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738 THE LEADER. [Saturday,
Our Honotteable Fkiend.—We are delighted...
Cnmmmial Mints.
Satur. Mond. Tues. Wedn. Thurs. Frid. Ba...
In the course of next month will be comm...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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738 The Leader. [Saturday,
738 THE LEADER . [ Saturday ,
Our Honotteable Fkiend.—We Are Delighted...
Our _Honotteable Fkiend . —We are delighted to find that he has got in ! Our _honottrahle friend is triumphantly returned to serve _tti _~ the next Parliament . He is the honourable member for Verbosity—the best represented place in England . Our honourable friend has issued an address of congratulation to the Electors , which is worthy of that noble constituency , and is a very pretty piece of composition . In electing him , he says , they have covered themselves with glory , and England has been true to herself . Our honourable friend delivers a prediction , in the same document , that the feeble minions of a faction will never hold up their heads any more ; and that the finger of scorn will point at them in their dejected state , through countless ages of time . Further , that the hireling tools that would destroy the sacred bulwarks of our nationality are unworthy of the name of Englishmen ; and that so long as the sea shall roll around our ocean-girded isle , so long his motto shall be , No Surrender . Certain dogged persons of low principles and no intellect , have disputed whether anybody knows who the minions are , or what the faction is , or which are the hireling tools and which the sacred bulwarks , or what it is that is never to be surrendered , and if not , why not . _—Dicicens ' s " Household Words . "
Cnmmmial Mints.
Cnmmmial Mints .
Money Market And City Intelligence. Bkit...
Satur. Mond. Tues. Wedn. Thurs. Frid. Ba...
Satur . Mond . Tues . Wedn . Thurs . Frid . Bank Stock 230 _J 230 _£ 230 _£ 233 _£ 231 * 3 per Cent . Red 101 $ 101 100 j 100 _J 100 $ 3 per Cent . Con . _Ans . 100 _J 100 \ 100 _J 100 _J 100 _£ 3 per Cent . Con ., Ac . 100 J 100 _J 100 _J 100 _J lOOf 3 } per Cent . An 105 _J 105 10 * f- 1045 _104 J New 5 per Cents long Ans ., 1860 615-16 615-16 615-16 615-16 India Stock 28 < 5 286 Ditto Bonds , £ 1000 91 91 Ditto , under £ 1000 ... 91 91 Ex . Bills , £ 1000 72 p 73 p 73 p 70 p 73 p Ditto , £ 500 73 p 70 p 73 p ... . Ditto , Small 70 p 73 p 70 p 73 p FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation duhing the Week ending Thubsday Evening . ) Belgian 4 _j per Cents 96 _J Brazilian 5 per Cents . ... 102 \ Brazilian New , 1829 & 39 102 Dutch 2 } per Cents C 4 J Dutch 4 per Cent . Certif . 97 ? i Mexican 3 per Cents 25 _^ Peruvian Bonds , 1849 ... 101 Peruvian 3 per _Cts . Def . 61 Russian , 1822 121 Russian 4 _£ per Cents . ... 104 Sardinian Bonds 0-4 * Spanish 3 per Cents 48-J Spanish 3 p . Cents . New Deferred 21 _J
GLEN FIELD PATENT STARCH .-Now USED IN THIS ROYAL LAUNDRY . Tho Ladies aro respectfully solicited to maUo a trial of the G IjKN VI _HIil ) PATENT " J ) OU ULI 0-RKF 1 N I'M ) I'OWDUR HTAHOII , which , for Domestic Use , now stands _I'NIiivai . i . kd . Hold Wholesale in London by _Messrs . l _' antiu and Turner ; Hooper Brothers ; Hatty and Feast . ; Croft nnd Innocent ; Petty , Wood , and Co . ; _Twofvetroes HrothcrH ; It . Jjotchlord and Co . ; John Yates nnd Co . ; _Yates , Walton , and Turner ; Clayton , Bland , nnd Co . ; Field , Roberts , and Harbor ; A . Hmdon and Co . ; Hicks Brothers ;
_TPIIE ROYAL I 0 X II _IBrriON . —A _vnhmhlc newly-invented , very small , powerful WAISTCOAT I'OOKKT ( SLASH , tho size of a walnut , to discern minute objects air a distance of from four to five miles , which is found to be invabiabio to Yachters , HportMinen , Gentlemen , and ( _Jameloope ' rs . I ' rieo _!«)« ., sent l ' rin \ _TKLKHCOI'KM . A new and most important invention in Telescopes , possessing such extraordinary powers , that Homo , . _'t , _j inches , with im extra eye-piece , will show distinctly . Jupiter ' s Moons , Saturn ' s King , and the Double Htai's . They supersede ovory other _liiud , and aro of all _hizch , for tho waistcoat pocket , Hbooting , Military purposes , . to . Opera and _Uaeooourso Glasses , with wonderful powers ; a minute _objotit can bo clearly hocii front ten to twolvo miles distant . Invaluable , newly-invented Preserving HpootnoloH ; invisiblo and nil liiitdHof _AoouhUc Instruments for relief of extreme _Deafnoss . _—MflHsrs . H . nnd H . NOLOMONS , Oj ) ticiaus and _Aurialp , 4 ) , _Albeiuiulo _Btrcet , PicuuilUJy , _oppunilo tho York Hotel .
"WATCHES ! WATCHES ! WATCHES ! Save 50 per Cent , by purchasing your Watches direct from the Manufacturer , at the Wholesale Trade Price . Warranted Gold Watches , extra j ewelled , with all the recent improvements £ 3 15 0 The same Movements in Silver Cases 2 0 0 Handsome Morocco Cases for same ; v _^" "L " _- "" . i . V ' _1 : " ° Every other description of Watch in the same proportion . Sent Free to any part of the King dom upon receipt of One Shilling _Extra . Duplex and other Watches practically Repaired and put in order , at the Trade Prices , at DANIEL ELLIOTT HEDGER'S WHOLESALE WATCH _MANUFACTORY , 27 , CITY KOAD _, near Finsbury Square ) London . % * Merchants , Captains , and the Trade supplied in any quantities on very favourable terms .
rpiIE PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL J _ STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Book Passengers and receive Goods and Parcels for MALTA , EGYPT , INDIA , and CHINA , by their Steamers leaving Southampton on the 20 th of every Month . The Company ' s Steamers also start for MALTA and CONSTANTINOPLE on the 29 th , and VIGO , OPORTO , LISBON , CADIZ , and GIBRALTAR , on the 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of the Month . For further information apply at the Company ' Offices , 122 , Leadenhall Street , London ; and Oriental Place , Southampton .
PROFESSOR LIEBIG- on ALLSOPP'S PALE ALB . —Baron Liebig to Mr . Allsopp : — " The specimens of your Pale Ale , sent to me afforded me another opportunity or confirming its valuable qualities . I am myself an admirer of this beverage , and my own experience enables me to recommend it , in accordance with the opinion of the most eminent English physicians , as a very agreeable and efficient tonic , and as a general beverage both for the invalid and the robust . "—Justus Liebig , Giessen , May 6 . ALLSOPP'S PALE or BITTER ALE may be obtained in casks of all sizes from the Brewery , Burton-on-Trent ; and from , the under-mentioned Branch Establishments : London at 61 , King William Street , City . Livebpool at Cook Street . Manchesteb ... at Ducie Place . Dudley at the Royal Brewery . Glasgow at 115 , St . Vincent Street . Dublin at Ulster Chambers , Dame Street . Bibmingham ... at Market Hall . At either of which _places a list of respectable parties who supply the Beer in bottles ( and also in casks at the same prices as from the Brewery ) , may at any time be seen .
COLT'S REVOLVERS , OR PATENT REPEATING PISTOLS . 1 st . —Akmy , or Holsteb Pistol . 2 nd . —Navy , or Belt Pistol . 3 rd . —Pocket Three-inch Babeel Pistol . 4 th . —Pocket Foub-inch Baeeel Pistol . 6 th . —Pocket Five-inch Babkel Pistol . 6 th . —Pocket Six-inch Babbel Pistol . The Bullet Mould , Nipple Wrench , and Screw Driver , Powder Flask , and Box of Caps , with printed directions for loading and cleaning , form th _, e only fittings necessary for the Pistol Case . The peculiar excellencies of Colt's " Revolver" are well known . For safety , simplicity , durability , accuracy , and celerity of fire , force of penetration , and security against moisture , they possess important advantages both for public and private service . Tho barrel is rifle bored . The lever or rammer does away the need of wadding or patch . The hammer , when at full cock , forms tho sight by which to take aim , and it is readily raised to full cock by the thumb , without using both hands ; and it has been tested by long and actual experience . This arrangement is superior to those weapons in which tho hammer is raised by pulling at the trigger , the strength of tho pull necessary for thin purpose- interfering with tho correctness of aim , which is of so much importance . _Si'EctiiKNH of Colt ' s Fikk-arms , which attracted universal attention , and obtained unqualified approbation at tho Gukat Exhibition , may bo seen , nnd instructions obtained for procuring them for tho use of Oflieers in KjiH Majkhty ' n and the Hon . East I if ma _Comi'any ' n Military and Naval Buuvicuh , and for Exportation , & c , on application at _Cor-ONiiL Coi . t ' s Offiohh , No . 1 , Spring Gardens , _Cocknpur Street , London . _Atldrctm of the Manufactory : New York , and Hartford , Connecticut-, United States .
In The Course Of Next Month Will Be Comm...
In the course of next month will be commenced , in our Portfolio , the " LETTERS OF A VAGABOND . "
1 & i ) t _Zoological _iSfcrton _* _, REGENT'S PARK , Are Open to Visitors daily . The Collodion now contains upwards of 1500 _Specimena , including two fino _Chimj'anzkijm , the _JIii'i'o-I'OTAMU . s presented by If . II . tho Viceroy of Kgypt , Ei . _ki'iiantm , Rhinockkoh , _GiiMi'i'iis nnd young , _Iicucunvx and young , _ElANDN _, _BoNTJtllOKH _, CaMKLS , ZlUIKAH , LlONH , _TiGliltH , Tagi / _auHj Bjcak . h , _Ostjuch kh , mid tho ApTHiiYX presented by the Liout .-Governor of New Zealand . All Visitors are now admitted to Mr . Gould's Collection of JIummino Bhiuh without any extra charge . Tho Band of the First Life Guards will perform , by permission of Colonel Hall , every SATURDAY , at Four o'clock , until further notice . Admission , One Shilling . On Monday . *) , SixricNOH .
_iROEESSIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . Admitting , on equal terms , persons of every class and degree to all its benefits and advantages . Capital—Two Hundeed and Fifty Thousand Pounds . Cliairman—Ma job Henby Stones , LL . B . Deputy-Chairman—James Andbbw Dueuam , Esq . With upwards of Fourteen Hundred Shareholders . There aro two important clauses in the Deed of Settlement , by which the Directors have power to appropriate ONE-TENTH of the entire profits of the Company : — 1 st . —For the relief of aged and distressed parties assured for life , who have paid five years' premiums , their widows and orphans . 2 nd . —For tho relief of aged and distressed original proprietors , assured or not , their widows and orphans , together with 5 per cent , per annum on the capital originally _investud by them . All Policies indisputable and free of stamp duty . Rates of Vroniiuiri _oxirumoly moderate . No extra charge for going to or residing at ( in time of peace ) Australasia—Bermuda—Madeira—Capo of Good Hope—Mauritius—and tho British North American Colonies . Medical men in all eases remunerated for their report . Assurances granted against paralysis , blindness , accidents , insanity , and ovory other _aflliction , bodily aud _^ mental , at moderate rates . A liberal commission allowed to agents . Annual premium for assuring . fJ 10 () , namely : — Ago- 20 ... . til 10 !> I Ago—40 ... JC 2 13 0 30 ... X'l li ) 0 I 50 ... X' 3 IB 0 Prospectuses , with tables and fullest information , may bo had at the () _flices of tho Company , or of any of their agents . Applications for agencies requested . EDWARD HAYL 1 H , Ktmiiient Manager and Actuary . Ofllces , 7 ( J , _Choiipsido , London .
D1 JJNJN'S TAILORS' LABOUR , AGENCY will bo found alike worthy the attention of ( ho Economist and tho Philanthropist , cheapness being tho means by which it is proposed to secure employment at _lully romunerat ivo wages for the workmen , whilst the extent , of patronage makes up for tho Promoter a remunerative , profit , largo in its extent , though small in its degree . In tho extensive range- of front ago may be seen specimens of tho diU ' eront articles offered , with their prices marked in plain figures , and no abatement made ; with each of which tho customer gets a printed receipt , taken from , and signed by , the workman lor ( lie wages be receives for making it , mid containing Ins address for private inquiry uh to ( lie truth of such statement-it being intended , in this Agency , to embody and curry out one of those Social and Co-operative Theories which promises , if honestly worked out ' , to secure benefits to nil without injury to any making one portion of tho community , in supplying its own wants , minister to I ho comforts and elevation of ( mother ; and that , by the exercise of that ruling passion , selfinterest , men naturally flocking to tho hest markets in numbers proportioned to tho certainly with which they ran determine them to be so , tho Manager here only ottering them the _satisfaction of knowing that , if they aro well nerved , tho men are well paid ; and thus , in blending the interests of the Producer and Consumer , securing his own as agent between them . A choice of Moii ' m useful Trousers , from IOh . ( id . to 1 _'is . ; a Largo Assortment of ditto , fit for all persons , from 15 s . to lHs . ; Choice Qualities in Pattern , from ! 20 s . to 2 \\ _a . ; ( wages paid agreeable to selling price , from Us . to 4 s . ( Id . ) A _iihcful Black Dross Coat , well made , U 5 n . ; a useful Muck I'Yook ( ! oat , _liHs . ; ( uiuTioitod paid wages for making , l _() _s . ) A _Kirst-OlasH Dress Coat , . _Ca _Ifm . ; a Kirst-ClaHH I'Vock , lined with Silk , . L _' . \ ; ( a specimen of workmanship , and warranted wages paid for making , 15 m . ) A good Mack Vest ( wages paid Us . «»» . ) , 7 _n . ( id . * * Hoys' Clothing , and ovory Articlo in I ho Trade , on I lit ) most _Advantageous Hcalo of Charges . _Obwen-vo the , Addrewi— 1 _JJ , uml 11 , . _Njiwiwuioxf Gxvtm , VfAX .
THE GOLD FIELDS OP AUSTRALIA . The National Hall , 242 , High Holborn , ( opposite Day and Martin ' s . )—Mr JUDGE will have the honour to delivers . LECTURE on EMIGRATION to the GOLD FIELDS of AUSTRALIA , on Monday Evening , August 2 , 1852 , at the National Hall , 242 , High Holborn , illustrated by a large Map of the Gold Fields in the Provinces of Victoria and New South Wales , and a variety of Implements , including Cradle Machines for Washing and Gold Detecting , Gold SieveB , Gold Washing Pans and Washing Bowls ; Miners' Tools , consisting of Pickaxes and Picks , Crowbars , Shovels , Iron Barrows , Hammer Picks , and other Implements required by " the Diggers" in the search for Gold . The Lecture will comprise many ; _salutary hints and suggestions to intending Emigrants , especially with reference to the selection of Vessels in which to proceed to that distant Colony ; to the necessary preparations to be made relative to Outfits , & e . ' , previous to leaving England ; to the securing of their health and comfort on board during their voyage , & c . The best and most efficient means will , also , be pointed out to be adopted on their arrival in the Colony , during their progress to the Gold Fields , and while engaged at " the Diggings . " The chief object ofthe Lecture will be to afford precautionary instructions and useful advice to Emigrants—describing the dangers to be avoided in England , as welt as the perils by which they will be surrounded on their arrival in Australia . The Lecture ( which will be peculiarly applicable to the Industrial and Operative Classes ) will commence at Half-past Eight o ' clock precisely . —Admittance to the Hall , 3 d . ; Reserved Seats , 6 d . j Platform , Is .
LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION , Established bt Royal Chabteb a . d . 1720 . FOR LIFE , FIRE , AND MARINE ASSURANCES . Head Office , 7 , Royal Exchange , Cobnhill . Branch Office , 10 , Regent Stbeet . Actuary , Peter Hardy , Esq ., F . R . S . This Cobpobation has effected Assubancks for a period exceeding One Hundked and Thibxy Ybabs , on the most Favoubable Teems . JOHN LAURENCE , Secretary .
_Mllfl NATIONAL ASSURANCE AJND IIN VKHTMKNT ASSOCIATION was established in 1 HW , for the purpose of combining a safe and profitable Investment of Capital with those of a comprehensive and well-regulated system of Lifo Assurance . The plan i _» original and peculiar , anil cannot bo adopted by any other Institution without oontwivoning tho enactments for tho regulation of Joint Stock Companies . _Invhhtmk'nt ( _ip Capital and Savings . -The Investment of money with tho Association , secures equal _advantages to tho HiirphiH Capital of tho alllhenl , and tho provident Savings of tho industrial classes of the community , and affords an opportunity for _realizing tho highest rato of interest yielded by _flrut-el « HH securities , _nj which alono tho money is employed . Kull information , Prospectuses , and Forms of Proposal , may ho obtained , on application , at tho llead-olllco of tho _AtjHociatiou , or to tho respective Agents throughout tho United Kingdom . . _I'KTISR MOHH 1 HON , Managing Director . 7 , HI .. Martin ' s Place , Trafalgar Square , London . N . It . - _Applioationii for _Agouoiou may be _mudo to tho Managing Director .
Leader (1850-1860), July 31, 1852, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_31071852/page/22/