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932 fiLifrt Ht&tltV. [Saturday, Sept. 27...
London i Printed by Kodbut 1'ai.mih (of ...
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932 Filifrt Ht&Tltv. [Saturday, Sept. 27...
932 fiLifrt Ht & tltV . [ Saturday , Sept . 27 , 1851 .
MR . CHARLES KNIGHTS PERIODICALS For OCTOBER , 1851 . \ CURIOSITIES OF INDUSTRY . Part III ., price 6 d . KNIGHT'S PICTORIAL SHAKSPERE : THE NATIONAL EDITION . Parts XXIII . and XXIV ., price Is . each : also Section XL , price 3 s . 6 d . ; and Volume II ., Comedies , in handsome cloth binding-, price 7 s . Cd . HALF-HOURS OF ENGLISH HISTORV . Part V ., price 6 d . ; And Volume I ., in cloth boards , lettered , price 3 a . TUB IMPERIAL CYCLOPJEDIA OF GEOGRAPHY : THE BRITISH EMPIRE . Part IX ., price 2 s . 6 d . MAPS AND ATLASES OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE . Single Maps , plain , 6 s . each ; coloured , 9 d . The whole of the Maps are corrected to the present time , and a Prospectus , with full particulars , and Descriptive Catalogues of Mr Charles Knight ' s Publications , completed and in progress , will be forwarded ( post free ) on application to the Publisher . LONDON : CHARLES KNIGHT , FLEET-STREET .
Inpo » t 8 vo ., 8 s ., cloth , lettered , THE CONSTITUTION of MAN , considered in Relation to External Objects . By George Combe . Eighth edition , revised , corrected and enlarged , pp . 507 . THE CONSTITUTION of MAN . The People's edition . Eoyal 8 vo ., Is . 6 d ., sewed . THE CONSTITUTION of MAN . Abridged edition for Schools and Families . Fcap ., Is . 6 d . cloth . This Work has been translated into French , German , and Swedish ; and 90 , 000 copies have been printed in the United Kingdom . Also , by the same Author , A SYSTEM of PHRENOLOGY . Fifth edition . 2 vole , 8 vo ., £ 1 Is ., boards . ELEMENTS of PHRENOLOGY . With illustrations . Seventh edition . 12 mo ., 3 s . 6 d ., boards . MORAL PHILOSOPHY . Second edition . Roya l 12 mo ., 7 s . 6 d ., boards . MORAL PHILOSOPHY . People ' s edition . Boyal 8 vo . 2 s ., sewed . London : Si napkin , Marshall , and Co . ; and Longman and Co . Edinburgh : Maclachlan , Stewart , and Co .
REV . JOHN HOWARD HINTON'S NEW WORK . u Price Is . ; in cloth , 1 b . 6 d ., THE TEST of EXPERIENCE ; or ; The Voluntary Principle in the United States . By J . H . Hinton , M . A . London : A . Cockshaw , 41 , Ludgate-hill .
Just published , price 2 d . each , or 13 a . per 100 , S YDNEY SMITH aud the BISHOPS : a Sketch of the Dignitaries and Subordinates of the Church of England . THE TRUSTEESHIP of the STATE CHURCH : an Inquiry into the Management of the Episcopal and Capitular Estates . THE CHURCH DESCRIBED by its FRIENDS : a Debate on Church Extension . THE STATE CHURCHES of BRITISH GUIANA . London : Anti-State-Church Association , 41 , Ludgatc-hill .
Just published , THE PROSPECTUS OF THE CENTRAL CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY . \^ Containing the necessary means for obtaining further Information . May be had at the following places : —The Cbntkal . Offiob , 76 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-squaie ; the Marylebone Branch , 35 , Great Marylebone-street ; the Manchester Branch , ' 13 , Swan- » trect , Manchester ; the Publishin g Office of the Society for Promoting Working-Men ' s Associations , 183 . Fleet- treet . Gratis , if uy personal application ; if by letter , one Postage Stamp .
TH E SECRET of BEAUTY , or LADIES ' COMPANION TO THK TOILET . ' " Every lady in the land ought to be in possession of this gem fa book . "—Vide Times . Sent postage free for twelve stampv , byK . Goodall . Mr . Rudd ' s , 162 , Strand , 100 valuable Recipes .
IMPORTANT TO ADVERT 1 SKKS . THE WOLVERH AMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE IIEHALI ) . and HIUMINGIIAM , SHROPSHIRE , » ud MIDLAND COUNTIES ADVERTISER . The advertising public is respectfully informed that the WOLVEUHAMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD is now circulating extensively throughout Staffordshire , Shropshire , and the Midland Counties , aud if , therefore , the best advertising medium in Oiia populous and highly important District , us , independently of ita large ciidilution in Private Families , it has an extensive one amongst Public Institutions and Professional Men . and is read lu eveiy reHpectable Hotel and Tavern iu the ubove Counties . With reaped to itu teeming population , its vast extent , iininenne tesourcex , and unrivalled manufacturing operations , thin District in one of the highest importance to advertisers , untl circulatingextensively throughout , the WOLVERH AMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE I 1 EUALO affords to advertiser * und the public the best possible medium of publicity for the announcement of Auctioneers , Insurance Ofllceu , Public Compunk'tt , and Societies , Professional Men , Merchants , Factors , Tradesmen , and Geiicrul Dealers , and that too ut a scale of charges , the liberal ch » r *< t « r of which , has not failed to secure to the proprietors un extensive patronage . The WOLVERHAMPTON and 8 TAFFORB 1 I 1 RK HERALD is published every Wednesday morning , price fttl ., on a sheet au lanre as the Times , and circulated , at un early hour iu the morning , through the entire DiBtriot , and in many parts of the Kingdom . •«• All letters for the Herald should l > e addressed , Ihonms JJardd lirlwlley . Herald Oillce , Bnow-hUl , Wolverhainpton J
1 BOHN'S 8 TANDARD LIBRAE ' S TOR OCTOBER . NEANDER'S HISTORY of the PLANTING OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH . Vol . 2 . containing : the Author ' s recent additions . Also . ANTIGNOSTIKUS , or Spirit of Tertullian ; translated from the German by J . IS . ttVland . Post 8 vo . 3 s . 6 d . , , Henry G . Eohn , York-street , Covent-garden .
BOHN'S CLASSICAL LIBRARY FOB OCTOBER . OVID'S METAMORPHOSES , literally translated into English Prose , with Notes , and Explanat ion of 1 each Fable . Post 8 vo . Frontispiece . . "* . HpnrT a . Bohn . York-street . Covent-ffarden .
BOHN'S ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY FOR OCTOBER . DIDRON'S CHRISTIAN ICONOGRAPHY ; a History of Christian Art , translated from the French , with upwards of 150 beautiful outline engravings . Post 8 vo . 5 s . Henry G . Bohn , York-gtreet , Covent-garden .
BOHN'S SCIENTIFC LIBRARY FOR OCTOBER . S TOCKHARDT'S PRINCIPLES of CHEMISTRY , exemplified in a series of simple Experiments , with upwards of 200 Diagrams and Engravings ; translated from the German . Post 8 vo . 5 s . Henry G . Bohn , York-street , Covent-garden .
PART X . OF THE COLLECTED EDITION OF THE WRITINGS OF DOUGLAS JERROLD , containing the continuation of " MEN OF CHARACTER , " will be published on the 30 th instant , price 7 d . The First Volume , containing " ST . GILES AND ST . JAMES , " is ready , price 4 s . cloth . Punch-office , 85 , Fleet-street .
THE THIRD VOLUME of HOUSEHOLD WORDS , a Weekly Journal , conducted by Charles Dickens , will be published on the 29 th instant , price 5 s , 6 d ., cloth . Volumes I . and II . may be had , price 5 s . 6 d . each , in cloth . Also , THE FIRST VOLUME of the HOUSEHOLD NARRATIVE of CURRENT EVENTS . Price 3 * ., in cloth . Published at 16 , Wellington-street North , Strand .
NEW WORK BY ALBERT SMITH AND JOHN LEECH . The Fourth Number of THE MON TH . -A View of Passing Subjects and Manners , Home and Foreign , Social , and General . By Albert Smith . Illustrated by John Leech , will be published on the 30 th instant , price Is . Office , No . 3 , Whitefriars-street .
On October 1 , PARTS IV . and V . of the OFFICIAL DESCRIPTIVE and ILLU 8 TRATED CATALOGUE , containing the Colonies , Foreign States , and full Index of Names and Subjects , completing- the work . SvicER Brothers , Wholesale Stationers . Win . Clowes and Sons , Printer * . Official Catalogue Office , 29 , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , at Hyde-park , and of all Booksellers .
Now ready , price 3 s . 6 d . . TH E TRIUMPH ; or , the Corning Age of Christianity . Selections fro » . WmIkiL ; JteHg-UHW ao 4 Phllosopltleal , on Karly and Consistent TnrlriTng no lets than Teaching , and on the Advantages of Maintaining the Principle of undivided Interests among all the Members of Society as essential to its continual progress in knowledge , virtue , and happiness , and to the permanent ascendency and univeral prevalence of Christian Love . Edited by J . M . Morgan . " Prove all things ; hold fast that which is good . "—1 Thess . v . 21 . Seize upon truth wherever found . Among your friends , among your foes : On Christian or on heathen ground : The Flower ' s divine , where ' er it grows . "— -I > r . Watti . London : Longman , Brown , Green , and Longmans .
' ¦ Just published , folded in a case , price 3 s . plain , or fa . coloured , AN OVERLAND JOURNEY to the GREAT EXHIBITION , showing a few extra Articles and Visitors . Uy RlCHAltD DOYLK . " Among the happiest efforts of Mr . Doyle ' * talents . " — Chronicle . " Executed in the best style of its author , aud worthy of the once favoured artist of Punch . " —Globe . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly . Sold by all Booksellers , und at every Railway Station .
' JERUSALEM CHURCH . Just pub . lished . —A full Report of the SPEECHES delivered at a Public Meeting of thin denomination of Christians , held at Freemaaons ' -hall , on the l'Jth of August , 1851 . 8 vo , price 6 d . May be had , through any Bookseller , of F . Pitman , 20 , Paternoater-row .
t ^ OCOA nut which , IicnhIch farinaceous subs « tanc <; . contains u bhtnd oil . The oil in thin nut has ono advantage , which ia , that it iu Ions liable tlmii nny other oil to rancidity . PoHHotisiug these two nutritivu MUbHtiuic « M , Cocoa is become u mont vuluahle article ut diet , more particularly if , by mechanical or other nicunu , the iurluiu-t-oiw substance can be so perfectly incorporate ! with the oily , that thn one will prevent the other from depurating . Such a union iH presented iu the Cocoa prepared by JAMKH EPPH ; mid thiw , while the delightful flavour , in part dependent upon Urn oil , in rtttained the whole preparation will agree with the moat dclicute stomach . JAMES EPPH , Iloimcopathic Chemist , 112 . Great Russell-• tr « et , Dlooinabury , aud b » . Old Droud-utroat , City , London .
FFICE FOR PATENTS , BRITIsITanIi FOREIGN , and REGISTRATION of DE 8 I 0 NS r ducted by Mr . J . G . WILSON , C . B ., 18 . Great GeoV « CP ° ; ( opposite the Abbey ) , Westminster . Every descri ption o business . connected with Patents transacted daily . Invent assisted in ascertaining the novelty of their Inventions and ^ i Capital when required . Office hours , Ten to Four o'Olock
S TEAM TO INDIA , CHINA , & cll Particulars of the regular Monthly Mail Steam Convevan and of the additional lines of communication , now establish *^ nby the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigatio n Company wifh the East , & c . The Company book passengers , and receive ennA and parcels as heretofore for CEYLON , MADRAS Cat CUTTA , PENANG , 8 INGAPORE , and HONG KONG h their steamers , starting from SOUTHAMPTON on the 20 th of every month , and from SUEZ on or about the 10 th of the month One of the Company ' s first-class steamers will also be de " * patched from Southampton for Alexandria , as an extra shin " on the 3 rd of September and 3 rd of November next and of alternate months thereafter , in combination with extra steamers to leave Calcutta on or about the 20 th of August and 20 th of Oc tober . Passengers may be booked , and goods and parcels for " warded by these extra steamers to or from SOUTHAMPTON * ALEXANDRIA , ADEN . CEYLON . MADRAS . andCALCUTTA ! BOM BAY . —The Company will likewise despatch from Bombav * about the 1 st of September next , and of every alternate month thereafter , a first-class steam-ship for Aden , to meet there the extra ship between Calcutta and Suez ; and at Alexandria one of the Company ' s steam-ships will receive the passengers , parcels and goods , and convey them to Southampton , calling at Malta and Gibraltar . But passengers , parcel ? , and goods for BOMBAY and WESTERN INDIA will be conveyed throughout from Southampton in the mail steamers , leaving Southampton on the 20 th of October , and of alternate months thereafter , and the corresponding vessels from Suez to Aden , at which latter port a steam-ship of the Company will be in waiting to embark and convey them to Bombay . Passengers for Bombay can also proceed by this Company ' s steamers of the 29 th of the month to Malta , thence to Alexandria by her Majesty ' s steamers , and from Suez by the Honourable East India Company ' s steamers . MEDITERRANEAN . —MALTA—On the 20 th and 29 th oi every month . Constantinople—On the 29 th of the mouth . Alexandria—On the 20 th of the month . SPAIN AND PORTUGAL . —Vigo , Oporto , Lisbon , Cadiz and Gibraltar , on the 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of the month . N . B . 8 team-8 hipg of the Company now ply direct between Calcutta , Penan ? , Singapore , and Hong Kong , and bet ween Hong Kong and Shang-hae . For further information and tariffs of the Company ' s recently revised and reduced rates of passage-money and freight , and for plans of the vessels , and to secure passages , & c , apply at the Company ' s Offices , 122 , Leadenhall-street , London , and Orientalplace , Southampton .
CENTRAL CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY , INSTITUTED UNDER TRUST , TO COUNTERACT THE SYSTEM OF ADULTERATION AND FRAUD NOW PREVAILING IN THE TRADE , AND TO PROMOTE THE PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION . Trustees—Edward Vansittart Neale , Esq . ( Founder of the Institution ); and Thomas HugheB , Esq . ( one of the Contributors ) . Commercial Firm—Lechevalier , Woodin , Jones , and Co . Central Establishment ;—76 , Charlotte-street , Fitrroy-sq . London . Bench JKrtrtHrtmiwH ffl . On * MwyWwrn-. treet . fortlwa . place , London ; and 13 . Swan-street , Manchester . The agency is instituted for a period of 100 years . Its objects are to counteract the system of adulteration and fraud now prevailing in the trade ; to deal as agents for the consumers in purchasing' the articles for their consumption , and for the producers in selling their produce ; to promote the progress of the principle of Association ; to find employment for cooperative associations by the collection of orders to be executed under especial guarantee to the customers . A commercial firm , acting under the permanent control of trustees , has been found the safer and more acceptable mode of carrying out these objects according to law . The agency consists , therefore , of trustees , contributors , subscribers , and a commercial partnership . The capital required for the wholesale and retail business having been supplied by the founder and the first contributors , no express call ib made at present , either for contributions or subscriptions . The capitul will be further increased after the public have been made acquainted with the objects of the institution , and have experienced its mode of dealing . Customers , after three months' regular dealing , are entitled to a bonus , to be fixed according to the amount of their transactions by the council of the agency , consisting of the trustees and partners . Alter payment of all expenses , salaries , profits , and bonuses returned to contributors , subscribers , mid regular customers , the general profits are to be accumulated , part to form a reserve fund , and part to promote cooperative associations . Business transacted wholesale and retail . Subscribers , Cooperative 8 tores . Working Men ' s Associations , Regular Customers , and the Public supplied . The Agency intend hereafter to undertake the execution of all orders for any kind of articles or produce ; their operation " for the present are restricted to GROCERIES . WINKS , a »« l ITALIAN ARTICLES , as a urKciniKN of what can be done with the support of cooperative customers . Rules have been framed and printed to enable any number of families of all classes , in any district of London , or any part of the country , to form themselves into " Friendly Societies" for enjoying the benefit of Cooperative Storea . To be scut by I > to parties forwarding four utainps . Particulars of the nature and objects of the Central Cooperative Agency , with a Digest of the Deed of Settlement , are i <> oe found in the printed report of u meeting held at the Central Ofllee of the Agency . To be sent by pout to parties forwarding f " stamps . A list of articles with the wholesale prices for Coo perative Stores , and a detuiled Catalogue for privule customers , will aU <» be sent by pout on payment of our potitugc stamp for the Wholesale Lint , and two for the Catalogue . Particulars , Rules , List , and Catalogue will be forwarded immediately on receipt of ten poatuq-u stamps . All cominunicittioiiH to bo addreHued to MM . Lechevnlier , Woodin . Jones , aild Co ., at the Central-office , 70 , Chnrlotu :-Htreet , . Filxroy-square . •« ORDERS FOR TMK ASSOCIATIONS OF WORKINGMEN ALREADY IN EXISTENCE — Bl / ILDEKS , PU 1 NTEH « . BAKERS . TAILORS . HHOKMAKERS , NEEDLKWOMLN- - CAN UK BENT TIlROUOIf THE AOKNUV , AND WILL RECEIVE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION .
London I Printed By Kodbut 1'Ai.Mih (Of ...
London i Printed by Kodbut 1 ' ai . mih ( of No . 8 , Clic |»« low-t « rr « c « , in «•»" 1 ' arUliof KensluKton , Middlesex ) , at tlia Oltloe of Hubert l '» lm « r »"'• Joseph Clayton , No . 10 , Ciann-court . Flcet-alrcet , ill the 1 ' orUli of ht - Uuuatau-iu-the-Wcat , lu the City of London ; and uiiblialied by Jo . *'' ( iuiioir , Juu ., of and at the 1 ' ublialiinc-ollloe , No . 2 Kb , Hlraucl , in U" > 1 ' ariah of Ht . Clmuout Dauci , iu tin City of We « Uuin « ter . —Sat" * " * fl * l > l * wbcr 3 T , MU .
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 27, 1851, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_27091851/page/24/