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¦ ¦ - ¦ . :. . ¦ .. i 824 THE IEADE B. '...
LOKUON: Printed and published by Frederi...
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¦ ¦ - ¦ . :. . ¦ .. I 824 The Ieade B. '...
¦ ¦ - ¦ . :. . ¦ .. i 824 THE IEADE B . '\[ No . 488 , \ Atoust 14 irrb
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rpHE CRITIC of to day ( No . 423 ) contains X ro-viows of Gubbins's Account of tlio Mutinies ill Oudli —A Journey Duo North . Hy G- A . Sala—CnpRravo ' a iiook of the Illustrious Honrics—Frnmlulgh Hall—Tho Lifo o Mrs . Soltimmclponiiinclc—Augior ' s Los I-lonnes I ' nuvrcs , a »« all tho current Mlcrnturo or tho Week , horn mid foroiRii —Letters from Italy and Franoo—Soieutillc , A nrlioiologica i , Musical , and Artibtio Summariea—ThoGlnsKO'vv Art < U |» ° » —Tho l'toturo GJa , llory at tho Crystal l ' ulaco-Tlio TliontrM , and all tho Literary , Solontillo , and Artistic uowa of tho Wook . Loading articlos on topioH of interest , & a . Ac . i" » OttiTic Tor September 4 th ( No . 420 ) will contain ft ' ° ? , of Ohnrlos Dickons , with autograph , ami l > i «>| cr « i > l »» caj nkotoh . Tho Hitnio mnnbor will hIho contain a risvirw or w * roauliiKs . A Hpocliuun copy aont for ilvo stumps- —Adurcw 2 I > , li ' HH < iK-str ( i ([ t , Mtrfiud . W . O . __
Lokuon: Printed And Published By Frederi...
LOKUON : Printed and published by Frederiok Guest Tomlina at » The Loader" bfflco , No ~ 2 ut , Strand , in iho County o ' tAl iddTwox . -August 14 , itns .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 14, 1858, page 824, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/ldr_14081858/page/32/