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: j *. ££k.».} " " ' ~~ June 30th, I860....
CONTENTS. The Volunteer Review. England'...
rystal Palace.—Arrange-Cnients for week ending SaturdayJuly 7th
their Jjf*S$C ----- ./V - > \ Ktr««V^P>4...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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The Leader - ¦' ' . And Sa Turd Iw F Ay ...
: J *. ££K.».} " " ' ~~ June 30th, I860....
: j * . ££ k . » . } " " ' ~~ June 30 th , I 860 . { A ^
Contents. The Volunteer Review. England'...
CONTENTS . The Volunteer Review . England ' s Naughty Boy . Holiday Literature . f Crimean Sketches . Lord Stanley on the Indian Spurgeon at Baden . Ruskin ' s Modern Painters . Correspondence , Army . Faith and Filthy Lucre . The Story of Italy . Record of the Week . Political Dishonesty . The Last of the Bonapartes . Whitman and his Critics . Entertainments . The Or-Harbours of Refuge . The Hearth and its Historical Romance . pheonistes at the Crystal A Forei » n Review . - . Heroisms . Lancashire Romance . Palace . Rifles and Red Tape . Parochial Dissensions . The New Revolution . I Parliament .
Rystal Palace.—Arrange-Cnients For Week Ending Saturdayjuly 7th
C rystal Palace . —Arrange'« % am **» fVix i .. Anlr . ni 4 lni * < Q ? k # •« friw V Tlll « r 7 f-. ll
Movdiy , open at 9 . Tobsdat to Thcbsday , open at » 0 . Admission , each day , One Shilling ; Children under 12 , Sixpence . Friday , open at 10 . Fifth Grand Opera Concert by the Artistes of Her Majesty ' s Theatre . Particulars ¦ will be duly announced . SATOBiHr , open at 10 . Mr . RATtEY will give a Grand Demonstratidn of his system of Taming Wild and Vicious Horses in the Centre Transept . Admission , Half-a-CroWn ; Children One Shilling . : Season Tickets , free . . The Rhododendrons are now in full bloom through out the Grounds ., Orchestral Band and Great Organdaily . Great Exhibition of Pictures lii the Picture '¦ ' ... Gallery . : . '¦ ; ..... '¦ \ . -. ' . .: ' •"¦¦ : " '¦¦ ¦ ,. Sunday . Open at 1 . 30 to Shareholders , gratuitously , fey tickets . Cr y s-t a 1 Pal ac e . —Great FRENCH FESTIVAL . —Farewell Performances by the Orpheonists of France ' " Incompliance with an universal desire , It ha « been arranged to « ive a GRAND FAREWELL PERFORMANCE ^ THIS DAY , SATURDAY , to commence at Three o'Clock ; and to enable all classes to attend this extraordinary gathering of our French neighbours , the price of admission will remain as usual on Saturdays , namely , HsJf-a-Crowi , . Children One Shilling ; Season Tickets . free . " . ' ' ¦ The Band of the French Guides will also take part In the Festival . To prevent confusion and crowding at the doors , , immediate application should be made for Tickets at the Crystal Palac ? , at 2 , Exeter Hall , and at the usual Agents of the Company . Crystal Palace . —French FESTIVAL . —FAREWELL . The Directors have the pleasure to announce , that from the enthusiasm manifested towards the Orpheonistx of France , a farewell performance will be given by them , immediately prior to their departure from this country . To make this as generally available as possible , it 4 taa been arranged to take place on Saturday afternoon next , the 30 th June , at three o'clock . - The band of the Guides will perform some of their most favourite pieces , and the programme of the Orpheoniats wilt comprise those portions of their repertoire , which have been most warmly received during their visit . The doors of the Palace will be opened at ten , the performanoe commence nt three , Admission Half-a-¦ Orown ; Reserved Scats , Five Shillings extra . Orp heonist Farewell Fete . —CRYSTAL PALACE . —This Day , SATURDAY . — The Programme will comprise those pieces of the Oruheonists and the Guides which have been received with the greatest enthusiasm . Including "' Les Enfiinw do Paris / ' "La Retraite , " " La Nouvello Alliance . " " Chant du Bivouac , " Marcho nux Flumbeaux , aco . Omciur Chef de Muslque , M . Mohr . Conductor , 31 . Eugene Delaporte . Doors open at 10 . Admission , 2 s . Od . Reserved Seats , 6 a . extra . Crystal Palace . —This Day . . ORPITEONISTS' FAREWELL FE'l'Er- ^ Doors open at 10 . Fcatlval commences at 3 . Great Fountains at 6 . Military and Rifle Corps Hand * will per . form afterwards in the Grounds , Admission , Haifa Crown . Tf are well of the Orpheonists JU ' OF FRANCE . —CRYSTAL PALACE THIS DAY , SATURDAY . —A Grand Dlttploy of the Great FountnhiB and Entire System of Waterworks will take plaoo nt Six o'clock—about half-un-hour after . the oonoluulon of the Orphoonlat Feutlvwl . ;
Qrp heonist Farewell Festi-VAL . ~ RESERVED SEATS . —Immediate Applications for the best Reserved Seats in Blocks C and G should be made at Mitchell ' s Royal Library , 33 , Old Bond Street . Farewe ll' of the Orpheonists —For Admission and Reserved Seat Tickets for the Farewell . Festival This Day , apply at once at Keith , Prbwse .. and Co . ' s , 43 , Cheapside . Tfieneli Festival . — -Farewell JL FETE—HALF-ArGROWN ADMISSION . — THIS DAY , SATURDAY —Apply for Tickets immediately to prevent disappointment or crowding at the doors . May be had at the Palace , at 2 , Exeter Hall , and the usual Agents . Grystal Palace . —Great Na-TIONAL BRASS BAND GO ^ TESl ' . —Tuesday 10 th , and Wednesday Uth July . Arrangements have been made for a Grand Monster Brass Band Contest on the above days , in which upwards of One Hundred Bands from all parts of England are engaged to take part . Valuable prizes in money and cups will be given by the Company , and in addition , the principal musical instrument makers in London have signified their intention to present Several first class instruments , a * special prizes . ¦ The contest will commence each day at 10 o ' clock , and on both days the whole of the Bands will meet at 3 o ' clock precisely , in the Handel Orchestra , and perform Mendelssohn ' s " Wedding March ; " Haydn ' s _ T ! hnrua T . " Tim Hcavcna are Telling . " Handel'a " Hallelujali , " " Rule Britannia . " and ^ God saye tlie Queen . " A Monster Gong Drum , seven feet in diameter , manufactured expressly for the occasion , will accompany the combined Bands . Admission—Tuesday , Half-a-Crown ; Wednesday , One Shilling . NOTICE . —Excursion Trains will run from all the Principal Towns on the Midland , London and North Weatern , Great Northern , South Western , and other Railways . Further Particulars will be duly announced . ¦
H ^ he Stand ar d Life Assurance X COMPANY . SPECIAL NOT 1 CE . —BOXUS YBAK . SIXTH DIVISION OF PROFITS . Ail Policies now ellected will purtioipato in the Division robe made us at 16 th November next . THE STANDARD was Established in 182 ft . The first Division of Profits took place in 1835 ; and subsequent Divisions have been made in 1840 , 1 H 4 B , 18 S 0 , and | 85 fi . The Prollta to bo divided i » 1800 will be those which have arisen Hi nee 1805 . Accumulated Fund £ M , 681 , 598 2 10 . Annual Revenue 280 , 231 13 5 Annual average of new Aasurancea ofrected during the last Ten years , upwards of Half a Million sterling . WILL ; THOS . T / IOMSON , Manager . H . JONES WILLIAMS , Resident Secretary . Tlio Company ' s Medlcul Olllcer attends at the Olnco , daily , at Hulf-partt One . LONDON .. .. 82 , KING WILLIAM STREET . KDlNliURGH 3 , GKORGE STRRKT ( Head Omce ) . DUBLIN .. .. 00 UPPER SACKVILLK STREKr .
Bank of Deposit . Establidhed A . D . UA 1 . - » ,. PullMall liftBt , London , Capital Stock , £ 100 , 000 . Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to examine the Plan of the Hank or JDeponit , by which a high rate of Interest may bo obtained with ample security . Deposits made by Special Agreement may bo withdrawn without notice . Tlio Interest is payable in January and July . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Forma for opening accounts sent free on application .
fphe Liverpool and London A FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY . Office *—No . 1 , Dale Street , Liverpool ; and 20 and 21 , Poultry , London . Sheffield , Manchester and Glasgow , Sydney , Melbourne , New York , LONDON BOARD . Chairman , —C . J . Musgroye . Bart . Deputy-Chairmen , —? F .. Harrison , esq . — ¦ W . Scholefield , eaq . M . P . J . Addis , esq . E . Husrgins , esq . Edward Barnard , esq . J . Laurie , esq . C S . Butler , esq . M . P . Ross D . Mangles ; esq . BirW . P . de Bathe , Bart . Wm . Nicol , esq . j M . P . H . V . East , esq . Swinton Boutt , esq ., Wm . Evrart , esq ,, M , P . Sec . to the Company . - Medical Referees . —A . Anderson , esq . —J . Paget , - e 8 q ., F . R . S . Bankers . —The London and County Bank . The Union ' .. _'¦ ¦ Bank of London . : 8 olicitOTS ,--Mes 3 rs . Palmer ; Palmer and Bull . " This Company , by its numerous Boards and Ageucie « - throughout Europe , Asia , Australasia , South Africa and—America , affords peculiar advantaged to persons effecting Fir « and Life insurances . Fire Polices falling due at Midsummer should be . . _ . renewed within Fifteen Days . SWINTON BOULT , Secretary , Liverpool . JOHN ATKINS , Resident Secretary , London . 24 th June , 1860 .
State Fire Insurance COMPANY . -Omcea—32 f _ Ludgatq . Hill : and 3 , Pall Mall ,, East . London . Cluiirman—The Riffht Hon . Lord KKANE . Managing Director—PETE It MORRISON , Eaq . Capital Half a Million . Premium Income , £ 30 , 000 per annum . This Company , ridt having any Life business , the Directorn invite Agents acting only for Life Companies to represent this Company for Fire , Plate Glass , and Accidental Deuth Insurances , to whom a liberal Commission will be allowed . The Annual Report and every information furnished on application to WILLIAM CANWELL , Secretary .
r Mutual Life Assurance X SOCIETY , 31 ) . KIiik Street . Cheapside , E . Ci , — A . D . 1831-The TWBNTY-SIXTH ANNUAL JtKPOHT , Cash AccoMnt , Unlance Sheets & c , lire now ready , and may be had on written or personal application . CHARLES 1 NGALL , Actuary .
Messrs . Collard and Collard beg leave to announce that their Jjf * S $ C ----- . / V > \ ESTABLISHMKNTi Na . 16 , ; Gro * yenor Ktr «« V ^ P > 4 . ^ . ± ; . v . /^ .. Struct , being com pie ted , the rremlnes aBJ- IWVT-v ; / .. -v <¦¦ ¦/ 1 , ~* '''OPEN ( br theTranHttctiou of JtuKlnt «*« . » vitin 'VJOKTO : % »' . $ / *¦& 'L ; Stock oi PIANOFORTliS of ull clnHao ^ otl ^ Wo * - f MM Z SALE and HIRE . ' . ' O -V 7 ^ ' ¦'¦• M . " 1 ' * Messrs . C . ScV . trust that the arrangenmtfjtlToy ^ V , . . . ' ,.... ' ?; --have made will be found to conduce very «|> f « ffl »!^ , , !¦ ¦ " . •>¦¦) ' . J to the Convenience of their customer * , moree Ie ^ mE , I .-..- " ! ; :,. of those residing in thu Western l ) l * trW ML *** ' ^ , ' ¦" ' ;¦ , ! Metropolis . Accounts and Correjpondeno * ffl ^ -pe / , ; , ;; i ; c . carried pn at 1 « , Orosvonor Streot , Ifond HswH . ^^ f < . j - . . i / , j . 10 , Orosvenor Street , Bond Street . x ^ L ^ iS ^^ their JjtKfflf ' N >" - f ^ f ^^^ fy . , a | -g * / 5 ° - : ij > ''^ 5 l ^ 'Wgrw ft ^ t- ' , / . ^ - [• net * . WtrOC . ' , ; - ¦ ¦' , ¦ 1 c HMii . >?¦¦ $ ¦"' * . '"¦ ' i ^ 'J rr
Their Jjf*S$C ----- ./V - > \ Ktr««V^P>4...
their Jjf * S $ C ----- . / V > \ Ktr «« V ^ P > 4 . ^ . ± ; . v . /^ .. aBJ- IWVT-v ; / .. -v <¦¦ ¦/ 1 , ~* ''' vitin 'VJOKTO : % »' . $ / *¦& 'L ; ^ otl ^ Wo * - f MM Z O -V 7 ^ ' ¦'¦• M . " 1 ' * arrangenmtfjtlToy ^ V , . . . ' ,.... ' ?; -- «|> f « ffl »!^ , , !¦ ¦ " . •>¦¦) ' . J moree Ie ^ mE , I .-..- " ! ; :,. trW ML *** ' ^ , ' ¦" ' ;¦ , ! * ffl ^ -pe / , ; , ;; i ; c . HswH . ^^ f < . j - . . i / , j . . x ^ L ^ iS ^^ their JjtKfflf ' N >" - f ^ f ^^^ fy . , a | -g * / 5 ° - : ij > ''^ 5 l ^ 'Wgrw ft ^ t- ' , / . ^ - [• net * . WtrOC . ' , ; - ¦ ¦' , ¦ 1 c HMii . >?¦¦ $ ¦"' * . '"¦ ' i ^ 'J rr
Leader (1850-1860), June 30, 1860, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_30061860/page/1/