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792 THE LEADER. p*o. 437, August 7,1858
LOKDONt Printed mid Published by Krector...
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792 The Leader. P*O. 437, August 7,1858
792 THE LEADER . p * o . 437 , August 7 , 1858
MAPS FOR TOURISTS , PUBIXSHED BY EDVAED STANFORD , 6 , CHABING-CROSS , S . V . ¦ ? ' ¦ - . . , ENGLAND AND WALES . ENGLAND AND WALES— Koad and Railway Travelling Map , on a scale of 12 miles to an inch , in case . Price 8 s . 6 d . ENGLAND AND WALES—Sir Roderick Mw > chison ' s Pocket Geological Map , recommended to Railway Travellers , in cas « , 7 s . ENGLAND AND WALES-Pocket Railway Map . Price , folded in cover , Is . ; mounted , in case , 2 s . OBDNANCE GENERAL MAP OF ENGLAUD AND WALES- Scale , one mile to an inch . Price ofeach Division , 2 s . in sheet ; mounted , in case , 4 s . 6 d . *?* Key Haps and Catalogues on application . LOND 0 N—Dariea ' s Map of the British Metropolis ^ in case , 7 s . 6 d . — ' . ———— Extended to the Crystal Palace , in case , Us . - — - — - —— Stanford's Postal Map , in case , 2 s . 6 d . ENVIRONS OF LONDON—Maps on the Scale of one mile to an inch , 83 . ; on the scale of one and a half mile to an inch , folded in cover , Is . ; mounted , in case , 2 n . on the scale of two miles to an inch , folded in cover * 2 s . 6 d ; mounted , in case , 4 s . 6 d . WAXES—Road and Railway Travelling Map of North and South Wales . Price , folded in a cover , Is . mounted , in case , 2 s . 6 d . ISLE OF WIGHT—Standard Map , showing the various Roads , and containing a list of the most remarkable . placea of interest . Price , folded in cover , Is . ; mounted , in case , 2 s . CHANNEL ISLANDS—Popular Map of Jersey , Guernsey , Sark , Alderney , & c , with a general Map of . the Channel . Price , folded in cover * Is . ; mounted , in '¦ ¦ - owe , Jta . - ¦'¦"¦'; . r . ' . /; ' - ' ; . ; . ' ' _ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . SCOTLAND . SCOTLAND—Road and Railway Travelling Map . Price , in case , 3 s . 6 d . SCOTLAND—Pocket Railway Map . Price , folded ~ , In cover , is . ; mounted , in case , 2 s . BDIWEfXTROH—Popular Map . Price , f olded in cover / Is . ; mounted , in case , 2 s . ENVIBONS OF EDINBTJ » GH-PoP uiar Map . Price , folded in cover , Is . ; mounted , in case , 2 s . IRELAND . IBELAND—Road and Eailway Travelling Map . Price , in case , 3 s . Od . IRELAND—Pocket Railway Map . Price , folded in cover , Is . ; mounted , in case , 2 s . DXTBLIN-r-Popular Map . Price , folded in cover , Is . ; mounted , in case , 2 s . ENVIRONS OF DUBLIN—Popular Map . Price , folded In cover , Is . ; mountod , in enso , 2 s . CENTRAL EUROPE—Davlea ' a Map ( a New Edition just out ) , showing all the Railways and tho Stations . Mounted , li caso , 12 s . English and Foreign Haps of the Countries and Principal Cities of Europe , LONDON : KDWAttD STANFORD , 6 , CHAKINTG-CROSS , S . W .
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Lokdont Printed Mid Published By Krector...
LOKDONt Printed mid Published by Krectorlck Gyest Tomlins . nt "Tho Loader" OlHco , Wo . 352 . Strand , in th « OotuMy of Mid-JloNox . —Auku-4 7 , 1 * M .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 7, 1858, page 792, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/ldr_07081858/page/32/