ( as if that were not its very life ) , » nd sitting down—wo had almost saad with malice prepense—to turn the bright and buoyant sports of fancy into * mediums for virtuous teaching . ' 1 Sav « us from the curse of ' good and bad boy books' invading the pleasant roalm of Faery 1 But 'further on we found the author asserting that ho has-taken caro " that the moral shall be worked out in the developmcn t of tho tale—not lacked to the end of it , to
stand in pointed but unamiable antithesis to all that has gone before . " This was reassuring ; stilLmore so to find that the tales are very agreeably told in flowing and graceful verse , with just ns much poetry in the treatment as the youthful readers to whom tho book is mainly addressed would comprehend and enjoy . Some of the stories have been told in verse before for instance , the tale of John Wilde , the avaricious farmer of itiigen , we " recollect to have seen in the form of a ballad ; but it is an excellent iiction and will bear twice telling . The volume is handsomely printed ; and we can recommend it to old and young ( provided the old still retain some yonthfulness of heart ) as a pleasant resource for a leisure hour . The Pleasures of Home , a Poem in Five Cantos , by the Rev . James Thom C bellMA ( Saunders and Otley ) has uuimre / oaunucis \
as amp , .. , a very appronrhte -L viiiiipucu , jm-. a . ^ uuu . jLiuyj , mis u very appropriate motto front Christopher North : — " Commonplace and all-time truths are the staple of all true poetry . " A very few pages of Mr . Campbell ' s verse ¦ will show that he has carried this precept into practice—jis far , that is to say , as commonplace is concerned . And vet there is somethin g original about him , too . He dedicates his book : " To Jane and Julia * the two companions with whom . I have passed my life , and to whom I owe its many mercies and blessings . " And he finds it necessary to explain his own obscurities in a foot-note . Thus we read in the text— " And is she gone ? " to which is appended this prose comment . at the bottom of the page : — - The allusion here is to Julia , the younger of the two sisters , who d ? ed
suddenly , " & c . It is rather startling to find Mr . Campbell vindicating Nelson ' s Lady Hamilton from the revilings of the over-good ; but this piece of liberality is entirely neutralized in the next page by a pi-odigions howl of bigotry . Frenchmen , yells Mr . Campbell , are " a polluted race accursed of God . " But we , it seems , are not much better , because we are in alliance with France instead of fighting her , and because we impiously desire to be at peace with all men , and to that end make railways , and electric telegraphs , und such-lilce profanities . Indeed , we are ' a race of fools , ' and George III . was the greatest of kings ! Towards the conclusion of his book , Mr . Campbell froths up into a frenzy about tlie advance of Romanism , which he conceives is fast dragging us into the bottomless pit ; and here we think it lrisrh time to leave him .
Gtcendohne and Win / red ( John Moxon ) is an anonymous poem , the author of which informs us that he ( or she ) has ' bowed in wild idolatry' before the * altars * of ' poesy . ' He bids his book ' go forth and brave the critic ' s sneer ; ' then ( for a novelty ) likens it to a bark , and hopes that a ' pilot hand' may guide it to some harbour where it may c the malice of the world defeat . ' The reader , no doubt , knows what ' to expect from this sweltering egotism . If he does not , we may inform him . that . he will find nothing in Gwendoline and Whip reel but feeble verse , pallid sentimentality , aud bad grammar . As thus : — My iale is done , my song is siing , And from my hand the bright harp flung , With broken strings , for mauy a day In aching solitude to Ian .
A Summer Evening ^ Reverie , and-Other Poems , hy William Tidd Matson ( Bulman ) , have received the kind encouragement of several eminent men , and exhibit amiability and sweetness . Mr . Matson is full of generous sympathy with the oppressed nationalities of Europe , and advocates their enfranchisement with a warmth which has nothing of virulence in it . The best poem in his book is the first , which contains some striking and even fine passages . Mr . . Heraud has published a new and revised edition of his Judgment of the Flood ( Rogue ) . The poem has obtained many admirers ; but we regret we cannot add ourselves to the list .
Tewdale , and Lyrical Notes , by S . H . Bradbury ( Houlston and Wright ) . — This is a new volume of poems by a versifier who- has obtained some little celebrity under the strange nickname of ' Quullon . ' It exhibits all the bad features of his former writings , confirmed and exaggerated . SentinienLality , extravagant and inept metaphors , and a tendency to harp upon certain siiowy words , again meet U 3 in every page . He writes , so much of jewels and gold that he must be the son of a lapidary by the daughter of a goldsmith ; and helias an unctuous , lax-mouthed way of talking about women which is positively nasty . He speaks of one young lady who lias lips of ' luscious ripeness ; ' and of another we are told that ' her merry lips with lushest looks were rife '—a line suggestive of nothing but the night siloon . A few pretty passages may be found here and there ; but they will not compensate the reader for the load of glittering rubbish out of which he has to pick them .
Indian Pamphlets. The Best Days Of The P...
INDIAN PAMPHLETS . The best days of the pamphleteer are past . The journalist has superseded him . The sale of not one pamphlet out of a hundred pays the cost of publication . Formerly , ' Justitia' or'An Englishman , 'by issuing twenty-four pages of invective , might kindle an agitation ; but in our days be appeals only to a quiet class of readers , or , still oftcner , to writers who make use of his facts and illustrations , and leave his modest work to immortal obscurity . Mr . Gladstone , a few years ago , made a hit with a pamphlet on the Neapolitan prisons ; a little earlier Lord Brougham had made a failure on the JiYench . Republic . Nevertheless , dwindled though thev be to comparative
insignificance , the pamphleteers are generally an important , self-denying , patriotic race . Frequently , of course , they have a personal object in view . Medicus writes on sanitary reform , and advertises a plan of his own ; a . British Officer' discourses on army purchase , and we discover , before , long , that he has been maltreated nttlie Horse Guards ; » Chancery Lane' proposes an association upon public grounds , and we find that he would bo happy to net as Us paid solicitor ; but , in nine cases out of ten , your pamphleteer is a . man who , having views ofhis own , no organ through which to disseminate them , and no chance of being allowed suflicient spaco by tlie ' JMmcs or Daily „ t * i' pnnta them upon fair paper in clour tvpo . -procures the co-operation i JVlr
« . Olinpmun , Mr , ltidgway , or Mr . Eflingham Wilson , sends copies to the press , and Listens impatiently for an echo . Iho Indian crisis has engendered a lurgo variety of pamphlets , oacb
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 26, 1857, page 18, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_26091857/page/18/