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24 Wfrt %ttifotV. [Saturday, Mabch 30, 1...
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24 Wfrt %Ttifotv. [Saturday, Mabch 30, 1...
24 _Wfrt % _ttifotV . [ Saturday , Mabch 30 , 1850 .
HAlF . HOUB || _gra THE BEST AUJ _. _H . U _. D _. O . _^ _IT ~ I 7 _[ _TI T ~ _„ Thr » . W « _lf Number I ., on Saturday , the 6 th of April , price Inree _-nau Pence . The Monthly Pabt , April 30 , Price Sixpence . Irr _> i _vi , 1 , ? _v n / . no nf _flipplipftn Weekly T IS remarkable that in none Ot the c 5 e _JPJX _~{? Publications are the People addressed as if they were the _possessors of the greatest Literature of the _^ _SJ 1 _^ ability to read is either applied to the most exciting and dan- _gerous ends , or modern ingenuity is taxed to produce some new 5 _SSg « _SS 5 Sr _5 _ftfc 4 S = each ' ™» T _~ _«« tt _« o _wtf h twf -RFST AUTHORS- HALF-HOURS WITH THE _BEoT AUTHORS , selected and arranged by me , with short biographical and en- tical Notices . My plan is to confine the selection , whether m _PoetryorProse—whetherEssays—Characters—Stories—Descnp- tive . Narrative , or Dramatic Verse—Remarkable Adventures-- Moral and Religious Exhortations-to pieces of sufficient length to occupy half an hour ' s ordinary reading , —or to pieces which ' can be so connected aa to supply the same amount ol instruction and amusement . Each Weekly Number will contain 8 even Half-Hours , of a varied character ; every Seventh day-being _se- _lected from some theological writer of _universsl acceptation and authority . The larger extracts , forming distinct " Half-Hours , are selected from about two hundred and sixty different writers . In the smaller pieces , whieh are grouped under some general head , will be found selections from about forty writers , who have not contributed , to the larger extracts . The work , therefore , will contain SPECIMENS OF THREE HUNDRED WRITERS . Each Number will consist of Twenty-four large Octavo Pages . The issue for the year , —or half an hour ' s reading for every day in the year-will thus be formed of Twelve Hundred and Forty Pages , equalin quantity to _« ix ordinary octavo volumes , to be purchased for six shillings and sixpence , in Weekly _Paymeuts of Three Halfpence . I presume to think that it is my duty—pursuing the same end with others who are labouring in a right direction to counteract the influences of a degraded cheapness in the market of books , and hoping to « assist in the righteous object which honest and able Miscellanies have in view—to make this ex peri- ment , at the tame rate of extrinsic cheapness , to substitute what has been proved to be excellent in Literature , for what no one can doubt is filling our gaols , and making the ability to read a national curse instead of a blessing . CHARLES KNIGHT . 90 . Fleet-street , March 29 , 1850 .
TUTU" _TTVrDl ? 'PTAT PVPT ftP _TTfTiTA lUili _IJUJrJLJbULilJj \ J X _K _/ IAJJC _^ SLJJX A . n « « ,. _inth nf An _« i ift 50 _« iii he nubiished bv CHARLES KWO _* T ! _M . fl _? k _^^ a-Crown , 8 uper-royal Octavo . And on Saturday , March 30 , Nuhbbe 1 , to be continued Webkly , price Eightpence . The Work now announced is the commencement of a New Series of _Cyclopedias , founded upon the vast treasury of original materials in " The Penny Cyclopaedia . " The publication will commence with the IMPERIAL CYCLO- _PJEDIA OF GEOGKAPHY , Modern and Ancient . A Complete Gazetteer , to accompany the celebrated Maps of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge , has long been desired by the thousands who possess those invaluable _AtlaseR . But it may alto be asserted that a Geographical _Cyclopedia , at once original , full , accurate , and cheap , is a desideratum for the general Public . Such a Work is of daily necessity . It addresses itself , aa of paramount utility , to the cursory reader , and the diligent ¦ _tudent . The mo at important and interesting features of a new Geogra- phical _Cyclopajdia must be the articles peculiarly relating to the British Empire . In our own country the great scientific 1 m- _provements of the age have produced such rapid changes in the aspect of our cities and towns , and in the condition of our people , that new information is a matter of necessity for the man > f business , of gratification for the inquiring tourist , and of earnest thought for every lover of his country . Such information , however , cannot , in a work like this , branch out into the minute letails of parochial or family history . But even within the ne- _iessary limits of a geographical work , as distinguished from a _. opographical , a body of facts may be produced of universal mlue , when no labour is spared to ensure fulness and accuracy , kgain , the exact state of our Colonial Possessions is a subject to vhich the public attention is directed with an earnestness never _tefore _witnessed ; their physical geography , their political con- lition , their natural resources , their commerce , have become of _iniversal importance to the people of the United Kingdom . For _hese reasons it in intended to commence " The Imperial Cyclo- i ( edia " with , THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE ; ' o form Two Volumes , with Steel Engravings , and numerous _Joloured Maps . And to be completed in Twelve Monthly Parts t Half-a-Crown , and Forty-eight Numbers at Eightpence . London : Charles Knight , Fleet-street .
THE NATIONAL EDITION OF _SIIAKSl'ERE : Price Seven Shillings and Sixpence each Volume . On the 30 th of March will be published , _Volumb I . of STUDIES AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF SHAKSPERE , H 1 S _^ _C _^ J _^ T _^ n * _* ' By CHARLLS KNIGHT . rinted in the handsomest style , in Medium Octavo , in TilUBB Volumes , with several Hundred Woodcuts . Volume i _.-wiLMAMSHAKSPERK : A biography . Volume II .-STUDIES OF 8 HAK 3 PEUU _> _muuii 11 . a'ui'UiO in aii / _vjvot ijui _., Volume III . —1 _ILLUSTRATIONS OF SHAKSPERE . he "STUDIES AND ILLUSTRATIONS" are introductory to THE WORKS OP SHAKSPERE , _W , _th t ,. « F « m . Not ., or t , ik P , oto « , al K »« ixo » . Tiionoi : < iiii . Y iiRviSRi ) _. and 1 i . i . usTUATKD with _NUMKttoufl _Wooucuw . IN Turk . _Voiumhs . THE SERIES , SIX VOLUMES . r ? , rr ; _, f ¦ o v Just published , complete in Onk Volumb m _tt-ri t » t -A t -U _-rr-r _« m _^^'« . J . J ± Jb ii X U la Jb HISTORY . BY J K 1 TTO DD jjr j . iviiiu _, u _. u . WITH ENO . _UVIKOS . Price 7 « . 6 d . Tnilllnn , _rlinrii . * Kniiriit _vUot - » v «» f London : _Charlca _ivntght , Il « ct-8 trect ,
V * $ _*™ £ _^ _£ 2 _££ _S 23 _^ form Capitalists _detirous of establishing Newspapers _' orPenodi cals . Booksellers , Newspaper Proprietors , and the Public gene u hat ghaU fae h tQ _^ ye Estimateg for any portion of _& e p rintin 7 _g business . Jobbing of all kinds . Copperplate ana _Lithographic Printing . PALMER and CLAYTON venture to refer with some plea- 8 ure to the appearance of the Spectator , The Leader , Lady's _Newspaper , Christian Times , Nonconformist , English Church- mZ ? _£ Z _& c ., a 8 specimens of their style of executing Printing . 1 Q' Crane _ court Fleet-street , 1850 . ' _« _
_^ j _« _- _^ _S _^ - Removed from 320 to 265 , Strand . —MORNING PAPERS for- warded to country agents and private gentlemen by the first _t _^ _ng that leave London on every line of railway . J . C . and gON having . devoted some years to this branch of the news- paper business , invite country agents to test their capability of executing orders for the morning papers . Specimen copies of London paper sent on application . Every London news- * and periodical published . * j c and SON take this opportunity of informing the Nobility , Gent ' clergy , Officers of the Army and Navy , Managers of Literary Institutions , & c . & c , that they are now enabled to fur- nigh ev _£ London newspaper with the same punctuality that tn-y have bestowed on the supply of the Spectator to their numerous and influential list of Subscribers to that journal . They have liberty to _refet to subscribers of the Sfectatob for morethan twenty years past for regularity and attention . _xhe Evening Mail , published three times a week , contain- ing the news and leading articles of the Tikes for the week , forwarded immediately it is published . _^ _grS _& _£ i _^ _£ _^ . rLu _?& _S £ ft an _j terms on _enclosing a _stamn to J . C and SON News- _*^^ _££ _^ _£ _t _^\ _^^ i _£ _^ _*""• _**** V * P !— --
_ . JNUJ . li / . Ki Now ready , in 8 vo ., with Portrait , Ssc , 14 s . bound , ac , t _TtTT ? nv _TITC _unVAT TTTr _« _UXri _?«< _2 _'liHfci LtLv & _KJr HlO ixKJXALi li HjH IN H _, » O A FIELD-MARSHAL EDWARD DUKE OF KENT ; With Extracts from his Correspondence and Original Letters , now flr 8 t published . _w .. -rw _t-rqwtimv _-ntpatv By the REV . ERSKINE NEALt , Rector ol _Jlirton . Author of * " The Lire-Book of a Labourer , " " Closing Scene « , " & c . Richard Bentley , New Burlington-street . _» Orders should be forwarded immediately to the Booksellers to secure the early delivery of the W ork .
_^^^^^ _VyT xT _^ _V _^ _T _^ _V _^ _lrV xT A _Tl / _T R . COLLINS'S ANTONINA XYA Or the FALL of ROME . At all Booksellers and Circulating Libraries . The following are some of the critical opinions which have already appeared of this popular romance : — « a richly-coloured impassioned story , busy with life , impor- tunately strong in its appeals to our sympathy . We have a glimmer of that burning , breathing life which the Warwickshire deer-stealer could throw into _hia Cleopatra * and Cressida . ' Coriolanus' and Brutus . ' This commands and will win the crown . "—Athenccum . •' An able , a skilful , and a powerful romance . The author has a painter ' s eye for description , much eloquence , with tenderness , if not pathos . "—Spectator . *• This romance will place Mr . Collins in the foremost rank of historical romancists . "—Literary Gazette . •« We have read these volumes with absorbing interest , and ther are destined to be read by thousands with no less interest and delight . "—Morning Post . " There is a charm about this story which cannot fail to insure its popularity and success . It abounds with passages of sur- passing beauty and striking eloquence . "—Morning Herald . " A remarkable book . The author need not fear comparison with any writer in the field . "—Observer . •« Written with the pen of a master . The interest of the story is never suffered to flag for want of incident . "—Britannia . Mr . Collins has wrought out his story with astonising-sue- cess , and produced a work of which he may be justly proud . " —John Bull . •« a work of signal ability . " —Weekly Chronicle . «• a great subject so gracefully tieated and truthfully por- trayed . " — Weekly News . «• We predict for this romance a universal popularity , and strongly recommend it . "—Weekly Dispatch . " We congratulate Mr . Collins on his most successful achieve- ment , and commend « Antonina' more especially to the attention of all who can appreciate and enjoy a masterly delineation of great events and colossal characters . ' *—The Sun Richard Bentley , New Burlington-Btreet . —
one Hundred Pounds per Annum awarded in Musical Premiums , by the Proprietors of " Novello _' s Part-Song Book . "—For the l _^ Xeit' " _* _^ C ° nditi ° n 8 ' 8 ee Fir 8 t Number ' nOW _T _^ _TOVELLO'S PART-SONG BOOK . Edited _£ _* _££ _& >* £ !* ' _ANew Musical Periodical , on the 15 th Sold ' by all Book and Music Sellers .
W ° RKslyTE " ORGE ~ CO M B E . TT ¦ _" * _" _« and CORRESPONDENCK of DR . A . COMBE ; 1 vol . 8 vo _« . PP- _>> b 3 _> wlth * Portrait , Ms ., boards . dW _& _riDo _^ amduaJ , _uomestic , and Social _Capacities . Royal 8 vo ., pp . 116 . 1 rice & % . Same Work , Second Edition , in I 2 mo ., pp . 433 . Price 7 s . Cd . TUB CONSTITUTION of MAN ; in ] _$ mo . t pp . 507 , price 8 _« ., the Eighth Edition ; and also The People ' s Edition , " in _ffiVwUiff _^ _ildScn _^ _uK _)^ Y _™ ™ t _*^ X _^ lliS _^^^ _^ tho _^ d copies of it liavc been sold in GrcatBritain and Ireland . A SYSTEM of PHRENOLOGY ; Fifth Edition , with Four _" * % _'„ _" % t _^ U _^^ 1 Uuitwt toM ° _» W °° d ' 8 v ° l 8 ' 8 vo - " _rLBMENTs " rf PHRENOLOGY ; _Seventh Edition . I » . _iSl _^ V & _F _frK * - Ita ° - PPtm _^^ . and _^ od . cuts . Price _^ a . 0 U . OUTLINES of PHRENOLOGY ; Eighth Edition . 8 vo ., pp . 33 . Illustrated with Engravings on Wood . Price la . FUNCTIONS of the CEREUELLUM . By Drs . GALL , Vimont and _RnmimiM Trantl _^ tod from tlm _Vn-nch in i volTo bp 3 M Triceli l » n _. _lateil from the 1 renth . In 1 vo ? . ?•» PP . \ V i 1 . 1 ol 4 i _n > t . _» _Edinburgh : Maclachlan , Stewart , and Co . ; London : Long- man and Co ., and _Siuipkin , Marshall , _uud Co .
M R _& R . _cTlbuBN-TnTw _' _'W _^ - _XflL TO BE HAD OF ALL BOOKSELLEKS - _ , _ _ T Trvp w . _^ -n T rb 'lVYKr »< _a _tvttj . w t _™ MR . ELIOT WARBTJRTON S NEW HlSTO . BICAL KOMANCE , ' REGINALD HA 8 TINGS . " 3 vols . „ _MFMOTRS of a _BnTTNGARIAN TiTIV . " _^^ V _^ t ? ?• r _> _» _f r « _T _waijt _^ J' Con * - _^^ I _^ l _^^^ _Ss 2 U N HtmGA _* Y . Bv Thereza _Fulsky . £ vols . _Jis . m # _^ . _TCffi _& _iJffi _^ Lai sa * _TT 7 _AVT 7 Q _* W _>™ Q T IWq _TITA-RV * tt Ij _^ _A-VJib HOm a iiA . UY . fc > . DIARY of Her TRAVELS in BARBART . 2 vols . 21 s . V . EVELYN'S DIARY and _CORBESPONDEMPT ? N _^ V _^« _sd and _CheaSr Edition _^ 1 II 10 s _M E * _New _» Revl 8 ed ' and Cheaper Edition . Vol . II . 10 s . 6 d . VI . THE SCOTTISH CAVALIER , an Historical Ron , ance . By the Author of " The Gordon Highlander , •¦ & c 3 voi 8 . J S" « "iaerj , VTT _-RT 7 _VT 7 T ATTO" _\ _TQ _nf _PRTWPT ? T A T T _t ? _vx > a _xtt _* _ _xfc-ii _VJiii-a . J . lUJNa Ot _^ _KLSS _KjIU I . _Ai . L . IiYKAND . By M . Colmachb , the Prince ' s Private Secretary . Cheaper Edition . 1 vol . IO 3 . 6 d . viii . LIVES of the PRINCESSES of ENGLAND . _Sk * "' EV _* BETT ° MMI - * _^ * ' JX . THE NEW NAVAL NOVEL , " THE PETREL . " By a Naval Officer . 3 vols . . rrrri ? t _tt ? i ? _fTACcn t > * _i . x > -n - % r _1-fcUi _-ULb-k ot _lAbbU . JBy the Kev . R . _MlLMAN . * vols . 21 s . xr SAM SLICK'S " OLD JUDGE * or LIFE in a COLONY . " Cheaper Edition 1 vol 10 s 6 d ' _^ v _»^ . _w _« x . _i / _uMFrJlulUuii . x voi . xvb . oa . _ XXI . THE WILMINGTONS . By the Author of " Emilia Wyndham , " & c . 3 vols . * ' ADVENTURES of a _^ GOLDFINDER . Written by Himself . 3 vols . _„ PASSAGES in the LIFE of MRS . MARGARET _JKiS 1 _^'!? Sunn _y " de - Written ** He' » elf - _Second ; _x _* 11 _™* - 3 v _« l 3 . Hbnby Colburn , Publisher , 13 , Great _Marlborough-street .
—— —— - ¦ - This day is published in nost 8 vo _m-iee la JL _^ _I ™ ,.,.,. ' JL ___ " DOWNING STREET „ _•„„ Wn _«„<• . « T «?? at , u , _i . ,, JJeing jno . « j 01 _t , atter-day _Pamphlets . Edited by THOMAS CARLYLE . London Chapman and Hall 186 Strand 1 , , _" » mu _.
„ _, „ ., _„ _t > , _^» , „ _,- . _„ _^^ XJIvw POEM BY MR . BROWNING . On Monday will be published , in fcap . 8 vo ., cloth , 6 s ., mrnTccnv « « _-r-vrr-n * _-wr _* _¦« _« _r . _m-.-i-- * ¦ - _* . _--CxlJtxo 1 JU _AS-ftVlS AND EASTER-DAY . * T > ni ? M _" x _-vauwj .. By ROBERT BROWNING _, Author of" Paracelsus , " & c . & c . Tnndon rhanman anH Hall nfi Rt _^ _nA _iuonoon . _onapman and Hall , lib , strand .
_tidacvdic map » 7 ivd r « _I _^ 'XVA & JiK . & MAUrAZiliN Jj , lor APRIL , price - 2 s . 6 d .. or by post , 3 s ., contains : — _*• Spanish Literature . 2 . Operatic and other Musical Matters . 3 . Thomas Carlyie and John Howard . 4 . Leaves from the Note-Book of a Naturalist . Part IV . 5 . Unpublished Letters from General Conway to Horace Walpole . 6 . Hilda _d'Ehrenberg . 7 . A Batch of Biogi aphies . 8 . The Peace Campaigns of Ensign Fauncc ( concluded ) . 9 . Recent Hungarian Books . _* 0- Thoughts in Rhyme . By the late John Sterling . _*!• Poor-laws in Ireland . London : John W . Parker , West Strand .
_; _rTTT : _^ „ _*»* P j ? bU A he N _^ J _? ' _%° " _» % e ft- _ffw v < _j I _Zi * \ 1 _£ , r K 1 » U _« a . _i _~* . w » th » n _account of the more distinguished persons who £ S _^ WpSvta _3 ! a _1 _Sin . T O _ulwm' & _ZS _?**" Bv _theTanTTIuthor Tn fcap . 8 vo ., _price _^ _s . clo _^ ( uniform _^ _th the above ) . A SECOND EDITION OF J _^ F _^ U _^^ rlS _OrPgLwnd _ASne _^ _Dofum _^ fs _0 London : _Jackion and Walford , 18 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard . ¦¦ "
; wl ? wqPAP 1 , p .,, _„„ _,: THE _EARLIES 1 NEWSPAPER OFFICE . T 9- Gentlemen , Merchants , Professional and A Commercial Men , Coffee-house-keepers , Publicans , _BeerbpIIpi-b *¦ _# _ Th «» _VARIlli'Q'P _vvwipAPfn _nupirw _ia DYSON'S l 7 _Chiswell-street _Finsburv 7 SLJ from " 31 shn _™ , _liJh \ ' _cm 8 m" - 8 lreet ' _*» _nsbury ( Removed from « _J 1 , _«» All the Dallv Weeklv andothpr w . » , _th ,. _Phonn HdS _*! ftttK _« l _^^^ _^ J _^ _ST Railwa _^ _Ses " ?„» _ofh _^ _SrSducUoVTS ! t _™* " _£ „ ' _fttlK _^ _nnnuid _immnA _. _tiv _S p . ! _SJ « H « n P ie _' _-fral _SSiM o ? t e _fivNe / _ZSriiM _, and Tta « * £ ¦ _DiSpoLl the _evSSj o _^ ancl day aftJr . publicalion 8 . " P D J _^ _fiJsf _"SJf' _^ Je _™ \ l _£ _? S _&? _% _rttoZi £ _& _^ ed _' _w eo _^^ n _^ _eaXr _^^^^ . ; f _ London : Printed by _Koburt Palmier ( of No . 3 , _Chepntow . terrace , in the *> ril V ° S KenMnfton , _MiddJe _. ex ) , _nt the _Ofllco of ltobert . Palmer a » d Jo _»« ph Clayton , No . 10 , Crane-court , _Fleet-ttreet , in the Paruu of St . rjun . tan _^ . thc . _VVe . t . in the City of London _, « _nd publi . _hed hy Jos . ru Clayton , _junr . of and . at the _PubhshinK-ofHee , No . SOS , Strand , in the _FwUhof St . Clement _Danei , in the City of We » tuuu 8 ter _.-BATonDAY . March 30 , 1850 ,
Leader (1850-1860), March 30, 1850, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/ldr_30031850/page/24/