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s ¦ ^ 904 The Saturday Analyst a?id Lead...
London i Printed by Jambb Rohbiit Fawn a...
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S ¦ ^ 904 The Saturday Analyst A?Id Lead...
s ¦ ^ 904 The Saturday Analyst a ? id Leader . . [ Oct . 27 , 1860
: T 5 aCMILLAN'S MAGAZINE " ^ EDITED BY DAVID MASSON . No . XIII . ( For November , 18 G 0 ) , is ready this day . Trice One Shilling . CONTEXTS . I . Life and Poetry of Keats . By the Editor . II . A Defence of Mothers-in-Law . By a Son-in-J ) itto . n , nnri » M III . Kyloe-Jock aud the Weird of Wanton Walls . By George Cupples . Chapteis ' 5 and 6 . TV . The Lost Clue . V . Systematized Exercise . By Archibald Maelaren . VI . Tom Brown at Oxford . Chapters 31 and 32 . VII . Blind ! By the Author of " John Halifax . " VIII . The G-olden Island : Arran from Ayr . IX . Indian Cities : Benares . . _ „ ^ X . The . Neapolitan Revolution ,-and the Fugitive Slave Law . By the Kev . * . x > . Maurice . XI . Torquil and Oona . By Alexander Smith . _ XII . Itahan Unity , and the National Movement m Europe . Hy J . P- barter . w Volume I . and II ., handsomely bound in cloth , price 7 s . Gd . each . MACMILLAN AND CO ., LONDON AND CAMBRIDGE . SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS , NEWSMEN , AND AT THE RAILWAY STATIONS .
JUSdD PUBLISHED , . Imperial 4 to , half-morocco , gilt edges , price £ 5 S 3 . WITH INDEX OF NEARLY 120 , 000 NAMES , . ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' THE . ' ¦ . ' . IMPERIAL A . TLA S OF MODERN aEOaRAPHY . A Series of One Hundred carefuliy-colbnred Maps , embracing the most recent Discoveries * and the latest Political Divisions ofTerritory , in all Parts of the World . COMPILED FROM THE MOST AUTHENTIC SOURCES . "With an Index , of nearly 120 , 000 Names , the most copious ever Published . "A highly satisfactory publication . . . . The maps arc everything that ccuUl be wUhcJ , so far as accuracy , distinctness , nefttness , and fulness of detail are concerned . "—Athi-ii " . urn . " One of the lurjjest and most complete Atlases over attempted . " —CrL'ic .
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Just Published , price Fivo Shillings . The Cotton Trade of Great BRITAIN : Its Riso , Progress , and Extent , basod upon tho most authentic and carefully digested statistics furnished by tho several government departments and most omlnont commercial firms . 113 * James A . Mann , P . S . S ., M . R . A . S ., Sic , & o . Dedicated , by permission , to tho Cotton Supply Association . London : SouwiN t Maushajll , and Co . Manchostor : Josh . Thomson and Son .
WoolUy , Financial , Commercial , and Economical Nowapnpor . The . Reporter ; or , the London MONETARY TIMES . Issued ovory Saturday Morning * Price 3 d ., Stnmpod 4 < 1 . Subscriptions por yonr , 10 a . Cd . ( Town ) » 12 s . Cd . ( Country . ) Edited by J . HIVING SCOTT . Tho Reporter , sot on foot In 1817 , consists of thirtytwo largo pages , and is dovotod to Finauoo , Commoroo , 1 ' rlcos , Statistics , Hanks , lnmiianco , Hallways , Kpeoulatlon , and InvoHtmont : and to Provident Institutions . Savings' UftnliB , Loan , Friendly , Freohold Land , Building , and all meritorious , and roally usoful National Instltutlone . Tho Reporter Is Konorally looked upon an a safe Monitor and Guide In all mattora relating to Flnanoo , Invostmont , and SpooulntlQn 4 and linn for ninny yours , Tjoon tho recognised organ of all Provident Institutions . All who wlrth n tlrst-rato Finanolal Newspaper , and at a modorato prloo , should subaorlbo to tho Reporter * Tho Reporter may emphatically bo qtylod tlio Joujinai , OF MX . r « OVIDKNT J [ N 8 TITUXI 0 NS , Tho Reporter olroulatos largely and entirely among tho nftluont , mvoHtlng , and spooulatliiff olaHBoa , and thoroforo , proBonts a doHlraulo medium for all kinds of Advortl » Qwonts . Pnblbthlner Omoo , 10 D , Strand , Vf . Q , London .
T he News : Banker ' s Journal , Insurnneo , MlnJiif , ' . Hallway , and Joint ( Stock Company ' s Hovlow . A Jmirnnl Hpccially identified with tlio educated , tho wealthy , rind tho " woll-to-do " Hcctloiirf of society . " Tho Lattors of Junius , " on nil tho exciting Topics of tho day , nro proiluclnw a profound sonsutlon . Toy arc road by ovory educated man in tho country , and appear regularly ovory week In " Tho News . " From tho Critic , Fob . 2 fit ' i , 1800 . "Tho Loading Insurance Journal , "The Nkws , " linn recently trebled Its sl / . o . Nothing can bo nioro hiiIIhfnotory than tho reason given for tho change It will not , pays tho announcement in the editorial columns , have o ' senpod tlio liotlco of onr friends that , for some ihoiiUih , very frequently more than one-half of tho entire Journal has boon occupied with advertisements . Thoso liavo oncronchoil too " muoh upon tho spnoo which Is due t « literary and original oontrlbutlons . Konce tho onlnrgoment , In uonnootlon with which' The News ' will ndil to Its Insurance matter , Mining , Wanking , K : ilhvay , nml Ounornl Commorclul Information 1 " Publishing OlUco of " Tlio News , " ( prloo -Id . ) 0 , Uryil ^ osstroot , Strand , W . C .
Auction Rooms and * Estate OFFICES , 80 , UaBinghnll-atroot , opposite tlio Church , 13 . O . AUCJUSTUS SMITH roapootfully oullii tlio nttontlon of all nnrtloa ( lcnlri ) iia of oxpndltloiwly KICI . LINd thulr SUXtVLUS STOCKS , HouaoUold IMnilturo , Htonin KnglnoH , Mills , Mnolilnovy , nnrt Plant of ovoiy description , to his oxtouslvo Itooma , as nliovo , whoro anioa nro faithfully and energetically conduotod , Advimoos uinilu in tho Interim , If required . Oonvonlont rooms for utowntfo and pnokliiR . Notlooofuny goods to bo lnoludod In his iioxt sulo uhould bo forwnriluil to him nt onoo , In onlcr tlint tho sumo tuny hnvo publicity ami bo duly catalogued , ViUuiUlona ami arbitrations on moderate terms .
B Lackwood ' s M agazine , for ' November , 18 G 0 . No . UXU . Price 2 s . Gil . CONTENTS . Civil Service Appointment . —Noiuiuation > nd Competition . Csrpe l > iom .. . The Koninncb of Agostiui—Part III . Tile Administration of India . Judiciul Puzzles—The Anncsloy Case . . Ary Schcffer . . . ¦ XoVmaii Sinclair ; An Autobiography—i » ar-t X . The Courtesies of War . Darido , tbc Oyster-Eater . Ships of "War in Armour . Ww . HA > r Ulackwo * d and Sons , EJinburyh and I-oudou .
On the 31 st inst . will be ready , ''Flie North British Review . - * - Contents of No . XVI . —November , 1 SG 0 . . I . — . Modorn thought—its progress and consummation . IT . —Tlie Disturbances in Hvria . III . —laciyh Hunt . . IV . —The Spanish Itepublics of Sontli America . . V . ^—Tlio l'roviuee of I .. ogic and Jiecentt Biitbli Logicians . Vf . —Lord ' Macanlay ' s place in EnylWi Literature . VII . —American'II niiHuir . VIII . —Kevivals . IX . —The . 'Martyrdom of Oalileo . X . ^ -Tlie Sicilian ( lame . Edinburgh : T . and T . "Clark . London : IlAMitTON , Adams , and Co .
D E Porquet ' s Standard French BOOKS : — Dc Porrjuct ' s first Kreiicli Kcading ' -Kook ; or , -Lives oc trelcbrjitcJ Children . With Explaiiatorj-Xotes . 2 s 0 . 1 . Pftrisia'i Si > c ] lin ^ -lJ : ) ok . 2 s . « d . Introditc-tion t » Parisian . Phraseology . Is . Cd . Parisian Phra-scology . 2 s Gd . Prcmii-. r l ' as , in Frcncli . 2 S . Oil . Petit Vocabula . irr . Is . 'i d . Petit VocalViiinire and French Genders , printed in roJ a : i . l blue . . 2 s . Gd . •¦' .. . De Poniuet ' s System of Teaching French . 3 s . 0 J . London : Simtkin , Marshall , and Co ., and may lie jia . 1 of . the Author at his Beliolastic Agency , 14 , 'J ' avis tot ' s Street , Covcnt Garden . . .
THE SATURDAY ANALYST AND LEADER , A URVIKW AST > Ui : COIlI > OF 1 'OLlTlfAL , LITEK . ViJV , AUTISTIC . AN ' I ) SOCIAL KYKXT 5 . I ' lko ad . fO . NTKXTS of Xo . . 552 ( Now Sc-rks , Xo . 4- ' ) OCTOIIKI : - , ISiiO . Victor Knini . 'iiiMi'l to Sontli Italy . Orlviitnl 1 ' olilk's . N . itirinnil Stuck- 'l ' jikliivr . IMHf 1 ' i . Jitii . " . Vrrdict — " J > iO'l of St : u-v . 'ti . i : i . " —Man or IKig' t Miisyltoilii . - " . Tl . c Mfonsliif , ' System . " A Koi-i . rd of Disasters , The Meii ' opolltn'i , or I 7 iiilor 0 'rmind Knilwiiy . Ta-mnnlii . Vmeri « .-nn Vivsonnd Pro . * ') - . Misoollniicous Vorl :. « . Foroljjn « . ' orro . ipondonco : 11 . mover . ScrlnlH . Jloci . rJ of the Week . Kniortidimicitt-. LONDON : !• 17111-1 rf I HO 1 > AT IS , O . VTHKlilNlistim : i : t , yntAxi ) , w . u .
Lynn and Gougli , Printers , : I 1 O Strnnd , W . O ., Invito uonilomon ) . ropiirlii ! f V"rl < S for tho 111-os . s to send to them fur an estimate | '"ur tu onangliiy with » Prlntur .
TI 1 ADE / qa \ MARK . nnow > r Axi > ror . sovs 1 » A T E N T C O H N F L O V K . Tlio r . n ncct states :- " 7 ' / . /^ U superior to invjlhiM 0 / thu kind Ahoicii . " first of thy kl . i . l SIuiinf . icMirod nn « l . Pnteutod in l »« L ' nlUi . lKliu . ' . l .. | i . nml l ' rini- '«' . iinoxpl . iIno . l w I hnJP ™ lnusln tho Jlh , » lr , ih ; t Lu ,,, l ,, » - \ . 'i « , ^ ! { ? U }> , ' '' i plfod l . y IH 10 W . N nml 1 ' oi . son , t .. U « r > njMty \ } «« i « ; by oiMur fi-om Mii .-WnKl . nin IMlnco . It U V , h 1 , c wlRMwrn- It Ihim boon . iimlii Known , r « . r I ' imIiIIiiith , lllniic nmiiwo . & c , iM'oi ' uTod to tho | M , rtl urrowi-ooi . iiiul o-poiliiliy sullciHi . tlKMU-llnioy of CI . IM .-ei . nml liiviil ' »*• ., „ lhe lliiowN and I ' owoji , Mnniifin-hii-oni to I « M' «* Quoon -IMIriloy , iMunoliostor , Dublin , and London . 1 . —
Strasbourg Tongues .---TIiomu superior tfoll .-nnlL- Imvo nowl | g « Htnnaiiitf illrili of tlio lM-on . Ufii 4 t-tnl . lo nml Iiohm > M «'" of tlio domestic cIitIuh , boliiK » lol outoly . od , » M Y Hplooil , a . i . l a WPftiitlfiil o .. l .. ur . HoM I 1 1 noTO ^ mining » lx , nt Urt . Oil . pur paokngu . < Jli « l ; ' ' , ' '' ,,, „ Ii 74 il . ami bjd . por lb . Hpuitlrfh nml . ^ U '' V , .,, «• « J ' onlnBun . l . vnoo , from 7 . 1 . lo txl . nor Mi . On "• '" , 0 « l mnokoil Uimumi Im now In uxooljuiit onr , 10 . . o > •»¦ »* Howie , ao , I-. iultfiito . hlll , nour St . lMul h , w . V .
London I Printed By Jambb Rohbiit Fawn A...
London i Printed by Jambb Rohbiit Fawn and IUhwx KiMWoia fiovaw , nt 810 , Strand , In tlio 1 ' nriah of fU . Olomont Dnnos , In tlio County jrf MldOJotox ; nml I ' uUlla 10 by OHABfcKS WuTTAiit ToMMNs at No . 18 , Cathorluo 8 troot , Strnnd , In tha County ©« MMaiouo * , —Oo tq » kh « 7 tl » , >««» . .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 27, 1860, page 16, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_27101860/page/16/