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TSTo. 501. Oct. 29, 1859.1 THE LEADER. 1...
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Tsto. 501. Oct. 29, 1859.1 The Leader. 1...
TSTo . 501 . Oct . 29 , 1859 . 1 THE LEADER . 1211
TTENDERS , STOVES , FIRE-IRONS , and X CHIMNEY PIECES . BW ^ o ^^^^ l ^ fTTwTnN ^ S before finally deciding-, to visit WILLIAM ? : BUBroWb SHOW-BOOMS . They contain Buotan assortoentof B ^ NSirRS STOVES RANGES , CHIMNEY PIECES , 5 IKJ' - ? KONS , an ^ GlNERAL IRONMONGEKY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for- variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness of workmanship-, Brig-ht stores With ° ormolu ornaments and * wo sets oi bars , £ 3 15 s . to £ 33 10 s . ; bronzed fenders , with standards , 7 s . to * , 5 l ^ s ., steel fenders . £ 2 15 s . to Ail ; ditto , with ^ nch ormolu ornaments , £ 2 MB . to £ 18 ; chimney pieces , *™?*} l % Mfi ® £ fire-irons , from 2 s . 3 d . the set to £ 4 4 s . The BURTON ana all other PATENT STOVES , with radiating- hearth-plates . BE DSTEADS , BATHS , and LAMPS . WILLIAM S . BURTON ^ as SIX LARGE SHOW - . ROOMS devoted exclusively to the SEPARATE DISPLAY of LAMPS , BATHS , and METALLIC BEDSTEADS . The stock of each is at once the largest , neweBt , and most varied ever submitted to the public , and marked at prices proportionate with those that have tended to make his establishment the most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from 12 s . Cd . to 201 , 0 s . each . Shower Bathf ., from 8 s . 0 d . to 61 . 0 s . each . lamps ( MOderateur ) , from . 6 s . Od . to 71 . 7 b . each . ( All other kinds at the same rate . ) PureColzaOH 4 s . Od . per gallon . DISH COVERS and HOT WATER DISHES , in every material , in great variety , and of the newest and most recherche patterns . The dish covers , 7 s . 6 d . the set of six ; block tin , 12 s . 3 d . to 27 s . the set of six ; elegant modern patterns , 35 s . 6 d . to 62 s . 6 d . the set ; Britannia metal , with orjwithout silver plated , handles , £ 3 11 s . to £ 0 8 s . the set ; Sheffield plated , £ 10 to £ 10 10 s . the set ; block tin hot water dishes , with wells for gravy , 12 s . to 30 s . ; Britannia metal , 22 s . to 77 s . ; electro-plated on nickel , full size £ 11 lls . WILLIAM S . BURTON'S GENERAL VV FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE may be had gratis , and free by post . It contains upwards of 4 O 0 Illustrations of his illimited Stock of Electro and Sheffield Plate , Nickel Silver and Britannia Metal goods , Dish Covers and Hot Water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Chimney pieces , Kitchen Ranges , Lamps , Gaseliers , Tea TJrns and Kettles , Tea Trays , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Wane , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bedding , Bed-room Furaiture , & c ., with lists of prices and plans of , the sixteen large show-rooms , , at 39 , Oxfordstreet , W . ; 1 , 1 a , 2 and 3 , Newman-street . ; and 4 , 5 , and a , Perry's-place , London . —Established 1820 .
DR . DE JONGH'S ( Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium ' ) LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL Administered with the . greatest success in cases of CONSUMPTION , BRONCHITIS , COUGHS , RHEUMATISM , GOUT , NEURALGIA , GENERAL DEBILITY , DISEASES OF THE SKIN , RICKETS , INFANTILE WASTING , AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS . Is the most efficacious , the most palatable , and , from . its . rapid curative effects , unquestionably the most economical of all kinds . Its immeasurable therapeutic superiority over every other variety is attested by innumerable spontaneous testimonials from Physicians and Surgeons ot European reputation . oriisrioN of W . MURDOCH , Esq ,, M . D ., M . R . 0 . S ,, Medical Office ) ' of Health , St . Mary , liothcrhithe , & c , & c . "I entertain a high opinion of Dr . do Jongh ' s valuable Oil , ttie results in my practice being-much more satisfactory since 1 have administered it , than they were when I used the preparations of Palo Oil usually sold by the druggists . I never could grot two samples of them alike , whoreaa Dr . do Jomgh's Oil is always the sanao in taste , colour , and other properties . My own opinion is , that it is the best Qi £ son > . " Sold only in Imperial Half-pints , 2 s . Od . ; Pints , 4 s . Qd . j Quarts , 0 s ., capsuled and labelled with Dr . de Jongii'b stamp and signature , without which none can possibly BE GENUINE . SOLE AGENTS , AN 8 AR , HARFORD , & Co ., 77 , STRAND , London , W . C .
VALUABLE MEDICAL BOOKS GRATIS . Tho Professors of the Royal Institute of Anatomy , Science , and Modiclno , 301 ) , Oxford-street , London , have resolved to Issue Gratuitous Editions of thoir colleague , Dr . W . I ) . Mareton ' s instructive Lectures , believing them to bo of vital Importance to tlioso to whom thoy are addressed . No . 1 . —NKRVOUS DEBILITY ( tho result of a pormiclous fioorot habit ) , Loss of Memory , Dimness of Big-lit , Prostration of Strength , and General Incapacity , addrossocl specially to Young- Juou , showing tho moans ol restoration to heal tli and happiness . No . 2 . — MAR 1 UAGK and itsOBLIGATIONS , addressed to tlioflo who doslro to become parents . No , 8 .-TIIE GREAT SOCIAL EVIL . All tho painful dlsouHOB which result from it , with Dr . Marston ' s Unfailing System of Treatment , by which Moroury is altogether dinponsod with . Applicant must Htato simply whloh Lecture Is roqulrod . Enoloeo two Mtamps to prepay postage ; and address , Troikeuror , ltoyiil Institute of Anatomy , Ac , as above , which Is Open Dnily , at an Admission of One Shilling-, and contains tho most Huporb Collootion of Anatomical Models and Nn tural "VVondors In tho whole world . Dr , Mnrston Lectures daily , and a Professor Is always In attendance , to Impart instruction , and giro Information upon 'my Altdtoal or Physiological Subject .
CIVIL SERVICE OF INDIA . . A competitive examination of candidates will be held by the Civil Service Commissioners in July , 1860 . The competition will be open to all natural born subjects of her Majesty who on the 1 st May next shall be over 18 years of ag-e and under 22 , and of good health and character Copies of the regulations may be obtained on application to the secretary , Civil Service Commission , Westminster , S . W . Civil Service Commission , O ctober , 27 , 1859 .
MAPPIN'S ELECTRO-SILVER PLATE AND TABLE CUTLERY . MAPPIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Appointment to the Queen , are the only Sheffield Makers who supply the consumer in London . Their London Show Rooms , 67 and 68 , King- William-street , London-bridge , contain by far the largest STOCK of ELECTRO-SILVER PLATE and TABLE CUTLERY in the World , which is transmitted direct from their Manufactory , Queen's Cutlery Works , Sheffield . ' Fiddle Double King ' s Lily Pattern . Thread . Pattern . Pattn . £ s . d . £ s ; d . £ s . d . £ s . d . 12 Table Forks , best quality . . 1 16 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 3 12 0 12 Table Spoons do . . . 1 16 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 3 12 0 12 Dessert Forks do . .. 1 70 2 00 2 40 2 14 0 12 Dessert Spoons do . .. 1 70 2 00 2 4 t ) 2 14 0 12 Tea Spoons do . .. 0 16 0 1 4 0 1 7 0 116 0 2 Sauce Ladles do . .. 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 il 0 0 13 0 1 Gravy Spoon do . .. 0 7 0 0 10 6 0 11 0 0 13 0 4 Salt Spoons ( gilt bowls ) .. 0 68 0 10 0 0120 0 14 0 1 Mustard Spoon do . .. 018026030036 1 Pair Sugar Tongs do . .. 0 It 6 0 5 6 0 6 0 0 7 0 1 Pair Fish Carvers do . .. 1 0 0 110 0 1 14 0 1 18 0 1 Butter Knife do . .. 0 30 0 5 0 0 CO 0 7 0 1 Soup Ladle do . . . 0 12 0 0 16 0 0 17 6 1 0 0 6 Egg Spoons ( gilt ) do . . , 0 10 0 0 15 0 O 18 0 1 10 Complete Service £ iai 3 10 15 1 ( 5 6 17 13 6 21 4 6 Any article can be had separately at the same prices One Set of Four Corner Dishes ( forming . 8 Dishes ) , SI . 18 s . ; One Set of 4 Dish Covers—viz ., one 2 Oineh , one 18 inch , and two 14 inch—10 L 10 s . ; Cruet Frame , 4 Glass , 24 s . ; Full-Size Tea and Coffee Service , 91 . 10 s . A Costly Book of Engravings , with prices attached , sent per post on receipt of 12 stamps . Ordinary Medium Best Quality . Quality . Quality . Two Dozen Full-Size Table £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s : d . Knives , Ivory Handles .. . 2 4 0 3 6 0 4 12 0 liDoz . . Full-Size Cheese ditto .. 1 4 0 1 14 6 2 11 0 One Pair Regular Meat Carvers 0 76 Oil 0 0 15 6 One Pair Extra-Sized ditto . 0 8 6 0 12 0 0 16 6 One Pair Poultry Carvers 0 7 6 0 11 0 0 15 6 One Steel for Sharpening-... 9 000 4 00 6 . 0 Complete Service £ 4 16 0 18 6 9 16 6 Messrs . Mappin ' s Table Knives still maintain their unrivalled superiority ; all their blades , being their own Sheffield manufacture , are of the very fi > st quality , with secure Ivory Handles , which do not come loose In hot water ; and the difference in price is occasioned solely by the superior quality and thickness of the Ivory Handles . MAPPIN BROTHERS , 67 and OS , King William-street , City , London ; Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield . . . ¦
KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . STA TISTICS SHOW THAT FIFTY THOUSAND PERSONS annually fall victims to Pulmonary Disorders , including- Consumption , Diseases of the Chest , aud the Respiratory Organs . Prevention is at all times better than cure ; be , therefore prepared during ; the wot and wintry season , with a supply of KEATING S COUGH LOZENGES , which posschs the virtue of averting , as well as of curing a Cougn or Cold . Prepared and sold in Boxes , Is . lid ., and Tins , 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . Cd ., and 10 s . Od . each , by THOMAS KEATING , Chemist , & c , 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London . Retail by all Druggists . ? KEATING'S PALE NEWFOUNDLAND COD LIVER OIL , perfectly pure , having been analysed , reported on , and recommended by Professors Taylor and Thomson , of Guy ' s aud St . Thomas ' s Hospitals , who , in tho words of tho late Dr . Pereira , say that " Tho finest oil is that most devoid of colour , odour , and flavour , " characters this will bo found to possess in a high , degree . Half-pints Is . Od ., Pints 2 s . 0 < j ., Quarts 4 s . Od . 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London .
DOES YOUR TAILOR ! FIT YOU ? TRY . T . SMITH , 38 , LOMBARD STREET , E . C . —SOLF 1 SRINO TROUSERS , all Wool , of tho Newest Designs , m ondloss Variety , to order , 10 s . —Observe tho Address—38 , LOMBARD ST 1 U 2 ET .
DR , H , JAMES , THE RETIRED PHYSICIAN , dlscovoj-od whilst in the lilast Indies a Certain Cure for Consumption , Asthma , Bronchitis , Coughs , Colds and General Debility . The remedy was dlsovorcd by him , Avhon his only oklld , a daughter , was given up to dlo , Hip child was cured , and is now alive and well . Desirous or benefiting Ills follow creatures , ho will send , post froo , to those who wish It , tho recipe , containing : full directions for making and successfully using this remedy , on their remitting him six stamps .. Address to 0 . 1 ? , Brown , 14 , Ccollstreot , Strand .
GREY HAIR RESTORED TO ITS NATURAL COLOUR . NEURALGIA , Nervous Headaohe , Rheumatism , and Stiff Joints cured by F . M . JIIDRRINGI'S PATENT MAGNETIC BRUSHHS . lOu . and 15 b . \ COMBS 2 a . fld . to 20 a . Grey hair and Baldness mieventkd by F . M . H . ' s Patent 1 ' rcvontlvo Brush . Price , 4 a . and lie . Ofllcos , 82 , Basinffhan-Btroot . Xondon ,-whoro may bo had , gratis , tho illustrated pamphlet , " Why Hair bocomon Qvoy . and Its Remedy . " Sold by all Ohemfota and Porfumore ol repute .
BENSON'S WATCHES . " Perfectioa of Mechanism . "—Morn ing Post . Gold , 4 to 100 guineas ; Silver , 2 to 50 guineas . ( Send two stamps for Benson ' s Illustrated Watch Pamphlet . ) Watches sent to all parts of the World free per Post . 33 and 3 * , Ludgate-hill , London , E . C .
WANTED . Ladies and Gentlemen ' s LEFT-OFF WEARING APPAREL , of every description . —Mr . and Mrs . HUTCHINSON continue to purchase and give the highest price foj Leftroff Clothes , Officers' Uniforms ( naval and military ) Old Jewellery , arid all miscellaneous articles . Ladies anc g-entlemen waited on at any time by addressing- to Mr . oi Mrs . Hutchirison , 25 , Red Lion-square , Holborri , W . C . Parcels from the country , the utmost value immediately remitted by post-office order .
FIRE , THIEVES , FIRE . Second-hand Fire-proof SAFES , the most extensive assortment , by Milner , and other eminent makers , at hal the price of new . Dimensions , 24 in . high , 18 in . Tvide , anc 16 in . deep , £ 3 10 s . At C . GRIFFITHS , ' 33 , Old Change St Paul ' s , E . C . Wanted , Second-hand Safes by Milnei Chubb , Marr , or Moidan . NOTICE . —Gentlemen possessed of Tann ' s Safes neec not apply . -
THE UNIVERSAL GAS BURNER REGULATOR ( Geyelin ' s Patent ) . The only one in the world by which the flame from Argand , Fish-tail , and all other burners remains invariable under all variations of pressure , and the cost of each light is less than one farthing per . hour . . . Can be fixed horizontal , close to , or at a distance from , the Burner is ornamental , simple in construction , consisting of a double chamber , the inner perforated , covered with a diaphragm , giving action to a spherical valve . Price 3 s . each .. ( One sent on receipt of 3 s , 6 d . ia postagestamps . ) W . H . Kennedy , Agent , 402 , Oxford-street , London . W . C
THE HYGIENIC SPRING LATHS BEDSTEAD ( Geyelin ' s Patent ) combining the advanta s of Metallic Bedsteads with the comfort of a Spring Mattrass at less thaa half the cost . Certified by medical men as the best and most comfortable Bedstead ever invented ; invaluable for hot climates ; cannot possibly harbour vermin * . Sold byW . H . Kennedy , Agent , 402 Oxford-street , London , W . C . :
HYAM and CCK'S CONJOINT GARMENTS . —Consisting- of Guinea Coat and Vest , Twenty Shilling Trousers and Vest . and Thirty-eight Shilling Whole Suits ; well designed from uniform patterns . LONDON : 86 , Oxford-street . BIRMINGHAM : 21 , 22 , and 23 , New-street . LEEDS : 42 , Briggate . HYAM and Co . ' s CAMBRIDGE SAC and PAGET JACKETS . —The best possible garments for " entlemen ' s customary in-door or out-door wear . Price 12 s . Cd ., 16 s . Od ., 21 s ., 28 s ., arid 31 s . Gel . HYAM and CO . 'S DRESS and SURTOUT CQATS , in West of England Wool-dyed Black Cloths , Invisibles , Saxony Broad Cloths , Woaded Fabrics , & c . Price 25 s . to 03 s . HYA M and Co / s OVER COATS and CAPES , in Venetian and Llama Cloths , Undressed and Mixed Tweeds , Lustres , Merinos , Cashmerettes , & c . 1 ' ricelOs . 0 d ., 21 s ., 20 s ., and 35 s . HYAM and CO . 'S JUVENILE COSTUME , displaying faultless adaptation to early ago , habits , and growth . Children ' s Belt Suits in now and beautiful materials . Price 10 s . 0 d ., 15 s . 6 d ., and 21 s . Light Overcoats ' and Capos , 8 s , Od ., 10 s . Od ,, 12 s . Od . H YAM and Co . ' s HARROW , ETON , and RUGBY SUITS . Three now styles , becoming In design , serviceable for school or dress wear , and admirably adapted for young gentlemen . Price 16 s . Od ., 21 b ., 25 s ., ana Sis . Od . ^___ H YAM and CO . 'S CLOTHING TO ORDER , designed in ovory variety of Novel Fabric . French and English Cuttern employed . H YAM and CO . 'S True-fitting TROUSERS . — To order , on a Boll-adJuiUtnK- njnd Hhapo-rotalning system . Price 17 s . Oil . ; Vests to match , ss ; 0 d .. CAUTION . HYAM and CO . « r « eonnootod only with tho following Establishments i— H LONDON i 80 , Oxford-stroot . BIRMINGHAM : 21 , 22 , and 23 , Now strool . LEEDS : * 2 , JUrlffgato .
THE VICTOR NEW OVERCOAT . 25 s ., 30 s ., and 35 s . Introduced by B . 1 J 10 NJAMIN , Merchant and Family Tailor , 71 , ltogont-strcct , W . THE INVERNESS WRAPPERS , at 80 s . and 30 h ., arc uncquallod In appoaranco aud value . THE ' SUITS at 47 s ., 50 s ., Ms ., and 00 s ,. are njado to order . i ° om Scotch lloathor and C"ovipt TwocdB and Snfl nil wool . nn < l thoroughly Hhruuk . THE TWODRHBB TROWSMU 8 ; ftnd T 11 M HALF-OUINffiA WAISTCOATS ^ __^ j > eK ot mt ffttara 7 iteea . ^
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 29, 1859, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_29101859/page/23/