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3o6 ®t)t fUaftm [Saturda y ,
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3o6 ®T)T Fuaftm [Saturda Y ,
3 o 6 ® t ) t fUaftm [ Saturda y ,
" Now ready in 200 Pages , demy 18 mo ., Second Edition , vnth Engraving ,, price , in Fancy Binding , only Is . 6 d ., or , post free , 2 n ., DEDICATED TO H . R . H . PRINCE ALBERT , GILBERT'S POPULAR NABRAT ^ O F ^ HB ORTOIN , HISTORY , PROGRESS , AND GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION , 1851 ; WITH A GUIDE TO THE FUTURE RULES AND ARRANGEMENTS . BY PETER BERLYN . A FEW OF THE CRITICISMS OF THE PRESS . ^ ss ^ zs ^^^ vsnu ^ " ^ sa ^^^^ sa ^ srssssr- !' - SSstr ^^^^ ££ ^ S 3 EE !^| IS SS ^^^^ Sffi -a ^ srr rrr ^^^ EmB ^ B With this title a small work has just been published , written by boast : "t ™* ™^™ * _ ^ nnivewe to meet on its shores issshssSir figiSassH ^^ tion and gossip on the subject , and has applied himself with very $ 1 * ™ % **™^™^ $ ^ Jfs imUa » exhibitions is traced back considerable ability to the statement and elucidation of all those history ofewn-y desciiption ™ |™ Birmingham , London , and facts . derived from authentic records which bear upon the pro- to its ° « ^ J ™ f ° J ^* S 3 the ' growing interest which folgress of this most important nat . onal movement Many nte- fj ^\^^^ mt ^ it ^ n Ttatistfcally described , and resting facts are treated in connection with previous expositions lowea every suoseque v R , CommiesiOn , the arrange-^ cT ^ " ^^^ f ^ sr ^ i ^ j \ r " T ' z , LT ^ : ^ ix ^ . x ^^^ & z ******** - - *** secmively stated . The work slso contains some valuf * Ma- Journal . { ft nt j , eat _ the veritable «»»»» tiatical and oth « information connectedmlh the building , » " » mir l i S , Zf " oM-Mtin its fame , wo rid-wide in its result ., « s ^ t ^ sii ^^ " ^ : ^ Z 7 , s $ ^^ : ^ - £ SSs ^^ say 3 SAr ^ S ^^^^?^** BBBBBk ^ ^ VS ^^ ^« ca ^ B sf ^ S 5 a « EwSt £ Wtf ^« K = ! S » sssisiaasffi » r ^^ T Sjs ~ HSb ^ rfer t ^ iF ^ f s'sfi to colonial and foreign exhibitors and CU 3 t 0 " 1- . * i ^ n ° ^ 1 ^ : ? £ „ " IK is explicit and lucid : where he has touched on the names of authorized agents . for-foreign £ ™^^« %£% & Msto ' ry of aVarto ^ a manufacture he is correct in his data ; and agents recommended b y / . Koya \ 1 Co ""? j v 1 ^ Ii ' of Dractical in tracine the Exhibition to its true source , he has displayed a other information as renders it a really usefu V ™ * f P ^^ SirnW Sfiilofophical inei-ht into the spirit of the age . Within information to all exhibitors and v 1 Sitors at the Exhibition . - ^ l ^;™ ^^ ^ found a faithful record of the most Expositor . „ Tj ,,,, m . « mg imnnrrkrif meetings of the Royal Commissioners , as well as those «^ A Popular Naurative op T « E , ^^ EXHIBITION was ™ W ™ g ™ ffg ^ rations of cities , by societies . or by private really needed , explaining its whole history from JrWsbook h £ s individuals for the furtherance of the great work in hand . To tion in the Prince Consort ' s brain , and Mr . ?«»>« * °°° ™! JSp" is aDDendeda verbatim report of the speeches delivered at amply supplied the need . Jt is a very smart h"l e volume ^ and these » appended a jeroau P . shed men ^ invUed to the writer is duly impressed with the grandeur of his theme . ^ idr over them ; and the Inlightened , liberal , and hopeful Guardian . ™ , m ;~ ; n full nos <* es « ion son-it which pervades their addresses , forms a cheerful contrast A work that was wanted . It puts the public in full P ° sse » on spirit wnu ^ ptr . f toi political and theological of every iotaofintelligencein connection . with the Great ^ ' t 101 ^ £ na ^ ° "* « Hull discussion of what may be termed the worth having . ^^" ^ ZVJS ^ ^ t ^^^ i ^ y . bffiS portion of the subject Mr . Berlyn closes his excellent pects of home exhibitors e fP """? ™ , ^ b \ ect " -Church and little book with a brief but eloquent and comprehensive con-It is indispensable to all interested in tne suojeci . iy , tu , c , gjderation of the beneficial results which are likely to accrue StateGazetle . and useful from this eat national undertaking , not only to ourselves but litU-X ^ ' ^ e ^ o ^ u oT ^^ publisher has seconded him in the business departinent » ° " ^ s noticin- a little work recently issued by Mr . Gilbert , of Pater-Satisractorily . All the floating and disconnected accmints that mnto Spends in the * provinces will do well to study have hitherto been brought belore the pi ^ ™™ . ' a ° [| ™? { beforehand as many of the probable incidents of this trip as posare here collated ^ and arranged in i v « y ^ iSy ™ , and sfble ; and though innumerable hints and tabular descriptions manner , while a mass o ^ A ^ rnia Uo t - J . () f of t , ; e Exhibilion building have been issued , we have not had authentic , renders u » s book " ^ % ? " contents fully justify anything before like a connected history of the great project lithe Exhibition in all its bearing . I he < - ° "i enld , ""> ; ..,,. ' ^ " ft T ? , vork | ) 0 forp us is called « A Popular Narrative of the the ample title and in tins f » g »> c ? ™«« m \ l ** Sin Historv , Process , and Prospects 0 P f the Great Industrial Of praise could say . " -X . « t'ft JJun / * Jt « rm I . . , p " , 7 ibi ' tion of VtKil -and we think the author , Mr . Berlyn , has '" VV from ° « u . v £ y \ £ « $ ., ^ of S <^ se and cor ^ ,, ue 1 a ! j UeXd his subject in perfect accordance with his title . More ?» ° t which tlH » ublir Iffl v look for amidst all the com- than this it is quite unnecessary to say as to the mente of the liZ th-, t will ensii ™ will 'be correctness and compap . ti . f 88 work ; but we may just notice that the Rettn . -up' has evi-^ SJ lh cowv Tl « above-mentioned little book dently been entrusted to careful hand * . The binding is neat rllbu * , rAuisito information regarding the and tasteful , and besides a ground plan , a lithographic j . erspec-Exir / bltiJn from firBt t «» i ; ist ! U « clover compilation , tasteful tivo view of the building » givcnS-Gardener and Partner *' &\ 2 rbe % ia « d "S H ^^ rrecU ^^ comhS'Sh ^ ^ T ^ atly printed volume on the History of the Kxhihition ; it l » flv aoLarance to re er it one of the m . wt valuable hand- is a careful digest of all the documents winch the Commissioners Wk « tl « tar ^^ have i 88 ued . " -i *« iM » ff Express . ' A w * ll arran-S cl . . rju . d concise hand-book to tlii / wonder Mr . Gilbert ' s book . « an eleffant book ; it contains a wellnftlu > world in w " iich i « traced Us origin , prof , 'res « , and proxpuctH , condensed euinmary on the subject , —labial . ? n a nl asiii m I i . t " rr « nir mai . i . er . ThH . must have been a A gaily boarded little volume nattily emblazoned on the outmost d fllcu t \ : " k , the mat .-rialH out of which he has formed ride with colours , with a tinted frontypiece of the ( Jlius llouso M « narrativo ¦ re ho widely Kcatt « rcd . that it requires « ome ou « from the same familiar aspect It is dedicated to Pnnoe Albert who nerf , oUv « n < l l » . X"dl y u . ulcrBtan . U the subject ( as w ,: are and contains an elaborate introduction in which the by-past ? oi . vRffi c «»« ct an . l arran t them i » S <> expoaitions of Paris . liir , mn . Manchester , Uubhii , & c are Ml !* fart . > rv ' i am " Tli « . ladies also will hail this work with dul y noticed . It is . a « a whole , a neat . node of pre , erviIlff all the nC re Lc > nt " th . u"h cont : iinin ? every information on the ' printed goHHip' as well aH weiffhtler reoorte of ^™ nw « . oMra s , »!! u " t it i » at ih " name tin ... li « hC i » t « i ' « U . is , and inlinil . rly relating to the preparations of the . dull of the fcxliibitioi ,. " - . inw-rioi- tit the ihv and prosy style WHiially adopted in rtiinilar Morning Advertiser . -,.,. ¦ . ., r , L , , . - , work " Hiltas ' fully ill iHtniUMl . ha . an el . ^ ant fancy biu . lh . fr . " A valuable and cle-ant introduction to the Great In . ustna , u fonnn , Juido-book either fol" the library or the , pocket . " - Kxhibition . It conUnw much lucid intonnation . lucidly and Lady ' * Newspaper . carefully arraii B ( . « l . " -CArw /» tf » J »»> , * .
Also vreiHtrln" lor Publication , intruded as a Companion to the above , price only l \ s .. or , post Jrr ,:, ls ., very profusaly Illustrated '' ' " with Jiifilitij Xiilwulid linffravint !* , DKDIOATKO TO ll . lt . H . PKINOK AI . UKUT , P O PU LAR D ESCRIPTION OF THE CRYSTAL P A LA C E , ' ( T . S AIICIIITKOTlHtAI , IIIKTOllV AND CONHTltUCTIVK MAKVKLH . I 5 y 1 ' K T i : R \ i \<) \ l L Y N and CHAR L K S FOW L V . It , KH < nnres . The KnirravinifM will depict the vurioun PeculiaritieH , md Novelti < : B of this wonderful Iiuilding , an well an th « Miichinery , & c , imed in itu contttruction . GILIVKHTH VISlTDltl ? ' TLLUSTKATl-H ) MAP ( JIT . IVKRT'S GUIDE to LONDON . With Map of U )> fl > ON . Drawn on a Now Principle , having i" view the and IlliiHtratioiiH . depicting of the Principal KiimiIh mid Mtreetn <>• th « Metn ^ jMiliH , TlilH orl ^ inul work which has been lon ^ Bince iu preparation f < tr with illunliHl . i . tiiH of itu moHt Imporlant ltuildiii ( rH niul Si ^ htx , puhlicution , i « np <; cially intendod uh » uhi-1 ' iiI and iikIih | iciimii 1 ))< : « Miirnived on ( heir exact LocaliticH . TIiih novel Map will lie litund |> ,, (;] u : t Ooinp . iiiion to « vi ; ry anticipated ViHitor to the Motropoliu it 11 inter . Htiiitf , inl ..: ll «< : l . u . il , J » ii < l practical ( Juide Ut all VihiI < iih , ! , „ i , the < J reat Kxhibilion of lHf ) l . All peinoim in tlir Ki »» - who iiiny wi « h to piocerd readily to the more important . , ) ,, „ , _ () n th « Continent , and in America may poHHeHH th « niB « lv « s Hi ^ htH and Attractions of I , omlf > u . 'I'ho price , in Hli . Mit , coloure . d , ,, f i ( H inHtru « t . | vi ) information prevfoux to tltt ; ir viHit . I'ric ^ 1 h . ( Ul ., with LetterpreMH KeyH and ILIinencea , in 1 h . <» d . : or . in curjn lor )) r > j K , UII < | , JJH . ; poHtiiff" tn- >' - M- « xtra . Ht parate ICdlliona of the the pocket , 2 » . ; or , piiHtasfc f « i' « " , >'"• himm < j c "' > ° ' alHoibHued in the French and ( icrinan langua ^ eu . io ^ ftr ^^^ ( Ur . HKU'r'H MA 1 > OF LONDON , l . autifally W th iv ^ TlmuHHn R -f c « -. to enable tli « ViHitor to Hud . Ih K ,. ff rave « l « ... Hl « H with a Key to th .- 8 tr « et . and Public Hi . ll . UuK-. ow , waj thr ? l . out the le ., th and breadth of tl .. » MetropoliH . Price , coloured and mounted In « :. „ ,, or the pocket , only 1 « . ; or , Price ( id ., or , politic f '< e , In . pobHib « Iree , 1 h . « . ! . ; nheet coloured , ft . l . ; ,, . hIumiI pluln . 4 . 1 . -V a * 5 feft , SIli ; i ) JJY JAMKS ( ULlUaiT , 4 < j , I'ATURNOSTKR ROW , LONDON . - ^ •¦• - ¦ ' > , _ Orders rewired by all lloo / cscllcrs , Htationom , and Nvwavctidert . r . I
A CARD . C DOBSON COLLET , of the Royal Italian Opera , Covent Garden , Teacher of Singing . For Term * of Musical Lectures , Private Lessons , or Class Teaching , in Town or Country , apply to C . D . C , 15 , Essex-street , Strand .
TTIRANKLINSKPS PATENT OMNIBUS and I ; CABRIOLET COMPANY . Provisionally registered pursuant to 7 and 8 Vic , cap . 110 , preparatively to an application to Parliament . Capital £ 200 , 000 . in 20 , 000 Shares of £ 10 each . ( With power to increase the capital to £ 400 , 000 . ) Deposit on allotment of shares Is . per share , according to act of Parliament . Call on each share on complete registration , 10 s . Further calls not exceeding 10 s . per share each call ; of which two calendar months' notice will be given by public advertisement . SOLE PATENTEE . J A . TRANKLINSKI , Esq ., Sieam-bridge-house , Stroudwater , Gloucestershire . SOLICITORS . Messrs . Cole and Scott , 12 , Furnival ' s-inn , London , and Nottin ? -hill , Middlesex . Temporary offices , 12 , Furnivral's-mn . LONDON BANKERS . Messrs ; Mastermann and Co ., 35 , Nicholas-lane . The London and County Bank , 71 , Lombard-street . BBOVINCIAL BANKERS . Seymour , Lamb , Brooks , and Hillier , of Basing-stoke and Odiham , The eevera l Branches of the London and County Bank—viz .: Abingdon and W antage Hastings and Battle Arun | el Hertford and Ware Ashford and Hythe Horsham Aylesbury , Tame , and Great Huntingdon Berkhamstead Knights bridge Banburv Leighton Buzzard Bedford Lewes , Halisham . and Newharen Bishop ' s Stortford and Saffron Luton , ^ unst abl e , and Hitchin Walden Maidstone Braintree Maldon Brighton Oxford Buckingham and Stony Stratford Peterefield Cambridge and St . Ives Petworth and Midhurst Canterbury Beigate Chatham and Rochester R omford Chelmsford Rye Chichester Sandw ! ch Coggleshall Sevenoaks Cranbrook St . Alban s Croydon St . Neot ' 3 Dorking Tenterden Dover Tunbridge and Wrotham Epsom Tunbridge Wells Gravesend Witney Greenwich Woolwich Halstead Worthing At the desire of many high and influential parties , arrangements are now being made for the formation of a Company for bringing this most important invention into public use . 'f his omnibus is now running between Bayswater and Charing-cross . Further improvements are , however , in progress , whereby its width will be much diminished , so as to suit the more crowded thoroughfares of the City , and so also as to accommodate twelve instead of ten inside passengers with increased comfort . The value of this important invention may be formed by the whole and entire press being warm with respect to its success . The Times thus speaks of it : — ( From the Times of the 17 th of March , 1851 , p . 3 . ) " PATENT OMNIBUS . " A good deal of curiosity was occasioned on Thursday in the line from Bayswater to Charin ? -cross by the appearance of a new omnibus , which certainly brings to bear many , it not all , the desired ends of such conveyances . Each traveller has a seat to himself , and such seat is as private as a box . at the opera , while ladies may thus ride as secure irom annoyance as in their own carriage . The contrivance altogether is certainly ingenious , and divested of all cumbrous appearance . the whole not weighing more than an ordinary omnibus . ll . most novel feature is the way in which the passengers obtain their places , both in the body of the omnibus and on the rool ; to the latter , indeed , a child may ascend without fear of injury . The appearance of so useful a meana of transit at this particular moment may be looked upon as an evidence that ingenious minus are at work to provide effectively not only for the approacinnf , crowds , but for the ultimate comfort and security of the cheaptravelling community . " And theG / o & c as follows , viz .: ( From the Globe of the 21 st of March , page 1 . ) "OMNIBUS AND PUBLIC CONVEYANCE . "It is now upwards of 20 years since the first omnibus , a foreign importation , was started in London ; yet . strange to say , during that period not a single improvement worthy ol now - upon the original cumbersome and inconvenient vehicle lias iai place . Nor < loes such improvement now arrive from those w , being moflt interested , would be presumed to be inoHi to the necessity . We are to be indebted to a private geiitiein < i a Mr . Frankliriskl , for the iirst radical iinprovementin olir j ' ^ nconveyances , who , in the new omnibus now runinngexpi- r - tally from Bayawater toCharing-crosH , bus certainly 8 l . lcce ( I „ ns awakening our gratitude for the introduction of efllouiiit i ^ ^ of metropolitan transit . Uy it wo and our friends . n ™ i th () llt especially Indies , may travel from one p lace to another ^^ fear of inconvenience or annoyaiico of robbery or lnfc J ° n ogcneral arrangement , and the great comfort it ensures , _ thing to be desired , and it can be alone a question ol time nesH it » appearance on all the principal routes . " i . i ;« 1 hk 1 . The prospectiiHCB are prepared , and shortly will be put » "" ^ J . with hucIi statistical details an will satisfactorily prove , ir ,., i profits to be derived by the shareholders from this l "" £ "interim and moat important and interesting invention ; a «« » " " ' rH , to application !) lor shares mad be liuulo , in tbo aun"x ; ,. ., i . orms MoHHrs . Oolo and Bcott , 13 . I ' lirnivarii-iun , at who » o olnt . t _ of Application und every other information with r « Hpcci ings , models , and full , mrti « ulu ^ oaj ^ b « oW-in ^ K ^ SoUcitora . 12 . Fumival' 8-inn , March 22 . 1 H 51-l'OUM OF AVrLlOATIOW KOtt HIIAHlffl . ( To the Director ,, of tli « FraiikHmki Patent Omnibus unu Cabriolet Oornpany . . .. i . H .-riber i » < l « ntlcmen , —Being deairoiiB of becoming , a Htlt ) H < H , 1 Iir ,, H ,, f th « above undertaking , I request you will uU <» l \ ° '" , llVlIlD ,. r that JL-H ) each therein , the wholo of wUlch , or any l « s < . i » ^ may h « i allotted to me , I a r » : « to accept , und , on d '""" ' ,,.,., 1 „( th « ri « iuiri [< l d « pouit . I uIbo unil « rUk « to cxee . ut « ' " '' ,,,,, 'U Bettlemoiit of theleouipany , to hi ) prepared by t"i « <» r < ^ - » lh ,, called upon by advcrtiuoimuit in tlm Times » "WHI ) "' ) ,, ' , t ,. mu : »» cv « nt of my faillii ( f to do so for oi » ir culendnr 1 " ° " ^ " w jth th " advertiBi-mriit , I agree that th « Hhares allotted to ' ( U , p ., ny . depoHilH paid thereon , uliall bo forfeiUMl to tbo »>«• - <>' I nin , irmitluiuun , your obedient Horvunt . I ) ntn ¦ JNnnenl" '' " AddrrHH in full ••¦ :- " ¦ . iMMinoMH or profcuHloii ..-- ¦ iiufwronco
Leader (1850-1860), March 29, 1851, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_29031851/page/22/