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*°30 THE LEADER. [Saturday,
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*°30 The Leader. [Saturday,
* ° 30 THE LEADER . [ Saturday ,
D UTY OFF TEA . —The REDUCTION of the TEA DUTY , and the easy state of the Teamarket , enables PHILLIPS and Company to SELLStrong Congou Tea , 2 s . 8 d ., 2 s . 10 d ., and 3 s . Hioh Souohong Tea , 3 s . 2 d .. 3 s . 4 d ., and 3 s . 8 d . The Best Assam Pekoe Souchong Tea , 4 s . Prime Gunpowder Tea , 8 s . 8 d ., 4 s ., and 4 s . 4 d . IBest Moyune Gunpowder , 4 s . 8 d . The Best Pearl Gunpowder , 5 s . Prime Coffees , Is ., Is . 2 d ., and Is . 3 d . . The Best Mocha and the Best West India Coffee Is . 4 d . Sugars are supplied at market prices . All goods sent carriage free , by our own vans , if within Bight miles . Teas , coffees , and spices sent carriage free to any railway station or market-town in England , if to the raiue of 40 s . or upwards , by - PHILLIPS and COMPANY , Tea Merchants , 8 , King William-Street , City , London . A general price-current sent free on application .
TO LOVERS OF FISH . -A . "lOO Teal Yarmouth Bloaters for 6 s ., package included . The above are forwarded to all parts on receipt ; of penny postage stamps , or P . O . O . ( preferred ) for the amount , bend plain address , county , and nearest station . —Address , Thomas Lettis , jun ., fish-curer , Great Yarmouth .
THE 16 s . TROUSERS reduced to 14 s . — Trousers and . Waistcoat , 22 s . —Coat , Waistcoat , and Trousers , 47 s . j made to order from Scotch Tweeds , all wool , toy B . BENJAMIN , Merchant Tailor , 74 , Regent-street . A perfect fit guaranteed .
-T ^ UTVOYE'S WEDDING BIRTHDAY JC PRESENTS . —It would lie impossible to enumerate the enormous variety of ; articles , both valuable and inexpensive , which may be iuspeeted daily at this . Establishment . All goods mar / keel in plain figures . Illustrated Catalogues sent free ^ on application . It-may tie well to state that all . visitors to this magnificent establishment will meet with a polite reception whether purchasers' or otherwise . Ketail , 164 , Regent street , « orner of Beak-street ,
F IirYOTE'S frOLD and SILVER "WATCHES of English or Foreign Manufacture ;— The long tested qualities / of these articles are of themselves sufficient to insure the approbation of a discerning public . Retail , 164 , Regent-street , corner of Beak-street .
TJiUTYOYE'S DRESSING GASES for JL LADIES and GENTLEMEN , in leather , walnut , and other choice woods , from 1 to 100 guineas , Also , their Government DESPATCH BOXES are too well known to require comment . Retail , 154 , Regent-street , corner of Beak-street .
TpUTTpYE'S PAPIER MACHE . —The X ; superior qualities of these articles need only be seen to be fully appreciated , arising from the well-known fact ( among the aristocracy and nobility ) that Mr . Futvoye is the son of the original Inventor of this beautiful work , whose choicest specimens are in possession of her most gracious Majesty . Retail , 154 , Regent-street , corner of Beak-street .
TpUTVOYE'S FRENCH TIMEPIECES . JL The statistical accounts presented by the Customs to the House of Commons prove that Messrs . Futvbye are "by far the largest importers . 500 of the most elegant and classical designs in ormolu with glass shade and stand , complete , from 2 to 100 guineas , may bo inspected at 154 , Regentstreet , corner of Beak-street .
M ANTELPIECE ORNAMENTS . — At this season , when naturally compelled tp draw around our snug fireplaces , we are apt to feol the want of something ; artistic or pretty to rest tho eye upon , Those experiencing this , ordesirous of adding to their already choice selection , should visit tho extensive Show Rooms of Messrs . Putvoyo and Co ., whore they have the privilege of examining ovorybhine , whether ouatomers or otherwise .
-pUTVOYE'S PARISIAN NOVELTIES JL toujours Nouyeaux , from Is . to 100 guineas , may be more easily imagined than described . Retail , 154 , Rogont-stroot , corner of Beak-stroot . wholesale and oxport warehouses , 28 and 29 , Silver-streot . Goldcn-sciuaro . City . 22 , Groat "Winchester-street . Paris . , Ruo do Rivoli .
A NEW DISCOVERY IN TEETH . Ti / fR . HOWARD , SURGEON-DENTIST , ^ % SSo ^ B without springs , wires , or ligatures . They so perfectly resemble tho natural tooth as not to bo distinguished from tlio or ginals by tho closest observer j they will never ohango colour or decay , and will bo found superior to any tcoth ever before used . This method docs not roquiro the extraction of roots , or any painful operation , and will support and -preserve tooth that are loose , and is guaranteed to restoro articulation and mastication .. Decayed tcoth rendered sound and useful in mastication . 02 , FLEET-STREET . —At homo from Ton till Fivo .
DEAFNESS . —IMPORTANT DISgOVBBT . r-pr . MANFBB 3 ) , M . E . O . S .. has this day published , froo by post , for eight postago Btampa , a l'l » yulcinii ' e Guido for Country Patlonts for tho Porfect find l ' ormanont Restoration of Hearing , by his invaluable Now Treatment . Hoing a atop to quaokory , oruol impositions on tho uullorlng public , and exorbitant charges , thin book will save thousands from tho impositions of tho Holf-stylod doctors , inasmuch aa tho hearing can bo restored for Hfo . PoafucHa of tho most inveterate nature relieved in half an hour , ourod in a few hours , nhnoHt instant ooHwitlou of noiHoa in tho ears and houd , by pahilotJH treatment , Hundreds of lottors may bo Boon , and pornoim roforrnd to , who liivvp hoard tho usual tomo of conversation In < i few hours . 1 ' ationta received daily nt Dr . Maufrod ' s roHidonoo , 7 S , llo-Kont-Btreot , London ( flrnt door in Air-utroot ) , whoro nil lottora nauat ho addressed .
i ^ HUBB LOCKS , with all the recent im-\ J proyements . Strong Tire-proof Safes , Cast and Deed . Boxes- Complete lists of sizes and prices may be had on application . oc , P : P B and SON - 57 > st - Paul > 3 Churchyard , London ; 28 , Lord-street , Liverpool ; 16 , Market-street , Manchester ; and Horsley-fields , Wolverhampton .
TpRENCH MODERATOR LAMPS . —A very JL large and superior stock now ON SALE at DEANE , JJRAY , and Co . ' s ( Opening to the Monument ) , London Bridge . Established A . D . 1700 .
THE ONLY STOVE WITHOUT A FLUE . Joyce ' s Patent , for warming halls , shops , greenhouses , storerooms , and all other places . Price from 12 s . To be seen in action at the proprietor ' s , SWAN NASH , 253 , Oxfordstreet , and the CITY DEPOT * 119 , Newgate-street , London . PATENT PREPARED FUEL , 2 s . 6 d . per bushel . JOYCE'S PORTABLE LAUNDRY STOVE will heat for 12 hours six flat and Italian irons with one pennyworth of coke or cinders , GAS STOVES in great variety . MODERATOR LAMPS , complete , froml 2 s . to 6 guineas . SWAIN NASH solicits an inspection of his new and elega . nt SHOWRO 0 MS » in which he has an assortment of thea . bo . ve lamps , unequalled for price and quality in London . Refined Rape Oil , 5 s . per gallon . Prospectuses , with drawings , free .
/ CHOLERA PREVENTED ! RETTIE'S \ J PATENTS- SELF-ACTING SEWER AND SINK TRAPS , for Streets and Kitchen Sinks , to prevent all effluvia from Drains , Cesspools , and . "Urinals ^ Damp Hous es cured at Pourpenco per day , by the Economic Stove , giving a dry , warm temperature , for sick persons and invalids , ana no risk of fire . Now in use in H-M . Treasury , Royal Mint , Churches ^ Scho ols , Prisons , Hospitals , Ships , Hot-Houses , & c . PORTABLE CHAMBER CLOSETS , free from all effluvia . OrcLers to E . M . and M- Rettie . 7 , Brompton-road . ( Enclose Stamp , when Circulars will be sent . ) N-B—Beware of imitations on . the above Patents .
OE . THGPGEDIC MECHANISM . Every description of apparatus for the CURB or RELIEF of BODILY DEFORMITY , and diseases rewiring mechanical assistances may bo bad of Mr . HEATHER . BIGG * 29 , LEICESTER-SQUARE , who , having recently visited the principal continental Orthopaedic Institutions , is in possession of every modern improvement .
¦ EFFECTUAL SUPPORT TOR VARIJ-i COSE VEINS . —This elastic and compressing stocking , or article of any other required form , is pervious , lip ; ht , and inexpensive , and easily drawn on witflo > ut ; lacing or bandaging . Instructions for measurement amd prices on application , and the articles sent bvpost from the Manufacturers , POPE and PL ANTE , 4 , AVATER 3 JOO PLACE , PALI / MALL . LONDON .
TRELOAR'S COCOA-NUT FIBRE MATTING . —Door Mats , Mattresses , Cushions , Hassocks , Brushes , Netting . & c , & c . WAREHOUSE , 42 , LUDGATE-HILL , L 0 OT 3 ON .
DR . DBJONGH ' S LIGHT BROWN COD LIVER OIL . Prepared for Medicinal use in the Loffoden islks , nokway , and put to the test of chemical analysis . perscribed by eminent medical men a 3 the most effectual remed y fob consump-TION , Bronchitis , Asthma , Gout , Rheumatism , some Diseases of the Skin , Rickets , Infantine Wastin g , General Debility , anp all Scrofulous Affkcttions . Approved of and recommended by BEEZExriTs , Liebio , WOHLKR . JONATHAN I ^ BEEIKA , FOUQUIEK , and numerous other distinguished Physicians and Scientific Chomistsspecially rewarded with Medals , by the Governments of Belgium and the Netherlands , and supplied fco tho leading Hospitals of Europe-tcsffecting n . cure or alleviating suffer ing much more rapidly than any other Mud . Extract from" THE LANCET , " Jnly 29 , 1854 . " After a caroful examination of tho difTorout kinds of Cod Liver Oil , Dr . do Jongh gives the proforence to tho Light Brown Oil over the Pale Oil , which contains scarcely any volatile fatty apid , a smaller quantity of iodhno , phosphoric acid , and tho elements of bile , and upon which , lngrodionts the cfllcacy of Ood Liver Oil no doiibt partly aoponds . Bomo of tho dollcicncics of the Palo Oil arc attributable to tho method of its preparation , and especially to its nitration through charcoal . In tho preference of the Light Brown over the Palo Oil wo fully concur . " ¥ o have carefully tested a specimon of tho I 4 ght Brown Cod Liver Oil , prepared for medical uso undor the direction of Dr . do . Tongh , and obtained from tlio wholesale ngonta , Messrs . AwaA . it , Harijord , aMdCo ., 77 , Strand- Wo find it to tao gonuino , and rioh in iodine and the olomonts of bilo . " Sold wnoi . TDSALB and retail , in bottles ., labolled with Dr . do JonKh ' H stamp and signatmro , by ANSAR , HARFORI ) , and Co ., 77 , Strancl , London , Sol « Consignees and Agents for tho United Kingdom and the . British Possessions ; and mny bo obtained from rospcct-SSlowFn " rSoS--P rwBBiBtB in * "nd Couutpy , at tho IMIMSKTAL MICASC ! RM . m * ? Iftlf , lV > . l , ; ' 1 'ints , 4 s . nd . Quairt 8 , 0 s . Vour hulf-pint bottlon forwarded , oaiukaqb pajp to my part of England , on receipt of a romittunoo of'Ton 6 ht £ llXl ^ H .
DEA FNESS AND SINGING NOISESInstant roliof by D r . HOGHTON'S now and nainloss mode or euro . Any oxtro . noly d « nf mifforw by one vi " lt is poTmanontly- onablodtohonr with onso thouai al tone of convoimtlon , without oporation , pivi .,, or tho two of nStiumonte Thirty-four patients cured last week i many totally doafinstnntanoousfy roatorod to porf « ofc hoarl ik . ToBtlinonlalii II & S » Mn ^ , 8 wSKi lH i ° V ? i P ™«« Hod only by Dr . fvl . In' / 11 ' ! , '" * 11 Ro y ft » OoH « bo of Sureuonn , Sr ^ Lnft , ™ n" £ ' ? r ' n ' " ? ' ^* . ' * n Htttotfon for thoCuro o [ J ) on , fnoBH . » . oulIolk-plaoc Vnll-mall . Just publlHhoM , SolfOuro of DonfnoHH lor ponntrv mtl « nta-n Rtop to ompirlolBm . qi . « ol or " ami oaorlS foos —sent on receipt of sovou utami ) s , » "rco . » ™™>™™ > ° <*»
¦ RENDERS , STOYES , and FIRE-IRONS J - Buyers of the above are requested , before finally deciding , to visit WILLIAM S . BURTON'S SHOW-ROOMS , 39 , Oxford-street ( corner of Newman-street ) , Nos . l & 3 Newman-street , and 4 & 5 , Perry ' s-place . They are the largest in the world , and contain such an assortment of PENDERS , STOVES , RANGES , FIBJE-IRONSi and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design or exquisiteness of workmanship . Bright Stoves , with bronzed ornaments and two sets of bars , 2 Z . 14 s . to 51 . 10 s .- ditto with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , 51 . 10 s to 121 . 12 s . ; Bronzed Fenders complete , with standards , from 7 s . to . 32 . ; Steel Fenders from 21 . 15 s . to 61 . ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from . 22 . 15 s . to 11 . 7 s . ; Fire-irons from Is . 9 d . the set to 41 . is . Sylvester and all other Patent Stoves , with radiating hearth plates . All which he isenabled to sell at these very reduced charges . Firstly—From the frequency and extent of his purchases i and Secondly—From those purchases being made exclusively for cash . PAPIER MACHE A 1 TD IRON TEATRAYS . An assortment of Tea Trays and Waiters ,, wholly unprecedented , whether as to extent , variety , or novelty . New Oval Papier Machfe Trays , per set of three from 20 s . Od . to 10 guineas . Ditto , Iron ditto from 18 s . od . to 4 guineas . Convex shape ditto from 7 s . 6 d . Round and Gothic waiters , cake and bread baskets , equally low . a AS CHANDELIERS and BRACKETS . The increased and increasing use of Gas in Private-Houses has induced WILLIAM S . BTJRTON to collect , from all the various manufacturers all that is New and Choice in Brackets , Pendants , and Chandeliers , adapted tooffices , passages , and dwelling-rooms , as ^ well-as to > ha vesome designed , expressly for him ; these are now ON SHOW in one of his TEN LARGE ROOMS , and present , for novelty , variety , and purity of taste , an unequalled assortment . They are marked in plain figures , at prices proportionate with those which have tended to make his ' 'Establishment the largest and most remarkatole in the kingdom , viz ., from 12 s . 6 d . ( two light ) to 161 . LAMPS of all SORTS and PATTERNS . The Largest , as well as the Choicest , Assortment in existence of FKENOH and ENGLISH MODERA . TEUR , PALMER'S , CAMPHINE , ARSAND , SOLAR , and other LAMPS , with all the latest improvements , and of the newest and most recherche patterns , in ormolu , Bohemian , and plain glass , or papier mache , is at "WILLIAM S . BURTO 3 ST'S , and they are arranged in one large room , so that patterns , sizes , and sorts can be instantly selected . Real French Colza Oil , 4 s . 6 d . per gallon . Palmer ' s Candles , 9 d ., 9 Jd ., andlOd . per lb . DIS H COVERS and HOT-WATER Z DISHES in every material , in great variety , and of the newest and most recherche patterns . Tin Dish Covers , 6 s . 6 d . the set of six ; Block Tin , 12 s . 3 d . to 28 s . 9 d . the set ; of six ; elegant modern patterns , 34 S . to 58 s . 6 d . the set ; Britannia Metal , with or without silver-plated handles , 76 s . 6 d . to 110 s . 6 d . tho set ; Sheffield plated , 101 . to 16 ? . 10 s . the set ; Block Tin Hot-water Dishes , with wells for gravy , 12 s . to 30 s . ; Britannia Metal , 223 , to 77 s- ; Electro-plated on Nickel , full size , 111 . lls . WILLIAM S . BURTON has TEN LARGE SHOWROOMS ( all communicating ) , exclusive of the shop , devoted solely to the show of GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY ( including cutlery ^ nickel silver , plated and japan wares , iron and brass bedsteads ) , so arranged and classified that purchasers may easily and at one © make their selections . Catalogues , with engravings , sent ( per post ) free . Tho money returned for ovory article not approved of . 39 , OXFORD-STREET ( corner of Newman-street ); Nos . 1 . 2 . and 3 , NEWMANrSTREET ; and 4 and 5 , PERRY'S-
rpESTIMONIALS by PRESENTATION J- having- become so much tho custom , and in consequence of Messrs . FUTVOYE' having been frequently applied to for suitablo articles , they beg to state to all thoso who would pay such graceful tributes to publio merit or private worth , that in all cases when it is clearly shown goods are required for such a purpose , and the amount oxceods 501 ,, they shall allow 10 por cent , from their regular marked prices . 15 J ., Regent-street , August 28 . 1854 .
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL- LETTERS PATENT . THE MOO-MAIN LETER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gontloinen to bo tho most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hornia . Tho uso of asteol spring ( so often hurtful in ito effects ) is hero avoided , a soft Bnhdago being worn round tlio body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by tho Moc-Mfun Pad and Patent Lovor , fitting with so much oaso and olosenoss that it cannot bo detected , and may bo worn during sloop . A descriptive circular may bo had , and cho Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by post , on tho circuinfcronco of tho body , two inches below the hips , being sent to tho Manufacturer , Mr . JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . BLAStia STOCKINGS , KNEE CAPS , & c . for VARICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of the LEGS , SPRAINS , & o . They arc porous , light in toxturo , and inoxponaivo , and are drawn on like nn ordinary stocking . Price from 7 b , ( Sd . to 10 a . Postage , Gd .
AME RICAN SARSAPAEILLA . OLD DR . JACOB TOWNSHND'S AMERICAN SARSAPAl ^ ILLA . This is , of all known romodion , tlio most miro . Bale , active , and ollloaolouH in tho purification of «; ho blood of all morbid matter , of bile , urea , « olds . Hcrofuloun BwbMtancoH , humours of all kinds , whicih produoo rashon omptioiiB , salt rheum , orynipolsw . aoald bond , soro oyoa and cars , aor « throat and . ulcers , and sores on any part of tho body . It is unsurpassed in Its notion upon liho livor tho lungs , and tho stomach , removing any cause of dlBoaso from thoso organs , and oxnollhiK all humours from tlio Hyutoni . Uy cloauHlnK tho blood , it lor over prevents pustules , Hoabn , phuploti and ovory variety of aorcm on tho fuco and broiiNt . If , ttj a Kiwt tonio . jwid inipartHMtronKtUand viKouv to tliu debilitated and woak , kIvoh rest and rolroHhtnK Hloop to flics norvoijH and roHtloim invalid . It is a wroat female modioiuo . and will ouro inoro complaints peculiar to tho box fclmn nnv other romody in tho world , "VVwrohouso , . 178 , Strand , adloiuinK JOxotur-Hallj POM : ROY , ANDitHWM , and CO .. Holo Vro |» not , or « . Hsilf-pli > tn , 2 « . <) d ; | jl » ta , 4 s . i anmllqi-nrlH . * j . Od . i ( juairtB , 7 s , Od . i ukmiuuoUih , Ha .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 28, 1854, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_28101854/page/22/