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Xo. 41S, Miaos 27,1858.] T H E !L E A D ...
CONTINENTAL NOTES. That narrow and unchr...
THE ASSIZES. William Baldwin- has been t...
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America. Tho Tiucnm Is But Little News F...
r . the French authorities . The barque escaped from MaweiUes while placed , under embargo , and was sub-Be anentiy captured by a French man-of-war . "Dn . Bernhisel , the Mormon delegate in Congress , the New York Herald , " has recently received letters *!? m Brio-ham Young , in which he predicts the annihilation of the United States troops now- in Utah , unless thev are recalled by the Government . He also suggests the appointment q £ a commission to proceed to Utah , to { rMuire into the condition of affairs there . It ia not in Zb leaat degree probable that the President will listen to overtures of this character , coming from persons in rebillion against the Federal authorities , and against wlom an indictment for treason is pending . " The > State election in New Hampshire had resulted in the triumph of the Democratic party . General Walker and his principal officers were at New Orleans at the last advices . ¦ . '
. ... ... It is said that Mr . Alsopp , the Englishman charged with complicity in the attempted assassination of the Emperor of the French , is concealed in New York . French and English detectives are looking out for him .
Xo. 41s, Miaos 27,1858.] T H E !L E A D ...
Xo . 41 S , Miaos 27 , 1858 . ] T H E ! L E A D E B . S ® 5
Continental Notes. That Narrow And Unchr...
CONTINENTAL NOTES . That narrow and unchristian , feeling is to be condemned which regards with jealousy the progress of foreign , nations , and cares for no portion of the human race but that to which itself belongs . ^^ Be . Arnold . FRANCE . M . de Pkksigntt has resigned the post of Ambassador to London , and Marshal Pelissier , Duke de Malakhoff , is appointed in his stead . The Minister of Sweden in Paris , Baron de Mander-Sfcrtfm , presented , at an audience on Sunday , his letters of recal . M . de Manderstrom leaves Paris on his return to Stockholm , where he is to fill the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Swedish Cabinet . The ' Loi des Suspects ' is beginning to bear its fruits abund & ntty . Thirty-seven persons arrested under its provisions were embarked on the 16 th hist , in the steampacket Caire , to be transported to Algeria . Some of them are to be confined at Lambessa and the remainder itt the province of ( bran . Marshal Castellane is shortly expected at Marseilles to regulate the order of service in that town , which was included in bis military command on the 12 th inst .
A violent hurricane was experienced at Toulon on Tuesday . week , which caused great damage among the -shipping ! A boat passing from the shore to one of the -ships of war in the harbour was upset , and two men were drowned . " It is currently reported , " says the Times Paris correspondent , " that Count Walewski lias experienced -another check on the subject of the refugees . It is said that he applied to the Portuguese Government to expel some French refugees from Lisbon , and tnat he met with a direct refusal . "
" A fatal accident , " says the Daily News Paris correspondent , " has occurred in the Bois de Boulogne to Count Prosper Benoist , the eldest brother of M . Benoist d'Azy , one of the vice-presidents of the National Assembly of 1849 . The count and his daughter were riding on horseback in the Bois , when his horse ran -away . Mdlle . Beuoist galloped after him and endeavauced in vain to- stop his horse . He was thrown , fell upon his head , and was killed on the spot . It is a re-Warkablfl fact that lie had lost two sons by violont •<] B » th 3 , one from an accident out hunting and another by a gunshot iu thq Crimea . It is said that the horse 4 h » t threw him belonged to the latter son . "
An interesting confirmation of some statements made ljy \» in . our loading columns last week is furnished by tjie writer just quoted , who says : — " It is usual , when the Emperor is going out , to telegraph the fact from the TitUorlea to the Prefecture in the Kuo de Jerusalem , and £ kon numerous police agents in and out of uniform aru 4 « apfttohocl to tho lino of routo which ho takea . But it wry frequently happens that the notice given is so short t )) a ( tho Emperor is outside tho barrier and in tho Bois < toi Boulogne before the police have arrived in tho { Jhainps ElyHeeB , M . Pietri [ the late Profeet of Police ] , dMPty fooling the weight of lib responsibility , repro-Sfmtfld those . fftot * and . asked to bo furnished every morning with , a- programme of the Emporor ' u movements , ao tliAt ho might be enabled to make proper arrangements in , fciino . Tho request wna refused .- — -An hour bolero tho Arrival of their Majorities at tliu Opera on Wednesday OWging ( tlio 17 th List . ) , all tho houses in tho Kue Le-UflJuetiqr , opposite the building , were saarchod by tho BOlioe , "
•? 'V \ xq Jtfoniteur , " says the Psiris correspondent of ii \ % # « % Talegrttyh , " contains a long ; report on tho PBOgpesa of oottoii' -pluuting in . Algoriu . A prize of 2 J ) tO 0 O francs has . boon , gran tod to Meeara . Colonna ^ KflJI » Woa > lfta . tUp ^ roQ ! flt ^ a U ! icps rt | 1 . ul . ^ SJriliYA ^ s ^ ltjjii ^ lWors that , in tho province of Algeria Proper , littlo auo-« wa has attoiulod tho introduction of cotton ; but , in tbfi eastern and woafcorn . provinces of tho colony , the coutwy ia the case . In the oaat , along tho coast , tho l »« rt staple , alone sucoeods , whilst iu tlio intorior , ? Wwwda tho desert , it ia tlto long stujilo . In all Uie WW / tor » provinces , tho long ataplo auooeuds bo . it ; lu-4 wAi it 1 * now exobjuivqly cultivated . Tho report doos
TUnitKV . Mr . De Leon , tho United States Consul-Goneral , has returned from the mission he undertook to Syria , in connexion with the recent outrngo on the persona of an American family who residod in tl » o neighbourhood of Jaffa , After a groat deal of procrastination , tho Turkish authorities arrostod a man who was euspcutod to have been concerned in tho crhno . This man was convicted , and afterwards confessed ,, naming an his accomplices four others , three of whom now Ho iu irons , togothor with the approver . All are awaiting tho confirmation of their aentonco from Constantinople . The fifch is not yot captured , but the Sheik of hia tribe ia hold as hoatugo for hit ) production . . Recently the animosity of tho Mahometans aguinat tho Christiana haa inurensad , boing sliiuulntud , it it * thought , by tlio riaing of thu ni » tivea of India against tho Engliah rule . Tlio continental pupac-i atill toom with accounts of tho wuiiils . o movoinonU of tho Montenegrins in tho Herzegovina , and of tho atrocities they commit on thuao who fall into their power . ... .,, . aubtuTaT ¦ " *" " Among aoveral auioidos and inurdora , " » aya tho Times Turin correspondent , " montionod iu rooontlottora from Milan as having occurred in that city , whoro thoy havo uauaud a most painful sensation , ia Clio cueo of a young wife , wlio , iu despair at tho loas of her huaband , torn from her by tho iiiuxorublo couacriptlon ( ul though ho was ia the aeuoud oUsa , and last year hud boon
ox-¦ not say anything of the gross amount produced by t ' colony , and I havo reason to believe that that amount is scarcely worth mentioning as yet . The great country for cotton would , I am assured , be Morocco . " " It appears , " says the Times Paris correspondent , " that an . ex-mayor of Lyons , an old and devoted friend of the Emperor , has arrived in Paris for the purpose of explaining the feeling which prevails in that city , and the effect produced by the late measures of severity . It is also stated that M . Va'isse , Senator and Prefect of the Rhone , of which Lyons is the capital , has been ordered
up to Paris forthwith , probably with the view of en ^ liglitening the Government on the same subject . Accounts from various parts of France complain of the undue severity exercised with respect to passports . A letter from Orleans says that , on the arrival of the Paris railway train there on Thursday ( the 18 th inst . ) , the gendarmes minutely examined the passports of the travellers , and one of them who had mislaid his was taken off to the guardhouse . " Englishmen , moreover , are frequently annoyed by being followed by spies and police agents .
The municipal commission of Pari 3 is about to commence public works on a large scale , so as to give employment to the operatives of the capital . The railway from Lyons to Geneva was openad on the morning of the lGth inst . The weather was rainy , but the festivities were kept up with much spirit . The Patrie announces that several small vessels are now arming in different ports , for the purpose of being sent to China to reinforce Admiral Kigault de Genouilly ' s flotilla . A telegraphic despatch has been sent to the maritime arroudissements and sub-arrondissements , ordering all sailors from twenty to forty years of age , who have not completed their four years of service , to join their ships immediately .
ITALY . Mr . Hodge , the English prisoner at Genoa , is to be transferred to a lunatic asylum , where a strict watch is to be kept on him . It is not stated that he is out of bis mind , but that the asylum will be a pleasanter place of enforced residence than that ia which he was at first placed . During the Neapolitan trials on the 11 th inst ., one of the prisoners was so ill from gastric fever that he vomited in court , and was removed to the hospital . Several of the other prisoners are also in a daugerous state of disease . Fresh instances continue to be narrated in the English papers of the horrible cruelties to which the wretched prisoners are subjected . has issued the
The Constitutional party in Tuscany first part of a series of publications called " The Italian's Civil Library . " This lias caused the publication of the following note in tlio Monltore Todcano : — " Whilst tlie judicial authority is examining whether the new publication which has issued from the press of Barbera , under the title of 'The Italian ' s Civil Library , ' has in any part thereof offended against the discipline by which periodical publications amongst us are regulated , the governmental authority has ordered the editors of the same to abstain from taking as the subject of their articles the discussion of any law , ordinance , or regulation at present in force , under penalty of more severe measures in ease of airy failure to conform with this injunction . "
The Court of Genoa has given judgment in the political trials which took place in consequence of ( . ho events of last June . Twouty-iiine prisoners are acquitted ; nine are sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment , with h . ircl labour ; one to thirteen years ' , seven to twelve years ' , ten to ten years ' , and one to seven years' imprisonment . Mazzini and five others , who were tried in their absence , and are iu contempt of court , have been sentenced to death .
empted ) , threw herself out of a third-floor -window and was killed . From all that I can learn here , the discontent in Austrian Italy is rather on the increase than the decline . " RUSSIA . Prince Gortsohakoff ( says a Vienna letter in the Augsburg Gazette ) has recently sent a note to Constantinople for the purpose of calling the attention of the Ottoman Cabinet to Article 9 of the Treaty of Paris , in which the Porte formally engaged to improve the eoadition of the Christian population of Turkey . Russia ia this document defends herself from the imputation of wishing to interfere in the relations of the Sultan with his Christian subjects or in the internal administration of Turkey , but points out the disastrous consequences which might result from the non-execution of the firmans issued in favour of the Christians . It is hoped at Vienna that France and England will employ similai language . SWITZERLAND . The Federal Council proposes to give a fixed residence in the interior , or to expel , forty-one of the French and Italian refugees . Twelve of the former have already left for England , and five have received permission to remain temporarily at Geneva . GREECE . Corinth having been almost entirely destroyed by the late earthquake , the Government appears to have an intention of founding a new city at some little distance from the old . The Athenian journals , while approving this project , trust that the new Corinth will be placed in such a manner as not to prevent the cutting through of the isthmus at some future day , should that be thought desirable . GERBIANT . Public attention in Germany is at present occupied with a pamphlet which has just appeared at Stuttgard under the title of ' Napoleon III . und seine Zeit" ( Napoleon III . and his Times ) . The fundamental idea of this work is the necessity of the Empire in Franee for the maintenance of ord ^ r and the balance of power in Europe . SPAI ^ . Six men in masks lately entered the chateau of the Count de Robleilo , and , after having cruelly ill-used him , made off with a sum of 6000 ounces of gold ( about 20 . 000 / . ) . The count died of his wounds on the 23 rd ult .
Oufl Civilization.
The Assizes. William Baldwin- Has Been T...
THE ASSIZES . William Baldwin- has been tried at Maids tone , before Mr . Justice Williams , on an indictment charging him with the manslaughter of Betsy Brooker . An old man , named Ayerst , who has for many years practised as a medical man , was also included in the indictment ; but he did not appear . The deceased waa a young married woman , and , fancying herself to be in the pains of premature labour , though such was not the case , placed herself under the care of Baldwin , who practised as a man midwife , and who called in Mr . Ayerat to assist him . Both behaved with great kindness and attention to the woman ; but they entirely mistook the symptoms ,
and the use of mechanical means for relieving har caused her death . The jury returned a verdict of Guilty , accompanied by a recommendation to mercy . On the delivery of this verdict , some persons in the body of the court , fancying that an acquittal had been , pronounced , cheered loudly—a manifestation of feeling which Mr . Justice Williams , not being aware of the mistake , warmly , denounced as " disgraceful and di . sgusting . " Ho was informed , however , the next day , of tlio error under which the cheers had been raised ; oa which , ho retracted his observations . Baldwin was sentenced to a year ' s imprisonment , without hard labour .
A trial for murder at Shrewsbury last Saturday revealed a lamentable story of superstition , weakness of mind , and the ferocity that is born of terror and ignorance An old woman , named Auu Evans , living at Much Wenloak , had tho reputation of being a witch , und ahe exercised an unusual power over William Davies , a labouring man , about thirty-live years of ago . Davies waa a person of rathor weak intellect , and ho and Mrs . Evans lived together as mini and wife , though tho latter waa botweon sixty and seventy youvs of ago . It was reported that they wore to ba murrled j but that ceremony never took place . Tho olil woman was a person of u very violent tompor , and alio frequently ubused Duvius in tho most horrible manner . The man si ) vor « l timus liift hurj but lie aooma to have supposed tliat sue had tioinu supernatural power of ' drawing him . Luck , ' and ho ulwuya returned , Strango to aay , he appoara to havo entertained aomo allootiou for U > o old ToTtTm ^ tolleTriiTiU-iils-mannor-to-lier-was-very-iuild- 'andinonuiialvo . On tlio l'Jth of last Soptombor , they had . a quarral , during which Mrs . Evaua wild very loud and violont in her language , and at luugth Da , vi « j > said that ho would luavu lior . Ho wont up-aUtra to fetch aomo clothes , which alia aaid ho should not have ; nlie tollowoil ; thu quarrol was rouowod , and Uaviea ufcubbod tlio old woman ia tho throat uud face wlfcU Ufa yaokotr .
Leader (1850-1860), March 27, 1858, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_27031858/page/7/