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Jt^/^um^ Jw?^^ ^, P/^e^s C* ^ y B& 2- V/...
VOL. IX. No. 436.] SATURDAY, JUTLY 31, 1...
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Jt^/^Um^ Jw?^^ ^, P/^E^S C* ^ Y B& 2- V/...
Jt ^/^ um ^ Jw ?^^ ^ , P /^ e ^ s C * ^ B & 2- V / ia ^ jS « rp ^ r (/^ v V ^ vv ii A POLITICAL AND LITERARY REVIEW , MERCANTILE JOURNAL , ' ' ¦ . AND ¦ " ¦ ¦ „ ' ¦¦ ¦ RECORD OF JOINT STOCK COMPLIES , BAKES , RAILWAYS , MINES . SHIPPING ' aq .
Vol. Ix. No. 436.] Saturday, Jutly 31, 1...
VOL . IX . No . 436 . ] SATURDAY , JUTLY 31 , 1858 Pricp / unstamped ... sixprnOE .
Fifth Report Of The City Bank, London.
AT A GENERAL MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS , HEL D A T THE LONDON T AV ERN OnTTJESDAY , JULY 20 th , 1858 . The Right Honourable LORD MAYOR of LONDON , Sir ROBERT WALTER CARDEN , M P Chairman PETER BELL , Esq ., Deputy Chairman . " DIRECTORS . PETER BELL , Esq . JOHN HACKBLOCK , Esq . ROBERT LLOYD P ^ n SIR ROBERT W . CARDEN , M . P- JOHN JONES , Esq . ' * WIlIlAM MACNAUGHTAN Esa HENRY VIGURS EAST , Esq . ANDREW LAWRIE , Esq . ^ NATHAN THORP Esl ' * WILLIAM GARDNER , Esq . JOHN LIDGETT , Esq . * ¦ JOHN VANNER / Esq . a ' The Manager—A . J . WHITE , Esq . Solicitors—Messrs . PEARCE , PHILLIPS , "WINCKWORTH & PEARCE J | l ^^ S ^ S « SS &^ SS ^ SSo ^^ S * ^^ ^ " ^ ' ^^^ Por * now real ^ ^ ^ i SSlL ^^ < A ^ t ^ r ^^ r ^ iir ^ iSk ot ^ ss ^^^^^ ^ - ^ ^^ ^ ^ t | i | J ^ o ™^^ u ^^^^^ t ^ e *** (^^ ation ) . were TotheTmmferVothe ^ Kose ^ eTund /' ihcVeby * 89 ° ° ° ?&• nT ?*™\ ^^ SS ^ increasing that Fund to 30 , 000 ? ............ . * 200 O 0 0 iw TnS ^ KS ^' To the Credit of Profit and Loss "New Ac- „ V Mr . JOHN VANNBR count , * : tho Balance ..... 269110 6 ¦ -Resolved unanimously , ¦ . Ulhe Directors have to inform the Proprietors' that the ., V ^ t" ^ thanks of the Proprietors are due , and are vacancies in the Direction , occasioned by the decease of nereDy tendered , to the Chairman , and the Directors for their much esteemed colleagues , Mr . Samuel Grimadell and tlievr eminently successful services . Mr . William Hackblock , have been filled by the election of -., lhat : a cordial vote of thanks be given to Mr . "White , the Mr . Henry Vigurs East and Mr . John Hackblock , subject to Manager , * or Ins services , and for his invariable urbanity the confirmation of this Meeting . »« a politeness to all with-whom he transacts business . The gentlemen who retire from the Direction by rotation , wK ,. at tne thanks of this Meeting be presented to Mr . on this occasion , arc Mr . Andrew Eawrie , Mr . Jonathan " 1 i llam - AlmillB a <» d Mr . Owen Lewis for their able services Thorp , and Mr . John Vanner , who offer themselves for re- ?? A' « "tors during the past Half-year , and that these geneleetion . tlomon bo re-elected as such Officers for the ensuing year . The Dividend and Bonus will bo payable on and after ( Signed ) ROBURT WALTER CART > EN , Monday , the 26 th instant . Chairman After the " Register of Shareholders , " and " Register of Extracted from the Minutes , Transfers" had boon authenticated , by impressing thereupon COOPER J . WORTH , Secretary . THE CITY BANK , LONDON . PR 0 FIT AND L 0 SS account LIABILITIES AND ASSETS , 30 th June , 1858 . % ' * City BanX :, for the Ualf-Yeavending JnneM , 1858 . T & jpital paid up . vi , . OZ . porSharco » 6000 J \ ^ * ^ T ^^^^ J ^^ JSSSS : . ' ^ S IK ^^^^ * - 2 T ^ » s ^^ . JO Jfront and Loss for tno Balance of that not yet duo .. ... . 334116 6 Ru iS ?«? Tp '« flt " hm ,. « . i , f <•« - « , i To Amount transferred to the Reserved Fund f ^ w H ^ f Y «« S MlblMBl «« Q K « iii addition to . the 28 , 000 / . already at the « iri « J ? rt iHS o » Creditor that Account / ...... 2 , 000 0 0 fiinco added 27 , 311 8 2 To Dividend Account for tho payment of a 31 , 760 13 8 Dividend at the Rato of 5 l . per centum per - 1 '' "' nn annum upon SOO . ooo / . amount of paid up £ 1 , 012 . 020 6 10 Capital upon 6000 Shares " 7 . B 00 0 0 _ . ' , ,,.,, . _ , _ ,. _ , * s- « . To Uonus of 15 a . per Share on 6000 Shares .... 4 , 500 0 0 S ¦ S ? , i . Iluor Bills and East India Bonds 222 , 161 4 , 7 To undivided Profit tranaforied to Profit and 5 S . ?^ 1900 , ""* 0 ? 1 Loa » s « & 0 1 , 243 , 020 10 5 Losa New Aocouut 2 , 591 10 6 By Building , Furniture , & o 29 , 990 7 1 By Gash in hand , at Bank of England , and at jff 31769 is ft Call 110 , 84 , 118 0 ' £ 1 . 012 , 020 6 10 By Balanco brought down , viz-: — : Surplus Prollb brought forward from last Half-year £ 4 , 228 5 Q Since-added 27 , 511 8 2 31 , 769 13 8 we have examined , and do approve , tho abovo Accounts . WM . ANNING , " ) * . „ , «*«« .-London , 13 th July , 1868 . OWEN LB VIS . ; Aamtora > TrTF / PilTY RATCTf public generally ; and Interest allowed thoroon at the fi n * -wx > » 7 « , f , » current rato of the day , tho Bank notifying any change in corner CJ Jfmcn-lane , Threadneedle-street > London , tho llato of Interest by Advertisement In tho Tinea Ncws-Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1855 . P ^ ho ' AQKN 0 Y of COUNTRY and FOREIGN BANKS , ttabsoribod Capital COO . OOOZ . whether Joint-Stook or Private , la undertaken by the Bank . ReL « rv £ rfi £ P lt ^ 800 . O 0 OA . LETTERS of CREDIT , payable at any of tho Chief ComnTTn ^^ fJi und 30 , 000 ^ . rncrcial Towns and Cities of tho World , are granted by the andithi ^«^ T A ( JpOUNTS are mndo up to tho 80 th of Juno Bank . S 2 u « rl ? 3 i ?"« of Decombor in each year ; and if tho credit CIRCULAR TCOTES Jiro issued by tlto Bank , addressed fcft « n » ii * " not ttt any tlmo duriDg tho half-year , have to all , and payaiile at any , of tho places on the Continent » h « V . « , ? - Interest at tho ratio of 2 por cent , por whore tho Bank has nn Agent . Srt ? V ^ ~ , ]^ JjJwSd on tho minimmn monthly balnnoco . ^ DIVIDENDS , Ac , on Government and other Stocks , 4 «» ii ^_ P'J * - » Interest at tho rato « ri por cont . nor annum / i ,. " "' t | ft 8 . Ponalons , & o ., aro roooived for oustoraera or tlio StfWnS ^ irili & T " ^^* 11 ^ 11100 "' ^" "SSr Sank' ^ lthoiu ^ ' and evory ^ cription of Banking DEPOSIT ACCoilS .--Money la received from te b «! W * W &« i
ATLAS TIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE OFFICE , 92 , CHEAPSIDB , LONDON . Established 1808 , And Empowered by Act of Parliament of the 54 th . George III ., c . 79 . Chairman . —J . Oliver Hanson , Esq . Deputy Chairman . —Wm . Geo . Prescott , Esq . Actuary . —Charles Ansell , Esq ., F . R . S . Solicitor . —Thomas Browning , J 2 sq . ; LIFE DEPARTMENT . The Accumulated Premiums ar » s '' over 1 , 600 , 0007 . And the Annual Income exceeds 184 , 000 ? . Bonuses have been declared on Policies to an amount greater than the sum , originally assured . Premiums have been extinguished , where the parties assured have applied the bonus in reduction of tneAnnua - Premium . At the last valuation up to Christmas , 1854 , there existed a Surplus Of 268 . 691 / ., which had accrued durine the five years ending at that period—the whole of ¦ which Surplus belonged to the policy holders . The next valuation will be made up to Christmas , 1859 . Policies on the Participating Scale , in England or Ireland respectively , which may bo effected before that date , will , if the parties be then alive , participate in the surplus in proportion to the time they may have . been in force . The sum of 3 , 130 , 9752 . has been paid during the existence of the Office for claims under Life Policies , of which amount a very considerable part was for Bonuses . Persons assuring in Great Britain have the option of Participating Rates of Premium , or of Non-Participating Rates . .. ¦¦ •' The Directors beg to announce that the rates of Premium have been recently revised aud readjusted in accordance with a long experience , and that The New Scale will be found very advantageous to persons desiring to commence assuring early in life . The Non-Participating Scale is particularly adapted to parties wishing to assure a Axed sum only , at a fixed rate of Premium , and on low terms . Premiums roay be paid Annually , Half-yearly , or by a limited number of Annual Payments . The last-named mode of Assurance originated with this Office in 1816 . FIRE DEPARTMENT . Renewals should be paid within fifteen days after the respectivo Quarter-days when they become due . The Company undertakes the assurance of Property in the Manufacturing , Agricultural , and other districts , on favour * able terms . Risks of extraordinary hazard on special agreement , upon survey . An allowance for the Loss of Rent of Buildings rendered untenantable by Fire is one of the advantages offered by the Company . Tables of Rates , forms of proposal , and any information needful to effect Life or Fire Assurances , may be obtained on application to the Office , No . i ) 2 , Cheapsido , London , or to any of tho Company's Aieents . HENRY DESBOROUGH , Secretary . London , July , 1858 .
ST . GEORGE ASSURANCE COMPANY . 118 , PftU-Mall , London , 8 . W . Capital 100 . 000 J in Shares of 51 . each . Chairman . —Henry Pownall , Esq . Deputy Chairman . —Henry ilaiues , Esq . Tho Leading Features of this Office are—Evory description of Lifo Assurance on the most favourable terms . Tho Assurance of Defective Titles , thereby ro storing the property to its full value . Endowments for Husbands , Wives , or Nominees . Endowments for Children on attaining a certain age . Annuities of every description granted on torms peculiarly favourable . Notices of Assignments of Policies Registered . Medical Referees paid by the Company . Ago of tho Life Assured admitted on all Policies , on roasonablo proof being given , Stamp DutieB on £ ife Polictos paid by tho Company . Loans on Real or Personal Security , repayable by monthly or quarterly instalments , from one to "five years . For further particulars , Forms of Proposal and Prospectuses , apply to V . H . GILBART , Secretary .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Chnrtor , 18 * 7 . LETTERS of CREDIT and HILLS oio grantod upon tho Banks at Adelaide , Port Adelaide , and Oawlor . Approved drafts on South Australia negotiated and Bant for collection . Every description of . Banking business ia conduotod direct with Victoria and Now South Wales , and also with tlio ofchor Australian Colonies , through tho Oompany ' a Agents . Apply at 04 , Old Broad-atreot , Lond 0 U > WILLIAM PURDY , Manager .
Leader (1850-1860), July 31, 1858, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_31071858/page/1/