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302 Wbt $L tatter. [Saturday,
The Executive Committee of the National ...
Cannnmrol ffims.
SHAKES. Last Official Quotation for the ...
GRAIN, Mark-lane, March 21. Wheat, E. Ne...
FLOUR. Town-made per sack 40s. to 43s. S...
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L10 T T E It S T O C Ii A It T I S T 8. ...
over to a committee , who could bring up a Summary-Report of them all , which would be a very valuable guide to the assembly . We have lately seen that the reports made at some of the later Conventions have been called in question . One man denies this , another denies that—then the reporter is appealed to , who , perhaps , not being half paid , did not take a verbatim report , or , if he took it , has not kept it . When the delegates come to discussion then the speeches may be impromptu and spontaneous , but in reporting facts there wants no garniture of rhetoric . Completeness and accuracy are the things needed ; and as the facts relate to others more than the speaker , it is but a suitable tribute to them to take some pains to write down a genuine report of their instructions , condition , and efficiency . Further usefulness will arise if this assembly will confine itself to its own business . Even the late Manchester Conference , which made some pretension to improvement , indulged in perpetual digressions to reflect on other parties , which showed a want of independent strength and dignity . Chartism has almost talked itself down by its exaggeration . A fierce , blustering , hectoring speech is deemed a great deal of patriotism . There is still a lingering opinion that this mode of speaking is effective and damaging to the government . It unfortunately happens that it is damaging to nobody but ourselves . When Henry Hunt was on his Trial before Lord Ellenborough , Hunt remarked that " his opponents complained of his dangerous eloquence . " They do you great injustice , " quietly remarked the judge . The same may be said of a great deal of the " dangerous eloquence " expended in the Chartist cause . As any attempt to prohibit the exercise of the indignant faculty would be deemed an infringement of Chartist liberty , we may , perhaps , be able to regulate what we can't eradicate . In some melodramas where there is much raging and screaming , I often pray that they could be brought all into a separate act , which might be called the " Screaming Act , " in which we could have it ail at once and have done with it . In the same manner , we might appoint at the Convention a Committee of " Blood and Thunder , " with Mr . Ernest Jones for chairman . They should have a day to themselves with boundless liberty to write their own addresses , pass their own resolutions , and make their own speeches , of any hue and of any length they pleased . Then this sort of thing should be considered as over and done with , and the Convention might proceed to business in a sober way . Ion .
302 Wbt $L Tatter. [Saturday,
302 Wbt $ L tatter . [ Saturday ,
The Executive Committee Of The National ...
The Executive Committee of the National Charter Association , held their usual weekly meeting on Wednesday evening . Present . Messrs . Arnott , Grassby , Harney , O ' Connor , and Milne . Messrs . Holyoake and Jone ? , being in the country , were absent , and Messrs . Hunt and Reynolds , through indisposition , Avere also unable to attend . Julian Harney reported , that the sub-Committee appointed to draw up the plans to bo submitted to the Committee had again met , and that their labours wore near completion . The Secretary reported that , in accordance with the instructions given , public meetings would be held on Monday evening next , in the Lecture-hall , Greenwich ; Tuesday evening , in the British Institution , Covvper-strcet , City-road ; on Wednesday evening , in the South London-hall ; and on Thursday evening , in the Literary Institution , Carlisle-street , Portman-rnaiket . Messrs . Hunnibnll and l'iercey attended , and reported that they had examined the last quarter ' n accounts and found them perfectly correct ; that the receipts amounted to £ 61 17 s . < r \ A ., and the expenditure to £ 59 17 a . 2 d ., leaving a balance in hand of £ 2 Os . . 3 ;| d . ; but at the same time they requested to state that the balance of more than £ 1 !) due to the lute Treasurer , still remained unliquidated . The report wan received with a unanimous vote of
thanks to the auditors for their servicca . The Secretary Htated that he had made inquiries relative to the expense of getting a quantity of the address to the 44 Trades of the United Kingdom" printed , and that Mr . Reynolds had kindly offered to got the address stereotyped , and present the plates to the Committee . On the motion of Messrs . Harney and ( irnssby , it was uimiiimounly agreed : —" That 12 , 000 copies of th « address be printed for general circulation , and that the thanks of this Committee be presented to Mr . Reynolds . It having been agreed that n special meeting of the Executive be held on Sunday afternoon , March . ' {() , at half-past three o ' clock precisely , the Committee adjourned to that date . HniiKMi'iioN Sooiktv . —It will 1 )' . ; Been in the financial account iluit . tlie Coventry brunch of tho nodety rained £ ( J by their hmu ' . p in favour of the ; Communal Building Fund . The int ;«* tiiif ; win a concert and bull , and uh it , hiiH been ho miocesHfuI they naturally wish to see all the other brunches follow their example . If they should all u ^ ree to do no , there in little . doubt that much money limy l > e mined . Wo hope this will be duly tuken into consideration , and that the coming KiiHter holiday ** may bo made available for this pnrpotic . This inoucyH received for the week ending March 24 , were : — Leedn , £ 2 Ih . IIu . ; Hyde , per Mr . Hrudley , 6 s . Id . Communal building Fund : —Coventry , per Mr . Shufllebothuni , £ G ; Hyde , n , t Mr . Bradley , £ 1 .
Health Of London During The Week. (From ...
HEALTH OF LONDON DURING THE WEEK . ( From the Registrar-General ' s Report . ) The official report says : — " The aggravated rate of mortality in London , which marked the first two weeks of the current month , has prevailed without abatement in the period embraced by the present return , me deaths , which increased to 124 ? in the beginning ot March , and subsequently rose to 1401 , amounted in the week ending last Saturday to 1412 . Taking for comparison the ten corresponding weeks of 1841-50 , it appears that the highest number was 1197 , and occurred in 1845 ( in a week when the mean temperature had fallen about ten degrees lower than usual ) , and that the average
mortality was 997 . This average , if corrected according to the supposed rate of increase in the population , amounts to 1088 , and the increase above it exhibited m last week s return is 324 . The sickness which now prevails is common , as already shown , to all periods of life ; but it deserves notice that , whereas the total mortality returned in either of the last two weeks is nearly the same , the deaths of young persons under 15 years shows a decrease from 593 ( in the week ending 15 thMarch ) to 566 last week , while those which occurred in the middle period of life rose from 442 to 456 , and those in the still more advanced stage ( or above 60 years ) rose from 365 to 390 . In the last week the deaths attributed to influenza—simply , or in
conjunction with bronchitis , inflammation of the lungs , disease of the heart , or other malady—are 65 ; in the previous week they were 39 ; whilst the average of corresponding weeks does not exceed 8 . The cases classed under bronchitis have decreased from 171 to 156 , and are still at least double the average ; those from pneumonia or inflammation of the lungs remain about 125 , whilst the average does not exceed 87 . The cases ascribed in the Table to asthma are 39 , which is also more thaa usual ; phthisis or consumption numbers 166 in both weeks , while the averagethough corrected for increased population , is
, less than 150 . Hooping-cough carried off 81 children , while the average number in corresponding weeks is 48 , and croup 12 . Amongst the epidemics , besides hoopingcough , that are incident to childhood , measles show some disposition to prevail ; but it is satisfactory to observe that smallpox is less fatal than it was a few weeks ago , and has declined to 16 deaths . Instances of the neglect of vaccination , or of determined opposition to it , are still subject of complaint on the part of those whose professional aid is required in the treatment of the disease . Last week the births of 824 boys and 756 girls , in all 1580
children , were registered . The average of six corres ponding weeks in 1845-50 was 1431 .
Cannnmrol Ffims.
Cannnmrol ffims .
Money Market And City Intelligence Frida...
MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE Friday . This week has presented nothing- remarkable in the market for English Funds . On Monday the market was rather dull . On Tuesday and Wednesday there was a slight improvement without much business . Yesterday the funds were again depressed . The range of fluctuations during the week has been moderate . Consols , 90 ^ to 96 ' $ ; ; Exchequer Bills , 5 ls . to 55 s . premium . This morning Consols opened at 9631 . In the Foreign Stock Market there has been rather a
lull during the last few days . In the official list yesterday , the bargains comprised—Equador , JJ £ ; Granada , ex coupon , 17 ; Mexican , for money , 33 { , ! Jt } , and H ; for the account , ^ 33 and i- Peruvian , for money , 85 and 8- > i ; for the account , 85 : ] and 8 ( 5 ; the Deferred , 159 and 39 ] . Portuguese Five per Cents . Converted , ; 55 . i ; the Four per Cents ., 31 . J and &• Spanish Five per Cents ., 211 and J ; Coupons , 8 . J ; Passive , G ; Spanish Three per Cents ., 38 £ and if ; and Dutch Two-and-a-IIalf per Cents ., f > ti \ . M . ARK .-LANU . Fiuday , March 28 .
Supplies of Wheat and Flour since Monday moderate . Barley and Oats scanty . Whi'iit . and Barley linn at former rates . Oats (> d . dearer . Prices have been firm at country markets during the week at former rates , with , in some instances , an advance of Is . per quarter on Wheat-Arrivals from March 21 to 28 : — English . Irish . Foreign . Wheat .. .. 2070 4770 Barley .. .. 1 ( 530 OatH 910 »( J 0 13 ( i () , Flour .. .. - 121 ) 0
11kit1sii I'Undh I'Ou'nili I'Astwukk. (C...
11 KIT 1 SII I'UNDH I'OU'nili I'ASTWUKK . ( Cloning Priors . ) Salur . Mond . Tuns , li ' e . dn . 'I'liurs . /'' rid BankHtoek - — - ¦¦ - ; j per Ct . R «< l .. - ¦ - — — ;» . < ; . <; ciii . aiih . ' J ( i { W \ iw . ' i !»«» !«> . ! " : t i > . t :. An . \ T 2 V > . - — - - ; t ii . ct . con ., a « . \ n \\ 'Jiij i ' . id : ; hi ;* <) i ; , j ; t | p . CtMit . An . Nt- \ v . > per Ct . H . ¦ LongAiiH ., lH ( iO . 7 ( J | 7 < . ) -l <> IikI . SI ,. 10 } p . ct . - —— Ditto IJoihIh .. < i'J p < i (» | i . > 7 p ( il | i . 07 p Kx . ltillH . 1000 / . f > > p — . ) l p . ')¦! p . > 0 p Ditto , fiMU . .. . > . 'i p M p U \ |> — _ Ditto , Small . "> . i p f . i , > p f >< l p ft I p , > 0 p _ 1 'ORKIUN FUNDS . ( I , nut . Official ( . luot . it . ioii during tl »«; Week ending Tliumduy JCvcuiiiff . ) Aimliiun ft pt ; r (!< mt . M . — Mrxic . au ft per C | ,. Ace . 3 , 'iV Belgian H < Ih ., 44 |> . Ct . — -Small .. .. — Brazilian !> pitr (> utn . — Nfiipiilit . au ft per Citnt . ii . — HutiiioH Ayrni I ) |> . Ct . H . —• Peruvian \\ per Crnl . n . — < Hiilian . ! per ( Iciila . .. —• I ' oi'Iii <; u «; m < i ' . > per Cent . . ' SftiJ Daiiirtlift pel CmitH . .. — - ¦ — I per C ( . h . : ilf , Dutch '~\ i per Cents ... ftH . J - Animit . ieH — 4 per ContH . .. — KiiUHiiui , 1822 , 4 , } p . CU . —¦ Kcuurior BoihIh .. ' . Ifi Hpun . Activc » , ft p . Cta . — French ft p . CAu . at . P / irii O . 'i . HO - 1 ' aHrtive .. fi 3 p . Ctit ., Mar . 27 , f > 7 . «<> Deferred .. —
Shakes. Last Official Quotation For The ...
SHAKES . Last Official Quotation for the Week ending Thursday Evening . Railways . Banks . Aberdeen .. .. 16 J Australasian .. __ Bristol and Exeter .. 83 British North American — Caledonian .. .. 143 Colonial .. .. .. __ Eastern Counties .. 7 $ Commercial of London .. Edinburgh and Glasgow 35 A London and Westminster 274 Great Northern .. .. 18 } London Joint 8 tock .. 173 Great S : & W . ( Ireland ) 42 | National of Ireland .. _* Great Western .. .. 88 National Provincial .. _ Lancashire and Yorkshire 62 i Provincial of Ireland .. 43 Lancaster and Carlisle — Union of Australia .. 331 Lond ., Brighton , & S . Coast 95 Union of London .. 12 I London and Blackwall .. 8 | Minks . London and N .-Western 129 Bolanos _ Midland 63 $ Brazilian Imperial .. __ North British .. .. IO 5 Ditto , St . John del Rey _ South-Eastern and Dover 28 Cobre Copper .. .. __ South-Westem .. .. 88 5 Miscellaneous . York , Newca 8 ., & Berwick 2 l | Australian Agricultural — York and North Midland 28 Canada _ Docks . General Steam .. ,. , _ East and West India .. — Penins . & Oriental Steam — London — Royal Mail 8 team .. 731 St . Katharine .. .. — South Australian .. 24
Grain, Mark-Lane, March 21. Wheat, E. Ne...
GRAIN , Mark-lane , March 21 . Wheat , E . New 35 s . to 37 s . Maple 28 s . to 30 s . Tine 37 —39 White 23 —25 Old 36 — 38 Boilers 25 — 26 White 58 —40 Beans , Ticks . .. 23 —24 Fine 42 —44 Old 28 —30 Superior New 40 —44 Indian Corn .... 28 —30 Rve 24 —25 Oats , Feed .... 16 —17 Barley 18 —19 Fine 17 —18 Malting- 22 —24 Poland 18 —19 Malt , Ord 44 —46 Fine .... 19 —20 Fine 48 —50 Potato 17 —18 Peas , Hog- 24 —26 Fine .... 18 —19
General Average Price Of Grain. Week End...
GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE OF GRAIN . Week Ending March 20 . Imperial General Weekly Average . Wheat 37 s . 5 d . Rye 22 s . 8 d . Barley .... 23 3 Beans 25 8 Oata 16 9 Peas 25 9 Aggregate Average of the Six Weeks . Wheat 37 s . 3 d . Rye 23 a . lid . Barley 22 10 Beans 25 C Oats 16 3 Peas 26 4
Flour. Town-Made Per Sack 40s. To 43s. S...
FLOUR . Town-made per sack 40 s . to 43 s . Seconds 37 —40 Essex and Suffolk , on board ship 33 — 34 Norfolk and Stockton 30 — 32 American per barrel 21 — 23 Canadian 21 —23 Wheaten Bread , 7 d . the 41 b . loaf . Households , Did .
Butchers' Meat. Newgate And Leadenhall.*...
BUTCHERS' MEAT . NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL . * SMITHFIELD * . 8 . d . 8 . d . 8 . d . 8 . d . Beef 2 2 to 3 4 2 4 to 3 6 Mutton 2 8—4 0 3 4—4 8 Veal 3 0 — 4 0 3 0—4 0 Pork .. ' 2 6 — 4 8 3 0 — 310 To gink the offal , per 81 b . Head of Cattle at Smithfield . Friday . Monday . Beasts 555 i !" . ) 0 Sheep 2720 ! 9 , 8- 'O Calves 215 270 1 'iL's 37 ft 300
From The London Gazette. Friday, March 2...
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Friday , March 21 . Bankiu ' I'ts . —II . Watson and J . G . Hick , late of Pimlico and Sittingboiirnc , ci'inenc manufacturers , to surrender April 1 , May 2 ; solicitors , Messrs . Pocock and l ' oole , Harrholoinewclose ; ofllciul assignee , Mr . Graham —W . J . HaWLEY , Woolwich , fjrocor , March 2 ( 5 , May 3 ; solicitor , Mr . Dighy . Circus-place , l'insbury ; oillciul assignee , Mr . I ' emiell , Guildhall-chambers , Basinghidl-Btreet—W . H . TAurzand B . Jackson , Great Itussell-Btrcet , Totlenhiun-court-road , linendrapera , April 3 , Mayo ; solicitors , Alt'SHrn . Sharp and Iiidermaur , Devonshire-terrace , High-atrret , Marylebone ; o / Iicial assignee , Mr . Edwards , 8 ambrook-court , H .-tsinghiill-titrcut—It . Blaokkh , Uipon , Yorkshire , innkeeper , April 10 , May 2 ; solicitors , Mr . Farmery , Kipou , and Mr . Naylor , Leedn ; ollteial assignee , Mr . Young , Leeds—J . 28
Woodiiou . sk , Ripon , Yorkshire , draper , March ill , April _ , solicitors , Mosara . NorriH , Manchester , ami Messrs . ltichartleon and ( Jaunt , Leeds ; official « anignee , Mr . Hope , Leeds 8 . Tihokts , tilmckbitrgh , Warwickshire , dealer in mineral ores , March 31 , April 28 ; uolicitors , Mr . Kirby , Warwick ; and Messrs . Motteram , Knight , and Emmet , Birmingham ; oHlcial assignee . Mr . <; hristi <; , Birmingham-J . Faiu . ky , Liverpool , luceinun . March 31 , April 23 ; solicitor , Mr . Williams , Liverpool ; oljiciai iittHigiiei ; , Mr . Cazenovc , Liverpool—T . Dkan , Seacoinbe , ( - > " « - uliiru , chitmmt , April 3 and tff >; solicitor , Mr . Toulmin , Liverpool ; official aHHignee , Mr . Turner . Liverpool—S . Akmhth oNU . Itolton-Jti-Mooi-M , giant * mid china dealer , April 14 and ^ 'H ; «" ucitor , Mr . MurBlaud , Bolton-le-Moors ; official assignee , Mr . I'Yaser . ManclioHter—J . L . IloiutooK . s , Manchester , merchant . April 3 , May 2 ; solicitor , MoaHrs . Ciiiiliflus , Churlewood , anu Bury , Miuuihealor ; official iiBHiurnec . Mr . Leo , Manchester . Tuesday , March 25 . Bankiuh'TS . —It . Avann , Canterbury , fellmonger , to surrender April 4 , May 5 ; solicitors . Mr . Vc-nonr . Gray u-m" 7 Miuartt , an < l M « HHrH . Kurleys and Mercer , Canterbury ; «» 1110 "' aHHigiico . Mr . Caiman , ltirchin-laiiu , Cornhill -H . W itsrMAOori . I ' ulham-rond , ( Jhclwea , nurmirymun , April 4 , May f >; noU « 3 iu » . Mr . Hokombe , Kbury-Htrert , Pimlico , and Chanc « ry-ian «'• oillciul atmixiittK , Mr . Whitinoru , Baninghall-Htr <; ct—T . IJK ' , : Hun " olk-luu « , Cimiion-Htrect . wluo merchant , April 1 ,. May , HolicilorH , M . iHBrs . Kew .-ll , l ' ox . and Huwcll , <) l « l Broa < l-Btr «;« -i . official aHHiKiiett , Mr . Itell . Colonnui-Htrect-buildiiigH—A * ° " , ' Dovor . ji'w . ltcr . April 1 , May 1 ; Holioitor . Mr . Harris , Moorgau .-nti <;« -t ; official nHBiguce , Mr . Johnaon , HaHinK h : iH-atr « H > t— J-( Ji . A . sHi-i ) Oi ,, Hi'gent-atrcct , ladii'H * bootmaker , April H , """ y "' Holi .-. ilor , Mr . Wn ; for « l , Goldeu-Hnnurn ; official aH » lg »«« . ^ ; Groom , Al ) chiircl » -hui « . Lombard-Ht . roct—K . JaokhoN , bel 1 , " * Yorktthini , fanner . Ajnil 14 , May 5 ; HolicltorH , Mr . We """ . Helby , and MesHrn . Houil and Barwick , LokiIh ; official rtH » lg" «'« Mr . Hope , l , < - «< ln—A . CuonhI'ikld , Lanwouno , ( Jlttimnff " " "' _ coal minnr , and Newport , Moiunouthshir *) . coin ««> " l > ro { April « , May 7 ; solicitor ^ Mchhi-h . Jiiimish , Mertl » yi 1 > " ) » "" . Mr . Ik-vim , Uriutol- official uhmkucu . Mr . Miller . 1 » 1 ? Y " ~ ^ : Hritici . u , Hi . otlaii « l-bridge , noar Ilochcluln , brewer . April lu » " * " ' 2 ; Bolicltora , MoBHrB . Hitchcock , Buckley , anil Tl « Uwell , Man choutur ; oillciul uHaignuo , Mr . Macken / lo . Mancheater .
Leader (1850-1860), March 29, 1851, page 18, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_29031851/page/18/