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758 THE LEADER. [No. 436, July 31 185ft
A Bah/way Suicide.—As the up express tra...
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758 The Leader. [No. 436, July 31 185ft
758 THE LEADER . [ No . 436 , July 31 185 ft
Books Eeceited This Week. The Book Ofmod...
BOOKS EECEITED THIS WEEK . The Book ofModern and Popular Songs . Edited by J . E . Carpenter . Boutledge and Co . — Mark WiUcn , the Merchant ' s Clerk : a Booh for Young Men . By the Rev C . B . Taylor , M . A . Shnkin , Marshall , and Co . Nightshade : a Tale . By Wm . Johnston , M . A . "With Preface ly the Bey . G . Gilfillan , M . A . Simkin , Marshall , and Co . Personal Adventures during the Rebellion in Rohilcund , FutteAghur , and ( hide . By Wm . Edwards , Esq .,
B . C . S . Smith , Elder , and Co . Eight Months' Campaign against the Bengal Sepoy Army during the Mutiny of 1857 . By Colonel Georg * Bourchier , C . B . Smith , Elder , and Co . Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa Being a Journal of an Expedition undertaken under the Auspices of H . B . M . 's Government in tlie Years 1849-1855 . By Henry Barth , Ph . D ., D . C . L . In 5 vols . Vols . 4 : and 5 . Longman and Co . Fraser ' s Magazine . No . CCCXLIV . J . / W . Parker and Son .
A Bah/Way Suicide.—As The Up Express Tra...
A Bah / way Suicide . —As the up express train on the Great "Western Railway was passing through the cutting at "Walthaoa St . Lawrence , between the Twyford and Maidenhead stations , a few days ago , the driver was surprised on finding a straw hat fly on to the tender of the engine . He immediately stopped the train , and spoke to some men , who proceeded down the line and discovered the body of a . young man frightfully lacerated , the head' severed from the trunk , and one leg cut ¦ off . The deceased , Thomas Hance , had been , in the service of several families in the neighbourhood , but had lately been , out of employ , and had become very desponding .
Fkom The London Gazette. Tuesday* July "...
FKOM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday * July " 27 . BANKRUPTCY ANNTJIIjED . —Jobot Waix , Southport , Lancashire , carpenter and joiner . B ANKBtlPTS . —Thomas Loitgwohth , Staveley , Derbyshire , draper and tallow chandler -Coesbutb Bowb PAXaczs , Aberdare , Glamorganshire , innkeeper—Thoslas St & atbokd , Birmingham , butcher—Bowaxd IjYde and Phiiojop Stohb , Bristol , warehousemen—David Widdov-8 O > ir , Chaucer-street , Nottingham , lace manufacturer — Thomas Binks , Delghton , near Huddersfield , and Thornhill Lees , near Ifcwsbury , Yorkshire , iron merchant and manufacturer—Henby Tatoam , Charing-cross , gun maker —P-ARMENA 8 Peabcb Mttdoe , Saint Leonard , Devonshire , and Trelake Farm , Whitestone , Devonshire , professor of
music , and dealer in musical instruments , music , and farmer . ¦ SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS—Htrasc Munbo , Invergoxdon , merchant — Robert HtrmrBR , clothier and outfitter , Glasgow . Friday , July 3 d . BAinLKUTTS . —Henet Coubtebn , Park End , Gloucestershire , innkeeper—Henex Fibtcheb , Painswick , Gloucester , woollen cloth manufacturer—Jamxs Nicholas , Bedruth , Cornwall , watchmaker—Thomas Leak , Cross Banks . Batley . Yorkshire , extractor—Geoege Paeker ; Kingston-upon-Hnll , copper merchant—Wixliam Peabcb and Lewis Peabcb , Salisbury , coacbmakers—Edouabd Simoit , Mark-lane , wine merchant—C ^ ables Frederick Weltson , 14 , Minster-street , Beading , grocer — David Johns , Shrewsbury , grocer—Robert Busby , late of
Birmingham , builder—Samuel Vincent , Long Button , butcher— Johk Boo-ebs , Newport , ship broker—Chari ^ s TLaTjS Jbsbof , Cheltenham , seedsman—Thomas Thum-Vooi > , Parnham , Surrey , innkeeper—Gtjbtav Scbeitr .-jcajjh , Newgate-street , City , music Beller—Chael . es Caetee , Tower-hill , London , sack and coal merchant—Edwin Cbbstbbuak , Banbury , Oxfordshire , builder . SCOTCH SECnjESTEATIONS . — John Kinnisoht , pundee , grocer— -Johw Kkox Siuabt , Glasgow , late builder—E- and J . DioxrB , Glasgow . hetLdle manufactures —Thomab Gibb and Sow , Edinburgh , commission agents—John Caitpbbli . Swbehkt , Glasgow , portmanteau malcer —Jambs Yottbtg , Greenock , ship master- John Mem , Edinburgh , commission agent .
Her Majesty's Theatre Final Performances.-Reduced Prices!
* Iitiens , Alboni , Kccolomtni . Belarfc , Belletti , Beneventauo , Vialetti , Rossi . Aldighieri , and Giugliui . Monday , August ; 2 , LTTCREZIA BORGIA Cast time ) , and last appearance but one of Mdlle . Titiens . Tuesday , August 8 , IL TROVATORB ( last time , and last appearance of Mdlle . Titiens ) . S Wednesday , August 4 ( last night but three ) , DON P . A 8-'TJALE . las | scene of LA OENEBENTOLA , compiling ie Grand Finale—Non piu mesta , by Madame . Alboni . Thursday , August 5 ( last night but two ) , LA ZINGARA . ¦ w ^ o ^ Kft ^^ SK ^ " ^ ^^* ^ ) ' I ^ AFIOLIA DEL UBGGIMBNTO , and othar Entertainments . Saturday , August 7 ( tho last night ) , LA TRAVIATA . On « aoh occasion , a Divertissement , in which Mdlle . Bosohotti will appear . Applications to be mada at the Box-office .
ST . JAMES'S HALIi . —CHRISTY'S M 3 NSTXBL 8 .--Two Xast Concerts , Monday , August 2 . Aftwnoon at 8 ; JJ venujp at 8 . Stalls and balcony Bs 7 ; area ! Se . » back Beats , to . i galleries , is . Tickets at Mitchetfs . Old W ^^& S ^^ t ^ '' ' ^ ald 0 ' ' ftnd at ""
Ij \ ATHER THAMES AND HIS PHYSICIANS . — Dr . SHXTON will Lecture on the above Important aublect dally at Dr . KAHN'S MUSEUM ( top of the Haymarkott , at Four and Bight o ' clock , p Admission , One Shilling . Dr . KAHN'S NINE LECTURES on tho PHILOSOPHY OF MAttRiAGB , &<* sent , poBt freo , direct from the Author on tho roceipFof Twolvo Stamps .
NO MORE PILLS NOR ANY OTHER MEDICINE .-DU BARRY'S DELICIOUS HEALTH RESTORING REVE LENTA ARABICA FOOD , which is adapted to old and young , rich and poor , and saves fifty times its cost in other remedies in the effectual removal of INDIGESTION ( dyspepsia ) , habitual constipation , flatulency , phlegm , all nervous , bilious , and liver complaints , hysteria , neuralgia , acidity , palpitation , heartburn , headache , debility , depondency , cramps , spasms , nausea , and sickness ( during pregnancy or at sea ) , sinking fits , cough , asthma , bronchitis , consumption , also children's complaints . A few of many thousand expressions of gratitude from invalids : Cure Ho . 49 , 832 -Fifty years' indescribable agony from dyspepsia , nervousness , asthma , cough , constipation , flatulency , spasms , sickness at the stomach and and vomiting , have been removed by Cu Barry ' s excellent Food . Maria , Joly , Worthing . Ling , near Diss , Norfolk . " 47
DR . DE JONGH'S T IGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL , entirely -Li free from nauseous flavour and after-taste , is proscribed with the greatest success by the Faculty as the safest , speediest , and most effectual remedy for consumption , bronchitis , asthma , gout , rheumatism , skin diseases , neuralgia , rickets , infantile wasting , general debility , and all scrofulous affections . Numerous spontaneous testimonials from physicians of European reputation attest that , in innumerable cases where other kind 3 of Cod Liver Oil had been long ¦ ¦; and copiously administered with little or no benefit , Dr . dp Jongh ' s Oil has produced almost immediate relief , arrested disease , and restored health . Sold in Imperial Half-pints , 2 s . 6 d . ; Pints , 4 s . 9 d . ; Quarts , 9 s-, capsuled and labelled with Dr . DE JONGH'S signature , ¦ mTHOTTT which none can possible be g enuine , by most respectable Chemists . : Sole British Consignees , ANSAR , HARFORD . and CO ., 77 , Strand , Londou , W . C .
THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION . "VT OETON'S CAMOMILE PILLS XV are confidently recommended as a simple but certain remedy for Indigestion , which is the cause of nearly all the diseases to which we are subject , being a medicine so uniformly grateful and beneficial , that it is with justice called the " N-iTtTBAI . STRENGTHENEE OF THE HXTMAIS ; STOMACH . " NORTON'S PILIiS act as a powerful tonic and gentle aperient : are mild in their operation ; safe under any circumstances ; and thousands of persons can now bear testimony to the benefits to be derived from their use . Sold , in Bottles at is . lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., and lls . each , in every town in the kingdom . CA . UTION I—Be sure to ask for " Norton ' s Pills , " and do not be persuaded to purchase the various imitations .
BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUJIATIC PILLS . Price is . ljd . and 2 s . 9 d . per box . fTVHIS preparation is one of the benefits which -1- the science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind ; for during the first twenty years of the present century to speak of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance ; but now the efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated by unsolicited testimonials from persons in every rank of life , that public opinion proclaims this as ono of the most important discoveries of the nrescnt age . ¦ _ These Pills require no restraint of diet or confinement during their use , and are certain to prevent tho disease attacking any vital part . Sold by all Medicine Vendors . Seo tho name of " Titomas PaouT , 229 , Strand , London , " on the Government Stamp .
TO INVALIDS , Merchants , and others . —The / . tI . t ^> ATE NT ALBBM ? - PORTABLE LOUNGING vjUAIR , the most luxurious and cheapest over manufactured . Self-propelling , Bath , Brighton , and every othor description of chair for in and out-door use . Moc ' hanical chairs and beds of every description , perambulators , & c . ( the largest assortment in tho world ) , always on hand for sale or hire . Agents : —Messrs . Smith , Taylor , and Co ., Bombay , Batavia , Singapore , and Satnarang ; Messrs . F . W Browno and Co ., Calcutta . Sole patentee and manufacturer , J . WARD , 5 and 6 , Loicoster-squaro , " WO . Established 09 years .
npEETH . —Messrs . GABRIEL , tho old-esta"Tin , } i ? A Dentists . —Our patented system of fixing artificial teoth and flexible gums , without springs or wires ° i ^ K . ascription , having stood fho tost of throe years wltlx the greatest satisfaction to all wearers , as Is ovinced by the testimonials of patients and first medical men of tho day , entirely supersedes tho ordinary methods . All sharp odgosaro avoided , there is no extraction of roots , nor any patnrul operation ; an amount of elasticity unattainable by an 3 rJ ° Jinor method is acquired , while tho fit ip of tho most unorring acouraoy ; such , indeed , as is by any other means unattainable . The success which our Bvstnm has nttainmi
-VTATIONAL TEMPERANCE LEAG-TTP " " JL ^ I TheCommitteo hare the pleasure to unn ^ T ' ~~ J . B . GOaGH will deliver an OrationTu ^ EXETpTmVt Next Monday , August 2 . SAMUEL EOWlv ^ ' Gloucester , will preside . Doors open . at 7 o ' clock % ° taken at 8 p ' clock . Tickets for Central Seats or pin + 9 is . ; Body of tho Hall , 6 d . ; to bo had at 337 Strand ° '
FEMALE COMPLAINTS . - ^ KEARST W ^ ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE S arc stronply rccommendeil as a safe and valuable * t \ t ^ r s n effectually removinRobstructions , ml ^ rtn ^ X " inconveniences to which the female fi ^ mo is li ^ u other eially thoso which ariso from want , of exorcise a « ri ' eSpe * dobility of tho system . They create LtiS ^^ b ^ digestion , remove giddiness and nervous headache nahwV the stomach , shortness of breath , and palnitatinn «?! i heart . Sold by J . SANG lilt , 150 , Oxford-street Lo . ufc price 2 s . 9 d-, or by post for Thirty-six PostagSSiS ° ' For Exportation—The above cau be obtained throiin-i Britisn merchants , shippers , and Colonial agents mrm S \
T 3 RECIvNELL'S SKIN" SOAP , rec onu ^ ndel JLJ as tlieliest for producing a clear and Jiealthv ^ being the old yellow soap , made expressly for t ? ic p frS ' of the best materials , and not scouted .- Sold only £ To ™ hhilimg packets of cither four rounded tablets or P ^ f squares , and extra largo tablets Sixpence each tvr w $ r n ' eLL , TTTRNER , an | sONS , ManSwers of Wax % S " maceti , Stoanne . and Tallow Candles to her Maie ^ v " agents to Price ' s Patent Candle Company ' defersT » ii other Patent Candles all kinds of household and toifl Spans , in Colza , Sperm Vegetable , and other Lamp Oils fa Beehive , 31 , Haymarket , Lonilon . —Please - observe : that each tablet and square is stamped "Breckncll ' s Skin Soap "
B URGESS'S celebi-ated Bandoline for fixin « Ladies' Hair or Gentlemen ' s Whiskers and MouS taches , without drying not bein B a liquid' as most oS III bottles from Is . to 10 s . 6 d . Prepared at It . BURGESS'S Hair Cutting and Bruslung Establishment . Head Washing on tho approvedOvi-Lavatory system . s Nos . 14 , 15 , and 16 , Royal Opera Arcade , Charlcs-sfcreet Haymarket , S . W . Agents , Birch , Molesworth-stre ct Dublin ; Peagam , King-street ,- Jersey ; Apothecaries' Hall ' Glasgow ; and Ludwig , 33 , Cliarlotteii-Strassen , Berlin .
T ADIES'EL ASTIC SUPPO 11 TING BANDS J ~ J' for uso before and after Accouchement , admirablv adapted for giving efficient support , with extreme lightness—a point little attended to in tho comparatively clumsy contrivances and fabrics hitherto employed . Instruction for _ measarement , with prices ( on application ) , and the articles sent by post from the manufacturers and inventors , POPE and PLAN'XE , 1 , Waterloo-place , Pail-Mall , -London , S . W .
S r ± iUrAUL . JiS . — Sight and Hearing . — Deafness . —A newly-invented . Instrument Tor extreme casesofrcafness . called theSOUNDMAGNIFIER , Organic Vibrator , aud invisible Voice Conductor . It fits so into the car as not to be in the least perceptible ; the unpleasant sensation of sinking noises in tho head is entirely removed . It affords instant relief to the deafest persons , and enables them to hear distinctl y at church and at public assemblies . Messrs . SOLOMONS have invented spectacle lenses of tho Kreatest transparent power . The valuable advantage < lerived from this invention is , that vision becomes preserved and strcngtbcne < l ; very aged persons are enabled to employ their sight at the most minute occupation , can seo with these lenses of a much less magnifying power , and tlieydo not require the frequent changes to the dangerous effects of further powerful assistance . — 30 , Albuinarlc-strcet , Piccadilly , opposite the York Hotel .
r ^_ REY HAIli . 248 , High Ilolbom ( opposite vX Day and Martin ' s ) . Alex . Ross ' s Hair Dve is easily applied , producing a slight brown , dark brown , or black , permanently , 3 s . Cd ., 5 s . Od ., andl 0 s . ( id . per bottle . A . Il . ' s Hair Destroyer , or Depilatory , removes superfluous hair from the face , neck , or arms , without injuring the skin : sold at 3 s . Cd ., 5 s . Gd .. and lOs . Cd . -A . It ' s Hair Curling Fluid saves the trouble ofusiiig curl papers or irons , for immediately it is applied a beautiful and lasting curl is obtained ; $ s . 6 d . and 5 s . C > d . per bottle . r Xho above articles aro sent por post for 54 stamps in blanlc wrappers .
r THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED . J- -CHARLES WATSON , M . D ., IMloy nu . l Honorary vice-President of tho Imperial African InsTituto of France . Corres . Member of the Medical Societies of Rouon and Peru , & c , and Resident Physician to tho Hudford Dispensary , 27 , Alfred-place , Bedford-sqaaro . London , continues to issue , on receipt of six stamps , " THE GUIDE TO SELF CURB . " "Those abont ontoring thoMarriago Stato should pomso Dr . Watson ' s invaluable little work . ai the advice ho gives on health anddisooso reflects much credit upon him as a sound medical philosopher . "—Critic . " The true Guide to tho . so whodesiro a speedy and private euro . "—Univeraitu Magazine . For Qualifications vide "Diplomas" and fho " London Medical Directory . "
^ pRIESEMAll . —Protected by Royal Letters J- Patent of England , and secured by tho seals of tho Ecolo do Pharinacio do Paris , and the Imperial Collego of Mcdioiuo , Vionna . Triescmnr , No . 1 , is » remedy for relaxation , spormntorrliooa , nntl exhaustion of the system . Tricsomar , No . 2 , ofToctually , in thu short spacoor throodays , completely and entirely orndicnlcs nil bracos of those disorders which capsules have so long boon thought an antidotpfor , to tho ruin of tho health of jivastporfcion of tlio population . Triosornar . N'o . 3 , is tho grout Continental remedy for thatclassof disordorswhich tinfortuiiRtely the English physician treats with morcury . to tho inevitable destruction of tlio patient ' s constitution , and which all tho Barsapiwillain fcho world cannot romovc . Trloseniar . Nos .
Leader (1850-1860), July 31, 1858, page 30, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_31071858/page/30/