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10^2 ^_ JTHE LE1DJB R. [No, 397, October...
~ •«nor * Camratraol Jlftinm ?
London,Friday Evening,October 30. Tins s...
Blackburn, 8, 9; Caledonian, 77, 78; Che...
CORN JIAKKUT. ¦M ark-lane, Triday, Octob...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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10^2 ^_ Jthe Le1djb R. [No, 397, October...
10 ^ 2 ^_ JTHE LE 1 DJB R . [ No , 397 , October 31 , 1857 .
Jeliom The London Gazette. Tuesday, Octo...
JEliOM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday , October 27 . BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED . —Bichabd Gaxb , Hambledeu , Buckingham , grocer . BANKRUPTS . —David Mandelbaum , Miuories , importer of foreign goods—Isaac Rose , Tooley-street , jeweller —Sik Sambbl Hancock , Emroetts , near Eden-bridge , Kent , cattle dealer—Benjamin Hatdek . Bermoudseystreet , linendraper—Thomas Sommkrville , Abbey Nursery , Garden-road , St , John ' s-wood , nurseryman—John Roue , jun .. Leadenhall-street , tailor—John Benjamin Lings and John Lings , High-street , Southvrark , cheesemongers—Hknky Ingall , Crutched-friars , wine merchant —Jbbb : miah Self , Bishop ' s Waltham , innkeeper —Patrick MONAGTiAN , Wolverhampton , newspaper proprietor — Chablks William Kerby , Nottingham , contractor—David Ouvek , Kimberwortu , York , miller—John " Wilkinson , Warrineton , grocer—Joseph Wood , Sal ford , timber merchant- Joshua Nicikmlsos , Hexhara , butcher . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . —J . Dtjeno , Slioch , Drumblade , farmer . Friday , October 80 . BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED . —Chabltss Aiexandek Hii . Ii , ^ Bristol , cabinet maker . BANKRUPTS . — George Wacky Stevenson-. Porestreet . Cripplegate , general merchants—WihiamTreeby Chafb , Devenport , ironfounder—Samuel . Mendei , Fenchurch-street , commissiou agent—Georgb-Gossling-, Upper ^ Bermerton-street , Middlesex , haker—JFehemia . ii Self , Bishop ' s Waltham , Southampton , innkeeper—William Pembbrton , Barge-yard Chambers , Bucklersbury , commission agent—Samuel RwvssLEr , Halifax , brush manufacturer—George Baker , Tulhara , Middlesex , flour factor—Ed \ ta . ri > Rogers , Oswestry , draper—Wxlxxam Edwabd Waters , Haverstock-street , City-road , milliner—Thomas Geoho-e White . Aldermanbury , lace warehouseman—Jambs Clarke , Kingsland , timber merchant—Ed-win and WILI . IAM Scnderland , Oldbury , county of Worcester , bill brokers—Robert Hindry Mason , Sunderland , printer—James Musto , Joseph Musto , and Robert Wiixiam Mcsto , Cambridge-road , Mile-end , Middlesex , millwrights —John Woolsey , Great Grimsby , Lincolnshire , ironmonger - Geobgb Tindali ., Wickenby , Lincolnshire , wheelwrigbt—W 11 . 1 . IAM AiiLisroN Lampreli ., Long-lane , City , carpenter—Heney "Whitmore , Stockport , tailor and woollen draper—Henry Basxow , Manchester , mercer and draper . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION . — Michael M'Hauuik and Co ., Glasgow , merchants .
~ •«Nor * Camratraol Jlftinm ?
CnmmtrcmlJlftiHr ^ ... .. ¦ ¦ a
London,Friday Evening,October 30. Tins S...
London , Friday Evening , October 30 . Tins subjoined list of leading prices ¦ will show improved quotations ; markets have a firmer character . Consols close for money 89 | i , and for account 89 J J .
Blackburn, 8, 9; Caledonian, 77, 78; Che...
Blackburn , 8 , 9 ; Caledonian , 77 , 78 ; Chester and Holyhe & d , 29 , 31 ; Uastern Counties , 53 J , 5 * i ; Great Northern , 94 , 95 ; Great Southern and Western ( Ireland ) , 9 S , 100 ; Great Western , 50 J ,. 51 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire . 92 i , 92 | r ; London and Black wall , 5 f , 5 ? , ; London , Brighton , and South Coast , 102 } . 1031 ; London and North-Western , 90 , 9 & i ; London and South - Western , S 3 , 89 ; Midland , S 2 t , 82 ?; North - Eastern ( Berwick ) ,-91 , 02 ; South-Eastern ( Dover ) , 03 . 61 ; Antwerp and Rotterdam , 5 : } , G ; Dutch Rhenish , 5 ? , 5 dis . ; liastern of Franco ( Paris and Strasbourg ) , 27 , 17 J : Great Central of France , ; Great Luxembourg , 5 $ . ( 5 ; Northern of Franco , 3-tT . 35 ; Paris and Lyons , 33 J . 33 i ; Royal Danish , 1 A , 16 ; lloycil Swedish i , 3 ; Sambre and AIeuse , 0 i , 7 .
Corn Jiakkut. ¦M Ark-Lane, Triday, Octob...
CORN JIAKKUT . ¦ M ark-lane , Triday , October 30 . The effect of the American crisis has produced similar results upon the corn trado to those now operating upon all wholesale business ; it has made people very much indisposed to enter into new engagements till it is known what share England will have to bear in tlio disasters which have commenced 011 the other sido of the Atlantic . In addition to tfhis our market has been slightly influenced by the report 'that the French Government had allowed the exportation of native grain , which is , however , unfounded . The result of all has been a decline of about : is . per quarter on . Wheat on tlie spot , while for cargoes there has been no sale , except of JBehira at 38 s . The trado in Harlcy . is dull but prices are maintained . Oa . ts are diflicult to sell , and cargoes of JMaizo avo obtainable on rather easier terms .
Her Majesty's Theatre.— Jullien's Concerts. — Madlle. Jetty
TKJSFFZ . —Monday , 2 nd November , 1857 . —Part I—Overture , " Setniramide , " Rossini : ValsesSentimontales ( 1 st set ) "Constance , " Jnllien , third time of performance in England ; Symphony-Allegretto from the " Symphony in F , " Beethoven ; Air , " Batti , Batti" ( Don Juan ) , Mozart , Madlle . JETTY TREFFZ ; Violoncello Obligato , Mr . G . Collins ; Polka Mazourka—Jullien , third time of performance in England ; Symphony , Allegro and Storm , from the " Pastoral Symphony , Beethoven Solo—Trumpet , " The Soldier Tired , " Dr . Arne—Mr . T . Harper ; Quadrille , " The British Army , " Jullien ; Solos by MM . Lavigne , Prattcn , Do Folly , Collinet , Hardy , Hughes , Phillips , and Koenig . "I * A TJT TT — . Oitai ^ kf . in fiala * it . iiVii ft »/\ tv » Vr >*» rli * a f ^ li * ovirl r \ vtat « f >
T ? XETER HALX . — INDIA . — Rev . Mr . -11 / BELLEW . — MONDAY , NOVEMBER 2 . — Mr . MITCHELL begs to announce that the Rev . J . M . BELLEW ( late Chaplain of St . John ' s Cathedral , Calcutta ) has consented to DELIVER A LECTURE , at Exeter Hall , on Monday , November 2 , upon INDIA : its Past and Present Condition , and Future Prospects , the proceeds of which will be handed over to the Indian Relief Fund . To commeuce at Eight o'clock punctually . The arrangements of the Hall will be superintended by Mr . Mitchell . Roval Library , 33 , Old Bond-street , where Tickets may * be obtained . Reserved and . Numbered Seats , upon the Platform and Front Rows , Five Shillings ; Reserved Seats ( . not Numbered ) Three Shillings ; West Gallery , Two Shillings ; ORCH EST RA AND UNDER THE GALLERY , ONE SHILLING . Tickets may also be obtained at the Office , No . G , in Exeter Hall ; at Mr . Mitchell's Itoyal Library , 33 , Old Bond-street ; Mr . Carter's , Carlton Library , 12 , Regent-street ; Fen turn ' s Music Warehouse , 78 , Strand , and at Keith , Prowse , and Co- ' s Music "Warehouse , 48 , Cheapaide .
British Funds For The Past Week. __ (Cto...
BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST WEEK . __ ( Ctosmo Prices . ) , „ , Sat . \ Mon . Wucs . \ Wed . ThurlFrid . Dank fitock 210 I 2084 207 207 207 | 200 3 per Cent . Rod 871 871 871 88 88 * 1 88 | a per Cent . Con . An . SSI 88 t 88 i 88 £ 886 89 * Consols for Account 88 ? 88 J 88 f 88 J 89 Hill New 3 per Cent . An . 8 SJ 874 88 88 i 88 j 88 * Hew 2 J per Cents | LonpAm . 1800 ts 2 | India Stock 20 . ) 2 i » 8 A 208 i 210 I 200 V Ditto Bonds . £ 1000 '; S 3 d I -M ) d | Ditto , under-Ctooo 40 < i 45 d 1 45 ! i Ex . Bills , jEIOOO ml 15 d lfid 15 d lid i : j d Ditto , £ S 00 15 d 10 d 10 d ir ( d ...... , i » d Ditto , Small 15 d 10 d 10 d in cl 1-t d 1 1 : 1 d VOREIGN l'UNDS . Last O »» icial Quotation thmmngi thk Wkekbnuino TllUItSDAY KVKNINO . ) Brazilian Bonds . 100 Portuguese 4 porContH . ... Buemos Ayrcs 0 p . Cunts HI 5 Russian lioudn , 5 pur Chilian 0 por Cents 101 : 1 Gouts 105 Chilian 3 per Coats Russian 14 por ContH .... 1 ) 7 Dutch 2 iJ per Ceuta
CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS . — POLYGRA-\ J PHIC HALL , KING WILLIAM-STREET . STRAND . —Open every Evening , commencing at 8 , and , on Saturday , in a Morning Entertainment , commencing at Three . —Seats can be secured at Mr . Mitchell ' s , 33 , Old . Bond-street , and at the Hall . —Admission , Is ., 2 s ., and 3 s .
LECTURES of the SCIENCE and ART DEPARTMENT of the COMMITTEE of COUNCIL on EDUCATION . A series of six introductory Lectures , intended to explain the objects of the department and of tlio South Kensington Museum , will bo delivered in tins new Theatre on Monday evenings , boing the lVith , 23 nl , : ti ) th November , 7 th , 14 th , 21 st December , 1857 , at 8 o ' clock . November l » 5 . I . Ou the Functions of the Soieuce and Art Department . J ? y Henry Oolo , Ks < i . . C . U ., Secretary , 'mu ( Joncral Superintendent . November 23 . .. . 11 . . On the ( "iift of the Shwpslmik's ( Gallery in aid of forming a National Collection of liritisli Art . By 11 . Itcdgmvc , E . s () ., R . A ., Inspector Gttnura-l for Art . Novcniher 30 . III . On . Science Institutions in connexion with the 1 ) up : irt < nieut . By Dr . Lyow Pljvyrair . C . B .. Inspector General for Science . December 7 . IV . On the Central Training School for Art . By Richard Hurchett . Ksq .. Head Master . December 14 . V . On the Museum of Ornamental Art . Hy J . C . Robinson , Esq ., Keener of tlio Museum of Ornamental Art . December 21 . Vf . Ou a National Collection of Architectural Art . By James Fergusson . K » f | ., M . R . J . It . A ., Manager of the Crystal Palace , Sydenham . A Registration Feo of One Shilling will tfivo atlinission t the whole course of Rix Lectures . Tickets may lio obtaiuet at the Museum amlOlHcos . JJy order of tho Committee of Council on Education .
ALLSOPP * S PALE ALE IN IMPERIAL PINTS H ARRINGTON , PARKER , and CO ., are now delivering tho October Brewings of the ; above celebrated Alo . Its surpassing excellence is vouched fop by the highest medical and chemical authorities of fhe dav Supplied in bottles , also in casks of 18 trail ons and unwarrlq by HARRINGTON , PARKER , and CO ., Wine and Sntot Merchant , 5 J , Pall-mall . ' ' May , 1857 .
OISAL CIGARS ! SISAL CIGARS !! at O Goodrich's Cif ? ar , Tobacco , and Snuff Stores 407 Oxford-street , London , near Soho-square . Box , coutainine 14 , for Is . 9 d . ; post free , six stamps extra ; lb , boxes , containing 109 , 12 a . 6 d . None aro genuine unless signed " H N Goodrich . "
HOLLOW"AY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS EFFECTUAL RKMKDIES FOR T 1 IB C 3 URK OF RHEUMATISM . —Mr . Harrison , ( Jliemist , of Leeds , informed Professor llolloway , 1 > y letter dated April 20 , 1855 , that Mr . Umplcby , of Now town , ha « L been a frre .-it sullVirer for many yeara from RhetunatiHin , for which no con . sulfccd sevpral eniincnfc medical men , and triflu ; inuiiil >« i * of ritputcd medicines , but without cll ' vct . IIonriiiK , however , of llolloway ' H colebrated Tills and Ointment , ho wiw induced to try tluMn . aud , nfterusinK these wonderful liicdicainuutH for a short timo , ho has bucm o . fl ' eotunlly curod . not having had a roturn of tho complaint for th « laat niuo mouths . Sold by aM AfodicitK ; Vutidors fcln-oughdut tlio world ; nL I ' rol ' osxor 1 FOLLOW AY'S NstiihiiN ) nmMit . s ,: 2 ll | . lSLrand , L <> i > - ilou , mi ¦ s ' , > Minil ( Mi-lano , N «) W York ; l > y A . Skain )> si , i > l ( i ; A . O uidicy , Smyrna ; and K . Muir , Malta .
MAJ OR'S IMPROVEMENTS in VETERINARY SCIENCE . "If progress is daily made in Medical Science by those whose duty it is to study tho diseases to which the human flesh is heir , it would seem that improvements in Veterinary art quite keep pace with it , as is mauifost" on a visit to the well-known Horse Infirmary of Mr . Major , in Cockspurstreet . II ere incipient and chronic lameness is discovered and cured with a facility truly astonisliiug , whil « tho efficacy of the remedies , and the quickness of their action , appear to ha . ve revolutionised tlio whole system of firing and . blistering . Amonff the most recent proofs of the cure of spavins by Mr . Major , we may mention Cannobie , the winner of the Metropolitan , and second favourite for the Derby , and who 5 s now as sound as his friends and baclkars could desire . And by tho advertisement of Mr . Slajor ' s pamphlet in another column , we perceive that other equally miraculous cures arc set forth , which place him at this head of the Veterinary art in London . "—GJo & e , May 10 , 1856 .
DhA ^ NESS . —A retived Surgeon , iVoin the _ Crimea , ha . vii ) K boon riwtorod to perfect hcariiiK by a native physician in Turkny , uftor fourtcou vtsurH ol Krisiit . sull ' en \ i ^ Train noises in 1 , b « Kara and ( sxtreino Doalness , without htiiiitt able to obtain the least relief from any Aurint hi England , in anictouH to communicate to otluu'H the particulars for tho euro of tho utiirm , A book rant to any imrt of tho world on receipt of . six stauipH , or tho Author will apply tin * treatment himself , at his residence . S \ irKeon SAMUKL COLSTON , Muinbor of the Royal ColloKoor 8 urgooiiH , London . At homo from 11 till 4 daily . —( i , LoiceHtorplace , Leicester-Hanaro , London , \ vhor « tho » Hiuid » of lotto ™ may bo aeon from persona cured .
DR . CE JONGH'S LIGHT - BROWN COD LIVEll OIL , Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Practitioners as the most speedy and ' effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , GOUT RHEUMATISM , SCIATICA , DIABETES , DISEASES OF THE SKIN , NEURALGIA . RICKETS . INFANTILE WASTING , GENERAL DUBILITY , AND ALL SCROFULOUS A FFKCTIONS . Contains iodine , phosphate of line , volatile fatty acids—in short , all the most essential curative properties—in much larger quantities than the Pale Oils manufactured in Great Britain and Newfoundland , mainly deprived of these by their mode of preparation-The well-merited celebrity of-Dr . do Jongh ' sOilis nttosted by its extensive use in Fra-nco , Germany , Uiisxia . Holland , and licliriuni , by numerous spontaneous testimonial s from distinguished members of th's- Faculty ' . mul scientific cliciiiibts of European reputation , a-nd since its introduction into this country , by llic marked success with which it has been prescribed by the ; Modii ' . ul I ' rofossiivn . In innumerable - casos , wliero other kinds ofCoA Liver Oil had boon takon with litth ? or -no boni ' . fit , it ' aas produced almost imnu'diato relief , arrestod disease , and restored health . Opinion of C . RAD ' CLYl- 'FK HALL . Es ( i ., M . l ) -, lMt . O . V . E ., I'lii / sirinn Id tho Hospital for Consumption , Torquay , Author r ;/"' ' K . otnys on . J ithnonarji Tubci'cJc , " <& ' •• < t ' i ' . "I \ v , \ w no luv . itiit-iou in saying that I jr « 'nir : illy prefer your Cod Liver ( ill for the following reasons :- 1 have found it to n ^ rue bettur with the tligcstive organs . I't-pemlly in thoso . patients wliocuiisi-ilcr iIkmusi'Ivcs to lv bilious ; n scMotn causes nausea or oruetai ion ; it is nini'e palatablit to most patients than tln > other kinds of Cod l , i \ yr Oil ; it is stronger , ant I consequently asnjallevdo . ic isjuHieii'iir-. Soltl only in iMi'HUi . vr , Uall ' -i > iuls ) , ' 2 s . (> d . ; Pints . ts . Otl . ; Quarts , !) s . ; capsuled and labelled with Hit . 1 > K JoscJis . Stamitaiul Signature , without wnicn nonkcan rossmxr BK gknuink , Uv most rcs | icctahl » Chemists 111 the country . \ vii < M . i : s . w . i : and hbtaii . devox ANSAR . HAIlKOlll ) , & C (> .. 77 , STItANU , LONDOX , M . C , i > r . m-: jovbh ' s soi . k uritisu consipnkkh . lly whom the Oil is daily forwarded to all parts of the Metropolis .
HAIR-CURLING FLUID , L , LlTl'I ^ QUKKN-STRKKT , HIGH HOLHOltN . - JS fa ROSA'S CURLING FUJIDs . ives tho trouble of putting M * hair into papers , or tlui use of curling irons ; lor " l » - " diat-oly it is applied to either laili « s' or goiitloninn s iiair « i beautiful and lasting curl is obtained . Sold sit : ' *•" . "; ,, V , ° ,, > free ( under cover ) tor 5 * stamps . —ALKX . H ( ) S . S . ^ LJliUJii IIALlt DYli is of little Iroublo in applicat-ion , perIw * | offtsct , and economical in use . Sold at ;! s . ilil . Sent ico in ahlauk wrapricr . tlie same day as ordered . l <»«" . '" » . \ , * ( 1 , "' AIok . Ross ' s Depilatory removes superfluous hsur M'ol . \ ,.-, , face , neck , antl ainns . " : js . ( td imr bottle ; soul lre . e lot •> + nt ! iiti )) s ; or to be hiul of all chemists .
rpRIKtf KM Alt . —Protected by Hoy " \ % JL Patent of HiiKland , in id secured 1 > . V <¦»« 1 s , ;; '; ,.. ' i the l-ioolu do I'harmae . ie de l ' aris , and the I ''^ H *' College- of Medicine , Vienna . Triesenuir , . % <>• » ' ?• reiuetly for relaxation , spermatorrhoea , » h > 1 (! f l ^ , " " or the system . Triese . mar . No . : 2 . ellectunll . v , ui tlui «» ^ Hpa-coof l . luv < j < lnyH , completely : iud entirely <> v : lll | t , ; ! ' | i ,. m > tnicie . s of those disorders which CJipsules lr . we •>«» l ''" p . thoiiKln nn autitlote for , to tins mi n ol the healt h el « vi > t ] " > tiun of ihe nopulation . Triese . nnr , No . 3 , is V ' '' ^! ,, ' , < tely urn llal remed . v for that class ol disorders \ vliu : » " , ' ; ' vitivlilo tins KiiKlish phvHieiau treats with mercury , I " , V ;'\ , ; , M iho destruotiou of tho patient ' s constitution , miil ^ "'«• " ¦ ¦ ll j ;() rt . H ! ii-snpiii illn in the world e ; utiiol . roniove . ll'l , " 1 41 f ,. n 1 , t , antl .-J , urn alike tlevoid ol' lasto or smell . » \ « ' , ' 11 iiheutiiiK ( Mtalit-ie-H . They nui v lie on «¦» ' '• , l 01 |( , ' . | e 0 withoul thoir use huing nuspecttid . —Sold in u ! l )' i ii ,, ucd
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 31, 1857, page 20, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_31101857/page/20/