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In tons of mangel-wurzel, 2,433i; beet-r...
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In Tons Of Mangel-Wurzel, 2,433i; Beet-R...
In tons of mangel-wurzel , 2 , 433 i ; beet-root , -19 J . ; . carrots and parsnips , 172 *; cabbage , 507 ; hay , 21 , 100 ^ : —increase , in the number of vines , 789 , 423 ; of fruit sold , 072 owt . ; and of wmos , 6 , 211 galloiis , and brandy 404 3 gallons : and . there was a decrease in the produce of barley of 10 , 528 bushels ; and . ot maize , 2 , 685 3 bushels ; of 59 , 732 * tons of potatoes ; of turnips , 719 tons ; of onions , 1 , 680 cwt .: tobacco , < 1 S 6 cwt . ^ The greatest quantity of wheat was grown m the counties ot Villiers , Talbot , Bourke , aiid Giant . The pr incipal crops of oats were in Bourke , Dalhousie , Talbot , Grant , and Kipon . Counties ; and Grant and . Bourke produced the greatest portion of the barley . ; nearly all the maize was grown in Murray County ; and Grant -pro-. i \ -not >< nflfivlv nil flip rvc . Peas and beans seem to nourish most m
Grant and Yilliers Counties . Bourke supplies the largest tonnage in potatoes ; while Bourke , Grant , Ripon , Talbot , and Loddon are the principal hay-makers . . Onions only are produced ^ three counties Bourke , Grant , and Loddon ; tobacco is cultivated m the seven counties of Bourke , Grant , Hampden . Haytesbury . Normanby , Villiers , and Wimtoera : the vine is cultivated in all , save the hve counties of Anglesey , Dundas , Talbot , Normanby , and Whnmera . Grant is the principal vineyard , having no less than 1 , 064 , 470 out of the total of 1 . 783 , 025 ; Bourke has 252 , 250 , and Loddon , 167 , 467 ; and next in importance stands Talbot , 90 , 000 ; and Evelyn , 59 , 000 , & g . Grant made 12 , 685 gallons of wine , but Bourke sold the most fruit ; and-the" brandy was made in Grant and Hrimpden Counties . . . ' 1
The population . of Victoria on the 31 st of December , 1859 , was , 335 , 558 males , and 194 , 575 females , making a , total of 529 i 9 S 3 . During the quarter ending the 31 st of March , I 860 , there was an increase by excess of immig .-ration over emigration ( by sea ) of 997 males , and . 1 , 174 females ; alW an . increase by births over deaths of 658 males , and 1 , 21-3 females ; being an increase during the quarter of l i < 355 males and 2 , 417 females ; making 1 the total population on March 31 st , 1 S 60 , 534 , 005 souls ; oi- ; about three persons to every two acres of cultivated landv .
Public attention in the colony has beenlately directed id agriculture ,: the staple indtistry of all cpuittriesj especially new . countries | and nothitig appears wanting to _ a fn pdevelopment of the ample resotii-ces of the colony in this ajrection , but ; one . thing—freedom . The present land system stops the way ; and any settlement of this question , on such a basis as will induce : to extra agricultural exertions , and tempt populatipni seems remote . The Board of Agriculture are , however , displaying great activity / A motion has been carried to the effect that ; samples of soils should : be collected from difFerent parts of the country , and submitted for analysis by the government analytical chemist , and that the government geologist should re + port on their eharacteri & e ,, and that a sum of money , necessary to cover cost of samey should ; 1 } e furnished by the government > also , that pi ^ encouragement of agricultural experiments in differ & iit parts of
the countryV A ' very important resolution ; \ y-as also adoptedj to the effect that lab more money Is to ; be . granted to local agrieul- * tuiral " . societies . untilRafter a . strict inquiry has . been instituted into the state of thei ^ to It '^ as also resolved to tak e some step s to inquire into the new tU & ht : iM !^^ i . ii various parts . of the ^ piwitry . ' .... " ' . '¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦'• . / . ' . ' ¦' ' ' ¦ - " ¦ ¦ . ' - .. ¦ . ' ¦ ¦ . " . 5 Che price . bf flour in Adelaide , was 171 . 10 s . per ton , at ¦ Sydney , 23 Z . per ; ton 1 j oats , from 4 s . to 4 s . Cd . pei' bushel ; potatous , 71 , 12 s ; < 3 d . per tpnj fat bullocks avoi'aged in . the market 13 guineas , and . cows !']¦ !¦ . giijneas ^ but a large prppbrtibii s ell at . y £ . per ; head , ; aiid ^ f ^ i'ibr Kinds as low as ol . ; , sheep sold at from . 15 s . to 19 s .: periteadV a , ftd in thq \ y ; ool market * . superior scoured was 2 s ; 4 d . to 2 s . 6 d . per 1 b . } whitp inferior ^ and-waslaed fetched l ^ -Sd . ^ . ta ' -ls ^ 'i . jPd ; : ' 1 So that , all 1 ; hmg-sconsidered , including tho obstructive / policy , of ; the , government . Iftiacl system , our -agi'ipul-iivra ) . brethren a ^ the AntijJodbs axo in a voi'y satislaotbvy stato of progress , , :- . .., '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . . ¦ ¦ ¦' . " ,, ¦¦ . „ "' ¦ . ' . ' . ' ' ' . ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . ' . ' . "
The J^Ate Dulc E Of Eiohmonjd. " F-^-Ujw...
THE J ^ ATE DUlC e OF EIOHMONJD . " f- ^ -UJWim adliPGN LENNOX , Buko of : ¦ Richmond , ICG ., XiJr died on Sunday afternoon last ( 21 s ); Qptobier ) , tit twenty TOin ^ tes before , two o ' piook , at the' family ; mansion , ; Pbrtla ^ dplac !© . Dropsy was the immediatQ oa . use of de'frtlvbut ; $ *<* X > u \ had been s ' uirei'ing for . many months past , and tho state of his health had opcasibnodmuoh anxiety to his friends aud kindrocl , Jtw ^ s indboa hoped tliat a . visit to Seo . tlancl , during' the last a ^ titxan , might have boon bonoiioial ; but , whilp in tho north he did npt seem $ o rally , arid had oiily returned to London , about a fprtniigKi ¦ vyh en , his dobedse took plaoo , The Duke boro spvoral additional tiftes ftewas Kavl of MarQh , Baron 8 pttrington > Duko Of Lontipx . Karl of Darriley , Barpn Methtibn , ~> and Duko
D'Awbigny in , the peovage pf Jfrxi & co , Ii | Lo was . the eldest son of Charles , the fourth . Divko , by Lady Otiarlatte Gordon , eldest dduglxtev of Alexander , Duke of ^ prdox'v , and was bpyxx Augxiet 3 rdvd ' 79 . l ,. ' - ' - ¦ ¦ . " , " : . " ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦• ¦ ¦ ; ' ¦ ¦ ¦ : . , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . Ho . marripa , April 10 th , 1817 , Lady Otvroli ^ p Pa ^ ot ? , oldest daughter off J ^ M , the' Marquis of Anglesea ; This lady suryivoe awi ^ st dovb . tiod wxd Idttcl ^ sbfl , nil , ttnd the toily }\ o has loft opmprieos . fp m '^ pus aii d ; threp dahglxtors , pj ^ q of the latlier being worr ied ,, t 0 ]? yi » oo Bdwdrd of Saxo-AVpimw * fit- Tho late Dfnjicoin to bo viowod imthvoooniiaoitiow—ns animportiwt jwonabox' of tlip bom » ionweulth ; in his mil ^ nry , and pol ^ tiQjcvl capHQities , aii 4 ^ 'cpmiopted AvitU tl ^ tiivi ; , At an early ftg 6 Jlio oUogG -tho arjmy Hw tl > o . ^ ipdixi ^ i :, of' his nrofpsHibnul qarGor ^ ' awl : ontovojl tho 53 « a ^ ofyijnen ' tjtsonsJgn ;; liv ^ ' ''• ' '¦¦ ' ¦ . '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ,,., ' ' ¦ . " - ¦* . ¦ .. ¦ " "' . t ' ¦" . " . . ' • , ' , .., ¦ ,. ' . V . ¦ ¦¦'' . •¦ ' '¦ . '¦ ' ' . ' ' . ¦ ¦ ' V ¦ . - . .. '¦ v i " . ' , ¦ ¦ .. ; i " 1 .: ¦'¦'• ¦¦ . ¦ ..,. ; . ¦ . ¦ . '
as aide-de-camp and assistant secretary to the Duke of Wellington , with whom lie remained till lSl' 1 . lie was present duringthat busy and exciting period , at all the general actions , sieges , skirmishes , and other affairs ^ rincluding the battles of llusaco and Fuentes d'Onor , Ciudad : Rodrigp , Badajoz , Salainanc-h , Vittoria , the Pyrenees , San Sebastian , Orthez , etc . He was sent home from Vera Avitli despatches annbuncing the pnti-y into France , having been wounded in the chest -by a musket , ball ; He was aide-dercamp to the Prince of Orange during the campaign in the Netherlands ; and was present at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo . Many were the examples of brilliant valour shown by the lute Duke . In politics he may be described as a Liberal Conservative ; for although he opposed the repeal of the Corn Laws , he had previoxisly advocated Reform , arid at a later period supported Lord Melbourne ' s policy . To the turf , as a national institution , lit \ coinnuinicated the advantage of hanie and position ; increased its prestige , and added to its respectiibiiity ; a very necessary addition froiri time to time . The Earl of March succeeds to the title and estates .
Scientific Philosophy.? Nrvhe First Inst...
SCIENTIFIC PHILOSOPHY . ? nrVHE first instalment of this extensive work is now before us . I As in its progress we shall have occasion to notice it iu detail , we shall , in this paper , give , some account of the g-eneral aim and scope of Mr . Spencer ' s system . The scheme , according to the plan before us , is divided into five parts . The nx . st is a sort oi prologue , Consisting of First Principles and these , again , are subdivided into— 1 st , the unknowable ; 2 dly , the laws of the knowable . One of the generalizatibns , classed under the latter head , Mr . Spencer tells , us , is that commonly knoAvn as the conservation of force ; another he considers may be gathered from
one of his '' essays , " entitled " Progress , its law and cause ;" a third , from his ^ Transcendental Physiology" ( Essays ) ; and besides these , he says , there are several others . He is of opinion that , in logical ; prd 6 r , the application of these first principles to inorganic nature should follow the statement of the principles themselves , but he passes , this over in the elaboration of his plan , partly because , even without it , the scheme is too extensive as it is , and partly because the interpretation of organic nature after the proposed method is of more immediate importance . to t
After the preliminary dissertations , therefore , we come ne nrstportion of the body of the work . This isto consist of the Principles ' . Of Biology , which will , extend to two volumes , each volume is to be ^^ divided into three parts , making six in all . —1 , the data of biology- ; 2 , the inductions of biology ; 3 , the evplution of life ; 4 , morpholog-ical development ; 5 , physiological development ; 6 , the laws of multiplication . The germs of the latter part ot this treatise will be found in various articles already published by Mr . Spencer : " The Laws of Organic ^ Forhi" ( Iredico-Chirilrgical Review , Jan . 1850 ) : " TransGendental Physiplogy" ( Essays ) ; . and " Theory of PppuMipn ^ ' ( Westminster Review ; April ; 1852 ) . 1 he second portion of the woylc will consist of tho prmciples of psychology , also extending ¦ ¦ ¦ ;¦ . ¦¦ . ¦ ¦¦ - ¦¦ -. ¦ . ¦ ¦ : ¦ . ¦ ¦ • *¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ T ^ i ¦¦ ¦ i • _ ' * . j-11 rill . ^» ¦ . i-. i » j ? + ' ei division allJhe / h
over two vbiunies , cohiprishig ght s m . .- rsu volume wiircbntain-a , The Bata of Psychology 5 2 . . The Jiductions of l > sychbibgy ; 3 . General Synthesis j < t . Special Synthesis ; 5 ; Psychicai Synthesis , ! The divisibiis of the second volume may be . " stated as ^ -G . Spdciat Analysis ;; 7 . CJeneval Analysis ; ^ Coirbljaries : Wo tlieii ; coinc to the Principles bf : f > ocriok ) gy , ; U anorc exteidsive division than either of the preceding ; it wiH , nil tJireQ volumes and eleven parts , which are as follows :--l . AUo J f ™ . ° * Sociology ; 2 . The / Inductions of : Socwlogy ; . 3 . Pplitica ; Organization ; 4 . Tecqlesiasticid :, Organi ?; atiPh ; , 5 . , Ceremonial gi > ganizatipn 0 . Jridustrial Organization ; 7 . Lmgual _ pro 8 'i * cs . s : 8 . Intellectual : progress ;; 9 . ^ Esthetic rrogi'css j lp . Alon ¦ Progress ; 11 . The Consensus . This brings 11 s Jo the Jiitli and last portion of the wprk i whiqlv is to compxnso the Principles
of Morality , in two voHunoB jvnd six payts , x . w w smiw ^ rality ; 2 . The Inductions of Moralityj 3 , Personal Morals ; * . Justice ; 5 . Nogjvtivp 33 enofieeiico j Q . Positive toeficenco , buc is aribiVtline of tho author ' s scl ^ me . To criticisp it jtt length- « o » w bo towrito a whoib- system of philosophy . ; Wp confmo ou ^ clvertm the present paper entirely to exppsitipn . .- . »;¦ " Foposcd to > pu > liali tho worltin parts , of frbm five to six sheets octavo , compiwiu ,, from eighty to nwotysix pflgojs ; the pnrt ^ to benssuod quoytcxlj , 0 asiipHrfy so « s pdsgililo , The price of onch pp t ^ hnlt-a-crpwm ; U e yearly series of four parts tp Jbo sovorftlly issued wn < l « ontpo 8 l net
toeaoli subsoribovpf 10 s . Toahow tho intopest ¦ 1 ;« k : «»» w » v »^»"" " v supposed , by tho first { iavemts - ond literati ot tho Any * wo nu y npi )© nd the follbwing- list of subsoribors / wliosp nainow »»»« » C *» V given in prior to the TssiiQ of the authp / s proapcqtiis w tlK | 8 P" > S the present year , Thosp snbsoquenWy . recoiycd hnvq ^ oi \> W givpn ; -STohn Stuart Mill , Ksn , 5 Ueo . tfvoto , ^« cj ., I' -W-J » - ' . rf ^ Hon . Lord Stanley ; M . l > . ; CTiarlos Darwin , Kaq . ^ lUU * .. * ;^; f : » F . G . S . ; ^ rofesBorkuxloy , F ^ . S ., F ^ . S . « ee . -t ^ i ff } . A ^ J i \[ ond ; ton M'ilnoH , E « q ., M . I . | O » tuvi «» H . Smjtli , J 2 sr | .-f PvoIo ^ hoi Joliwsoiv , Esq ., M , D , ; K . % . DaUaa ,. !^ . 1 < J . Lockliprt Qhu-Uoi «•> l ? Mt , S , ; Ohiiips Uabbagp , Jflaq ., lUXS ? , F-te-A-feJ ,, Sco ., _^ 1 J . -to j HPni , Esq ., MM-, PSfossor Wdwin Smith j 0 . Do « o «^ « u . Pri « vulX ) . 4 sq . ; W H . Wukhp , 13 Hq ., M , D . ; Wopworfcl 1 , B ^ pn , ^ hm ,
I^S^Sesi I^I^^ .-
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Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 27, 1860, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_27101860/page/8/