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M HfE jji^Utt ISa^etrda^ '•'¦¦'' • • - '...
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M Hfe Jji^Utt Isa^Etrda^ '•'¦¦'' • • - '...
M HfE jji ^ Utt ISa ^ etrda ^ '•'¦¦'' • - ' " Sm—¦¦—t——^——™*—¦——*———^— Ml — *"''^^''^^^^ ^^^^ . 7 '• • " 'if ^^ - ^ i- •• " n .- —i « .. ^/*< it ? itiiiinaw 'Bna » - > -f-n- * r CAPirJottOflE IWIL ^ ICIIf STMuasa
SmmEGSi T ^ Uti lSfirfalwithorwithoutsilver-platedhandlfeSi 76 s . WL ¦ Sr aSiaaft « Bteg & K Stj > B § toMi « Mots > l ,: 5 a . to 77 s . i Electro-plated on Nickel , fllll size , HA 11 B . : . tt > HB : EEBFEie * SUBSTITTJ'EE FOR SB ^ ftSSM ^ IWtfSSjSKySt re " " - . . ' m * . --ffiSftg W ; Pattern , ^ tfaj ^ Pattern . TeVS | Jb < W &^ per ^ 6 zen ^~ , £ *¦ - ' 26 s . ... 32 s . DesseStForks „ ...... ^ Os . ... 40 s . ... 46 s . Desseit Spoons „ **• ~ ** . ~ . -48 » . Table Fo & s „ —~ 40 s- — ¦{*¦• . _ 64 s . Tea antiTcoiee Seta , - waiters , . candlesticks , fee , f * -P « J--por ^ mute price * . Aft lands of re-plating done by the . patent process . CHEMICALtT VCttB NICKEL gj lffflm Table « pootJsa , tidForks , full ifee , per dozen 12 s .-.. 28 s .,.. 30 s . Dessert ditto and ditto ... 10 s . ... 21 s . ... 25 s . Tea ditto ... ........ 8 s . ... Us . ... 12 s-XTOT AIR , Gas , Vesta , Joyoe ' s , STOVES . — JTL' STOVES for the economical and safeheatinj ? of halls , Shops , warehouses , P «« a ^* a ? en ? f ! 2 * si a 5 -rSJS ^ S - ? wt this -season detnanlwL WILLIAM S . BURTON invites attention to ilis tiBrivalletttesortBtent / a * apted ( one or the other ) to wery conceivable requirement , wt prices from 10 s . each to 30 guineas . His variety of registrar and other stoves is the largest in existence . WILEIAM S . BTTBTON has TEN LARGE SHCyjTSOOMS * devoted to theshow of GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY { including cutlery , nickel silver , plated Ttnd japan wares , bedding and iron and brass bedsteads ) , so arranged and classified that purchasers may easily and at once mate their selections . . ¦¦ Catalogues , with engravings , sent ( per post ) free . The money returned for everyarticle not approved of . 39 , OXFORD 45 TREET ( corner of Newman-street ); 1 , % and 3 , NEWMA 2 ** STREET ; and 4 and 6 , PERRY'SPLAOE . ¦ , . ; . - * - ; _ . _ * ¦' ¦ - . . * , ¦' : . * . : [¦ /¦
i ^ HUBB'S LOCKS , -with all the recent im-\ j _ provements . Strong Fire-proof Safeis , Cash and Deed Boxes * Complete lists of sizes-and prices may be had on application . . ' ¦ . _ CHUBB » nd SON , 57 , St .- Paul ' s Churchyard , London - 28 > Lord'Streeti Liverpool ; 16 , Market-street , Manchester ; and Hortley-iWlas , Wolverhatnpton .
THE LOCK CONTBOTERSY SETTLED I MESSRS . HQBBS , ASHLEY , and Co . are now manufacturing their celebrated AMERICAN and ENGLISH PATENT LOCKS by their- PATENT STEAM MACHINERY on tho Premises , 97 , CHEAPSIDE , and 33 , LAWRENCE-LANE . Messrs . H . and Co ., by the introduction of their Steam machinery , are enabled to guarantee GREATER SECURITY , and SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP , at prices more moderate than any Looks produced , either in Town or Country . — Inaddition-to whtch . -they are applicable to all purposes for which Locks are used . EVERY LOCK bein « made and finished at the MANUFACTORY bears / THEIR OWN STAMP , and is WARRANTED , without which-none are genuine . These Locks can be procured by order through any respectable Ironmonger in the United Kingdom . WHOLESALE and RETAIL WAREHOUSE , 97 , CHEAPSIDE . Manufactory , S 3 , Lawrence-lane , _ London . P . S . Depot for Milner ' s Patent FIRE and BURGLARPROOF SAFES fitted with Hobbs' Patent Locks .
/ CABINET FURNITURE , CARPETS , CUR-\ J TAINS ,. AND PURIFIED BEDDING . Tho general reduction in priee oTtfae ' above-named articles have induced MESSRS . HOWITT and CO . to increase considerablythe stook in their various Show-Rooms amd Galleries . iDboy respeotfuHy 4 nvtte pubHc-attentHm to the largest and most varied assemblage of FURNITURE in the Kingdom , in ROSEWOOD , WALNUT , and MAHOGANY , and all of modern Manufacture . English and Foreign Damasks , Tapestry * Brussels and Kidderminster Carpets , in groat variety ,-and reduced from lost year ' s prices . Bedsteads In Brass , Iron , Walnut , Birota , and Mahogany , with Spring and French mattressee . are fitted np in a room set apart for that purpose . References to all parts of the United Kingdom and the Colonies . All goods markeu in plain figures throughout theentlrerangeof the growtdfloor , show-rooms , and galleries : any article selected changed if not approved of . Books of Estimates sent free upon » pplfoation , and all orders in England delivered in then * own vans . HOWITT and Co ., Albion House , 288 , 227 , ' 288 , 220 , and 230 , High Holborn .
AMERICAN SARSAPARILLA , OLD DR . JACOB TOWNSBND'S AMERICAN SARSAPARILLA . This Is , of all known romodies , tho most pure , safe , active , and efficacious in the purification of the blood of all morbid matter , of bile , urea , acids , Borofulous substances , humours of all kinds , which produce rashes , eruptions , salt rheum , erysipelas , « cald head , sore eyes and ears , sore throat and ulcers , and sores on any part of th « body . It is unsurpassed in its action upon tho livor , tho lungs , and the stomach , removing any oauso of disease from those organs , and expelling all humours from tho system . By ctaM » i « f the blood , it forever prevents pustules , scabs , Pimplesiftiid every variety of sores on the face and broast . i'i ? , ? i * re * t * on * ° » - "" d imparts strongthand vigour to the debilitated and weak , gives rest and refreshing sleep to the nervous Mutrwtteas iuudld . It is a great female medicine , and will oureiBerevoe mplaUstspoouliar to the sex than any other remedr . ia * h » imrld . Warehouse , 878 , Strand , adfe ' T ^ te ' " - ^^??" 18160 ^ ANDtlB ^ S and b 0 .. 4 s . 6 d . } quarts , 7 s . 6 < LiJw « nino * to s , lls .
. ' ^^ - ^ - TMPEStI ^ l * ^ aJ ^ -l ^^©^^ N « E COMdL PANY , X Old BKMU-Ustreet , London . InstttuliedH 329 . WILLL 1 M R . ROBINSO * N v Esq ., Chairman . ' HENRY X > AVEDSON , }&*& ^ Dep ^ qM 3 h * ittiaan . ja :-5 ^ S 3 Ssaa ^ . K ^ ffi ^ s ^ : •^ SBSS ^ -f wSSSfi ^ ' tti ^& werijffthvear , and may be « pplwd toincreafle the iumin « u » d : to « Ttomediate payment to &*&* > <» to the reXtiSaSd ultimate ex « iiotion of future Premiums . One-third of the Preinium on iBsumuces of , 600 ? . and ^ ; wards , for the whole term of life , taajr remaini as * debtugott the Policy , to "be paid off at convemenw ; or tbe Directors wifllend sums of ^•^¦« P *^ -W ^«? *^ rf ^ fc : i cieseffeefced withthis Company for the whole term of life , when they have acquired an adequate value . . _ ¦ . ¦ - ' SECratXY . —Those who effect Insurances with . th & Opt o- ; nauyare protected by its Subscribed Capital of 750 , 0002 ., of , which ne ^ ly l 4 O , OO 02 . ; is invested , -from the risk incurred by : members orMulual Societies . * The satisfactory financial condition of the Company , exclusive of the Subscribed and Invented Capital , will be seen by the following statement : — At the close of the last Financial Year the ^ sniiw _ _ . Assured , including Bonus added , amounted to * 2 , 6 " & G , 060 The Proffiium Fund to Brore than 8 $ M £° And the Annual Incom * efrom the same source , to ITO . Insurances , without participation in Profits , may be leStected at reduced rates . „ , _ , ___ tV * m »* t x <¦ SAMUEL IJvGALL , Actuary .
THE VNITES « HJTUAi LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . 54 , CHARlNG-CROfeS , LONDON . Policies Irm $ iapiit « bk ,-and Fbw-cf-Stamp JDuty . AT the ANNUAL MEETING in July last a BONUS WAS DECLARED ON POLICIES of Five Years' standing , averaging upwards of If per cent , per annum , on the sum Aasocrea . ¦ PKOFETS » lVn > KI > XSCSVAISL . T . THOMAS PBITCHARD . Resideut Diredtor .
i • ¦ s - > > " PRO VIDENT CLERKS' ASSOCIATION , 15 , MOORGATE-STREET , LONDON . Six more Annuitants will be elected at the forthcoming Special General Meeting in May next . All persons becoming Members ( either as Assurers or Subscribers ) previously to the day-of election will he entitled to vote . Attention is particularly requested to the very favourable report of the business of the Association during the past year , aiid to the great advantages it offers to Assurers . For prospectuses and further information apply to the Agents of "the Association , or at the Head Office , 15 , Moorgate-street . WILLIAM THOMAS LINFORD , January 24 , 1855 . Secretary .
. ; , SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . - Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847-The Court of Directors grant LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Bank at Adelaide at Fab . Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . Business with the Australian colonies generally , conducted through the Bank ' s Agents . Apply » t the Company's Offices , S 4 , Old Broad-street , Lomkm . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London . January , 1855 .
— VOTES FORrTHB-OWNTY OP MIDDLEflBX . rpWENTY ACRES of FREEHOLD LAND , JL at BOW , purchased for the members of the London and Suburban Freehold Land Society . The best situation in the neighbourhood , being within nve minutes' walk of three Railway Stations and of Victoria Park . The roads on one-half of the estate are made , and it will bo ready for allotment very shortly . A PUBLIC MEETING will bo held at the New Globe Assembly Rooms , near 1 / ke Canal Bridge , Mile-end-road , on Monday , January 29 , at eight o ' clock precisely . GEORGE THOMPSON , Esq ., late M 7 P . for the Tower Hamlets , will address the meeting . A BALLOT for thirty rights of choice will take plaoe after the addresses , and tea will be given by rotation . All now shares will go into the ballot by paying one month ' s subscription thereon . Paid-up shares entitled at once to rights of choice . By joining the Building Society , members oan have advances on very liberal teems , to enable them to enroot bouses on their aflotmenta . Shares and every information may be obtained at tire Offices , 70 , Fenohurch-street , near the JBlaokwall Railway , ovecy day from ten . to five o ' clock , except Saturday . J . TAYLOR , Manager .
npESTmONIALS by PRESENTATION JL having become so much the custom , and in consoquenceof Messrs . FUTVOYE having been frequently applied to for suitable articles , they beg to state to all those who would pay such graoeral tributes to public merit or private worth , that in all cases when it is oloarly shown goods aro required for such a purpose , and the amount exceeds 602 ., they shall allow 10 per cent , from their regular marked prices . 154 , Regent- ^ treot , August 23 , 1864 .
DEAFNESS AND SINGING NOISES . — Instant relief by Dr . HOGHTON'S new and painless mode of cure . Any extremely deaf sufferer , by ono visit , is permanently enabled to hoar with oase tho usual tono of conversation , without operation , pain , or tho use of Instruments . Thirty-four patients cured last woeki many totally deaf instantaneously restored to perfect hearing . Testimonials from tho highest medical authority in London oan bo seen and persons roforred to . Tho above discovery Is known and practised only by Dr . Hoghtoii , Membor of tho London Royal Oolloge of Surgeons , ^ W'JL ' - ' £° , ' ' £ P i *^ ' ^ tf- institution for thS Curo of ^ Deafness . 0 , Suffolktplaeo , Pall-mall . Jwsfc imbUshed , Self-Curo of Doafness , for oountry pati «^« fs- ^« , s ^ op ^ boen ^ pi ^ Jo ^ am . q ^ aokoly , and exorbitant fees —sontonreceipt t > f seven-stamps , freo .
•• " n .- —i « .. ^/*< it ? itiiiinaw 'Bna » - > -f-n- * r CAPirJott-OflE IWIL ^ ICIIf STMuasa . TRie -Wliols J ?» W-Op « u » d Iarest « d for -Balf < a . Cvutory . C ^ RNflaii- aub PALJ > MAI . Ii—^ tONDON . ESTABLISHBD 18 OS . VX && : I . 1 TE : ANNITITIES : -EJEVEaSIONS Jamtc W . JrnSSaFUSIiD , Esq .: M . F .: F . RS . — Chairm & M . . ToWler 1 » EWSA ^ Esq . ^ lJcjMrfy-C'AairMiaw . George Carr GLYN , Esi ^ .: M-P . —^ Treasurer . THE NEW TABLES adopted by the GLOBE include Two Scales of Life Premiums , Participating and Non-Participating , combining ; with moderate Rates , those principles of Solidity and Security , which have distinguished this Company from its formation . # Vo-THiB » frof Profits apportioned as Bonus . One-Thihd of the Premium may remain Unpaid as a debt upon the Poliey . _ __ Insurances to the extettt of TEfl THOUSAND POUNDS on a Single Approved lAfo . . Every class of FIRE and LIFE Insurance Business Peospectoses , — with fall Tables and . Details—and Forms , —may be had at the CoMPAinCs Offices , or of the Agents . WILLIAM NEWMARCH , ¦ Secretary .
INSTITUTED 1 A 31 . SCOTTISH EQUITABLE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . ( Incorporated by Royal Charters , and Special Act of Parlia-: Brent . ) Head Office—EDINBURGH , 26 , ST . ANDRE ^ T-SQUARE . LONDON—126 , Bishopsgate-street , Cornhill . i The SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY is an Institution peculiarly adapted to afford Pro-• vision for Families . It was established in the year 1831 , upon the principle of MUTUAL CONTRIBUTION , the Surplus ¦ or Profit being wholly divisible among the Members ; and the Additions which have been made to Policies at the s Periodical Investigation of the Society afford satisfactory - > evidence of the prosperity of the Institution , and the great ! advantages derived by its Members . The following Examples >' . exhibitthe Additions alreadymade ;—"i A Policy for 1000 / .,-opened . in * 1832 , is now Increased to i 16232 . 8 s . A Policy for 1000 Z ., opened in 1836 , is now increased to ,. ' 1 * 21 ? . 16 s . lOd . ¦ ,.- ** . : A Policy for 1000 ? ., opened in 1 S 40 , is now increased to , 1310 Z . 12 S . 7 d . „ The Profits are ascertained and divided triennially among ! Policies of more than five years' duration . ' The Annual Revenue is upwards of 160 , 0002 . [; The Amount of Assurances in force is upwards of Four . Millions and a Quarter Sterling . The Amount paid to tho Representatives of Deceased ; Members exceeds 600 , 000 ? . sterling . Tho Total Amount of Vested Additions allocated to . Policies , exceeds 600 , 0002 . The Accumulated Fund is upwards of 830 , 000 / . Loans granted to Members to the extent of the office value of their Policies . Copies of tho Annual Report , Forms of Proposal , and all information" may bo ~ had on ' applicationat any Of the Society ' s Offices in town or country . ROBERT CHRISTIE , Manager . WILLIAM FINLAY . Secretary . W . COOK , Agent , January , 1855 . 126 , Bishopsgate-street , London . LIST OF LOCAL AGENTS . BARNES—Whitbread , Edward , Stationer . BATTERSEA—Buckmaster , J . C , New-road , St . John ' shill . BRIXTON—Price , J , INT ., < 3 bcmist , 3 , Lotighboroughplace . CLAPHAM—Balls , Charles , Scion tiflo and Literary Institution . COMMERCIAL-ROAD EAST—Newton , J-, 6 , Grosvonorstreet . DE BEAUVOIR TOWN—Pcttifcr . E . H , Chemist , 0 , Southgate-road . , HACKNEY—Stcib , Riohard , jun ., 2 , Denmurk-placo . ISLINGTON—Inncs , Robert , Commission . Agent , 36 , Gibson-square . KENTISH-TOWN— Garton , Henry , Chemist , 2 , Oo * mmcrcial-placo . ¦ . LAMBETH—Roffoy , Thomas , Solicitor , 89 , Waloot-placo East . MILE-END—Sharp , George , 3 , Ireland-row . PIMLICO—Carrack , James , Chemist , 46 , Ohurton-strcol . PUTNEY—Stowart , John , High streot . STRATFORD—M'Casb , William , Baker . SYDENHAM—Daws , Thomas , House Agent . WALWORTH-Turnor , W . St . John , House Agent . WANDSWORTH—Brooks , Charles , Chemist . WHITEOHAPEL-ROAD-Nicholeon , James , 7 , Mountplaee . , . ,
BANK OP DEPOSIT , NATIONAX AS 8 TJEAITOB AND INVKSTSTENT ASSOCIATION , No . 3 , lUu Mali , East , London . Establisluxi A . V . 1844 .. Empowered by Special Act of Parliament . T > ARTIES desirous of INVESTING MONEY X aro requested to examine the Plan of this Institution , by which a nigh rato . of Interest may bo obtained \ vitl > perfect Security . The Interest is payable in January and July , nt tho Hood Olllco in London ; and may also bo received at tho various Branches , or through Country Bankers , without delay or expense . PETTBR MORRISOK . Mannging Dirootor . Proapootusea a * nt Forma foropening . Account ' a sent freo on application .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 27, 1855, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_27011855/page/22/