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November 29, 1856.] THE L.EABEB; 1149
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November 29, 1856.] The L.Eabeb; 1149
November 29 , 1856 . ] THE L . EABEB ; 1149
• O AREINGTON " , PARKER , and CO ., Wine Xl and Spirit Merchants , 6 j , PALL MALL , LONDON , offer to the public Old arid Superior WINES , pure , and of tha finest quality , at prices not exceeding those charged for '" HARRINGTON , PARKER ., ' . CO . would call special attention to their PALE and GOLDEN" DINNER . SHERRIES , as under : Imperial Pints , 27 s . to 3 + s . per dozen ; or bottled in Reputed Quarts , 3 Gs . to 45 s . per dozen . Agents for Allsopp ' s Pale and India Ale .
SA LT and Co . ' s EAST INDIA PALE and BURTON ALES . B RE WERY — BUR-TON - ON - TRENT . STORES : LONDON . ... ; . Hungcrford "Wharf . HVE 11 PO 0 L 5-2 , Henry-street . MANOHESTKE . ..........: J 7 , Brown-street . SHEFFIELD .. . 12 , George-street . BIRMINGHAM ........ 26 . J , Bull-struet . BRISTOL .. . ... Back-hall , Baldwin-street . DUBLIN ...... 1 , Crown-alloy . EDINBURGH ....... .. Porthopetoun Warehouse . GLASGOW ..... St . Vincent-placo . These Ales , in Casks of Eighteen Gallons and upwards , and in Bottle , may be obtained from all respectable Bottlers .
rpHE CONTINENTAL , WINE COMPANY , JL BIRCHIN LANE , CORNHILL . Aro enabled , by their connexion with the principal wine growers , to supply every description of WINE of the finest qualities at prices for cash far below the average , including their Alto I ) ouro Ports , at 42 s . per dozen . ; Genuine ditto * , 34 s . per dozen . Superior Pale or Gold Sherries , 30 s . to 3 Gs . per dozen . Champagne , from 42 s . to 72 s . Claret , from 30 s . to 81 s . Post orders nvust contain a remittance .
SPANISH andWESTPHALIA HAMS , 8 jd . O per lb . Good Cheshire Cheese , 5 Jd ., 6 Jd ., and 7 jd . per Jb . Rich Blue Mould Stilton , 8 d , l 0 d .. and 12 d . per lb . ; matchless do ., 14 d . per lb . Osborne ' s famed best Smoked Hreakfast Bacon is how in excellent cure . York Hams , large and small , in abundance , and Butters in perfection at reasonable rates . A saving of 15 per cent , to the purchaser of all provisions . Packages gratis . OSBOBNE'S Cheese \ Varehouso , 30 , Ludgate-hill , St . Paul ' s . ; , , .: ¦¦ ' .. '¦' . ' ¦ . ¦ . ¦" . . ¦ . - . : ' : ¦ . ¦ ¦ . - . ¦ . ¦
THE COMMISSION TEA COMPANY , No , 35 , KING WILLIAM STREET , near LONDON BRIDGE . " -. ¦' "¦• ¦ Established 1823 . " .-BANKERS . —The Commercial Bank of London . " . "¦ RESIDENT PROPRIETOR .-Mr . John Voee Moore . _ The Company are one of the oldest firms in the City of London , and have for nearly thirty-three years bf . cn distin-Kuished by the excellence , cheapness , and purity of their Teas and CofTees . ' They supply families properly introduced to them , or who can give them any respectable reference , upon the best trade terms , in parcels . of any size exceeding 111 ) , weight . Teas , when desired , are packed in lttlb ., 14 lb ., and 20 lb . ttinisters , without extra cliarpc ; and 3 / . value ( including Coffee ) forwarded carriage paid . Good to Strong Congou Tea .. 2 s . Sd to 3 s . 0 d . per lb . Fine to very fine Pekoe Soucliong . 3 s . Cd to 3 s . 8 d . „ ^ ery Choice Souchong .. is . Od . „ GoodCe > lon ColFeo .. Is . Od . „ Fine Cost !* Rica Is-2 d . „ rho finest Mocha , old and very choice Is . Gd . „ , For tho convcnicnco of their customers , tlio Coni ]) any supply Sugars and Colonial Produce at asmallpor-centage on import prices . Monthly Price Circular free . THE COMMISSION TEA COMPANY , 35 , Kixo Wn . LiiVjt Street , nkaii Lojidox Bridge .
A STIIMA . —ANOTHER IMPORTANT TES-*\~ TIMO'NIAL in favour of DR . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS . . From Mr . W . J . Cooper , surgeon , Canterbury : — " Having heard tho Wafers very highly spoken of by persons who havetakon them with decided benefit , I have recommended them in several cases or confirmed Asthma , and their good effects have been truly astonishing . 1 now recommend them In all obstinate cases . \ V , J . Cooper , Surireon . " DR . lOCOCK'S WAVERS give instant relief , and a rapid cure of asthma , coughs , and all disorders of the breath and Junes . TO SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS they are invaluable for clearing and strengthening the voice . They liavo a most pleasant taste , is . 3 Jd ., 2 s . Ud ., and lls . per box . Sold by all cliemi 8 ts .
/ TEETH— Messrs . GABRIEL supply COM--L . PIETE SETS , witliout Springs , on tho principle of p & Pulary attraction , avoiding tho necessity of extracting n ^ n ? or causing any pain . rfi ^ mJi ? ENAMELLED AMERICAN MINERAL AJSialH , tho boat in Xurone—guaranteed to answer every Purpose of mastication or articulation—from 3 s . Gd . per Aooth . Seta , 41 . te . —JTer Majesty ' s Royal Letters : Patent have ™! t } awarded for tho production of a , perfectly WHITE fNAMJJJL , for decayed FRONT TEETH , wliich can only o ^ J . cd afc Messrs . Gabriel ' s Establishments , . ™» LXJDGATE HILTi , live doors from tho Old Bailoy ; and » t 112 , DUKE-STREET , LIVERPOOL . , ^ Consultation and every information gratia .
T > UPTURES EFPECTUAXLY CURED fiA . Wll'HOUT A TRUSS .-DR . BARKER'S celebrated Kb MEDY is rrotected by threo iiatonta , of England , ff *" : ' * » d Vienna ; and from its great success in privato SwS ?« 1 Bnow 1 Uftcl 0 known as a public duty through tho jw ° - " tho W 0 SH . In every case of Hinglo or doubla st « i , ? i V . ¦ ° ltll > o > s « s » of nny ago . liowover bad or long diTwi f ' i ltls . l lmlIy » l > pliu « . blo , ollootinn ; a euro in n , fow S f ?\ without inconvenience , ami will bo hailed as a boon by anwnt avo l ) c < in to » "turnd wilh tr \ isses . Sent post frco to of in » i J" ° vwl < l , with instructions for use , on receipt BAfiwi ?» * \ % J > ost-olllco order , or . stamps , l ) y CHARL 12 S infti ,, " Ul M-D ., 10 , lirook-street , Holborn , Condoni—Any aiiri ¦ " erfl . » t of Iliis trij ) l < 3 )) ixtent will bo proceeded nffain / t » na rostrniiiccl l > y injunction of tho lord Hieh Chancellor . _
AT MR . MECHt ' S ESTABLISHMENTS , 113 , Regent-street . 4 . Leadenhall-street , and Crystal Palace , are exhibited the finest specimens of British manufactures , in Dressing-cases , Work-boxes , Writing-cases , Dressing-bags , and other articles cf utility or luxury suitable for presentation . A sopa-rate department for Papier Mache \ Ianiifnctures , and Bagatelle Tables , Table Cutlery , Ra' / ors , Scissors , Penknives , Strops , Paste , & e . ¦ ¦ ' Shipping orders executed . Same prices charged at all tlic . Establishments . A New Show Room at the Regent-street Establishment for the sale of Electro Plate in spoons , forks , and a variety of articles . ¦ . *¦ ¦ . ''¦ . ¦ .
pOMMON SENSE TROUSERS , One V- ^ Guinea , worth two pairs afc 16 s . or 17 s . Cd ., which are mixtures of cottoii shoddy , or dnigy old stock . An immense clioice of new , fresh , aiid fashionable patterns , warranted pure wool , and cub by a professed Trousers Cutter . H . HAYES and Co ., 1 ± 9 , CHEAPSI 1 > E .
of REGISTERED . —The OUDE WRAPPER , combining Coat , Cloak , and Sleeved Capo , by B . BENJAMIN " , Merchant Tailoi , 74 . ILegeut-strect , and Court of Inventions , Crystal Palace , ready made or made to order , in Autuixn Tweeds and Meltons , 25 s . ; Winter Tweeds , Meltons , Pilots , and Witneys , 32 s . ; double milled cloths and beavers , 42 s .
r ^ ENTLEMEISr in . SEARC H a TAILOR XJA aro directed to B . BENJAMIN , Merchant Tailor , 74 , Eegcnt-strecti The FORTY-SEVEN S HILLING SUITS , made to order , from Scotch , Heather , and Cheviot Tweeds , all-wool and thoroughly shrunk , . The PJJLISSIER SACS , 21 s ., 25 s . i and-28 s . The BENJAMIN CIERICAL and PROFESSIONAL OVER or UNDER COAT , from 30 s . The ALBERT LONG FROCK or OVER COA'l ' , from 35 s . to 55 s . The " BETERSIBLE "WAISTCOAT , buttoning four different sides , Us . The TWO GUINEA DRESS and FHOCK COATS , the GUINEA DRESS TROUSERS , and the HALF-GUINEA WAISTCOATS . —N . B . A perfect fit guaranteed .
ipvEAFNESS . —Prize Medals 1851 , First class JL- * 1855 , —The newly invented ACOUSTIC INSTRUMENTS , to suit every decree of deafness , however extreme , can only be obtained of "f . C . REIN . sole inventor and maker , at his Paradise for the Deaf , 108 , Strand , London . Also Rein ' s celebrated Cork . "Respirators . .
FURNISH YOUR HOUSE "with tke best Articles at . '¦ ¦ : ' ¦;/¦ , ; .. ;¦• ' TJE-ANJl > : S . ; -r r - ,:-: ,: :: - ; ' ' ' . rv-:- . XEOIOtONGEKY AND FURNISHING WAHEHODSES . A Priced Furnishing List sent Post Free . DEANE , DRAY , 8 t CO ., LONDON-BRIDGE . Established a . d . 1700 .
> pEETH . —By her Majesty ' s Royal Letters X Patent . THE PATENT PNJEU 3 IATIC PALATE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OP ARTIFICIAL TEETH . Messrs . MOGGRIDGJ ! and DAVIS . Surgeon-Dentists to the Royal Family , 13 , OLD BURLINGTON-STKEET , -BOND-STREET , PATENTEES of the self-sustaining ; principle of fixing Artificial Teeth . —From . One to a Complete Set , upon their peculiar principle of self-adhesion , "Which can ' te adapted to the most tender mouths , without any operation whatever , and possess the desired advantages of preserving their natural colour and protecting the adjoining TEETH-of never decaying or wearing out . and so arranged as to rentier it impossible to distinguish ARTIFICIAL from the NATURAL TEETH , and restoring to the countenance n , younger and improved appearance . The PNEUMATIC Pi LATE has excited the greatest admiration of the most eminent PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS of ENGLAND and tho principal cities of . tho CONTINENT , who constantly favour them . with , their distinguished recommendations , arid who consider their system to be greatly superior to any in use , as by it the greatest possiblo firmness and security in the mouth is attained . It also renders the articulation clear and distinct , and . the unpleasant ' whistling , so long com plained of , impossible . —This to public speakers is invaluable . An upper set , 10 Guineas ; a lower set , 10 Guineas ; a full set of Artificial Teeth . 10 Guineas ; a single tooth . 1 Guinea . STOPPING . CLEANING , & c . ATTENDANCE , 10 TILL 5 O'CLOCK . ALL CONSULTATIONS FREE . MESSRS . MOGGBIDGE AND DAVIS , SURGEON-DENTISTS TO THE ROYAL , FAJVIILY , No . IS , OLD IBURLmGTON-STREET , UOND-STltEET , LONDON . Mr . A . J . Davis attends at tho Bush Hotel , Faruham , Surrey , tho first and third Thursday in every month , from 11 to -1 o ' clock .
RUPTURES .-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . W HITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to bo the most effective invention in tho curative treatment of Hernia , Thousoof a steel spring ( so often hurtful in its ellccts ) is horo avoided , a soft Bandage being worn round tho body , while tho requisite resisting power is supplied by the Moc-itfuin Pad and Patent Lover , fitting with so much case and closeness that it ciuuiot be detected , and may be worn during : sleep . A descriptive circular may bo had , and tho Truss ( which cannot fail to lit ) forwarded by post , on tho circumference of tho body , two inches below the hips , being sent to tho Manufacturer , Mr . JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . Price of siuglo truss , ltis ., 21 s ., 20 s . fld ., and 3 ls . fid . — Postage , Is . Doublo 'Truss , 31 s . ( 3 d ., 42 s ., and 02 s . Cd—Postage , Is . 8 d . Umbilical Truss . ' 12 s- and 52 a . tkl . —Postago is . lOd . ¥ 7 » L \ STIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c , 111 Tor VARIC 0 S 1 " ) VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of tho LUGS , SPRAINS , & c . They aro porous , light In toxturo , and inoxpoimve , and arc drawn on lileo nn ordinary stocking . Prlco from 7 s . Od . 10 s . Postnpre , till . Muiufaotoiy , 228 , riccndilly , London .
"O ADIATING and REFLECTING STOVE A ! ' WILLIAM S . BURTON'S new register stove combines completely the well-known principles of both Stephen s and Sylvester's celebrated patent stoves , while it has others equally valuable which are peculiarly its own , and lor- which a patent has been granted . Its reflecting and radiating powers are perfect , it is very simple , and cannot us put out of order , consumes but little fuel , is most cleanly and cheerful in use , while its general appearance , no fender ) « mg needed , is most imposing . Prices , complete , black or bTonzed , from 97 . 10 s . ; bright , 14 Z . 5 s .,, and upwards . One may be seen in action in his show-rooms , which contain such an assortment of fenders , stoves , ranges , fire-irons , and general ironmongery , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness ol workmanship . . Bright stoves with bronzed ornaments , and two sets of bars , 41 . Us . to 13 ? .. 13 s . ; ditto ,-with ormolu ornaments , and two sets of bars , 51 . 5 s . to 221 . Bronzed fenders , with standards , 7 s . to 5 t . 12 s . ; steel fenders , 21 . 15 s . o 111 . ; ditto with rich ormolu ornaments . 21 . 15 s . to 181 . Fire-irons , from Is . 9 d . the set to 4 Z . 4 s . OEDSTEADS , BEDDING , and FURNIM ~ f TURE .-WILLIAM S . BTJRTO 2 TS Stock on show of Iron and Brass Bedsteads and Children ' s Cots , stands unrivalled either for extent , beauty of design , or moderateness of prices . He also supplies Bedding and Bed-hangings of guaranteed quality and workmanship . . Portable Folding Bedsteads , from 12 s . 6 d . ; Patent Iron 3 edsteads , fitted with dovetail joints a . nd patent sacking ioml 5 s . ; and Cots , from 20 s . each . Handsome ornament * . ron and Brass Bedsteads , in great variety , I from 21 . 7 s 6 d . to 20 ? . . .. ¦ ;' . & Half-Tester Patent Iron Bedstead , three feet wide _ ,.- ¦¦ ., " ¦¦ Bedding , & c , complete : . Bedstead ....................... . f \ A Chintz furmtwre ........ ......... * . 0 14 Palliasse , wool mattress , bolster , and pillow !!' . 1 11 6 A pair of cotton sheets , three blankets , and a coloured couuterpano ........................... ; ..... 15 0 ¦ . ' . '¦" ¦ . ¦' . . ¦¦ ¦ : : ¦¦• ¦ ; . ¦ ¦' .. ' . ' - . '•'¦ ' 44 X 4 , 6 A douWe bedstead , same .................................. ^ 6 3 0 If without Half-Tester and Furniture : Single bed . complete £ 3 13 9 Double bed , complete 4 15 0 T AMPES a MODERATEUR , from 6 s . to \ -J 71 . 7 s . —WILLIAM S . BURTON has collected from the different makers here and in Franco a variety that defies competition . As many imported from France are inferior in the works , William S . Burton selects at Paris from the best makers only , and he can guarantee each lamp he sells as perfect iu all its parts . His stock comprises also an extensive assortment of SOLAR , C AMPHINE , PALME R'S , and all other LAMPS . . Pure Colza Oil , 4 s .. 8 d . a gallon . Patent Camphine , 4 s . a gallon . ¦ Palmer ' s Candles , 9 ^ d . per lb . The late additions to these extensive premises ( already l ) y far the largest in Europe ) are of such a character that the entire of EIGHT HOUSES is devoted to the display of the jnost magnificent stock of GENERAL HOUSE IRONMONGERY ( including Cutlery . Nickel Silver , Plated Goods , Baths , Brushes , "Turnery , Lam-ps , Gaseliers , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bedding , and . Bed-hangings ) , so arranged , in Sixteen Large Show Rooms as to afford to parties furnishing facilities in * the selection of goods that cannot be hoped for elsewhere . Illustrated Catalogues sent ( per post J free . , . 39 , OXFORD-STREET ; 1 , 1 a , 2 , and 3 , NEWMANSTREET ; andi . S . ande . PlSRRY'S-PLACJS , LONDON . Established 1 S 20 .
WATCH , CLOCK , and CHRONOMETER T r ^™ 2 ? ? £ pTOBY , 33 and 3 * . LUDGATE-HILL , LONDON . Established 1749 . —J . W . liENSON , Manufacturer of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES of every description , construction , and pattern , invites attention to his magnificent and unprecedented display of Watches , which is admitted to bo the largest and best selected Stock in London . It consists of Chronometer , Duplex , Patent , Detached Lever , Horizontal , and Vertical Movements , jewelled , & c , with all the latest improvements , mounted in superbly-[ inished engine-turned and engraved Gold and Silver Cases , rho designs engraved upon many of the cases are by eminent artists , and can only bo obtained at this Manufactory . If the important requisites , superiority of finish , combined with accuracy of performance , elegance , durability , and reasonableness of price , are wished for , the intending Purchaser should -visit this Manufactory , or send for the ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET , published by J . W . BENSON Candsctit post free on application ) , wliich contains sketches , prices , and directions as to what Watch to buy , whore to buy it , and how to use it . Several hundred letters have been received from persons who have bought Watches at this Manufactory , bearing testimony to the correct performances of the same . OPINIONS OP THE PRESS . Prom tho Morning Post , Oct . 30 , 1850 . — " Exhibits exquisite artistic feeling in ornamentation ; and perfection of mechanism in structure . "—From tho Morning Chronicle . Oct . 80 . — " Excellence of design and perfection in workmanship . " —From tho Morning Advertiser , Nov . L— " Tho higli ropnto wliich Mr . Benson has obtained , for tho qualities of his manufacture stands second to none . "—From tho Morning Herald , Nov .: ) . —" The high standing of Mr . Benson as a London manufacturer must secure for him a largo amount of publio patronage . "—From the Qlobo , Nov . 8 . — "All that can bo desired , in finish , taste , and design . " GOLD WATCHES , Horizontal Mo-vomcnts , Jewelled , & c , accurate time-keopcrs , 31 . 15 s ., 41 . 15 s ., 5 / . 15 s .. to 151 . 15 scach , Gold Lever Watches , jewelled , and highly-finished , uiovoinents , 61 . « s ., 81 . 8 s ., 10 ? . 108 ., VXl , 12 s ., \ M . Ms ., 1 SJ . 16 s ., to 40 guineas . SILVER WATCHES , Horizontal Movements , Jewelled , & c ., exact time-keepers , -il , in ., -U . iob ,, HI . 15 s ., to 51 , 6 s . each . Silver ILovor Watehes , highly lliiished , jewelled movements , 3 J . 10 s ., 4 MOs ., CMOs ., 11 . 10 s ., 8 M 0 s ., loi . ios ., to 20 guineas . A Two Years' Warranty given with every Watch , and sent , carriage paid , to Scotland , Ireland , Wales , or any part of tho kingdom , upon receipt of Post-oflico or Uanker ' s order , made- payable to J . W . BENSON , aa and Hi , Ludga tehill , London . Merohants , Shippers , and Watch Clubs supplied . Old Watches taken in Exchange .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 29, 1856, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_29111856/page/21/