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1150 THE LEADER. fNo. 349, SATTmn ^
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1150 The Leader. Fno. 349, Sattmn ^
1150 THE LEADER . fNo . 349 , SATTmn ^
TPHE SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASJL ¦ ¦ SURANCE SOCIETY . Instituted 1831 . AcoTMtfLATED Pfkds . —ONE MILLION STERLING * . Annuxl Rbvjbnue . ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY THOUSAND .. ¦¦¦ . ¦ jtC'UWj . 'D . . . Existing Assurances . FOUR MILLIONS AND THREE-QUARTERS . At the Division of Surplus , at 1 st March , 1856 , a Policy for 1000 J . effected at 1 st March , 1832 , was increased , to 1571 * . laslOcU being at the rate of Two and a Quarter percent . ner annum on the Sum Assured . This addition may be converted into a present payment , or applied in reduction of ths future premiums . . Profits are divided Triennially , and belong wbolly to the Assured . . Policies effected before 1 st March next , will receive Six Years' Additions at the Division of Surplus in 1 S 62-Copies of the Report by the Directors on the recent Division of Surplus , and all information , may be had on application at the Head Office , or Agencies . ROBERT CHRISTIE , Manager . "WILLIAM FINLAY , Secretary . Head Office ~ 2 G , ST . ANDREW-SQUARE , EDINOffice is Londoit—26 , POULTRY . A . T . RITCHIE , Agent .
rpHE CAMBKIAN- and UNIVERSAL LIFE JL andPIRE INSURANCE COMPANY . Capital 100 , 0007 . Established 184 . 9 V Office , 27 , Gresham-street . Agencies in the principal towns of England and "Wales . This office offers the benefit of assurance in all its branches , and is highly eligible for every description of life assurance . A new aud most important feature , entirely originating with this Company , viz ., Marriage Dowries , Life Assurance , and Deferred Annuities included in one policy . Rates of premium moderate . Annuities granted . Family endowments . Loans on personal and other securities . Forms of proposaland every information may beobtained oh application . By order , ALFRED MELHADO , Manager .
A RGUS LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , JljL 39 , Throgmbrtoti-street , Bank . Ceai-rmas—THOMAS FAItSTCOMB , Esq ., A , lderman . DJEPiTTr-CHAiEMASr— "VTILLIAM LEAP , Esq . Richard E . Arden , Esq . John Humphery , Esq . i Aid . Edward Bates , Esq . . Rupert Ingleby , Esq . Thomas Caniplin , Esq . Jeremiah Pilcher , Esq . Professor Hall , M . A . lewis Pocock , Esq . Phtsiciast . —Dr . Jeaffreson , 2 , Pinsbury-square . BTTB . GXOTS . —W . Coulson , Esa . .. 2 , Frederick's-placo , Old ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ •; ' -Jewry . ¦ ...- . ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦¦ ¦¦¦ . ACXUAE . T . —George Clark , Esq . ADTANTAGES OP ASSURING WITH THIS COMPANY . The Premiums are on the lowest scale consistent with secur ity . . ' . ' . -. ' . ' . " . ¦ ' .... . -. ' . ; .. '¦ ¦ : ' The assured are protected hy an ample subscribed capital —an Assurance Fund of 430 . 000 Z . invested on Mortgage and in the Government Stocks , and an income of 80 , 000 * . a year . . Premiums to Assure 1001 . Whole Term . Age . One Year , i Seven Years . With Profits . Profits . 20 £ 0 17 8 ¦ £ <} 19 9 £ 1 15 10 £ 1 11 10 30 1 1 3 1 2 7 | 2 5 5 2 0 7 40 150 169 807 2 14 10 50 114-1 119 10 4 6 8 4 0 11 60 3 2 4 3 17 0 C 12 9 C 0 10 ZSIUTTJAL BRANCH . Assurers on tho Bonus system are entitled , at the end of five years , to participate in nine-tenths , or 90 per ceut of the profits . The profit assigned to each policy can be added to tho sum assured , applied in reduction of the annual premium , or be received in cash . At the first division a return of 20 por cent , in cash , on the premiums paid , was declared ; this will allow a reversionary increase , varying , according to ago , from 66 to 28 per cent , on the premiums , or from . 5 to IS por cent , on the sum assured . One-half of tho " whole term" premium may remain on credit for seven years , or one-third of the premium , may remain for life as a dent upon the policy at 5 por cent ., or may be paid off at any time without notice . Claims paid hi one month after proofs have been approved . "Loans upon approved security . No charge for policy stamps . Medical attendants paid for their reports . Persons may , in time of peace , proceed to , or reside in , any part of Europe , or British North America , -without escra charge . The medical officers attend every day , at a quarter before two o ' clock . E . BATES , Resident Director .
ITALIAN AND FRENCH LANGUAGES . TITR . AKRIVABENE , D ^ LL ., from the Uni-JjJ- Torsity of Padua , who has been established in London * or throe years , gives private lessons in Italian and French at nls own house , or the houses of his pupils . He also attends Schools both in town and country . Mr . AKE . IVABBNE teaches on a plan thoroughly practical , and tho xuoBt mediocre mind cannot fail to thoroughly comprehend bis lessons . wfW . , lottor to Mr . AttRIVABElTB , No . 4 , St . Jttiohael ' s-placo , Brompton .
, i . < « « Tj ° ^ lJkv OSTl —LOST HAIR can be RE-^ OS S- s n ^ cnniTl ^ TSSi , 1118 a stimulant , such as ALEX . SSrSSiM ^ iSS ^ S 10181 * 9 — hna 11 OW b < on before fiwsffi Sf sas- renr ^ s 8 cac £ c rJ & p ^^ sss ^^&^ i ^^ i Powder , Hair Destroyer , and Hair I ) y « . m Jfaco
W ESTERN XIFE ASSURANCE AND ANNUITY SOCIETY , S , Parliament Street . London . Instituted A .. D . 1 S 42 . XHBECTOBS . H . E . Bioknell , Esq ., Upper Bedford Place , Russell Square . J . Chadwick , Esq ., Grosvenor Wharf , Millbank . T . S . Cocks , jun ., Esq ., M . P ., Charing Cross . G . H . Drew , Esq ., Hibcrnia Chambers . London Bridge-W . R . Seymour V . FitzGerald , Esq ., M . P ., Whitehall Place . W . Freeman , Esq ., Millbank Streofc , Westminster . F . Fuller , Esq ., Abingdon Street , Westminster . J . H . Groodhart , Esq ., Upper Tooting , Surrey . T . Grissell , Esq ., Norbury Park , Surrey . E . Lucas , Esq ., Millbank Street , Westminster . F . B . Marspn , Esq ., Brunswick Place , Regent ' s Park . A . Robinson , Esq ., Eaton Square , Pinalico . J . L . Seager , Esq ., Millbank Row , Westminster . J . B . WlnteJEsq ., Swanscombe , Kent . J . C . Wood , Esq ., Victoria Street , Westminster . SOLICITORS . Messrs . Xethbridge and Mackrcll , Abingdon Street , Westminster . ACT 0 AET . Arthur Scratchley , M . A ., F-R . A . S . THIS SOCIETY grants every variety of Policies on any number of Lives , and to any amount , for which tho payments can be made by such arrangements as may be most convenient . . . BY A VALUABLE NEW PRINCIPLE , originated by this Office , Policies effected in it do not become voiu , through the temporary inability of its Assurers to pay a premium ; as permission is given , upon application , to suspend the payment , at interest , according to the conditions detailed in the Society ' s Prospectus . Medical Men remunerated , in all cases , for their Reports to this Society . BONUSES added to Policies to 31 st December , 18 S 4 . A valuation of the Society ' s Assets and Liabilities was made at the close of its second financial period , on the 31 st December , 1854 ; and , after setting aside an ample reserve fund , a Second Bonus was allotted to the Assured out of their share in three-fourths of the net profits . The result is highly satisfactory ; and , when the moderate rates of premium charged by this Society are compared with the very high payments usually required for the same amount of Policy , tho Bonus here allotted will be found to be very advantageous , and equalled by few other Societies . The following Specimens will serve as illustrations of this point : — .. ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ . - . ; ' ¦ ¦ ¦ .. ' . - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : . ¦ , "¦¦ ¦ ¦ .. ¦ . - . ¦ ¦ . . . ¦ ^ ^ ¦ ¦'¦ ¦ S ^ y- '' - ]^ ' :- : Amonntnow ^ vas issued . -. Assui-cd . Allotted . Assured . ' ¦ ; ¦ . ' . ¦ '¦¦• ¦;; : ¦ ' . ; . " JB ' ' | ' : £ s . d . -... ¦¦ ¦ £ s . d . 18421 3000 ! COt 12 6 3504 12 6 , 18 ti 2550 305 19 10 2855 19 10 1 S 45 2000 j 215 7 8 2215 7 8 1849 " 5000 (¦ ¦ 205 18 0 5205 18 0 1 S 51 5000 j 121 1 10 5124 1 10 A Thh-cl Division of Profits will take place at tho close of the year 1859 . New Edition , 5 s . ( " 2 s . Gd . to Members of Friendly Societies ) , . ¦ TREATISE on LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETIES , FRIENDLY SOCIETIES , and SAVINGS BANKS , with a Mathematical Appendix and Tables ; and . Model Rules for FRIENDLY SOCIETIES . By ARTHUR SCRATCHLEY , M . A ., F . R . A . S ., Author of a " Treatise on Industrial Investment and Emigration . " London : Michell , Red Lion-court .
NEW SYSTEM OP LIFE ASSURANCE . THE Directors of the NATIONAL ASSURANCE and INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION invite attention to the New System of Life Assurance exclusively adopted "by this Association . —viz ., that of allowing Interest on all Premiums paid , instead of the remote and uncertain System oj Bonuses usually adopted . By this plan tho Policy-holder will secure to himself , a constantly increasing annual income during life , as well as the payment of the sum assurod to his representatives , at his death . Tables of Rates specially adapted to this System of Assurance may bo obtained at the Oilice of tho Company , 3 , Pall Mall East , or forwarded free , on application . PJ 3 TER MORRISON , Managing Director .
BANK OF DEPOSIT , No . 8 , Pall-Mall East , Londox , Established a . d . 18-14 . CAPITAL STOCK , GOO . OOOZ . P ARTIES desirous of INVESTING MONEY aro requested to examino the Plan of this Institution , by which a high rate of interest may be obtained with porfect security . The Interest is payable in January and July , either at tho Head Office in London , or at tho various Branches throughout tho Country . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Prospectuses and Forms for opening Accounts sent free on application . '
THE HOUSEHOLDERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY . rniREOTORS . Wm . Ashton , Esq .. Horton-houso , Wrayabury , Staines . Tho Rev . TLioa . Cator , Bryauston-square , and Skolbrookpark , Boncaster . Charles Hulse , Bflq ., Hall-grovo , Bagahot . r . D . Bullock WobHtor . Usq ., Norfolk-torrace , Hydo-park . Arthur P . Onslow , Esq ^ Lawbrook-house , Shore , Ctuildford . Thomas Pocook , Esq ., Southwark-bridpe-road . Potor Patcrson , Esq ., jun ., Park-road , Holloway . Jamoa Laughton , Esq ., Holm Villa , Lowi & ham-road . This Company enables persons , -without speculation , to invest largo or amall sums , at a higher rato of interest than can bo obtained from tho public funds , and on tm eocuro a basis . , Forms of application to deposit sums of money , at 5 per i cent . interest , payable half-yearly , or to purchase niiarcs ( tho . prosont interest on wliioh is O per cent . ) , may bo had on application to , R . HODSON . Sco . 15 and 10 , Adam-street . Adolphi . ^
UKITED MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANr ^ SOCIETY , 54 , Charing-cross , London . ^ CE _ Whole Profits divided annually . No charKo foi-T > ^ r Stamps . Every description of tife Assurance effe <^ H equitable terms . enected on THOMAS TRITCHARP , Resident Director .
AGENTS WANTED ~~~~ ' BY THTE T 7 N GLISH AND IRISH CHURCH ATQn XL * university assurance society . ' TRUSTEES . ' The Ri « ht Hon . the Earl of Yarl ) orouRh T . W . Booker Blakemoro , Esq ., M . P . for Hereford sli ^ Edward Bullock , Esq M . P . ( Christ Church ? SordT ' lat ^ Common-Serjeant of London . V * LW « J . lat & The Rev . John Edmund Cox , M . A ., F . S . A ., St . Helena , Bishopsgate . ' ""• - " - "On s , Specimen of Annuities granted for £ 100 Purchase Honey — Abo . ' jb s . d . 09 10 1 G 0 1 T . C 5 12 19 0 \ Increasing every ' 70 16 1 4 V ^» e years from 75 . 19 G " 4 I *» e . Divisidaof ¦ . m ............. „ .... ; . 25 0 0 J Profits . Specimens . of Premiums ' to Assure ^ 100 , payable at death with Prohts by way of Bonus : — .. ¦¦ « tain , ARC- . , dt s . if . 25 1 19 11 35 2 12 S 4 S ••¦— S 12 1 05 ........... ; ...... 5 . 10 2 Fur ther information can be obtained on application to the Rev . J . E . COX , M . A ., Cbairman . 4 , Trafalgar-square , Charing-cross .
^ friGTORIA LIFE ASSUKANCE COMV PANY , No 18 , King William-street , Mansion llouEc , Life Assurances of every description effected . Half the Annual Premium may be * paid during tlie first Uto . years . . '¦ . '• . * . .. ¦ ... ¦ * . * -. ¦ ¦ .. ¦¦ . . - . * One-third may remain on credit during-tlie whole of life Endowment Assurances , payable at 50 , 65 ,- ' 60 , & cv Loans to Assurers on personal or other scenrity . 80 per cent , of profits go to Assurers on the bonus scale . The last bonus averaged 03 . per cent , on the Premiurns paid , DlItECTOES . Benjamin Hawes , Esq ., Ormond House , Old Kent-road , ' Chairman . 1 . Nesbitt , Esq . ( A . and T . Nesbitt ) , Phil pot -lane , Dcputy-Clmirman . Charlcs Baldwin , Esq ., tiussex-fcardens , Hjrde-park . George Denny , Esq ., Great Sr . Helen ' s . J . G . J > imsdale ; Esq .. ( Dinisdale , Drcwett , and Co ., bankers ) . Cornhill . J . P . Gassiot , Esq ., F . R . S . ( Martinez , Gassiot , and Co . ) , Mark ^ lane , and Olapham . v Aaron Goldsmid , Esq ., 3 , \ Yarnford-court , Tbrogniortoii ' . street . *¦ . -. ¦ ¦ . * ¦ ¦ . * . '¦ . * * * . ¦ - ¦ v Sidney Gurney , Esq ., Paper-build ings . Temple , aud Brighton . W . K . Jameson , Esq ., Fen-court , Fenchurch-street , ami CanilicrwcHJolmNolloth , Esq ., Union-terrace , Pcc"khara . MeaburnStaiiiland , Esq ., Boston , Lincolnshire . Daniel Sutto . n , Esq ., Earl's-terracc ; Kensington * O'B . IMlinghain \ Voolsey , lilsq ., 49 , Westbournc-terracc , Hyde-park . WILLIAM RATRAY , Actuary .
SO UTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . The Court of Directors GRANT LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Banks in South Aiibtriilia at par . Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . Business with all the Australian Colonies conducted through tho Bank ' s Agents . Apply at tho Company ' s Offices , Si , Old " Broad-street , London . WILLIAM : 1 'UKDY , Manager . London , November , 185 G .
In course of publication , price 5 s . each , a Series of T > HOTOGRAPHTC PORTRAITS of LIVING -L CELEBRITIES . By MAULL and POLYELANK . With , appropriate Biographical Notices . The December Number contains : — PROFESSOR GRAHAM , M . A ., F . R . S . Already Published : — No . 1 . containing PROFESSOR OWEN , T \ T ? . R .. &? . No . 2 . „ Tho Right . Hon . T . B . MACAbUX No . 3 . „ itOBERT STEPHKNSON , ' Esq ., M . P-, No . 4 . „ J . A . ROEBUCK . Esq ., M-P . F . KS-- * ' No . 5 . „ Bir B . C . BROD 1 E , JJart ,, V . 0 . V-, V . P . R . S ., & c . No . 0 . „ E . 11 . BA 1 LY , Esq ., R . A . London ; MAtnxand Poi . rur . ANK , r , a , Grneeohnreh-stif ct ; David BoauE , 80 , riect-stroot , and all Book and 1 rlnt-SOilOTS . _
A HEALLY GOOD STEEL PEN " , twbptinff itself to any Hand , vory durable , will not i' ° r'' 0 ( l ; and as flexible as tho Quill , Prieo , only 1 h . ; ld . P <*»* \» v the 12 dozen , or post free for Is . » d ., stamps . Sold only > 'J V £ Makers , PARTRIDGE and COZENS . No . 1 , ChanceO -near ( corner of Fleot-sfcrcct ) . Stationery 30 per cent , lowei u »» any other house . I ' rioo lists pout , frco . ( Shippers and » 1 L trade supplied .
Just publibhcd , price 2 s ., poat frco 2 s . ( id-. A N" ESSAY ON SPERMATOMMI CHA ; > g Nature and Treatment , with an exposition jj ¦ j . Frauds that are practised by persons who advertuo ' speedy , aafo , and eu ' octual euro of Nervous DoriuiKinnuif By A MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE O * PHYSICIANS , London . "London : W . KflHiand Co ., 51 and 52 , Patornostcr-row .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 29, 1856, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_29111856/page/22/