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Na 436V JuxY 31, 1858.] THE LE APE B. 75...
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Na 436v Juxy 31, 1858.] The Le Ape B. 75...
Na 436 V JuxY 31 , 1858 . ] THE LE APE B . 759
ALLSOPP'S PALIS ALE IN IMPERIAL PINTS . HARRINGTO N , PARKER , and CO ., are now delivering the October Brewings of the above celebrated Ale . Its surpassing excellence is vouched for by the highest medical and chemical authorities of the day . SnDDlied in bottles , also in casks of 18 crallons and upwards , bv HARRINGTON , PARKER , aud CO ., Wino and Spirit Merchants , 5 { , Pall-Mall . July . 1858 .
TirAPPIN'S DRESSING CASES AND 1 VJ _ TRAVELLING BAGS . MAPPIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Appointment to the Queen , arc the only Sheffield Makers who sunnly tie Consumer in London . Their London Show Rooms , 67 and 68 , KING WILLIAM-STREET . Londonbridfic . contain by far the largest STOCK of DRESSING CASES , and Ladies' and Gentlemen ' s TRAVELLING BAGS in the World , each Article being manufactured under their own superintendence . MAPPIN'S Guinea DRESSING CARE , for Gentlemen . MAPPIN'S Two Guinea DRESSLNG CAS 13 , in solid Leather-Ladies * TRAVELLING ana DRESSING BAGS , from 21 . 12 s . to 10 O & each . Gentlemen ' s do . do ., from Si . 12 s . to 80 Z . Messrs . Mappin invite Inspection of their extensive Stock , which is complete with every Variety of Style and Price . A costly Book of Engravings , with Prices attached , forwardedby post on receipt of 12 Stamps . MAPPIN BROTHERS , 67 and 68 , KING WILLIAMSTREET , CITY , LONDON . Manufactory—Queen ' s Cutlery Woeks . Sheffield .
CAUTION to Householders , Bankers , Merchants , and Public Offices . The Patent NATIONAL and DEFIANCE LOCKS can bo had only of F . PUCK . RJDGE , 62 , Strand , near Charing-cross . Theso Locks are important for their security against burglars and thieves , as evidenced in tlio fraudulent attempt to pick it at tho Crystal Palace , in August , 1851 , by John Goater , foreman to Messrs . Chubb , for tho REWARD of 200 Guineas . See Pamphlet and Description , to be had gratis . Fire and Thief proof Iron ( Safes , Plnte and Jewel Chests , Deed , Cash , and Despatch Boxes , Embossing Dies . & c . Warrantod Street-Door Latches , 17 s . 8 d . each .
THE BEST SHOW" of IRON BEDSTEADS in the KINGDOM is WILLIAM S . BURTON'S . Ho has FOUR LARGE ROOMS devoted to the exclusive show of Iron and Brass Bedsteads and Children ' s Cots , with appropriate Budding and Bed Hangings . Portable Folding Bedsteads , from lls . ; Patent Iron Bedsteads , iltted with dovetail joints and patent Backing , from 14 s , 6 d . ; and Cots from 15 s . ( Jd . each ; handsome ornamental Iron and Brass Bedsteads in great variety , from 11 . 13 s . < Sd . to 202 . W ILLIAM S . BURTON'S GENERAL TURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE may be had gratis , and freo by post . It contains upwards of 400 Illustrations of his illlmited Stock of Electro and Sheffield Plato , Nickel Silver and Britannia Metal goods , 3 ) ish Covers and Hot-water Dishes , Stoves . Fenders , Marblo Mantolpieoos , Kitchen Ranges , Lamps , Gaseliers , Ten Urns and Kettles , Tea Trays , Clocks , Table Cutlory , Baths aud Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bedding , Bod Hanging , & c . & c ., with Lists of Prices , and Plans of tlio Sixteen largo Show Rooms , at 80 , Oxfordstreet , W . ; 1 , 1 A-, 2 , and 3 , Newman-street ; and 4 , 5 , and 8 . Perry ' s nlaco . London . —ESTABLISHED 1820 .
FURNISH YOUIt HOUSE WITH THE BEST ARTICLES . —Tjiby abm the Oueapkst in the end . —DEANE and Co . 's Priced Furnishing List may bo had gratuitously on application , or forwarded by post , free . This liuk oinbracos tho loading articles from all tho various departments of their establishment , and is arranged to facilitate purchasers in thn solection . of their goods . It compriaos Tablo Ciitlory—Eleotro-plato—Lamps —Baths—Fenders and Vlro Irons—Iron Bodtttcadtj , and podding—Britania Metal , Copper , Tin , and Brass Goodsv-ulinary Utensils—Turnwy—liniHhoa- —Mats , & o . — Demio ¦ Jo . Co . ( oponiiiK to tho Monument ; , London Bridge , Established a .. i > . 1700 .
HANDSOME BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEA . DS .-HEAL and SON'S Show Rooms contain a arge assortment of Brass Bedsteads , suitable both for ¦ Howe use and for Tropical Climates ; handsome Iron Bedsteads with Brass Mountings and elegantly Japanned : w \ if } 1 / Bedsteads for Servants ; every description of J ood Bedstead that is manufactured , in Mahogany , Birch , •^ S Jf . ee wood s- Polished Deal and Japanned , all fitted with Bedding and Furnitures complete , as . well as every description of Bedroom Furniture . TTEAL and SON'S ILLUSTRATED CATA-;? - ¦ - ? - . LOGUE , containing Designs and Prices of 100 lodsteads , as well as of 150 different articles of Bedroom ( urinture , sent free hy Post .-Heal and Son , Bedstead , Jeudmg , and Bedroom Furniture Manufacturers , 196 , 1 ottenham- court-road . W .
Q YDENHAM ALPACA OVERCOATS for CJ Summer Wear . Admirably adapted for the Parks . Day festivals , Race-Courses , Country Rambles , Daily Town wear , or the Sea-Side , and equally convenient for travelling m hot dry weather from the protection which they afford against dust , without the encumbrance of weight , or the restraint of transpiration . These poods are made with a legi-eo of care hitherto unprecedented . Sydenham Trousers of fine light cloth , 17 s . 6 d . ; Waistcoat to match , 8 s . Gd . ; Business or Park Coat , 17 s . Gd . ; Sydenham Summer Overcoats of Melton Cloth , 21 s . ; Complete Suits for Boys , 24 s . ; Gentlemen ' s complete Evening Dress or Opera Suit , 63 s . The Sydenham construction as is now well known is effectually directed to secure the most perfect retentive and easy fit in all positions of the body . Made only by the Inventors , SAMUEL BROTHERS , 29 , Ludgate-hill .
X * HE SUITS at 473 ., 50 s ., 55 s ., 58 s ., 60 s ., and 63 s ., are made to order from Scotch heather and cheviot tweeds and angolas , all wool , and thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN , merchant and family tailor , 74 , Regentstreet , W ., aud are adapted for either shooting , fishing , promenade , sea-side , or continental touring . U . B . A perfect fit guaranteed .
lHA fiCiCi CUSTOMERS WANTED . L \ J \ JjV / V / V / — SAUNDERS BROTHERS ' . STATIONERY is the BEST and CHEAPEST to be obtained . 8 . d . 8 . d . Cream-laidnote ... 2 Opcr rm . Cream-laid adhe-Thick do 4 0 „ eive envelopes ... 3 0 prlOOO . Bordered note ... 4 0 ,, Large commercial Straw paper 2 6 „ envelopes .... 4 0 y , Blue commercial Large American note ....... S 0 ,, buff envelopes .. 3 < 5 » , Ditto , letter size .. 6 0 „ Foolscap paper ... 7 0 per rm . Sermon paper ... 4 6 ,, Commercial pens . lOpr gross . A SAMPLE PACKET of STATIONERY ( Sixty descriptions , priced and numbered ) sent free , together with a price list , on receipt of four stamps . IiO > CHARGE made for stamping arms , crests , initials , & c , on either paper or envelopes . CARRIAGE } PAID on all orders over 20 s . — SAUNDERS BROTHERS , Manufacturing ; Stationers , 95 and 104 , London-wall , London , E . C .
EJ ^ S'S CQUO A . —JSpps , homeopathic chemist , London . —lib . and £ lb . packets , Is . 6 d . and 9 d . —This ellent production , originally prepared for the special use of homoeopathic patients , having been adopted by the general public , can now be had of the principal grocers . Each packet is labelled James Epps , homoeopathic chemist , London .
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL . LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to be / lie most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . Tho use of a steel spring ( so hurtful in its effects ) is here avoided , a soft Bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the Moc-Maiu Pad and Patent Lover , fitting with so much ease ' and closeness that it cannot be detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may re had , and the Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the hip , being sent to tho Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 228 . Piccadilly , London . Price of a single truss , 16 s ., 21 s ., 20 s . Gd ., and 31 s . Gd-Postage Is . Double Truss , 31 s . Gd ., 42 s ., and 52 s . Cd , —Postage Is . 8 d . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . Gd . —Postage Is . lOd . Post-office orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post-offlco , Piccadilly . « ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c , for VARICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of tho LEGS , SPRAINS . & c . They are porous , light in texture , and inexpensive , aud are drawn on liko an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 s . Gd . to 10 s . each . —Postage < Sd . JOHN WHITE Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly , London .
VALUABLE INFORMATION ! GRATIS V A neatly printed book , 100 pages , TEN THOUSAND COPIES of which aro being issued GRATUITOUSLY , by tho " Anatomical and Pathological Society ob Great Britain . " Tlio Society presents this Important work to tho publio gratuitously , for the benefit of those who aro suffering from any secret disease , debility , nervousness , loss of memory , dlmnesB of Bight , drowsiness , indigestion , irritability , and general prostration of tho system , incapacity for study , business , or Bocioty , and ispeciaxlt becom-MKND 3 IX TO YOUNG MEN . " Most valuable to those who fool an interest in tho subjects treated of , showing sufferers the most certain moans of recovering perfect health . " —Medical Journal . Bncloso two stamps to prepay pout ago , and address Dr . W . B . Mnraton , Anatomical Museum , 47 , Boruors-stroot , Oxford-street , London .
T IVIN & CELEBRITIES . —A Series of Pho-1 J tOKiaplilc Portraits , hy MAULT ; and POLYBLANK , prico Os . onch . Tho number for AUGUST contains LORD STANLEY , M . P ., with Memoir . MAri , T < ivndPoT , Yni * ANK , B 5 , Grae « ohu . roh- » troot , and 187 a , Piccadilly i and W . Kent and Co ., Vlvot-strcot .
Now ready , price 8 s . 6 d ., ELEMENTS OF ENTOMOLOGY . By W . S . DALLAS , P . L . S . " A good elementary work , giving a general view of Entomology , has long been felt a great desideratum . "—Entomologist ' s Annual , 1858 . London : John " Va . it Voorst , l , Paternoster-row .
Now ready , at all the Libraries , price 10 s . 6 d ., B ERTHA D ARLEY ; or , Life in her Husband ' s Curacies . By L . H . B . A work of special interest . London ; James Blackwood , Paternoster-row .
THE CRITIC of this day ( No . 421 ) contains reviews of Macknight ' s Life of Burke— Colquhonn ' s Life in Italy—France in tho Olden Time—The Heirs of Cheveleigh-A Friend ia Need—Poems byan Architect—Metcalfe ' s History of German Literature—Vacation Papers . By Karl Zele—The Philosophers in the Pillory . By De Bussy—The current literature of the week , both home and foreign—The Critic in Paris—Progress of Literatureand Art in Italy—Science and Inventions—Talk of the Studios—Archaeological Summary ; and all tho Literary ,. Scientific , and Artistic news of the Week . A specimen copy for five stamps . —Address , Critic Office , 29 , Essexstreet , Strand .
OTX SPINAL AUD OTHER DEFORMITIES . P RACTICAL OBSERVATIONS on the CAUSES and TREATMENT of CURVATURES Of the SPINE . Third Edition , price 6 s . AND Just published , Second Edition , prico Is . 6 d ., CASES arid OBSERVATIONS illustrative of the beneficial results which , may be obtained by close attention and perseverance , in some of the most ; unpromising instances of Spinal Deformity . With numerous Engravings . By SAMUEL . HARE , F . R . C . S ., & c . "We unhesitatingly commend this work as a truthful and trustworthy statement of the power of scientific surgery and medicine over some of th « most grievous hindrances tohuman activity and industry . " —Medical Gazette . " The author has had much success in his plan of treatment , and we are of opinion that the principles on which he acts , in the treatment of these affections , are correct . "Lancet . " Mr . Hare may take credit to himself for having effected much , good in the treatment of the cases described . " ' — Eritish Medical Jou-rnal . "Mr . Hare is , we think , a sound and successful praotitioner . " —Medical Circular- ' London : John CffUECHiLi . ; and may be had of all booksellers . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - . - .. / . : ¦ .: ¦ ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' ¦ ¦ . ; ¦ : ¦ .
Just published , PART III . rprice 2 s ., npHE HISTORY of the PEACE , from 1815 1 to 1 & 46 . By HARRMET MARTINEAU . Being Part XLV . of the " Pictorial History of Englaad . " To . be completed in One Volume , PART IX ., Price Is ., piHRONICLE of the REVOLT in INDIA , \ J and of the TRANSACTIONS in CHINA in 1856-7 , * c . Illustrated by Maps , Plans , and Miscellaneous Sketches . PART IX ., Price 7 d-, of aNew Edition of piHAMBERS'S CYCLOPEDIA of ENG - \ J LISH LITERATURE : a History , Critical and Biographical , of British Authors . With Specimens of their Writings . PABT XXI ., Price 7 a ., piHAMBERS ' S INrORMATION for the \ J PEOPLE . ¦¦ w PART LV ., for August , Price 8 | d ., piHAMBERS'S JOURNAL of POPULAR VJ LITERATURE , SCIENCE , and ARTS . W . and R . Chambers , Edinburgh and London .
THE RETV . JOHN COLE'S SERMONS . Shortly will be published , in demy 12 mo , olotii , SERMONS . By the Rev . JOHN COLE , M . A ., of St . John ' s College , Cambridge ; and Curate of Sourton , Bridestowo , Crediton , Devon . Plymouth ; Roq-bb Lidstonei Exeter : W . 0 i . iV 9 OBDt Tavistook ; G- Spencee ; Callington ; E . Philp ; Cambridge : Magmiilan and Co . t London aud Oxford ; J . H . and James Pabkee ; and all Booksellers .
In use at Eton . Westminster , Harrow . Cheltenham College Christ's Hospital , St . Paul ' s , Merohant Tailors ' . City o London School , Greenwich Hospital School , Edinburgh Academy . & o . f SELILLE'S NEW GRADUATED COURSE . \ -J The Beginner ' s Own French Book . 2 s . Easy ¥ rench Poetry for Beginners . 2 s . French Grammar . 6 b . 6 d . Repertoire des Prosateurs . Oe , Od . Modelea de Poesio . 6 s . "Whittakbu and . Co ., Ave Maruvlano .
Just published , price Oue Shilling , post free for 18 stamps I ^ HE SCIENCE OP LIFE ; or , How to Se . cure Moral and Physical Happiness . With practice observations on Dablllty , Nervousness , and Depression , re suiting from Close Study , Sedentary Habits , Intemperance High Living , or Dissipation . By A PHYSICIAN . London : Sherwood and Co ., Paternoster-row ; Maitb 89 , Cornhill ; Haumay aud Co ., 63 , Oxford-stroot ; and «] Booksellers .
QPOTTISWOODE AND CO ., PRINTERS O Nbw-btrebt Squaub , Londokt , bop to announce * thai for the convenience of Momlwru of Parliament , l ' arlia montary AffontB , Solicitors , and others , they have osta bliBhed ft WEST-END OFFICE at 9 , !» AUiaAJlBMX-BXEBBl Webxiiinbxbu , S . W .
Leader (1850-1860), July 31, 1858, page 31, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_31071858/page/31/