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No. 397, October 31,1857.] THE LEADER. 1...
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No. 397, October 31,1857.] The Leader. 1...
No . 397 , October 31 , 1857 . ] THE LEADER . 1055 —————
jXZl — i Albemahle Street , October 31 , 1857 . MR . MURRAY'S LIST OF NEW WORKS FOR THE FORTHCOMING SEASON . 4 MISSIONABT TRAVELS AND researches IN SOUTH AFRICA ; during Sixteen Years ' Residence in the Interior of Africa- By DAVID LIVINGSTONE , LL . D . Portrait . Maps , and Illustrations . 8 vo . 21 s . { Nov . Kith . ) 2 . THE BI & HT USE OF THE EARLT FATHERS : Two Series of lectures delivered at Cambridge . By the late Rev . J . J . BLUNT , B . D . 8 vo . 3 . THE SEPOY REVOLT : its Causes JkJSCD its Consequences . 3 y HENRY MEAD . 8 vo . '¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ 4 . . ' ESSAYS ON THE EA . RLY PERIOD OF THE FRENCH REVOLTJTIOTS * , contributed to the " Quarterly Review . " By the late Rt . Hon . JOHN WILSON CHOKER . 8 vo . . ¦ ¦¦ 5 . .. " ... HISTORY OF HERODOTUS . A New English Version , Edited with Notea and Essays . By Rev . G . RAWLINSON , M . A ., assisted by Sir Henry Rawlinson and Sir J . G . Wilkinson . Illustrations . 4 vols . 8 vo . G . GrALLEEIES AND CABINETS OF ART . An Account of more than Forty additional Collections in Eugland , visited in 1854-56 . By Dr . AVAAGEN . With Index . 8 vo . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ 7 . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ HANDBOOK FOB INDIA . Being an Account of the Three Presidencies , and oF tlie Ovorlaud Route . Part I . —MADRAS AND BOMBAY . Maps . Post 8 vo . 8 . REMARKS ON SECTOAR AND DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE , Present and Future . By G . GILBERT SCOTT , A . R . A . Svo . 9 . ANCIENT POTTERY AND PORCELAIN : Egyptian , Assyrian , Greek . Etruscan , and Roman . By SAMUEL BIRCH , F . S . A . Woodcuts . 2 vols . Medium Svo . 10 . WINGED WORDS ON CHANTREY'S WOODCOCKS . Edited by JAS . P . B 1 UIRHEAD , M . A . Etchings . Square Svo . 11 . PRECEPTS FOR , THE CONDUCT OF LIFE . Exhortations to a Virtuous Course and Dissuasions from a Vicious Career . Extracted from tho Scriptures .
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MR . FOSS'S NEW VOLUMES . Just published , in 8 vo > , Vols . V . and VI ., price 28 s . cloth , THE JUDGES OF ENGLAND . By EDWARD FOSS , F . 6 A . Vol . V . Henry VII . —Elizabeth . 1485—1803 . Vol . VI . Tiwnes I . —Commonwealth . 16 O 3--1 G 60 . * * * Tho first Pour Volumes may also be had . London : Longman , Brown , and Co ., Paternoster-row .
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PA 11 T "" XCL of HOUSEHOLD WORDS , Conducted by CHA . RLKS DICKENS , contains : — THE LAZY TOUR OF TWO IDLE-APPRENTICES . — Comploto iu live chapters—and numerous othor articles . Published this day . Prlco lid . Oillce , 18 , Wellinh'ton-strcct North , Strand .
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Two vols . in cloth , price 21 s . Now Ready . HIBTORY OF THE FACTORY MOVEMENT FROM 1802 TO THE PASSING OF Til 13 TEN HOURS' HILL IN 18-tt . IJy ALFltKD . London : Simimcin , MaiisiialTj , and Co .
LI FE OF ROBE . RT OWEN . Published by Ei'i'iNCiiiABt "Wilson . Prico 10 s .
Cheap Edit ion , fcap . Svo , clot h . Is . S ) d ; froo hy post on receipt of thts amount in postage stiiiniis . ( , ( , - | TOO ; " and othor Poems . By BEELJL zimva . Kjsmbm : and Son , 407 , Oxford-stroot , London ; and all Bookaollora .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 31, 1857, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_31101857/page/23/