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fro, 43S, August p.4,1868.] THB LEADER. ...
DR. KAKN'S ANATOMICAL MUSEUM, 3Tiehborne-street, opposite the HaynmrketOPEN
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Fro, 43s, August P.4,1868.] Thb Leader. ...
fro , 43 S , August p . 4 , 1868 . ] THB LEADER . fi 9 Q
— From The London Gazette. Tuesday* Attf...
— FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday * Attfiist 10 . BANKRUPTS . —Edwik Ben & miw Coilin-s , New Peck-,. m Surrcv . ani Charlton , Kent > market gardener—Mahia ^ ab etii CAttTWEicniT , Shcrnborne , Norfolk , hop merlWr-TaoMiS HoDGSoir , Aldiiie-ohainbers , Paternoster-0 hooiseller—Robert Adoxph Parmar , Mount-street , ?« nbeth . chemist—Thomas Machin . Peterborough , condor—Jonif Godfrest and Joiik Thomas Godfrey , wirteeste-street , and Half Moon-street , Bishopsgate-street w thoiib coopers—Jon it Harrison and Johjj Garsord BBTflGS . Austin-friars , City , oil and seed brokers—Edward tkb Sh rewsbury , ironmonger—William Greatorex and tnmf Geeatoeex , Leicester , boot manufacturers—James Wilson-, Birkenhead , Cheshire , engineer — Wiliiam TUCseliex ; Hodges , Manchester , merchant . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . —32 . Bvchanax , Glasf > w Guilder—J- Robertson-, Westmains of Gleneaglcs , lackford , farmftr—P . O'JDonnell , Glasgow , provision merchant-J- Dubie , Irvine , grocer—T . Gemmdxl , Glasgow , wire rope manufacturer—A . Atti , Glasgow , tea merchant . Friday , August \ $ . BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED . — HEirar Tatham , Cha ring-cross . gunmakcr . BANKRUPTS . —Charles Ireson , Northampton , builder —CjTBisTOPnEit Denmak , Ripley , Derbyshire , liucn draper -SAMtrEi FisirEn , Birmingham , tailor—David Httohes , Gresham-street , City , scrivener—Joseph Foster , Little Horton , Bradford , grocer — WixtrAM Naish , Newport , commission agent—Thomas \ Vixdon , Peterborough , grocer -James Saundees andWii < riiA : uSAirNDERS , Abcrgavenny Monmouthshire , seedsmen—Ezea Tbance , Dudley Hill , Bradford , worsted manufacturer .
Dr. Kakn's Anatomical Museum, 3tiehborne-Street, Opposite The Haynmrketopen
DR . KAKN'S ANATOMICAL MUSEUM , 3 . Tiehborne-street , opposite the Havnmrket . OPEN
DAILY ( for Gentlemen only ) . LECTURES by Dr . KAHN at 8 , and by Dr . SEXTON at 4 and 8 o ' clock on Important and Interesting Topics in connexion Jwitlr ANATOMY , PHYSIOLOGY , and PATHOLOGY ( vide Programme ) . Admission , is . —Dr . Kahn ' s Nine Lectures on the Philosophy of Marriage , <& c , scntjpost free , direct from the Author , ou the receipt of 12 stamps . .
THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGJGSTION . NO R T O N' S C AM O MI L E PI L L S are confidently recommended as a simple but « ertain remedy for Indigestion , which is the cause of nearly all the diseases to which we are subject , being a medicine so uniformly grateful and beneficial , that it is with justice called tne " NAItfEAL STREN & TnEirEE OP THE HtTMisT STO 3 IACH . " NORTON'S PILLS act as a powerful toaic and . gentle aperient : are mild in their operation . ; safe under any circumstances ; and thousands of persons can now bear testimony . to the benefits to be derived from their vise . Sold in Bottles at Is . ljd ., 2 s . 9 d ., and Us . each , in every town in the kingdom . CAUTION!—Be sure to ask for " Norton ' s Pills , " a . nd do not be persuaded to purchase the various imitations .
& . REY HAIR . -248 , High Holborn ( opposite Day and Martin's ) . Aiex . Ross's Hair Dye is easily applied , producing a slight brown , dark brown , or black , permanently , 3 s . 6 d ., 6 s . 6 d ., and 10 s . 6 d . per bottle . A .. R . S Hair Destroyer , or Depilatory , removes superfluous hair from the face , neck , or arms , without injuring the sktas sold at 3 s . 6 d ., 5 s . 6 d .. and 10 s . Gd . A . lVs Hair Curling Muid saves tne trouble of using curl papers or irons , for immediately it is applied a beautiful and lasting curl is obtained ; 3 s . 6 d . and 5 s . 6 d . per bottle . The above articles are Bent per post for 54 stamps in blank wrappers .
B URGESS'S celebrated Bandoline for fixing Ladies' Hair or Gentlemen ' s Whiskers and Moustaches , without drying , not being a liijnid its most others . In bottles from Is . to 10 s . Cd . Prepared at It . BUROBSS'S Hair Cutting and Brushing Establishment . Head Washing on the approved Ovi-Lavatory system . tfos . 14 , IB , and 16 , Royal Opera Arcade , Charles-street , Haymarket , S . W . Agents , Birch , MoW-swortli-street , IJubhn ; Pcairam , King-street , Jersey ; Apothecaries' Hall , Glasgow ; and Ludwig , 33 , Clinrlotten-Strassen , Berlin .
T ADIES' ELASTIC SUPPORTING BANDS , ¦*~ 4 for use before and after Accouchement , admirably adap ted for giving efficient support , with extkemetightness— -a point little attended to in the comparatively clumsy contrivances and fabrics hitherto employe ! . Instructions for measurement , with prices ( on application ) , and the articles scut by post from the manufacturers and inventors , POPIO and PLANTE , ! , Waterloo-place , Pali-Mall , London , S . \ Y .
" DRECKNELL'S SKIN SOAP , recommended -A 3 as tho host for producing n clear and healthy skin , being tho old yellow soap , made expressly for tho purpose , of ' the best materials , nnd not acontcd . — Sold only in One chilling packets of cither four rounded tablets or eight Bq wa . res , and extra largo tablets Sixpence each . liRUCKNULL , TU JLNEll , nnd SONS , Manufacturers of Wax Spermaceti , Stonrino , and Tallow Candles to her Majesty - agents to Price ' s Patent Cundlu Company , dealers in all other Patent Candles , all kinds of household and toilet boapB , in Colza , ( Sperm , Vegetable , and other Lamp Oils & c . tfcoliive , Sl , llnynmi'kot , IiOiidon . —Please observe tliatcacli tablet and . square is stamped "BreeknoU'a Skin Soap . "
( SPECTACLES . — Sight and Hearing . — * J Deafness . —A nowly-iiiventml Instrument Tor cxtromo cases of Deufnoss , culled thoSOUiND MAGNIFIEU , Organic Vibrator , and invisible Voice- Conductor . It fits ho into tho oar as not to bo in tho lwist perceptible ; tho unpleasant sensation of singing noises In the head in entirely removed , ixairords instant relief Id tho doafoHt persons , and enables uiomto hear distinctly at church and at public assemblies . Alossrs . SOLOMOiNS have invented spectnolo lci » n «! 8 of tho 5 i » i » tra'i » Pin'oiit power . Tlio vnlnaulo advantage do-SnS * m tn * 8 '" vontion in , that vision becomes preserved ? li « t i " •? t > henod ; very aged porsonnaro ouabled to employ t !« ?' "' 'he most minute occupation , cau boo with ' nesoionsos of a much lo » s niaBiiifying power , and thoy do Hoiroquiro tho frequent cshangea to tho dangerous cflocta TW / . A iiii P ° werful assistance •— 3 d , Albemarlo-atroet , •» i ccadllly , oppobito tho York Hold .
PURNISH YOUR HOUSE WITH THE ho h ^ i ^* ~ f ^ i E and Co - s Pri « ed Furnishing List may w » n Ti - i"Vt , ly on application , or forwardld by post , £ rik . iJ i ^ evnb ,. raccs l ie leading articles from ill the raS t ^ f'i f i ts of ^ ieir establishment , aad is arranged to facihtate purchasers in the selection of their -B ^ tiis TVn mpnSeS f ^ Cutlery-Electro-plate-Lamps fiiS ^ r \ f" ? a ^ A ? Jrons-Iron Bedsteads , and -nfcrm " 4 ^ ^ Ietal « Copper , Tin , and Brass Goods-Culinary Utensils-Turnory—Br « shes- » lats , & c . ^ Deauo blShed i °£ i 700 the-: aronumen t ) . London Bridge . Esta-
HANDSOME BRASS AND IRON BEBSTEADS— HEAL , and SON'S Show Rooms contain a arge assortment of Brass Bedsteads , suitable both for Home use and for Tropical Climates ; handsome Iron Bedsteads with Brass Mountings and elegantly Japanned ; ^ aia Iron Bedsteads for Servants ; every description of Wood Bedstead that is manufactured , in Mahogany , Birch , Walnut Tree woods ^ Polished Deal and Japanned , all fitted with Bedding and Furnitures complete , as well as everv description of Bedroom Furniture . H EAL and SON ' S ILLUSTRATED CATAlOGUB , containing Designs and Prices of 100 bedsteads , as -well as of 150 different articles of Bedroom furniture , sent free by Post . —Heal and Son , Bedstead , ieddmg , and Bedroom Furniture Manufacturers . 196 , Totteuham-court-road , W .
C OHO LOOKING-GLASS MANUFACTOE Y , O 26 i Soho-square , London . —Established 20 years . —Th . e Proprietor begs to call the attention of the public to tho ollowing very reduced List of Prices for LOOKINGGLASSES , or superior quality , fitted in carefully manufactured carved and gilt frames ;—Size of Glass . Outside Measure of Frame . Price . 40 by ! iO in . 51 in . wide by 39 in . high from 3 Z . 10 s . each . 46 by SO in . 48 in . wide by 58 in . high from 51 . 0 s . each . 50 by 40 -in . 52 in . ' wide by CO in . high from 61 . 0 s . each . 53 by 43 in . 55 in . wide by 65 iu . high from 71 . 7 s . each . 56 by 46 in . 59 in . wide by 69 in . high from 8 Z . 8 s . each . 60 by 48 in . 62 in . wide by 7 * 1 in . high from 10 ? . 9 s . each . 70 by 50 in . 6 t in . wide by 84 in . hi (? h from 22 Z . 0 s . each . Mahogany dressing and cheval glasses , p ; ilt cornices , girandoles , picture frames , & c , a . t equally moderate prices . Merchants and shippers supplied by special contract .
DU ,. DE JOH . GH'S--T ICrHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL entirely JLj free from uaiisepus flavour and after-taste , is prescribed with , the greatest success by the Faculty as the safest , speediest , and most effectual remedy for consumption , bronchitis , asthma , gout , rheumatism , skin diseases , neuralgia , rickets , infantile wasting , general debility , and all scrofulous affections . . Numerous spontaneous testimonials from physicians of European reputation attest that , in innumerable cases where other kinds of Cod Liver Oil had been . long and copiously administered with little or no benefit , Dr . de Jongh ' s Oil has produced almost immediate relief , arrested disease , and restored health . Sold in Imperial Half-pints , 2 s . 6 d . ; Pints , 4 s . M- ; Quarts , 9 s ., capsuled and labelled with Dr . DE JOXGH'S signature , without which woke can tossisi / s be ojjnuine , by most respectable Chemists . Sole British Consignees , ANSAB , HARFORD , aud CO ., 77 , Strand , London , W . C .
RUPTURES .-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHIT E'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to be tho most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel spring ( so hurtful ia its effects ) ishereavoided . asoft Bandage oe-ingworn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied V > y the Moc-Main Pad and Patent Lever , fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot bo detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may \ r . c had , and the Truss ( which cannot fail to lit ) forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the hip , being sent to tho Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . Price of a single truss , ICs ., 21 s ., 26 s . 6 d ., and 31 s . Cd - Postage Is . Double Truss , 31 s . Od ., 423 ., and 52 s . Cd . —Postage is . 8 d . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . Cd . —Postage Is . lOd . Post-office orders to bo made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post-ofllco , Piccadilly . 17 M . ASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c , 11 / for VARICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of the LEGS , SPRAINS , & c . Thoy are porous , light in texture , and inexpensive , aud are drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 a . Cd . to lfls . each . —Postage 0 d . JOHN WHITE Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly , London .
BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Price Is . lid ; and 2 s . Od . per box . nrMIIS preparation is one of the benefits which X tho science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind ; for during tho llrst twenty years of tho present century to speak of a euro for tho Gout was considered a romanco ; but now tho olllency and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated by unsolicited testimonials from persons in every rank of Iil'u , that public opinion proclaims this us ono of tho m . obt important discoveries of tho present age . These Pills requiro no restraint of diet or confinement during their use . and are certain to prevent tho disease attaclcing any vital part . Sold by all Medicine Vendors . See tho name of "Thomas 1 ' root , ' 2 ' 2 U , Strand . London , " on tho Government Stamp .
'I X ) INVALIDS , Merchants , nnd others - —The JL PATENT AIjBURT PORTABLE LOUNGING C 1 I / VIU , Uio most luxurious and cheapest over manufactured . Soir-propelling , Bath . Brighton , and every othor descriptiou of chair for in nnd out-door use . Mechanical clmlrs and biuls of every ( Inscription , perambulators , & c-( tlic largest assortment in tho world ) , always on hand for nalo or hire . Agents : —Messrs . Smith , Taylor , and Co ., ttoinbny , Butavia , Hhiffaporo , and Samaranjr : Mohars . P . W Hrowno and Co ., Calcutta . Solo patentee and manufacturer , J . WARD , 5 and « , Lciccater-squaro , W O . Established 0 C years .
T ^ O PARIS without firathaving ™ t ? £ WA ^ £ 1 £ £ IA : L ntf-TOTBATKD GUIDE by W 5 ORGE JIEASOM . It consists of 20 O pages of letterpress , 100 Erigravings , and a magnificent Map . Price One bmiiing . The map alone is worth double the price of the ooo > Jc » Aurnuit HAtr , and Co ., 25 , Tatemoster-row .
Xow ready , price Is . 6 d . ; illustrated cover , cloth , 2 s ., V [ IDNIGHT SCENES and SOCIAL PHOw ^ " i ^ 'O ^^ PHS : being Sketches of I * ife in the Streets , w & f 3 nd ? ens of J the ^ Glasgow . By SHADOW ^ Cruikshauk iSaedandetChed (> n SteeII > y Georgo w 5 s £ J ^ JSffi 3 fc £ WSalw ? gSSr aud
Just published , price One Shilling , post free for 13 stampg . » yHE SCIENCE OF LIFE ; ot , How to Se-JL cure Moral arid Physical Happiness . With practical observations on Debility , Nervousness , a-udDejiression , resulting from Close Study , SedentaTy Habits , Intemperance , Hagh Living , or Dissipation . By A PHTSICIAN . ., ^ - 5 , . ; , SHBEWOOD and-Co ., Paternoster-row ; Maw ^ 39 , Cornlull ; Hannay and Co ., 63 , Oxford-street ; and ali Booksellers .
inn nnn customers wanted . lUVjl / yv - ^ SAiraDEIRS BEOTHEBS * STATIONERY is the BEST and CHEAPEST to be obtained s . d . s . d . Cream-laid note ... 2 0 per rm . Cream-laid adhe-Tliick do . ...... 4 0 „ sive env « lopes ... S 0 pr 1000 Bordered note ... 4 0 „ Larg « commercial Straw paper 2 6 „ envelopes . 4 0 „ Blue commercial Large American note ............... 3 0 ,, buff envelopes .. 3 6 „ Ditto , letter size .. 6 0 „ Foolscap paper ... 7 0 per rm . Sermon paper ... 4 6 „ Commercial pens . lOpr gross A SAMPLE PACKET of STATIONE & Y ( Sixty descriptions , priced , and numbered ) B & nt free , together with a price list , on receipt of four stamps . NO CHAEGB made for stamping arms , crests , initials , & c , on either paper or envelopes . CARRIAGE PAID on all orders over 20 s . — SAUNDEBS BROTHERS , Manufacturing Stationers * 95 and 104 , London-wall , London , E . C .
T » O THE NBRVOTJS ATtT > DEBILITATED . X . ^ CHARLES WATSON , M-D . ^ Uow and Honorary Tice-Presideut of the Imperial African Institute of France . Corres . Member of the Medical Societies of Rouen and Teru , & c ., and Resident Physician to tlie Bedford Dispensary , 27 , Alfred-place , Bedford-square , Iiondon , continues to issue , on . receipt of six stamps , "THE GUIDE TO SELF 'CTTRE . ' *' - " ' . " ¦ ' . " . ¦ ¦ ¦ •"¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ - ' . ' , ¦ . '¦ . ¦ - ¦ "Those about entering the Marriage State should perusa Dr . Watson ' s invaluable little work , as the advice he gives on health and disease reflects much credit upon him as a sound medical philosopher . "—Critic . " The true Guide to those who desire a speedy and privato cure . "—University Magazine . T * or Qualifications vide " Diplomas' * and the " London Medical Directory . "
¦\ rALUABLE INFORMATION ! GRATIS f ¦ Y A neatly printed book , 10 O pages . TEN THOUSAND COPIES of which are heing issued GRATUITOUSLY , by the " AWATOMICAI . AND PATHOLOGICAISOCIBTT OB G BE XT * -Beitain . " The Society presents this important work , to "the public gratuitously , for the benefit of those who are suffering from any secret disease , debility , nervousness , loss of memory , dimness of sight , drowsiness , indigestion , irritability , and general prostration of tho system , incapacity for study , business , or society , awd especiaiiiY HECoai-MENDS IX TO YOUNO MEN . " Most valuable to those who feel an . interest in the subjects treated of , showing sufferers the most certain means of recovering perfect health . " —Medical Journal . Enclose two stamps to prepay postage , and address Dr . W . B . Marston , Anatomical Museum , 47 , Bernera-stroct , Oxford-street , London .
FEMALE COMPLAINTS . —KEARSLEY'S ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS arc strongly recommended as a safe and valuable Medicine in effectually removing obstructions , and rolieviug all other inconveniences to which the femulo frame is liable , especially tlioHf which arise from want of exercise and goneral debility of tho system- They croato ail appetite , correct indigestion , remove giddiness and nervous headache , pains in the stomach , shortness of breath , and palpitation of tho heart . Sold by J . SANGElt . 150 , Oxford-street , London , price 2 s . Oil ., or by post for Thirty-six Postage-stamps . Tor Exportation—The above can lie obtained through British merchants , shippers , and Colonial agents .
HpRIESEMAR . —Protected "by Royal Letters JL Patent of England , and secured by tho seals of tho Ecole do Pharmacio de Paris , and tho Imperial College ) of Medicine , Vienna . Triescmar , No . 1 , is % remedy for relaxation , spormatorrlicea , and exhaustion of tho system . Tricsemar , No . 2 , effectually , in the short space of throe days , completely and ontirolyoradicat . es all traces of those disorders which capsules have so long been thought an antidote for , to thoruinof thohoalth of avast portion of the population . Triesemar . No . S . isthcgreat Continental remedy for that classof disorders which unfortunately tho English physician treatswlthmercury . tothoinevitable destruction of tho patient '^ constitution , and which all the sarsaparilla in the world ca-imot remove . Triosoraar , Nos I , 2 , aaid 3 , aro alike devoid of taate or smell , and of nil it'itiscatinK qualities . They may lie on tho toilet table without their use being suspected . —Sold in tin cases , jnicc . 11 s ., free by post la . 8 d . extra to any part of tho United Kiiiffdom ,. or four cases in one for 33 b-, by post , 3 s . 2 d- extra , which saves lla . ; and in 5 J . cases , whereby there is a saving oflM 2 a . j divided into separate doses , as administered bji Valpeau , Lallon > and , Roux . & o . Sold byD . Ohtirc 11 , 78 , Gracechurch-street ; Uartlott Hooper , 43 , King William-street ; G . b \ Watts . 17 , Strand ; l ' rout , 228 . Strand ; Hannay , ( J « , Oxford-street ; Sangor , 100 , Ox ford-street , London i U . H , luglmm , Markot-stroot . Manchestojr and Powell , 16 , Wcatmoreland-strcot , Dublin .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 14, 1858, page 823, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/ldr_14081858/page/31/