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October 28, 1854.] THE LEAD ER. 1031
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October 28, 1854.] The Lead Er. 1031
October 28 , 1854 . ] THE LEAD ER . 1031
EAGLE INSURANCE COMPANY , 3 , Crescent , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , London . DIEECTOES . THOMAS DEVAS , Esq ., Chairman . JOSHUA LOCKWOOD , Deputy-Chairman . Charles Bischoff , Esq . Richard Harman Lloyd , Esq . Thomas Boddington , Esq . W . Anderson Peacock , Esq . If athaniol Gould , Esq . Ral ph Chas- Price , Esq . Robert Alexander Gray , Esq . Thos . G . Sambrooke , Esq . Chas . Thos . Holcombe , Esq . William Wybrow , Esq , AVDIJQTRS . THOMAS ALLEN , Esq . \ 7 M . HENRY SMITH , juii ., Esq . SUEGIOyS . 3 A 3 IES SANER , Esq ., M . D ., Finsbury-sqnare . WM . COOKE , Esq ., M . D ., 3 D , Trinity-square , Tower-Mil . BAIfKEE 8 . Messrs . GLTN , MILLS , & Co ., 67 , Xombard-street . Messrs . HANBURY & LLOYDS , 60 , Lombard-street . ACTUAE . T AND SECEETAIiT . CHARLES JELLICOE , Esq , The business of the Company comprises Assurances on Lives and Survivorships , the Purchase of Life Interests * the sale and purchase of contingent and deferred Annuities , Loans of Money on Mortgage , & c . This Company was established in 1807 , is empowered by the Act of Parliament 53 George III ., aiid regulated by Deed enrolled in the High Court of Chancery . The Company was originally a strictly Proprietary one . The Assured on the participating scale , now participate quinqHennially in four-fifths of the amount to be divided . To the present time ( 1853 ) the Assured have received from the Company in satisfaction of their claims , upwards of l , 400 , O 0 OZ . v The amount at present assured is 3 , 000 , 0003 . nearly , and the income of the Company is about 125 , 000 ? . At the last Division of Surplus , about 120 , 0007 . was added to the sums assured under Policies for the whole term , of Xife . ¦ : " ¦ .. - ' .:. ; ¦ ¦ ¦ . : ¦ The lives assured are permitted , in time of peace , and not being engaged in mining or gold digging , to reside in any country—or to pass by sea ( not being seafaring persons by profession ) between any two . parts of 6 he samehemisphere —distant more than 33 degrees from the Equator , without extra charge-AH Policy Stamps and Medical Pees are now paid by the Company . By recent' enactments , persons are exempt , tinder certain restrictions * from Income Tax , as respects so much of their -income as they may devote to assurances on Lives . The Annual Reports of the Company ' s state and progress , Prospectuses and Forms , may be had . will be sent , post free on application at the Office , or to any of the Company's Agents .
A aENCIES . —Applications for Appoint-T ^ , 2 R ? 5 feJ , n the A S ency Department of the MITRE LIFE OFFICE , are requested to be addressed to W . BRIDGES , Secretary , Remuneration liberal . 23 , Pall-mall , London .
BANK OF DEPOSIT , No . 3 , Pall-mall East , and 7 , St . Martin ' s-place , Trafalgar-square , London . Established May , 1844 . Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to examine the Plan of this Institution , by which a . high rate of Interest may be obtained with perfect Security . The Interest is payable in January and S . tjzt , and for the convenience of parties residing at a distance , may be received at the Branch Ofllces , or paid through Country Bankers , without expense . PETER MORRISON " , Managing ? Director . Prospectuses sent free on application .
AR Gr-TJS LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 39 , Throgmorton-stroet , Jianki » nd I * . Pall-mall . . Chsiirman-THOMAS FARNCOMB , Esq ., Alderman . Deputy-Chairman-AVILLIAM LEAF , Esq ; Richard E . Arden , Esq . Ruport Ingloby , Esq . i 2 dward Bates . Esq . Thomas Kelly , Esq ., Aid . Thomas Camnlin , Esq . Jeremiah Piluhor , Esq . James Clift , Esq . Lewis Pocock , Esq . J . Humphcry , Esq ., Aid . Physiciaii—Dr . Jofiffreson , 2 , Finsbury-squaro . Surgeon—W . Coulson , Esq ., 2 , Freilorick's-plaoe , Old Jmvry . Consulting Actuary—Professor Hall , M . A ., of King ' s College . ADVANTAGES OP ASSURING WITH THIS COMPANY . Tho Premiums are on tho lowest scale consistent witli Bccurity . Tho assured are protected by an arnplo subscribed capital —an Assurance Fund < of 400 . 000 J ., invested on mortgage and iix tho Government Stooks—and an income of 80 , 0001 . a year . Prownimna to Abhui-o . filOl ) . ~ AVholo Term . Age . One Year . Soyon Years . WlthProlltHAniiliouTlWlis 20 £ 0 17 8 £ ( i i \> ~ V" £ 1 15 10 Al 11 10 80 1 1 3 13 7 B li 6 2 0 7 40 i r » o loo ;> o 7 2 u 10 CO 1 14 , 1 1 10 10 « « 8 4 0 11 CO 3 2 4 | ii 17 0 ( 5 33 » fl _ 0 1 ( 1 MUTUAL 3 J 1 UN 0 H . Assurors on tlio Bonun Byatom aro entitled at tho end « f flvo years , and afterwards annually , to participate in four ' fifths or 80 pur cont . of tho prolltH . Tho profit imslKnod to each policy can bo added to tho sum nmiiirod . applied in reduction of tho annual proinlum , or bo rucolvuu in ciwh . At tho limb division a return of 20 nor wuit . in cuhH on tho premiums paid was doolarcdi thin will allow a rovorsionary inoreaso varying uncording to ngu fi-am ( tfl to 88 per cont . on tho promlumH . or fi-om 5 to lO ' ijor cent , on the Bum awHuroil . Ono-hnK of tlio " Whole Tornr" Tromium may remain on croUl . lor hovoh years , or one-third of tho Premium mny roimUii lor lifts « u a dobli upon tho l ' olicvy at , 15 jior cunt ., or mny \ m pnld oir at any tluin without notlco . UlnlniH puld in ono month after proofs have boon approved . LosniH upon approved soourlty . Nw «! mira for Policy Htnmpn . ' MofllHil nttcndantH riaid for tlmlr roporto , 1 Vthoiim nuiy prooeorttoor ronidoln nny | mrt of Europe or Ur UnIi ^ » rtli Amorlcu \ v || lmut oxtru oliiirjco . lUoiiujtUcul olllcoi-M ut-tunU uvoi-j duy ul , a quartor buforo 13 . iJATKS , RoBliloiil Dlrootor .
T ECTURES AT THE NORMAL SCHOOL JLi OP ART AT MARLBOROUGH HOUSE during the Sessions , 1854-5 . T . Huxley , Esq ., F . H . S ., on Animal Form . J . Marshall , Esq ., F . R . C . S ., on the Human Form . R . N . Wprnum , Esq ., on the History of Ornamental Art . Dr . Lmdley , F . R . S ., on Form and Colour in the Vepretable Kingdom . Professor Semper , on Architecture and Plastic Decoration . O . Hudson , Esq ., on Surface Decoration . J . Thompson , Esq ., on Wood Engraving . Crace Calvert , Esq ., on Colours and Pigments . Persons not Registered Students are admitted to any one complete course at the rate of 6 d . each lecture , or to a single lecture at Is . For information , application should be made at the Offices Marlborough-House , Pall-mall .
CHOItSSA ORPHANS . NATIONAL ORPHAN HOME , HAM COMMON . INSTITUTED 1849 . On Sunday morning next , Oct . 2 i ) , a Sermon will be preached at St . Benet , Gracechureh-street , on behalf of the above Orphan Home , by the" Rev . M . W . LUSIGNAN , M . A ., Lecturer of All Hallows the Great and Less . The Home has now Forty Orphan Girls , and Twenty more are to be elected , if possible , on the 13 th . Fourteen to be Cholera Orphans . JOSEPH BROWN , M . A ., ?« - „„«„„ < - ¦ » J . M . MORGAN , Esq ., J Hon . Secretaries . Every information will be given by the Honorary Secretary , the Rev . Joseph Brown , Rector of Christ Church , Blackfriars-rcad , to whom subscriptions maybe forwarded ; also to the Treasurer , Henry Kingscote , Esq .., 1 , Parliamentstreet ; or to the account of the National Orphan Home , London ard Westminster Bank , City ; to Dalton ' s , Cockspurstreet ; Hatchard ' s , Piccadilly ; Nisbet ' s , Berners-street ; Kivingtdns ' , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , and 'Waterloo-place , ? all-mall ; Seeleys ' , 54 , Fleet-street , and Hanover-street , Hanover-square .
ITALIAN AND PREiNTCH LANGUAGES . MR , AREI YABEN E , D . L . L ,, from the University of Padua , who has been established in London for three years , gives private lessons in Italian and French at his own house , or at the house of his pupils . He also attends Schools both in town and country . Mr . ARRIVA . BENE teaches on a plan thoroughly practical-, and ; he most mediocre mind cannot fail to thoroughly comprehend his lessons . ' ¦ . Apply by letter to Mr . ARRIVABENE , No . 4 , St . Michael ' splace , Br-ompton . ,
"CpXCURSIOKISTS may secure £ 1 OO for J—I their families in case of death by Railway Accident in a trip of any length , with an allowance for themselves when hurt , by takiaig an Insurance Ticket , costing TWOPENCE , of the Excursion Agents , or at the Railway Stations , Rauavat Passengibs Assurance Offices , 3 , Oxi > Broad Street . London . WILLIAM J . VIAN . Sec .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Eoyal Charter , 1847 . Tho Court of Directors grant LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Bank at Adelaide at Par Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . Business with the Australian colonies generally , conducted , through tho Bank ' s Agents . Apply at tho Company ' s Offices , 64 , Old ¦ Broad-street . London , WILLIAM PURDY . Manager . London , October , 1854 .
¦ piGGOTT'S GALVANIC BELT , with--1- out acids , or any saturation , without shock or unpleasant sensation , for tho cure of nervous diseases and . those arising : from cold , an inactive liver , or sluggish circulation , and has been found highly beneficial in cases of Rheumatism , Sciatico , Dyspepsia , Neuralgia in all its forms and general debilit / of tho system . Treatise on tho abovol free on the receipt of a postage stamp . Mr . W . P PIGGOTT , Medi « al Galvauist , 523 it , Oxford-street " Blooinsoury . At homo daily from 10 till 4 .
THE PEN SUPERSEDED . ~ The most oloprant , easy , economical , and bost method of MARKING LINEN , SIJUK , HOOKS , & c .. without tho ink spreading or fading , is with the INCORRODIBLE ARGENTINE PLATES . No preparation required . Any person can use them with the greatest facility . Name , 2 s . ; initials , 1 b ( hi .: Numbers , per . sot , 2 s . 0 d . ; Crest , 5 s . Sent , post freo , witli directions , for stamps or post order . PRISIDK . WIIITlEMAN , Inventor and Solo Maker . 19 , Little Qucen-stroot , Hoi born .
MTISS LINDSAY'S EXCELSIOR . Words L by LONGFELLOW . Pinoly illustrated , 2 s . od . " We don't know how to aocount for the effect of this song . Tho Gregorian Chant ia not moro simple . There is no ornament , and tho aacompanimont iB only a gentle , oven flow through tlm ohord or the key ; andyofc—yos , that is it —it translates tho sentiment of tho words , and makes tho heart coho thp ory of' Excolalor . ' "—The Jlpitomiat , Sopt . 30 . "An oxquislto \ yvio . "~ Mitsa Cools . " This famous j > oom has boon sot to music scores of times but mvyor moro Bwccwmfully than in tho present inBtanco ! MIhs Lindsay ' s melody in uta-riiiR andoxprosHivo . and , if nuns with proper accentuation , could not full of olioithiir admtrsition from tho most apathutio vocul admlror . The ( lcHiun in tho lltlo-pago iHn-ioat ohnsto in conception and nnlBhed in cs ( H ' , ut , lon . ' '—Weekly Timas . In consequence ! of tho extraordinary popularity of this sonK . purohaaorH liavo boon UJHtippolntod bythoHubHtitutlon of other worlts with simllftr titloH . 'J ' o provont siuilj di , wt > - pointmont , tho nubile uro respectfully roquofltod to bo partioular in onJorlncr "Miaw J ^ lndwiy ' a KxoolHtor , " as nbovo . London i HonmiT Cockh and Co ., New HiirlhiKton-Htroet . PUMIahorfl to tho Quoon i and of all UoolcKollors .
. Timt puSilibliod , prlco Uh ., post froo 2 b fld NER VOUS AFFECTIONS : an Essay on HpernmtorHKum . ; its Nature nnd Treatment , wltli an ExiiomKIon of Urn l'Ynuuo Unit uro pmatlmjd by noi-noun who hiIvcHIm tliohimody , mitV , and olVoutual ouro ofNorvoitN Uo"WirOllini ^ . * !" ° TUM itOYAL COL liGK OF J'll YB 1 C 1 ANS . London . London i Aylott mid Co ., 8 , Pntornostur-row .
The November . Number , Price Half-a-Crown . « f TVENTLEY'S MISCELLANY xvUl contain : — The Campaign in the Crimea . Aspen Court , and Who Lost and Who Won it . A Tale of our own Time . By Shirley Brooks . Johnson's Lives of the Poets . Haps anj > Mishaps of a Tour in EiraoFB . Bx Gracb Greenwood . Master Guy . Teresa Bandettini , the Iaifrovisatbice . The Countess St . Aulaire . Effects of an Empty Purse . By Alfred W . Cotte Adventures of Benjamin Bobbin , the Bagman . By Crawford Wilson . Lord Metcalfe . London : Richard Bentley , New Burlington-street .
"OLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE , for NOX- > VEMBEB , 1854 . No . CCCCLXIX . Price 2 s . 6 d . Contents Turkey and its Population . Civilisation . — -The Census . The Secret Agent . Colour in Nature and Art . Latin Versification . The Influence of Gold upon the Commercial , and Social Condition of the World . —Part I . Peace and War . The War and the Ministry . William : Blackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and . London .
FRAS RR'S MAGAZINE for NOVEMBER , price 2 s . Gd ., or by pqst 3 s ., contains : Heaktsease ; or , the Brother ' s "Wife . An English Pbisoner in Russia . London Stout . A Handful op Italian Patois Books . By Vt-CEsiBtus Smatterling , B . L . —Second Paper . A Sporting Expedition on the Banks of the Tigris . General Bounce . By the Author ob * " Digby Graijd . " Chapters XXIII . —XXV . DALTOiN . -: Painting in Ekgland , Songs of the ! Dramatists . Russiajn Defeats and their Effect on Europe . London ; John "W . Parked and Son . West Strand .
I ^ OLBXJRjST'S KEW MONTHLY V ^ MAGAZINE . The November Number will he ready on the 31 st . Also , price 2 s . 6 d ., the November Number of ^ INSWORTH'S MAGAZINE . Chapman and Ham ., 193 , Piccadilly .
HpHE ECLECTIC REVIEW , for NOX VEMEER , price Is . 6 d ., contains : 1 . The Gkebk Church . 2 . The Tartar ; Conquerors . 8 . Hungarian Sketches in Peace and "War . 4 . The Pentateuch and its Assailants . 5 . Vinet ' s French' Literature or the 18 th Century . . G . Autobiography of the Rev- W . Jay . 7 . JMukchison ' s Simjria . 8 . The Decimal . System in Money , WEiaiiTS , ahi > Mkasukks . Review of the Month , & c . & c . ¦ Ward and Co ., 27 , Paternoster-row .
Price , 7 d ., rUIAMBERS'S JOURNAL of POPULAR \ J LITERATURE , SCIENCE , and ARTS . Paet X . j ? on NovEMBER .-CoNXENra ; Maretuno . By Ua ^ le St . John . Chapter I . OlJIt GUEAT WoUKSUOP . Going A-Soi . i > ikuino ; on , the Camp ax Boo-COONH . SaUUISK AND SUNSHT , Tice Blind and this Dkaf . Occasional Ncmca . Mr . SCKU . ANKA . My Fnci-ow-TiiAVEixKn and I . Things aa They are in America : General Observations . 15 y W . Chamuebb . This Navai- Hkndk / . yous . M-aretimo . Chapter li . Ouit Sims and this Russian Side . PoIOTUY AND Ml 3 OKI , I . ANKA . Arf lu . VRvnwvn London Room . ClIKIOHITUCS OV COOIUCIIY . Maretimo . Cimptcr in . 'Vadmou in two Dicskut . Turn Month i Soiknck and Aura . Tin' ; Cakiuck oh- a LwiooF ' -IJA'rjixrc Srnr . PoiCTKY AND MlHOKIXANlCA . GlCNOA tlNOKIl TWO Asi'MOTS . Ho ^ Y C ; , ay can juo Tuknkw into Com . Bl'KCTAGI . KH . Maretimo . Clmptar IV . OlMl FlIIST VlHIT TO TUNS OZAK . TlUC MONTH ! ' 1 ' llH LlMICAUY AMU THIS STUDIO . PoJCTKV ANU iUliClil . t . ANKA . "VV . and I { . Ciiamjiiciih , 8 , JJrido's-pnfiBngo , Floct-ntreot , London , mid flW > , lii ^ li-fttrcot , Edinburgh ; nnd sold by nil Uooksolk'rs
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 28, 1854, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_28101854/page/23/