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&Q& THE LEADER. - f No.488. Jul y 80, 18...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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&Q& The Leader. - F No.488. Jul Y 80, 18...
& Q & THE LEADER . - f No . 488 . Jul y 80 , 1859 . ^_^ hdlf ^ i . MI ^* b « . .. —— . ^— .-. ^*^^^^^^^^ . ^^^^^^^^^ "M ^ " ^**^^^ E ^^ M ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ fc—J ^^^^^^^^^ J *^^^^^ ^^ —^^^^^^ m ^^^ m ^^ m ^^—^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ j ^^^ m ^ . ^^^^^^ m ^^^^^^^^^^^^^**^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ~ , " ¦ ~
Mr. Howard, Stjrabok-Dbntist,
No . 52 , FLEET-STREET , has introduced an entirely new description of ARTIFICIAL TEETH , fixed without springs , wires or llgaturea . Theyso perfectly resemble the natural teeth as not to be distinguished from the originals by the closest observer ; they will never change colour or decay , and will be found superior to any teetli ever before used . This method does not require the extraction of roots or any painful operation , will support and preserve teeth that are loose , and is guaranteedto restore articulation and mastication . Decayed teeth stopped and rendered sound and useful in mastication . — o 2 , i > lectstreet , London . —At home from Ten till Five .
DOES YOUR TAILOR FIT YOU ? TRY J SMITH , 38 , LOMBARD STREET , E . C . —SOLFERINO TROUSERS , all Wool , of the Newest Designs , iu endless Variety , to order , lGs . —Observe the Address—38 , LOMBARD STREET .
THE SURPLICE SHIRT . ( Acknowledged as the most comfortable and durable Shirt ever yet produced ) , made to measure , Gs . 0 d ,, 7 s . 0 d ., 8 s . CO . and Ws . Od . Cards for self-measurement . JOHN SAMPSON , Hosier , 123 , Oxford-street , W .
G REE N HALL , MAKER OF THE SIXTEEN SHILLING TROWSERS , 325 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON , W . ( Two doors west of the Circus . ) Overcoats £ 2 2 O Frock Coats .. ; ... « 10 O Dress Coats . .... • • • 2 10 O Morning Coats ...... ,.,.. ~ , ° Waistcoats . .. 0 12 C Black Dress Trousers ¦ 1 1 ° No . 325 , OXFORD STREET , ~ Vf . ¦'
Hyam And Oo.'S Conjoint Garments. —Consi...
HYAM and OO . 'S CONJOINT GARMENTS . —Consisting- of Guinea Coat and Vest , Twenty Shilling Trousers and Vest , and Thirty-eight Shilling ; Whole Suits ; well designed from uniform patterns . LONDON : 86 , Oxford-street . BITtMLNGHAM : 21 , 22 , and 23 , New-street . LEEDS : 42 , Briggate . H YAM and Co . ' s CAMBRIDGE SAC and PAGET JACKETS . —The best possible garments for gentlemen ' s customary in-door or out-door wear . Price 12 s . Od ., ISa . Od ., 21 s ., 25 s ., and 31 s . 6 d . . ¦ p-YAM and CO . 'S DRESS and SURTOUT XI COATS , iii West of England Wool-dyed Black Cloths , Invisibles , Saxony Broad Cloths , Woaded Fabrics , & c . Price 25 s . to C 3 s . . ¦ H YAM and Co . ' s OYER COATS and CAPES , in Venetian and Llama Cloths , Undressed and Mixed Tweeds , Lustres , Merinos , Cashmerettes , & c . Price 10 s . Od ., 21 b ., 20 b ., and 35 s . ' \ HYAM and CO . 'S JUVENILE COSTUME , ¦ displaying faultless adaptation to early age , habits , and growth , Children ' s Belt Suits in new and beautiful materials . Price 10 s . fld ., 15 s , 6 d ., and 21 s . Light Overcoats and Capes , 8 s . Od ., 10 a . Od ., 12 b . 6 d . _ , HYAM and Co . ' s HARROW , ETON , and BUG BY SUITS . Three new styles , becoming in design , serviceable for school or dress wqar , and admirably adapted for young gentlemen . Price 15 s . Cd ., 21 s ., 25 s ., and 31 b . Od . YAM and CO . 'S CLOTHING TO ORDER , designed in every variety of Novol Fabric French and English Cutters employed . YAM and CO . 'S True-fitting TROUSERS . — To order , on a self-adjusting and shape-retaining system . Prlco 17 s . Od . ; Vests to match , Ss . Od .. CAUTION . HYAM and CO . are connected only with the following Establishments : — ¦ LONDON : 80 , Oxford-street . BIRMINGHAM : 21 , 22 , and 23 , New street . LEEDS : 42 , Briggato .
THE SCOTCH CHEVIOT TWEED AND ANGOLA SUITS , At 47 fl ., 60 s ., 55 s ., 00 s ., and 03 s ., made to ordorfrom materials all Woot ., and thoroughly Bhrunk . by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant , and Family Tailor , 74 , Rodent-street , \ V ., aro better value than can bo procured at any other house In the kingdom . Tho Two GuincaDrosBand Frock Coats , the Guinea L > roHB Trousers , and tho Half-Guinea Waistcoats . N . B , —A Perfect Fit guaranteed .
VISITORS TO LONDON Requiring- HOSIERY in Its now arid extensive varjetlofl shirts , and underclothing ; olaotio surgical supporting etookingfl of very superior qualities , aro solicited to vJslttUo Establishment of tho manufacturers , rOPE & PLANTE , 4 , WATERLOO-PLACE , TALL-MALL , LONDON . Families can thoro malto prompt purchases from tho best and roost oomploto assortment in tho metropolis .
PAINS IN THE BACK , GRAVEL , LUMBAGO , RHEUMATISM , GOUT , INDIGESTION , FLATULENCY , NEItYOUSNiflSS , » iBIXJ . Ty , SVttlOTURM , & o .- ~ D » . DID ROOS' COMPOUND RffiNAI ^ FILLS aro a most safe and oflloaolQUB remedy for tho above dangerous complaints , discharges , retention oi urlno , and cHboaso of the kidneys , bladder , ana urinary organB ffonorally , which frequently end in stono , ana a Wngorlng death . For depression of spirits , bluahUig , incapacity for Booloty , study or buslnofls , giddiness , arowBlnoBS . sloop without refreshment , nervousness , and insiinity itself , wlion arising from or combined with urinary iIIhohsoh , tnoy nro unequalled . Tltoy agree with tho moat delicate stomaoh , improve tho health , and la three day will ofac * ft cure In all tnouo wines whorooaptvlioubobfl . and mqdlolnos of thatolnas have uttorty fatlod . IS . lid ., 2 s . Oil , 4 s . fld ., lla ., and 38 a . per Box , through all Modloino Vendors , or sent on rooelpt « f ™ ? rB & wnJi K »^ w » P 9 » ]> y tUe Proprietor , 10 , JiorttevBfltrcet , Oxford-stroet , Condon ,
WINES FROM SOUTH AFRICA . DESMAN , INTRODUCER OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN PORT , SHEltltY , & c , Twenty -Shilling's per Dozen , Bottles included . A pint Sample of each for twenty-four stamps . Wine in Cask forwarded free to any railway station in England . ( Extract from the Ijancet , ; July 10 th , 1858 . ) " The Wines of South Africa .. —We have visited Mr . Denman ' s stores , selectedin all eleven samples of wine , and have subjected them to careful analysation . Our examination has extended to ian estimation of their bouquet and flavour , their acidity and sweetness , the amount of wine atone , the strength in alcohol , and particularly to their purity . Wo have to state that these wines , though brandied to a much less extent than Sherries , are yet , on the average , nearly as strong ; that they arc pure , wholesome , and perfectly free from adulteration ; indeed , considering the low price at whicli they are sold , their quality is remarkable . " EXCELSIOR BRANDY " , Tale or Brown , 15 s . per gallon , or-30 s . per dozen . Terms , Cash . Country orders must contain a remittance . Cross cheques " Bank oi London . " Price Lists , with Dr . Hassall ' s Analysis , forwarded on application . JAMES L . DENMCAN , 65 , Fenchurch-street , corner of Railway-place , London . J '
XBREZ PTJRO , Unbrandied and nutty , 28 s ., 34 s ., 40 s ., 40 s . PURE PORT vintage 1851 , 30 s ; 1 S 47 , 4 i ' s . per dozen . VIN OliDJTNAIRE , ROUSSILLON and MARSALA 24 s . per dozen . Champagne Vin d'Ay , 42 s . per dozen . A large stock of flue old bottled Ports , Amontillado , Solera and E . I . Sherries , & c . & c , 48 s . to 90 s . per dozen . Wine importers' Association , 15 , and 10 , Adam-street , Adelphi . R . E BARNES , Manager . N . B . A small bin of very fine Old Port , 18 guineas perdoz .
WINE NO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . WELLER & HUGHES' SOUTH AFltlCAN WINES . — Port . 'iSherry , and 3 Iadeira , UOs ; . and 24 s . per Dozen ; Amontillado , 24 s . and 28 s . per Dozen . Extract from Dr . Letlieby ' s Analysis of our Wines : — " I find your Wine pure and unadulterated ,, and have no doubt of its being far more wholesome than the artificial mixtures too often sold for genuine sherry . ( Signed ) "Henry LetBebv , M . B ., London Hospital . " ' A Pint Sample of any of the above for Twelve Stamps . Colonial Brandy , Pale or Brown , 15 s . and 18 s . Gd . per gallon , or 30 s . and 37 s . per Dozen . We deliver free to any London Railway Terminus , or to any Station in England for Is . per Dozen . -Terms ,- Cash . WELLER AND HUGHES , Importers of Foreign and Colonial Wines and Spirits , 27 , ' Crutched Friars , Mark Lane , London , E . C
ivrOTIC E . —To INDUCE A TRIAL of ± y S OUTH AFRICAN WINES ( the consumption of which has now nearly reached 420 , 000 dozen per annum—vide Board of'Trade Returns ) , aense containing four samples , scaled aud labelled , will be forwarded on receipt of 30 postage stamps , viz ., half-pint bottle each ' of best Soutli African Sherry ,-Port , Madeira , and Amontillado , bottles and case included . Colonial Brandy , 15 a . per gallon . —Address ANTHONY BROUGHT , 21 > , Strand , WC .
ECONOMY . A lO-gullon ensk ( equal to i > dozens ) of tho finest SOUTH AFRICAN" SHEltltY , for Four Guineas , oriiOs . per dozen ; best Port , & 1 b . per dozen . Cask or bottle , and case included . Threedozens carriagefree . Cash . —HENKKEYS . ABBOTT , and CO ., Importers , 22 and ^ 3 , High Holborn . Establislied 1831 . •¦¦ TJENEKJEYS' COGNAC , a pule French Brandy , XL pale or brown , 20 s . por gallon , 42 s . per dozen . Packages to be returned within throe months , or charged Is . por gitllon . Six gallons , the cask Included and carriage paid . TTENBKEYS' LONDON BRANDY , Pale or JCX brown , 14 s . per gallon , 30 s . per dozen . Throe dozens carriage free . ENEKEYS' LONDON GIN , as from the still , and the strongest allowed , sweet or dry , 12 s . per gallon , 20 a . per dozen . Six gallons , tho onsk Included nnd carriage paid . Country orders must contain a remittance TTENEICEY'S PKICES OTTK . RENT of XX WINES and SPIRITS sent post-free on application . HENEKKYS , ABBOTT , and CO ., Gray ' s fan Dlstillory , 22 and 23 , High Holborn , W . C . Established 1831 .
CADIiZ , A PURE PALE SHERRY , of thp Amontillado oharactpr , 38 s . per dozen , Gash . Wo receive a regular and direct shipment of tills nno wine . HENRY BRETT and Co ., Importers , Old Furalval'B Dlstillory , Uolborn , E . O EAU-DE-VIE , This pure PALE BRAWDY " , though only 10 a . por gallon , la demonstrated , upon Analysis , to do' pcoullarly ireo Aonm acidity , and vory superior to recent importations of vorltableOognao , In French Bottles , 34 s . por dozen : or securely packed in a Qaso for tho country , 35 s . —HENRY BRETT nud ( JO ., Old Furnlvars Dlotlllery , Uolborn .
TfcROTECTED JiY ROYAL LETTERS X PATENT , and rooolvccl by tho most eminent of tlio faculty . —Mr . LAWICENCIfl'tf IMPROVED ARTIFICIAL TEETH , by tho CHHQO-PLASTIC procosa entlroly suporsodo tho Soft Gum . and every substance that becomes piitroboont in , tho mouth . Their oloanlluoas , oaeo , mid comfort rondor thom available in every oaso , without snrlnirB or wJi'cb , at 1 oh « than advortlBod prices . — PAINLlflSS TOQTlf EXTRACTION by GRADUATED MLKOTKICITY is always attended with cortalaty and sucoos . . Medloatod White Guttu-poroha Enamol for Dooayed and Painful Tooth ( by self application ) In , \ pout froo , fourteen stampsi Mr . LAWRENCE , Surffoon-dentlHt , 03 , Bornor ' a-Btreot , Oxford-street . London . ' '
1 LAZENBY ' S SAUCES , PICKLES , ETC . J As sole Successor and Representative of the old-established ' Firm of E . LAZENBY and SON , I flnd . it necessury to caution the Public against the further imitations of my Cards and Labels , which have arisen from the continually increasing celebrity . of the Sauces , Pickles , Condiments , & c . prepared by me at the original warehouse , o , Kdwardsstreit , Portman-square , London . Marshall and Son , of 20 Strand ( against whom an injunction was lately granted by the Court of Chancery for imitating- the labels attached to iny Harvey ' s Sauce ) , are now attempting- to obtain for their own articles the cover of' a well-reputed name , by the employment of a person named Charles , or Charles' John , Lazenby , who has not , and never had , any business connexion whatever with the firm of E . Lazenby . and Son , nor with any of its present or former members . 'Having . 'been , informed that the town traveller lately discharged by me is going about London with a list of Marshall an dS on ' . sybods printed in close imitation of mine , to solicit orders for Sauces , Pickles , & c , with cards and labels difficult to distinguish from mine , I beg- to caution thctradc <; entrally that all articles prepared or sold by me are labelled with iny address , 0 , Edwards-street , Portman-square , London . — WlLLIA 3 r LAZENBY ( Successor to li . Lazenby & Sun . )
THE NEW MORNING DRAUGHT . HOOPER'S SELTZER POWDERS make a , most agreeable , effervescing , tasteless Aperient morning drnup-lif , .-ind are acknowledged by every one who try them to oeinlinitely superior in every respect to any Seidlitz l'owdvrs , effervescing- more briskly , are quite tasteless , : irc painless in operation , and effective in result . Mixed as sueyosted in the directions , even children take them with a relish . . Solil in 2 s . Cd . boxes , by Hooper , Chemist , London-bridye ; al ^ -o by Sanger , 160 , Oxford-street , and on order by all Druggists through the London wholesale houses .
/ V SUMMER DIET . £ « ££ A BROWN . ' APOLSON'S PATENT -CORN FI . IJUU . '" This is superior to anything- of theiriiid knqwii . ' . '—L < mcet . Obtain it from . Family Grocers , or Chcniifstp , who'do not substitute inferior articles . The most wholt'sonu-part of Indian Corn , it is prefei-red to the best Arrow JKoot ; for Breakfast boiled simply with milk ; Dinner or Siipjur , in puddings , warm oi * cold , . blancmange' ,, cake , &< .-., jmil especially suited to the delicacy of children-and invalidcf . Packets , 16 oz ., Sd . —Paisley ; 77 a , Market-street , 31 j mchester : Dublin : and 23 , Ironmonsrcr-huic , Jiomlon .
BEWLAY'S GUT MANILLA TOBACCO . A novelty , mild and fragrant , with the sptvhil aroinu of tht ^ Manilla cheroot , and . mixes-well ' with any other tobacio . Two-ouuee lead packets , Is . ; or by post , at ? sample , l * . od . Orders by letti-r . promptly attended to . FINEST FOREIGN ( NON-EUKOl'EAN ) CIGAlfS . — Cabanas , Martinez , Intimidads , and othi ; r vateumed brands . —Half-a-pound Sample of different varivtivs forwiadcil on receipt of one guinea . BEWLAY , IMPORTING TOBACCONIST , -lit , STKAi \ l > , W . C .
DR . LA'MERT , Registered L . S . A ., Honorary Member of the London Hospital Medical Society , M . D ., of the University of Erlang-eii , & c , continues to bo CONSULTED on all Cases of-Debility , Nervousnoss , and Premature Exhaustion of the system , DAILY , iVoin 11 till v , and from 0 to 8 , at his residence , 37 , BEDFOKD-S ' liUA i . ' -K , LONDON . Dr . LaMIert hns just published , pi-ice Sixpence , with numerous Kngravings and Cases , a Suw Eilition ol' his Work , on NERVOUS DEBILITY , Which will bo forwarded , post-free , in a Bealcd ^ envclojio . Mann , Bookseller , 30 , Cornhill , or by the Author , to any address , for eight postage stamps . CONTENTS : — Section I . The Anatomy and Physiolop-y of the Orpniis . Section II . Puberty — Manhood — True- and lalsc Morality . < Section Jflf . Murriago in its Social , Mora ) , and Physical Relations—Its Expectancies and Dissawointmeuts . Section IV . Consequonces of Imprudence nml Dangers ol Neglect . Section V . Effect of nernicloufi habits on the montal faculties—Importance of Moral Diseipline . SectionVI . Treatment of Nervous Debility—Hii . zunlous Spcoiflcs—Abortive I ^ occssos— " Fallacies ot tho Faculty " —Dangers of Charlatanism—Tho Author ' s I ' rluciuU't ? , —Medical , Dietetic , nnd Genorai .
YOURSELF ! WHAT YOTT ARE ! AND WHAT FIT FOR!—The Orlffinnl jGraphloloKM , MARIE COUPKLLE , continues her vivid , uscfiil , uml Interesting delineations of character , irom an examination <> l tho httndvvritiii 8 \ in a utylu pcoullarly her own , never before attempted in this country , and whicli onnnot even bi ' Hiifcessfully imitated by those who pretend to this iimd ' nl niul pleasing science . All Avho dcnlro to know thenim-lvori or t he true character of any friend , should sond a specimen ol writing , stating box nnd i » ue , and tho feu of II uncut penny stamps , to Miss C ' onpollo , 00 , G / istlo-etrcet , O ^ forcl-Hliiet , London ; and they will roooivejn a fow days a lulliuiu miuuto detail of the tnlontsj tastos , aiTeotioiiB , virtues , lull--ings , <& c , of the writer , with many traits lilthorto uiihiihneoted , anil calculated to bo useful throuffh life . — -from r < N .: " I consider your skill eurprlsing . "—C . 8 .: " Yourtk ' - floriptlon of her character is remarkably correct . "—» i . , !¦* . 'fYour inturosting answer is quite true . "—11 . "SV . ¦ " »« 'in * sketch is lniirvt'llouflly correct . "—HIsbF .: " Mmuina uny * tho eharaotcr you sent mo is true . "—JIIkb W . is . : " ; have described UIh oharnetor very aoourak'ly . "—• IMI .- 'H H . m . 41 am alraUl his character la as you dtwribo It . "—'• \> e see no more dlllleulty in trriiphjology tliau phronolouy , nnu > vu have little doubt that In innumerable lnnfcaii <*< . 'N tin- cliiiinetor is road with enual precision . "—Family Herald . _
, ' BOLEOTia MEDICAL INSTITUTE And 1 'IUVA-Tlfl BATH ESTABLISHMENT , J ( i . 'i , Oivnt RuHsell-Htrcot , Bloomsbury , W , C .--Simi ) lc i »» U I \ , «* . IV . !* i VAPOUR , OALVANIO , and ELMCTUO-CIIKM H'A 1 < BATHS , on Unproved prlnoiplos . For tlio « 'Xtr (>« U < m y \ Lend , Morouiy , and othor Mlneraln IVoni tim body , mill jot tho euro of Jfervoua , Dlnbotiu , l ' anilytlo , OudincouM , Utipatio , Spinal , lthoumatlo Oout , aud otuei dluon ^ im . Medloftl fluporJntondont—JOHN SKKLTON , U * 1 < t M . D ., M . B . O . S ., ISng . For tonne , & c , sco Qiroular , eont fruo upon n « col » t oi address .
Leader (1850-1860), July 30, 1859, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_30071859/page/22/