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January 29, .18584] THE LEADER. 119
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January 29, .18584] The Leader. 119
January 29 , . 18584 ] THE LEADER . 119
PENINSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COUP Airs »¦ *• - » - " » - »»• . SBW ABBANGBMENTS , AND BEDUCED * ABES AND HEIGHTS . to *** ^ ^ BPAKTITRES OUTWARDS . lOfli ^ d SSS & rSgrSSS fr ° ^^ -P ^ anl on the PWiK ^« J ^ ' 1 ! SINGAPORE . - For Adelaide , Port S £ w « * * £ ( to ° chin & a * Batavia ) , on the 4 th of March anfl rtn tfc ! inTT ™ ** 6 J * 011 ^ thereafter from Southampton , SSAftJTiSLSKf ^ 1 Oth of ^^ alternate ZntH MALTA and EGYPT . —On the 4 th and 20 fcn of every month ^* r ° . S * ^ ? 5 tnS ? & e 1 Oth and 26 th frort Marseilles . ™^ L 7 A s CONSTANTINOPLE .-On the 29 th of every month from Southampton . ! F £ wu nd PPRTUGAL . -For Vigo , Oporto , Lisbon , Cadiz , and Gibraltar , from Southampton , on the 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of every month . CALCUTTA and CHINA .-Vessels of the Company ply occasionally ( generally once a month ) between Calcutta ? Penang , Singapore , Hong Kong , and Shanghae . N . B . —The rates of passage money and freight on the India and China lines have been considerably reduced , and may be had upon application at the Company ' s Offices , 122 , Leadenhall Street , London , and Oriental Ptece , Southampton .
A RGUS LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 39 , Throgmorton Street , Bank ; and 14 , Pall Mall . Chairman—Thomas Fahkcomb , Esq ., Alderman . Deputy-Chairman—Wiiii-iAM Lbaf , Esq . Richard E . Arden , Esq ^ John Humphery , Esq ., Alder-Edward Bates , Esq , man . Thomas Complin , Esq . Thomas Kelly , Esq ., Alderman James Clift , Esq . Jeremiah Pilcher , Esq . Rupert Ingleby , Esq . Lewis Pocoek , Esq . AUDITOES . Rev . T . G . Hall , M . A . | J . B . Shuttleworth , Esq . Physician—Dr . Jeaifreson , 2 , Finsbury Square . Subgeom- —W . Coulson , Esq ., 2 , Frederick ' s Place , Old Jewxy . Consulting Actuabt—Professor Hall , M . A ., of King's College . Somcitoe—William Fisher , Esq ., 19 , Doughty Street . Advantages op Assuring wits this Comtant . —In addition to a large subscribed Capital , Policy-holders have the security of an Assurance Fund of Three Hundred and Forty Thousand Pounds , and an income of £ 75 , 000 a-year , arising from the issue of nearly 7500 policies . Bonus , oe Peofit Beanch—Persons assuring on the Bonus System will be entitled , at the expiration of five years , and afterwards annually , to participate in 80 per cent , of the profits . The profit assigned to each Policy may be added to the sum assured , applied in reduction of the annual premium , or be paid in money . Non-Bonus , oe Low Pbemium Branch . —The Tables on the non-participating principle afford peculiar advantages to the assured , not offered by any other office j for where the object is the least possible outlay , the payment of a certain sum is secured to the Policy-holder , on the death , of the assured , at a reduced rate of premium . Premiums to Assure £ 100 . Wholi Term . . One Seven "With Without Ke Year . Years . I » ront 8 . Profits . 20 £ 0 17 8 £ 0 19 1 £ 1 15 10 £ 1 11 10 30 113 127 255 207 40 150 169 307 2 14 10 50 1 14 1 1 19 10 4 6 8 4 0 11 60 3 2 4 3 17 0 | 6 12 9 8 0 10 One half of the " Whole Term" Premium may remain on credit for seven years , or one-third of the Premium mny remain for life as a debt upon the Policy , at 5 per cent , or may he paid off at any time without notice . Claims paid iri one month after proofs have been approved . Loans upon apKpved security . The medical officers attend every day at Throgmorton Street , at a quarter before two o ' clock . E . BATES , Resident Director .
THE OAK MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE and LOAN COMPANY . Offices—49 , Moorgate Street , London . Guarantee Fund , Fifty Thousand Pounds . The Oak LtFK Offick Undertakes all transactions involving the contingencies of human lifo , whether they relate to the Upper or Middle Classes , which are now almost peculiarly tho objects of Life Assurance , or to those in an humbler spherethe industrious Labourer , Mechanic , or Artisan . Tho constitution of the Office is upon the Mutual Principle , and embraces Assurances upon Single or Joint Lives and Survivorships , Endowments , and tho granting of Immediate or Deferred Annuities . Tho attention of benevolent persons , and employers of Overy description , is invited to tho Prospectus and Tables of the Industrial or Workmen ' s Brunch of this Company . Table showing the Monthly Contributions payable for the Assurance of any of the following Sums payable at Death . Age next For £ 20 . | For £ 30 . For £ 10 . For £ 50 . Birthday . , e « . d . a s . d . £ s . a . si t . d . 10 0 0 7 0 0 11 0 18 0 1 « 12 0 0 8 0 0 11 0 13 0 17 15 0 0 8 0 10 0 14 . 0 1 8 1 H 0 0 0 Oil 015 Old 20 0 0 J ) Oil 0 1 0 0 1 10 22 0 0 10 0 12 0 17 0 111 25 0 0 10 0 18 0 1 H 0 3 1 2 ( 1 0 0 10 0 14 0 1 it 0 2 2 2 H ( I Oil 0 14 0 1 10 0 2 : t ; U ) 0 1 0 0 15 0 1 11 0 2 5 : ia oio o j « o a o 020 : tr . oil oi 8 02 a 0 a . y : i 7 013 oi » 024 o 2 n 40 0 1 . { 0 1 11 o 2 « o y a 4 a 014 0 a o o 2 h o » 4 45 0 1 » 02 a 0211 o a h 40 0 1 0 0 a : » <> » 1 o a 10 4 H 0 1 h 0 2 5 o 8 : i 041 50 0 10 0 2 7 0 3 ( I 0 4 4 IOyahi'I . ic -A person agod 21 may , by the nmall payment of l ) d nor month Hoouro to bin wife , children , or othor reUtiv « fl or uoinineon , tho num of £ 20 at his death , whenever that ovont may occur The Premiums will be received by instalments at » uoh of tho Company ' s A gencies hh may nuit tho convenienco of tho Assurers . . , , , / Pro 9 p « fl «« HM and Forms ol App lication may he had at tho ComA- » Oft * ., « , d ^^ j ^&^^^ lS ^ N . B . —Ab'onta required in flll parts of the Kingdom .
B LACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE , N 6 , CCCCXLTIII ., for Febbuabt , 1853 . Price 2 s . 6 d . CONTENTS . The Garden . L * dy Lee's Widowhood . Part II . Supplementary Chapters to the History of John Bull ; A Glimpse into the Eleusinian Mysteries . - Th 6 Romance of Mairwara : A Tale of Indian Progress . Oxford University Commission Report . Paliesy the * Potter . Iacome-Tax Reform . A Second Edition of the January Number is published . William Blackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
On Friday will be published , NEW WORK BY SIR E . BULWER LYTTON , BART . MY NOTEL , BY PISISTEATUS CAXTON ; or , Varieties in English Life . In Four Volumes , post 8 vo . Price 42 s . William Blackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London ; to be had of all Booksellers .
3 ® d r 8 < - h ; s BANKS OF DEPOSIT AND SAVINGS BANKS . INVESTMENT OF CAPITAL AND SAVINGS . ATA TIONAL ASSURANCE and INVEST-± \ MENT ASSOCIATION , 7 , St . Mabtih's Placb , Tbataxgab Sqtjaxb , London , and 56 , Pall Mall , Manchestbb . Established in 1844 . * TEUSTEES . Xieut .-Col . the Right Honourable Lord George Paget , M . P . Rev . Joseph Prendergast , D . D ., ( Cantab . ) Lewisham . George Stone , Esq ., Banker , Lombard Street . Matthew Hutton Chaytor , Esq ., Reigate . The Investment of Money with this Association secures equal advantages to the Savings of the Provident and the Capital of the Affluent , and affords to both the means of realising the highest rate of Interest yielded by first-class securities , in which alone the Funds are employed . TFhe constant demand for advances upon securities of that peculiar class , which are offered almost exclusively to Life Assurance Companies , such as Reversions , Life Interests , & c , enables the Board of Management to employ Capital on more advantageous terms and at higher rates or Interest than could otherwise , with equal safety , be obtained . The present rate of Interest is Jive per cent , per annum , and this rate will continue to be paid so long as the Assurance department finds the same safe and profitable employment for money . - Interest payable half-yearly in January and July . Money intended for Investment is received daily between the hours of 10 and 4 o ' clock , at the Offices of the Association . immediate Annuities granted , and the business of Life Assurance in all its branches , transacted , oft . highly advantageous terms . Rates , Prospectuses , and Forms of Proposal , with every requisite information , may be obtained on application at the offices of the Association , or td the respective Agents throughout tho United Kingdom . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Applications for Agencies may be made to the Managing Director .
On the 31 at inst . will be published , price Is ., the Twelfth Number of BLEAK iJOUSE . IJy Chaeles Dickens . With Illustrations by Hablot K . Browne . To be completed in 20 Numbers , uniform with " David Copperfield , " & c . Bradbury and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
READING FOR TRAVELLERS . This day is published , in foolscap , price Is . 6 d . F RANKLIN'S FOOTSTEPS : A Sketch of Greenland , aiong the Shores of which his Expedition passed , and of the Parry Isles , where the last traces of it were found . By CLEMENT ROBERT MARKHAM , late of H . M . 8 . Assistance . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
On 1 st of February , Two Volumes , Post Octavo , ISs . CAPTAIN DIGBY GRAND . An Auto-\ y biography . By G . J . WHYTE MELVILLE . Reprinted from . Fraser ' s Magazine . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
Now ready , price 5 s ., with beautiful Illustrations , by Howaed Dudley . T HE PEAK AND THE PLAIN : Scenes in Woodland , Field , and Mountain . By SPENCER T . HALL , Ph . D ., M . A ., " The Sherwood Forester , " Author of " The Forester ' s Offering , " " Rambles in the Country , " " Mesmeric Experiences , " " The Upland Hamlet , " " Life and Death in Ireland , " & c . & e . London : Houston and Stoneman , Paternoster Row .
l To be published on the 1 st of February , 1853 , T > ATIONAL QUARTERLY REVIEW . jLV No . 1 , Contains : Preface— Introduction—Review of Viscount Ingestre ' s Lectures—Five Letters from his Royal Highness the late Duke of Kent to Mr . Owen—Letters to His Royal Highness Prince Albert—To the Earl of Aberdeen—To the Earl of Derby—To the Marquis of Lansdowne—To Lord John Russell—To Mr . Disraeli—Petitions to both Houses of Parliament—Mr . Owen ' s first Public Speech , in 1812—Notice of " Social Statics . " By Robert Owen . Price Is . London -. Watson , Queen ' Head Passage , Paternoster Row ; and Traelove , Strand , three doors from Temple Bar .
3 — ¦ — - In the Press , and shortly will be Published , printed in a large , ® clear type , CJ CRIPTUEAL HISTORY SIMPLIFIED ; d jj By MISS CORNER . Revised by J . KITTO , LL . D . e In Questions and Answbks . For the use of Schools and r Families . Miss Corner has been engaged above five years in the compilation of this Work . Price 3 s . 6 d . Continued to the present time . 8 A NEW EDITION OF CORNER'S GERe MANY and the GERMAN EMPIRE , including Austria and < - Prussia . With a Chronological Table , Index , and Questions h added . ; s Also , price 10 a . 6 d ., demy 8 vo , handsomely bound , fit for a present ; with gilt edges , Eleven Platea of Illustrations , by J . Gilbert , and Three Maps , CORNER'S UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND . L CORNER'S ACCURATE HISTORIES , FOR SCHOOL AND FAMILY READING . n Miss Corner ' s Thirteen Histories are well adapted for Schools or Family Reading , being pleasantly written , and forming agreeable contrasts to those dry epitonles with which children are so often teased . The whole Thirteen form a complete History of Europe , and are compiled from , accepted modern , English and * Foreign Authorities , and strongly bound , and embellished with Maps and Plates . CORNER'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND * AND WALES , 3 s . « d . bound ; or , with the Questions , 4 h . Twenty-fourth TIiouhiuhI . Plates , Mnp , and Chronological ? Table . Netr Edition , continued to the present duto . CORNER'S HISTORY OF IRELAND , 2 s . tid . ; or , with tho Questions , 3 rt . bound . Plates , Mup , mid Chronological Table . Eig hth Thousand . CORNER'S HISTORY OF SCOTLAND , 2 s . ( Id ., ; or , with tho Questions , its . bound . Platen , Mup , and Chronological Table . Wow Edition . Tenth Thousand . CORNER'S HISTORY OF FRANCE , 2 s . 0 ( 1 . ; or , with Questions attached , 3 m . bound . Platen , Map , and Chronological Table . Now Edition . Eleventh Thousand . CORNER'S SPAIN AND PORTUGAL , 2 a . « d . ; or , with Questions , Us . bouud . Plutos and Map . Fifth Thousand . CORNER'S HISTORY OF GMKKCK , with Questions , ;) h . Mup , and Chronological Table . CORNERS HISTORY OF ROM JO , with QiientionH , : 5 m . ( kl . Mup of tho Empire , and Chronological Table . CORNER'S HISTORY OF ( JKRMANY , AND Tlllfl GKHMAJN ICMl'lMK , including Austria and PniHHiu , Its . <( TUB UlIHSlAN KM I'tltH , ! ts . ( 1 ( 1 .. TiriiKKV and tmm Ottoman Kmi'ihk , including Modern Greeuo , JtH . ( Id . bound . J'I'A 1 < Y AND HwlTZMKIiANI ) , » H . <(< l . l »« und . IIoi . i . ani > and IlKMmiM , 2 i . U < 1 . hound . A Prospectus of MIhh Corner's llistorios , post fioo , on api > liration . London : Doun and Bou , Throouneodlo Street , ; Law , Ploot Htroet j Longman and Co ., Simpkin and Co ., Hamilton and Co .-mul Wliittuker and Co ., Paternoster Rovr ; and Tegg and Co . Choaimido ; and , by order , of all Booksolloru . - c , - at - -
L n * * ? ESTABLISHED 1841 . MEDICAL , INVALID , AND GENERAL LIFE OFFICE , 25 , Pall Mall . During the last Ten years , this Society has issued more than Four Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Policies—Covering Assurances to tho extent of One Million Six Hundred aqd Eighty-Seven Thousand Pounds , and upwards—Yielding Annual Premiums amounting to Seventy-Three Thousand Pounds . This Society is the only one possessing Tables for the Asatiranco of Diseased Lives . Healthy Lives Assured at home and abroad , » t lower rates than at moat other Offices . A Uoiius of 60 per cant , on tho premiums paid was added to the policies at last Division of Profits . Next Division in 1853—in which all Policies elfected before 80 th June , 1853 , will participate . Agents wanted for viicant places . Prospectuses , Forms of Proposal , and every other information , may be obtained of the Secretary at tho Chief Ofllce , or oil application to any of tho Society ' s Agents in tho country . F . G . P . NKIHON , Actuary . ¦ C . DOUGLAS 8 INGE 1 C , Secretary .
HouHulioldorn' Assurance-Loans on a peculiar plan , combining tho Advantages of Having' JB & nks und Laud and Building Societies . HOUS EHOLDERS' LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . niHTINOTlVK AND MtCUXIAtt tfKATUHEH , 1 . Every Policy is absolutely indisputable , the fltnto of health , age , and interest , being admitted on Um Policy . 2 . Policies iiuid to tho Holder within Kourtucn l ) nyn ufter ' Proof of Death . ; t . No oliurgo for Policy Stump . At . The Huvingn' Hank AHmiruiico—tho Company grafting mi AHSunmct ) on ctbft life of tho 'Depositor for every Bum deposited , with liberty to withdraw tho deposit at fourteen drt _ y » ' notion . f > . Loitiin on fcho security , or for tho purchiuio , or erection , of property , on an ontirnly new plan , tho puyrnontn to cease In tho event , of t . ho death of the Borrower , and tho property to bo biLiitled over to bis family , or roproHontutiveH , fren und unencuinborrd . ( i Tho HitvingH ftiinlr and AHmiriinco-Lonn Itrunclien oombinnd by which DrpoHitorH in HnviugH' Dunks and Intending ' Mambers of Building Societies , may invest their funda ho an to Honiire tho Assurance of a given Burn in tho ovent of donth , and n ( , the tfiimo time employ them for tho inu-ohiiso of property during lifo . Thin nyHlom supersedes Huilding HooietioN—supor-Horlen Having * ' Haiikfl . 7 A pernon r » ny ohooso n . ny age for entry , l > y paying tho value of tlio difloronoo between hit ) own and the ohouoii age , in one sum . > 11 . A « * - 8 Modicnl lteforeos in nil o » seH paid by tho Company . ftlOIIAUt ) HO'DBON " , Soofetury . Oipjfiouu ; 16 mul JO , Axjam . BxJiJtJKX , Admliui , Loxjoon . -
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 29, 1853, page 119, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_29011853/page/23/