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772 THE LEAJDJER. pSTo. 437, August 1, l...
~ <- i ? "" ^flWTl'irrrnt MJM*-*M VljJW ' 9
• T . Leader Office, Saturday, August 7t...
THE ATLANTIC CABLE. A despatch, dated "V...
Chelsea New Bkidgk will be opened free t...
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Miscellaneous. Tjik Counx.—Her Mnjesty, ...
Dock Extension . —A capacious dock , chiefly intended for the accommodation of the timber trade , has been completed at the north end of the town , and was on Thursday christened by the Mersey Dock Board the " Canada Dock . " A NoBt , B SAirx > R . — -The steamship Gipsy Queen , belonging to the West Hartlepool Steam Navigation Company , has arrived at Hartlepool this week , having several ahripwrecked crews on board , whose vessels were lost on Sunday morning ; week . Among the crews were those of the brig Black Boy , -which vessel capsized in the gale off Otterndorf . At the time the vessel capsized , the master had on board his wife , sister , and child . It was with the greatest
difficulty that the two ladies were got into a boat -while the vessel was on her beam ends , they having been in the water some time . One of the men , George Nosster , undertook , at considerable personal risk , the charge of the child . He allowed all to get safely into the boat first , and then found that his only chance was to jump with the child into the boat . He hesitated for a better opportunity , hut in the mean time the boat was driven by the fearful gale away from the wreck , which it was impossible to regain . In this distressing : con . dition the father and mother of the child and other persons in the boat knocked about in the opeu sea until midnight , when they got on board a galliot , and rode out the gale . In . the mean time , Nosster had taken
to the foretop with -his charge carefully folded under his jacket . He remained in tbe foretop some time , carefully adjusting a portion of his clothes round the child ) , and thus protecting him from the heaviest of the seas , and occasionally putting hinx to his breast to satisfy him , the child not being weaned . About five in the morning , Nosster lashed his charge in the rigging , and ventured down into the cabin , where he succeeded in getting some wine , with which he moistened the baby ' s mouth , thus keeping him alive . At daybreak , the father of the child thought he saw some one on the wreck , and at about nine on Monday : morning the gallant sailor and his infant charge were rescued by a boat from the galliot , and he had the satisfaction of handing the infant to its mother alive and well .
Made Mad btRemcucox . —The housekeeper to Mr . Thqrley , of Spring-gardens " , Gainsboro ' , has become deranged through , it is said , religious excitement . She was connected with the l > rimiti've 3 j and it is supposed that the revival services recently held , at which the feelings are wrought up to the highest possible pitch of enthusiasm , have been too much for her . On Monday , she precipitated herself , at midnight , from one of the bedroom windows , injuring herself considerably . She has since been handed over to the care of her father . —Stamford Mercury .
The Mbtkopomtan Board of Wobks . —The first meeting under the new act cf this Board took place on Tuesday . A motion to exclude the press was negatived ; and , after a long and somewhat miscellaneous debate , « motion was adopted , affirming that the plans with respect to the sewage question which the Board had adopted should be reconsidered in committee , or part of them , with , power to confer with engineers . School of Singing at Florence . —Madame Cicilia Boccabadati Varesi , the daughter and pupil of the
celebrated Boccabadati , and the wife of Felix Varesi , the accomplished artist , has been for several years a distinguished mistress of singing and pianoforte playing ; and she has sow decided to open at Florence a school of F * erfectionnementArti 8 tique , for finishing tkeearViQr studies The establishment is situated in one of the best parts of Florence , favourable to the comfort of the pupils . In this establishment the pupils are sure to find the instruction they desire to obtain , whatever may bo their fortune , joined to the comfort of a home .
Mb . W . J . Fox addressed his Old ham constituents on Wednesday evening . Alluding- to Cherbourg , he contrasted the present state of France with her proud position when she " gave the -watchword of liberty to the nations . " He feared that the Emperor " would become a nuisance to Europe , " and he looked with suspicion on the transference to the Queen of the supreme power in India , as she now possesses an army not subject to Parliamentary control . It bed been said that the liberties of Francs liad been conquered in Algeria : 44 let them look to it that the liberties of England be not mastered in India . " Mr . Fox concluded by alluding to the ignominious fall of Lord Palmers ton , who had "been deserted by the Liberal party because he had deaerted them .
Mn . J . B . Goron , the Teetotal lecturer , was entertained at a soire * e on Wednesday evening at Manchester . In the course of the evening , it was Btated that Mr . "Macaulay , Q . C ., Dr . Lees ' s counsel in the lat o trial for defamation , has written a letter declaring that the compromise into which he entered received the sanction of his client—a fact which the < loctor had previously denied . Lord Brougham , on Wednesday , cut the first aod of the Eastern Valley Kailvny , Westmoreland . At the dinner which followed , Hi Lordship warmly acknowledged the important part played by the late Mr . Pease in the early development of the railway Rystem , and proposed to drink to his memory in solonin silence ; which wan done .
m lNAue . irjtA . no * op tub Brotiikrton Mehoiuau . — The statue to th . 3 memory of the late Mr . Joshna Brotherton , JIP ., was publicl y inaugurated on Thursday morning , in the Peel-park , Salford , in the presence of the corporations of Manchester and Salford , and a large number of spectators , among whom were many ladies . The Mayor of Salford presided , and the speech of the day was delivered by the Bishop of Manchester , who highly extolled the character and deeds of the deceased gentleman . Sir John Potter , M . P ., Mr . Thoraely , M . P ., of Wolverharapton , and Mr . James Brotherton then briefly addressed the audience , after which the proceedings terminated . AusTBAtiA . —The rejection of the Reform Bill at Melbourne has treated great excitement .
The Consular Sbkvice . —The report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons , appointed to inquire into the consular service and consular appointments , was issued on Thursday morning . The committee urgently recommend the establishment of suck a system of consular education and promotion as may tend to prevent the employment of any but British subjects as consuls , vice-consuls , or interpreters , in Northern Africa , Eastern Europe , and the Lerant ; the prohibition of all consuls to engage in trade , except under certain conditions ; the diminution of the present number of vice-consuls in Europe ; such an organisation of the consular service a 3 may divide its members into separate classes ; and tlie appropriation of all fees , except in cases of unpaid consuls , to the public account , the expenses of the office being regulated and defrayed by Government .
Thk LAGoo 2 f . —I pulled my broad-brimmed cap over my eyes , and listened indolently to the gurgle of the water among the bulrushes . The boatmen never shifted their position , and I could hear the murmur of their voices as they conversed with each other , and their low excited exclamation when they found a fish fast and dr * w it cautiously on board . A flapper which had hidden itself among the reeds dropped noiselessly from the bank , and began swimming and diving rapidly along the shore . The flapping of wings overhead made me look up , and a flock of delicate quail passed me within
a stone ' s cast , but veered suddenly round when I raised my arm , and , uttering a low cry of alarm , took a different route to tie mainland . And this was the Lagoon ,- —the Lagoon as it might have been a thousand years before , -when homeless fugitives , flying before , the hordes of Attila , found rest and refuge upon its barren islands . What was the prospect that greeted them a 3 they looked down on the promised land from the passes of Oadore ? A dreary enough spectacle it was , and is again after the . lapse of a thousand years . It is in the sea , and yet not of it . The tides of the Adriatic ebb
and flow through its whole extent ; but the water , except in one or two of the larger channels , is not more than a foot or a couple of feet in depth , and at ebb-tide the Lagoon is a vast arena of mud . Scattered throughout it are countless compact sandbanks overgrown with coarse sea-herbs , and lined by gigantic bulrushes , haunted by the wild duck and the water-rat ; intersected by canals and open spaces of water , along which , as though it were along the land , white sails speed quickly and noiselessly ; tenanted by bright eyed lizards , and the scattered huts of watermen , and legions of aquatic birds , whose shrill complaint mingles with the plash and murmur of the gathering tide ! Conceive one of the grandest dramas in Europeau history enacted in a Norwegian morass or a Lincolnshire fen , and you will be able to understand the mysterious fascination of the Lagoon . —Fraser ' s Magazine .
EMBKZZLUMENTBr a Broker ' s Clerk . —Henry William Hunt , late clerk to Mr . Noel Whiting , colonial broker , 14 , Mincing-lane , was brought before tlie Lord Mayor yesterday , charged with having , since February , 1857 , embezzled various sums of money amounting to nearly 60 OJ ., the property of his employers . He was remanded . Hocussino . —A cabman , named John Kniglit , was yesterday examined on remand at tho Bow-street policeoffice , charged with * ' hocussing" a young woman at a disreputable house , and robbing her . He was committed for trial .
Dicvru of Mn . F . P . Wat . issby . —The death of Francis Pearson Walesby , Esq ,, B . C . L ., and M . A ., of Lincoln College , Oxford , barrister-at-law , and Recorder of Woodstock , is announced . Ho expired after a short illness at Park-crescent , Oxford , on Thursday morning . Mr . Waleaty took hisB . A . degree in 1827 , having beon called to tho bar tlie provious year . Mo was formerly Fellow of Lincoln College , and from 1829 to 1834 was professor of Anglo-Saxon in tho University . He had also bold tho oftice of public examiner in law and modern history . By his death , tho Recordcrship of Woodstock , and one of the proctorships of tho Chancellor ' s Court in the University become vacant .
Ibisic 1 ' arty of Independent Opi'osition . —A general meeting of the members of the Council of tho Tenant League , anfl of tho Independent members of Pnrllament , will bo held on the 17 th instant , at UieCouncilrooms , In 1 > ublin . Tho proposed object is to consider the coxtrae to lie taken by tho members of the Independent Irish Opposition party on the reassembling of Parliament . —Morning Slur .
772 The Leajdjer. Psto. 437, August 1, L...
772 THE LEAJDJER . pSTo . 437 , August 1 , lfisft
~ ≪- I ? "" ^Flwtl'irrrnt Mjm*-*M Vljjw ' 9
1 $ m \ m \ $ \ .
• T . Leader Office, Saturday, August 7t...
• T . Leader Office , Saturday , August 7 th THE CONTINENT . The Emperor has decided that all France shall join in a Te Deum at the moment when lie and tlie Empress are prostrate before the shrine of St . Anne of Aurav \ n August i 5 th . *' Madame Benoit Fould , on the occasion of the death of her husband , has given the munificent sum of 10 OOOfr to the poof of the second arrond issement of Paris ' without any distinction on the ground of religious tenets .. On the meeting of the Belgian C hamber of Representatives on Thursday , two Roy al decrees were read by the Minister of the Interior—one withdrawing the Government project relative to the fortifications of Antwerp , and the ot her pronouncing the close of the session The Assembly separated immediately . "A certain Count Gaddi-Ercolani , " says a letter from Rome in the Debate , " was sometime back arrested in this city , and imprisoned . Long comments were made on the subject ; but it no ~ w appears that it is a religiou 3 affair , the count haying been guilty of lending to some persons the Protestant translation of the Scriptures kaown in Italy by the name of the DiodatiBible . " ' According to accounts from Tegernsee , of the 2 nd inst , the King of Prussia has within the last few days had some symptoms of gout . His medical attendants , it is said , consider this as the sign of a favourable change .
Visit Of Her Majesty To Prussia. The Roy...
VISIT OF HER MAJESTY TO PRUSSIA . The Royal yacht Victoria , and Albert , Captain tlie Hon . J . Denman , will take up lier moorings off Gravesend immediately on her return from Cherbourg , and it is expected that her Majesty and the Prince Consort will embark at Gravesend next Tuesday , on a visit to tlie Prince and Princess of Prussia . On the order being received at Woolwich Dockyard to lay down moorings at Grftvesend for the Roy al yacht during the present week , it was considered that her Majesty would disembark at Gravesend on returning from Cherbourg ; but this statement is founded in error . A numerous party of shipwrights , riggers , & c , have left Woolwich for Gravesend , to make the necessary arrangements for mooring the vessel , and preparing for the embarkation .
The Atlantic Cable. A Despatch, Dated "V...
THE ATLANTIC CABLE . A despatch , dated " Valencia , Friday morning , " says : — " Electric communication is maintained perfectly . In answer to the signals from our coils , they returned us , this morning , at 8 . 40 , accurately to Green * wich time , as directed , the prearranged landing signal . The complete instruments which were on board the Niagara forspeking cannot possibly be adjusted for some days . "
Chelsea New Bkidgk Will Be Opened Free T...
Chelsea New Bkidgk will be opened free to foot passengers for the firdt time to-morrow ( Sunday . ) Murder of Two Children by tiirir Mother . — Two children have been drowned by their mother ( a married woman ) in a small bay on the coast of Somersetshire . The eldest child was a girl , two years and a half old ; the other was a boy , about a twelvemonth old . The mother afterwords surrendered herself at the police-office at Flax Burton , eight miles from Bristol . She confessed the crime , but did not state her motive . According to report , the murderess is an intemperate and passionate woman , but her husband , a painter , is a very respectable person . Action foii LinKr > . —An action was brought on Thursday at the Guildford Assizes , by a Mr . Eastwood , a dealer in antiquities , against tho proprietors of the Athenceum , for an alleged libel . Mr . Eastwood , last year , purchased a number of ancient relics which had been dug up at Shadwell ; and the A thenaum had published a report of some proceedings at a meeting of tho British Archaeological Association , at which relics of the kind in question were denounced as forgeries , and tlie particular relics owned by Mr . Eastwood wore apparently glanced at . Mr . Justice Willes , however , was of opinion that no caso of ljbel had beon mado out , the assertion having been made in general terms , anil the report being a bontifule account of what had pnsaed at a public mooting . Tho jury therefore returned a verdict for the defendants . Attkmptkd Assassination of a Mission / iky at Amsterdam . —An attempt was mado on Sund / ty to assassinate tho Rev . Mr . Schwartz , a Free Church Missionary to tho Jcwa at Amsterdam , whon about to preach from tho pulpit . Tho would-bo assassin ( who wns at onco arrosted ) is n Jew youth , actuated by religious zeal . Mr . Schwartz , was soriously stabbed . Montkvtoko . —A mixed commission has beon appointed to settle tho Anglo-French claims on tho Montovidean Government for damages austuiucd during tw late siege of that port .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 7, 1858, page 772, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/ldr_07081858/page/12/