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¦PP't If" ¦ .-."*> wr^:."!"^- ¦ :¦ Wv-7-...
VOIi. - IX. No. 438.] SATURDAY, AUGUST 1...
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¦Pp't If" ¦ .-."*> Wr^:."!"^- ¦ :¦ Wv-7-...
¦ PP't If" ¦ .-. " *> wr ^ :. " ! " ^ - ¦ : ¦ Wv-7- ^ . . —i-. - - .. , ¦¦ - ¦ ¦ •¦ . - ¦ ¦ . ¦ .- ¦ -.. . -.- . — -,-: — .-. — ...-. _ .,. _ ,..,, .,.., „ .., _ ,,. . _ . .. _ _ ^_ _ % * V : ¦ ' . '"''' . ¦ ' ' ' . ' ¦ - " } . _ ¦/*? ¦ . ' ¦ ' —> -.-... —¦ -- « -. « r ^ i W ^» . , ^ , t , ^ ,.- , A $ L iZ RA & ft t X . POLITICA AND LITE RY REVIEW , MERCANTILE JOURNAL . . . . . . . ¦' ¦¦ . ¦ . ¦ ¦ . AND . . . ' RECORDOFJOINT STOCK COMPANIES , BANKS , RAILWAYS , MINES , SHIPPING , *> .
Voii. - Ix. No. 438.] Saturday, August 1...
VOIi . - IX . No . 438 . ] SATURDAY , AUGUST 14 , 185 a Pkice i ™«« a > . ! mram . — ' " " ¦ ~ ~ xva . yy . ij \ Stamped Sevenpence .
Alliance British And Foreign
LIFE & FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY , BARTHOLOMEW LANE , LONDON , B . C . Established 1824 . { Branch Offices : Edinburgh , Ipswich , and Bury St . Edmunds . ) Capital , FIVE MILLIONS Sterling . Pbesideht—Sir Moses Montcfiore , Bart . DIBECTOR 8 . ' femes Alexander , Esq . i James Hclme . Esq-Charles George Barnett . Esq . | John Irving , Esq . Oeorpe Henry Barnctt , Esq . I Elliot Macnaghten , Esq . Charles Buxton , Esq ., M . P . J . Mayer Moivtefiore , Esq . Sir George ^ Carroll . . Sir A . de Rothschild Bart . BeujamiuGoheivEsq . Lionel N . do Rothschild , James Fletcher , Esq . Esq . M . P . Chf , rles Gibbes . Esq . Thomas Charles Smith , Esa . William Gladstone , Esq . v £ . 1 T < l * « ? . f i Goschen , Esq ., Andrew Johnston , Esq ., George Peabody , Esq . . life Assurances are granted under an extensive variety of farms , and at Moderate Premiums ; the Kates for the Younger Ages being lower than those of many of the older and most respectable offices . Participation of Profits . Four ttfths , or Eighty per cent , or the declared Profits will be divided qiiinquoimially among those entitled to participation . Non-participating Scales of Premium . Policies issued at minimum Rates without participation in profits . Life Policies a . Te not liable to Forfeiture by the Lives Assured proceeding beyond the prescribed limits without the cognizance of the holders of such Policies . . Reduced Extra Hates for residence out of Europe . No charge for Stamps or Medical Fees . Fire Assurances , both at home and abroad , are accepted at very Moderate Premiums . . £ , A - ssur < i ( 1 Pa- ^ icipftfe in tho Fire Profits in respect of Policies in force for live coraploto years at each period of Division . L ?? £ fty Lightning art ? made good ; and the Compa-ny are liable for Losses by Explosion , except when occasioned by Gunpowder , or ia cases specially provided for in the Detailed Prospectuses will bo furnished on application FRANCIS A ,. 12 NGELBACH , Actuary and Secretary .
ESTABLISH 15 D 1888 . VIC TORIA and LEGAL and COMMERCIAL wiv MfB ASSURANCE COMPANY , No . IS , King William-street , City . ° DIRECTORS . BENJAMIN HAWES . Esq .. Clmirman-THOMAS NESMTT , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman . Charles Baldwin , Esq . \ V . K . Jameson , Esq . George Denny , Esq . John Jones , Ksq . J . C . DimKdale , Esq . John Nolloth , Esq . William Elliott , W . D . Menburn Stniiilaml , Esq . Robert Ellis , Esq . Daniel Sutton , Esq . J . P . Gnssiot , Esq ., F . R . S . Walter Charles Venn ing , Esq . John Gladstone , Esq . O'H . lSelllnghani ¦\ Voolacy , Aaron Goldsmid , Esq . Ksq . Sidney Gumey , Esq . The business of tho Company embraces every description of risk connected with Life Assurance . Tho assets of the Company exceed 205 , 000 / . And its iiiconic is over CO . OOOJ . a year . Advances in connexion with Llfo Assurance nvo made , on advantageous terms , cither on real or personal security . WILLIAM RATltAY , Actuary .
GALVESTOtf , HOUSTON , AND HENDERSON RAILROAD COMPANY . / En ? 0 nltivo Obligations , or Debouturo Uonds to bearer , or m . ench , with Coupons attached , Tor tho Interest at & nor posit ., nayablo in London half-yearly , are ready for deliver * in exchange for Bankers ' receipts . Attached to each Bond is n Pioo Sharo of 8 ^ . /• ia i lloiia " a a )< o socurod upon tho lands of tho Company ( 10 , 240 acres being panted in respect of ovcry milo of road constructed } ' nnd mioli Bonds will bo paid off by annual cfrawinga , with a Bonus <> r 10 per cunt . Tho shares will wen participate fn tho proceeds of thosnloof tlia remaining Portion of tho lands and tho wlmle tmtHc of tho lino . i . lio opening of tho Hcooud wootion of tho lino is fixed , for tnolBt of October noxt . n » ii ! t iuforinatloii can bo obtained from thn Committee or tho London Agency , at the Olllcos of tho Company . 190 . OroBham House , Old iroad-strcet , London .
THE LONDON ASSURANCE , INCORPORATED a . » . 1720-FOR LIFE , FIRE , AND MARINE ASSURANCES . Head Office—No . 7 , Eoyal Exchange , Cornhill . John Alves Arhuthno 4 , Esq ., Governc-r . John Alex . Hankeyv Ksq ., Sub-Governor . Bon . imy Dobree , Jun ., Esq ., Deputy-Governor-DIRECTORS . Nathaniel Alexander , Esq . G . R . Griffiths , Esq . Rie > ard Bageallay , Esq . David C . Guthrie , Esq . Henry Bonham Bax ^ Esq . Edward Harnagc , Esq . James Blytlu Esq . Louis Huth , Ksq . Edward Bu 4 d , Esq . AVilliam Kinp , Esq . Edward Burrnester , Esq . Charles Lyallj Esq . 9 h £ ri ^ 9 ra- ^ leyJ , ^ - John Ord , Esq . J ^ f nJwwKEs ? - Capt . R . W . Telly , R . N . Roiiert Giltespie , Ju » , Esq . David Powell , Esq . SS *^ 9 , eorxe Gordon , Esq . P . F . Robertson , Esq ., M . P Edwjn Gonrer , Esq . Alex . Trotter , Esq . Samuel Gregson , Esq ., M . P . Lestock Peach Wilson , Esq . Actuary—Peter Hardy , Esq ., P . R .. S . West End Ofllec—No . 7 , Pall Mall . COMMITTEE . ¦ _ ¦ . Two Members of the Court in rotation , and Henry Kinpscote , Esq ., and John Tidd Pratt . Esq Superintendent—Philip Scoones , Esq . Life department . This Corporation has granted Assurances on Lives for a period exceeding One Hundred , and Thirty Years , having issyed its first Policy on the 7 th June , 1721 . to the " lrdS > d 66 P 6 r C 6 XXt' ° ° entire P roflts « -re given Policies may be opened under any of tlie following plans . viz .: — . * Ab a low rate of premium , without participation in profits . ° « i som *^ 1 ^ ^ % 1 'er rate , entitling tho Assured , either , after tho first five years , to an animal abatement of premium for the remainder of life , or . after payment of the i P » remium > fco a participation iix the ensuing Quinquennial Bonus . The abatomentfor the year 1853 . on the Annual Premiums of persons who have been assured under Series " 1831 " for five years or longer , is upwards of 34 per cent-The high character whioh this ancient Corporation has SJMiJStfi Wft tfiiSteffiMfi o f ?&? CMrcs r Jho Corporation bears the whole Expeksks of Manaoemest , thus giving to the Assured , conjoined with the protection afiorded by its Corporate Fund , advantages equal to those of any system of Mutual Assurance . Premiums may be paid Tcarly , Ilalr-yearly , or Quarterly . All Policies are issued free from stamp duty , or from charge of any description -whatever , beyoncftho premium . Q no attontion of the Public is especially called to tho great advantages © fl ' erod to Life Assurers by the Legisl » ture in its recent Enactments , by which it will bo foun that to a defined extent Life Premiums are not subject to income Tax . The fees of Medical Beferees aro paid by tho Corporation . r ^ Annuities aro grantod by tho Corporation , payaWo Halfl early . Every facility will bo given for tho transfer or erchango of Policiea , or any other suitable arrangement will be mnde for tho convenience of tho Assured . Prospectuses and all other information may bo obtained by either a written or personal application to tho Actuary , or to tho Superintendent of tho West End OfTlco . JOHN LAURENCE , Socrotary .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated fcy Royal Chartei-, 1847 . LETTEltS of CltRDl-T and BILLS aro granted upon tho BttnkH at Adelaide , Port Adolaido , and Gawlor . Approved drafts on South Australin negotiated and sent for collection . Every description of Baniing business is conducted direct with Viotoria and NUw Soirfh - \ Vale 8 , and also vith tho othor AustralLau Colonies . throuKh tho . Company ' s Agents . Apply at 84 , 01 * Broad-sti-oot ; London , B . C . WILLIAM PURDY . Manager .
MON EY TO L ; END . —THR LONDON AND CONTINENTAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY lends money , repayable by instalments , upon personal or othor security . 07 , Gracechurch-streot , E . C . j ^ .
THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE . Incorporated A . » . 1720 , by Charter of King George the Tirafc and conlirraed by Special Acts of Parliament . Chief Office , Royal Exchange , London ; Branch , 29 , Pall-mall . - ¦ ? w ? . ' - LATE' and . Mahinjs Assttbancbs may be effected vnth this Corporation on advantageous terms . Life Assurances are granted with , or without , participation m Prohts ; m tho latter case at reduced rates of Premium . Any sum not exceeding 15 , 000 ? . may bo assured on the same Life . The Reversionary Bo-ims on British Policies has averaged 43 per cent , upon the Premiums paid , or very nearly 2 per cent , per annum upon the sum assured . The future divisions of Profit will take place every Tive X G 8 X 3 * --...- ¦ ¦ . ' -. -. : . ^ he - Expenses of Management , being divided between the different branches , are spread over a larger amount of business than that transacted by any other office . The charge upon each Policy is thereby so much reduced as to account for the magnitude of the Bonus which has been declared , and to afford a probability that a similar rate will be maintained at future divisions . This Corporation affords to the Assured a liberal participation in Profits , witli exemption under Roval Charter from the liabilities of partnership ; —a rate of Sonus equal to the average returns of Mutual Societies , with the guarantee , not afforded by them , of a large invested Capital-Stock ;—the advantages of modern practice , with the security of an Office whose resources have been tested by the experience of nearly a Century and a Half . JOHN A . HIGH AM , Actuary and Secretary .
ST . GEORGE ASSURANCE COMPANY . 118 , Pall-Mall , London , S . W . Capital 100 . 000 Z ., in Shares of 5 ? . each . Chairman . —Henry Pownall . Esq . Deputy Chairrfaan . —Henry Haines , Esq . The Leading Features of this Office are—Every description of Life Assurance on the most favourable terras . The Assurance of Defective Titles , thereby restoring the property to its full yaLue . & Endowments for Husbands , Wives , or Nominees . Endowments for Children on attaining a certain age . Annuities of every description granted on terms peculiarly favourable . Notices of Assignments of Policies Registered . Medical Referees paid by the Company . Age of the Life Assured admitted on all Policies , on reasonable proof being given . Stamp Duties on Lifo Policies paid by tho Company . Loans on Real or Personal Security , repayable by monthly or quarterly instalments , from ouo to five years . 1 ' or further particulars , Forms of Proposal and Prospectuses , apply to P . H . GILBART , Secretary .
ACCIDENTS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION . £ 1000 IN CASE OF DEATH , OR , A . FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ 6 PER WEEK IN THE ISVBNT OF INJURY , May bo secured by an Annual Payment of £ 3 for a Policy in tho TJAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE JLV COMPANY . A special Act provides that persons receiving compensation from this Company aro not barred thereby from recovering full damages from tho party causing the injury ; an advantage no other Company can offer . It is found that ONE PERSON in every FIFTEEN is more or loss injured by Accident yearly . This Company has already paid as compensation for Accidents ' 27 , 0882 . Forms of Proposal nnd Prospcotuaes may ho had at tho Company's Olllcos , and at all the principal Railway Stations , whore , also , Railway Accidents alono may be insured against by tho Journey or year . NO CHARGE FOR STAMP DUTY . Rail way Passengors' Assurance ' Company , OUlces . S . Old Broad-stroot , London , ICC WILLIAM J . VIAN , Socrotary .
DEPO 8 I * AND DISCOUNT BANK . F IVE PER CENT , is paid on nil Sums received on DEPOSIT . 1 ntorcat paid half-yearly . Tho Rifclit lion , the liurl of DEVON , Chairman . G . H . LAW , Maaagor . Omccs . O , 0 » nno » -3 trcot , "Wost , E . C .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 14, 1858, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/ldr_14081858/page/1/