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TIE lEADEBi. [Saturday, January 27, 1855...
LONDON; Printed and Published by AuroBD ...
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Tie Leadebi. [Saturday, January 27, 1855...
TIE lEADEBi . [ Saturday , January 27 , 1855 ;
Th ^ UDINBUEGH BEVIEW . Ko . C'Ot . JANXTABT , 1865 . 8 vo , price 6 s . . Contents : 1 . PARLIAMENTARY OPPOSITION . 1 L CARDINAL MEZZOTANTI . IIL 13 HABLES THE FIFTH . IV . MODERN FRENCH LITERATURE . T . THE 8 IEGH OP RHODES IN 1480 . VL PRIVATE BILL LEGISLATION . TIL MOIINTATHOS AND ITS MONASTERIES—LORD ' ^ CARLISLE'S DIARY . VHI . MARSDEN'S HISTORY OP THE PURITANS . IX . THE WAR IN THE CRIMEA ; Announcements . ; MOJJSTTiUNS and MOLE-HILLS ; or , RECOLLECTIONS of a BURNT JOURNAL . By PRANK MARRYAT . Mustrated by the Author . ^ Svo . ^^ ^ WfflLTBLpGKE'S JOURNAL of bis EMBASSY to SWEDEN in 165 S and 1654 . New Edition , revised by HENRY REEVE , Esq ., F . S . A . Jl vols . 8 vo . - ¦ ¦¦ .: ¦ . [ On Saturday next . - Bishop THIBLWALL'S HISTORY of GREECE . Re-issue of the Library Edition , with Maps ; ^ ¦ ^ . ttB ^ . ^^^ ai ^ i ^; ,, ^ . i- ^ ; : \ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ B . ; - . - ' CORNWALL : Its Mines , Miners , and Boenery . By the Author of " bnr Coal Fields and our Coal Pits . " 16 mo , 3 a . 6 d . doth ; or in Two Parts ,, Is . each . ¦¦ . ¦ ••• ¦ -. - ¦ ¦ [ On Wednesday next . ¦ '' . .: ¦'•/; ¦ •;¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ " 6 .. . ' : A POPULAR ELAJfcMOJNTY of the BIBLE . By HENRY MOLINEUX WHEELER . Fcap . Site . , ¦ ' , '¦' :- '¦ [ On February 5 . q ? he FIRST FOUR BOOKS of M 1 LTJON'S PARADISE LOST : with Notes for Schools . Edited byC . W . CONN 0 N , M . A . 12 mo . [ OnFebruary 5 . - 30 URNE * S TREATISE on the SCREW PROPELLER . ¦'¦ 'A New Edition , thoroughly revised ; with a rge Plates and Woodcuts . 4 to . [ On February 5 . Just published . HOLLAND and * EVERETT'S MEMOIRS and CORRESPONDENCE of JAMES MONTGOMERY . With Portraits and Vignettes . Vols . I . and II . post 8 vo , price 21 s . JAMES ^^^^ Qj ^ vgy ^ poETIoal WORKS . Re-issue of the Collected Edition , with Portrait and 7 Vignettes ; monthly , in 4 vols . fcap . 8 vo , 8 s . 6 d . each . [ Vol . L now ready . ST . LOUIS and HENRI IV .: a Second Series of HISTORICAL SKETCHES . By the Rev . J . H . GURNEY , M . A . Fcap . 8 vo , price 6 s . XII . HENRY ROGERS'S ESSAYS selected from CONTRIBUTIONS to the EDINBURGH REVIEW . Vol . Ill , supplementary to the First Edition . 8 vo , price 10 s . 6 d . XIII . The Rev . J . E . BODE'S BALLADS from HERODOTUS . Second Edition , with four additional Pieces . 16 mo , price 7 s . XIT . The EARL OF CARLISLE'S DIARY in TURKISH and GREEK WATERS . Fourth Edition . Post 8 vo , price 10 s . 6 d . xv . Miss MAYNE'S LIFE of the CZAR NICHOLAS I . of RUSSIA . Post 8 vo , with Map , price 10 s . 6 d . XVI . The INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO : Its HISTORY and PRESENT STATE . By HORACE ST . JOHN , a vols . post 8 vo , price 21 s . XVII . CHARLES RANDOM ; or , LUNATICS it LARGE . By THOMAS WHITE . 8 vols . post 8 vo , ll # . 6 d . ^ XVIII . . The WARDEN . By ANTHONY CROLLOFB . ? $ d 8 vo , 10 a . Cd . LONDONt ; LONGMAN , BROWN , GREEN , AWD LONGMANS .
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In Two Vols . 8 vo , price 25 s . bound in cloth , a New Edition , revised and greatly enlarged , THE LIFE AND TIMES of OLIVER GOLDSMITH . ByJOHN POBSTER , of the Inner Temple , Barrister-at-Law . "When , in the year 1848 , Mr . Forster published his Life qf Goldsmith . it was at once universally extolled as a happy result of laborious research and as a finished work o literary art . . . . The whole world of English literature just as it stood in the last century , till every mind received an impulse from the beginnings and outbreak of the French Revolution , is here delineated in the most masterly manner , with all its sorrows and all its enjoyments . . . . The second edition , which is in two stout octavo volumes , is nearly double the size of the first . ... In 1848 Mr . Forster's work was an admirable biography , of an admirable man . It is now much more—beinp-also a- ^ Aeaottriw-of-informationr-as-valuable to the special student as to the general reader . "—Timea . January 21 , 1855 . BBABBtmY and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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; Juat published , prico One Shilling . SONNETS on the WAR . By ALEXANDER SMITH , and by tho Author of " BALDER , " and "THE ROMAN . " David JJoopb , Fleot-stroot .
Just published , in post 8 vo , price 9 s . 6 d . T ITERARY REMAINS of HENRY F YNES JLrf CLINTON , M . A ., Author of the "Fasti Hellenioi " and "Fasti Bomani : " comprising his Autobiography and Literary Journal , and brief Theological Essays . Edited by the Rev . C . J . PTNES CLINTON , MA . " There is a peculiar charm about this book , arising from the individuality and beautiful simplicity of the character of the man who is its subject , and the quaint way m which it presents that character for study . The editor has clone his part most gracefully in the selection of passages from his brother ' s journal ; and we do not know that wo could point to a more beautiful illustration than this Memoir presents of the pure life of a scholar of the nineteenth century . " —Examiner . London : Longman , Brown , Gkeen , and Longmans .
LIZAR'S SCOTTISH SONGS IN GERMAN . Just published , price 5 s . TEN SCOTTISH SONGS RENDERED INTO GERMAN- By W . B . MACDONALD , Esq ., of Eammerscales . Scottish and German . London : Samuel HianiKT , 32 , Fleet-street .
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LORD BROUGHAM'S WORKS . Now Edition , thoroughly revised { to be completed in about Ten Post 8 vo yolumes , price 5 s- each . T IVES of tho PHILOSOPHERS of tho Reign JLj of George III . February 1 . To ho followed by MEN of LETTERS of tho Koign of George III , May 1 . SKETCHES of EMINENT STATESMEN . 2 vola . London and Glasgow : Richard Gkifjtiw and Co . Subscribers' Names roooivod by all JUooksollcrs ,
On tho 31 st instant will bo publiahod , prico Is ., Part 17 of 46 npHE NEWOOMES . " By W . M . JL THACKERAY . With Illii 9 trationa by Bjcjiajid DOTIB . ? * * Tho Pirst Volurao is completed , and may bo had , bemud in cloth , prico 13 a . Bkadu urx and Evans , 11 , Bouvorio-stroot .
This day , tho First Volurao , ootavo , 128 . A HISTORY OF ENGLAND DURING THE REIGN OF GEORGE THE THIRD . By WILLIAM MASSEY , M . P . London : John W . PAnium and Sojt , West Sfcrand .
London; Printed And Published By Aurobd ...
LONDON ; Printed and Published by AuroBD Ebmuutd Galloway , at "The Loader" Offloo , No , 7 , WelUngton-etroot , Strand , ia tho County of Middlesex . —January 27 , 1850 .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 27, 1855, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_27011855/page/24/