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Faeuamf.Nt. Lords. Attainted Earls Of Pe...
752 ; Grievous oppression of a Lion and a Unicorn , 102 ; Gold colonies , cheering news from , 273 ; Gaika chiefs , the conquered , 487 ; Good sense in bad English , 752 ; Glasgow goblin , 562 ; Gavazzi riot in Quebec , 609 ; Golden age , 1014 ; Gentleman at large in Australia , 1084 ; Greek and the Mahomedan , 1108 ; Goderich for Huddersfield , 316 ; Greys are a-comiug , 315 ; Greenockj Lord John Russell ' s speech at , 915 . Hard times at " Modern times , " 82 ; Harvey , D . W ., Lecture on Labour , 1232 ; How war is conducted in Burmah , 74 ; Homes for unmarried labourers , 78 ; Hamburgh , religious persecution in the free town of , 201 ; Haunted by detectives , G 58 ; Happier homes for the poor , 369 ; Hannay ' s
lectures , 658 ; Horsman for Stroud , 631 ; Husband and wife , 800 ; History of the windB and waves , 799 ; Home for sick ladies , 705 ; " House of Noble Poverty , " 751 ; How the cab act works , GS 3 ; Highland cottiers , 921 ; Hurricane , 848 ; Hotels , foreign and British , 891 ; Heroine worship , 777 ; Hints on law reform , 3 S 5 ; Holyoake testimonial , 513 ; Huddersfield election , 392 ; Hastings and the altar , 656 ; Hudson , Mr- George , called to account , 154 ; Halifax , Sir Charles Wood at , 126 ; How one may live and die in England , 129 ; How the Irish are taught , 822 ; Holmfirth mechanics' institute , 12 S ; Home secretary at home , 844 ; Honour to George Daws on , 776 .
Indian judges , 367 ; Indian news , 609 ; Indian patronage , alleged sale of , 776 , 821 ; Indian wars and Indian justice , 799 ; Irish agriculture , 200 ; Irish exhibition , 4 S 3 ; Irish priests and Italian refugees , 706 ; Irish railway accident , 966 ; Irish tenant-right party , 960 ; Italy , friends of , C ; Italy , foreign troops in , 150 ; Italy , friends of , 511 ; Infanticide in the Punjaub , 1252 ; Indian Government , Manchester on , 292 , 609 ; India , China , and the Cape , 403 ; India , English opinion on , 511 ; India , first railway in , 561 ; India and China , 5 S 3 , S 94 , 943 ; India , suspense of war , 920 ; India , state of , 1252 ; Indian reform , 1251 ; Isaac Wright , wreck of the , 1040 ; Income-tax
and wages , 1181 ; Inarticulate convocation , 797 ; Improvements in printing , S 22 ; Installation of Lord Derby , 556 ; Independence of Turkey , 36 S ; Insurrection at Milan , 147 ; Irish row , 10 S 4 ; " I can ' t think what possessed me to doit , " 322 ; Imperial policy in detail , 250 ; " I won't be a nun , " 706 ; Transatlantic cunning . 870 ; Inquiry into the doings of the ( Derby ) Secretary of the Admiralty , 115 ; Incidents at Spithead , 751 . Johnson , Captain , 50 ; Jamaica news , 1267 ; Journal of railway accidents , 295 , 321 , 315 , 514 , 753 , 802 , 1112 , ' ll 3 G , 1102 , 1181 , 1256 . Kirwan case , 7 ; Kossuth ' s mother , death of , 7 ; Kossuth and the Milan revolt , 178 ,
223 . Lawson Observatory , 945 , 960 ; London University franchise , 273 ; Lords of the Admiralty in Cork , 940 ; Lord Chief Justice and the Popish priest , S 21 ; London sewage , 487 ; Literary Fund dinner , 464 ; Law reform , hints on , 585 ; Loyalty versus lav / , 1182 ; Long chase , 502 ; Lilliputians in London , ( 558 ; "' Liverpool election , 050 ; Lovelorn , 188 ; Louis Blanc ' s lectures on socialism , 77 ; Legend of bill-discounting , 103 ; Loss of the William and Mary , 538 ; Law and literature feasted at the Mansion House , 41 ( 1 ; Labour movement , 152 ; Law of divorce , suggested changes , 294 ; Lost Arab ship , 800 ; Low Church National
Society for JOduwition , 513 ; Law , anarchy in the , 274 . ; Lecture on labour , by D . W . Harvey , 1232 . Milan insurrection , 14-7 , 178 , 223 , 247 ; Meetof workmen in favour of opening the Crystal Palace on Sunday , 126 ; Meeting , on religious equality , at Kells , 127 ; Maurice , dismissal of Professor , 105 S ; Maurice , Professor , 1 110 ; Madiai , 74 . , 127 ; " Modern Times , " hard times at , 32 ; Mexico , extract of a letter from , 7 ; Mercantile and marine education , 4 N 5 ; Mcchi on 1 lie steam-plough , 101 1 ; Melbourne , letter from , 4 S 7 ; Mansion Houses , doings at the , 500 ; Minerva , wreck of the , H 45 ; Mnccall ' s lectures , 513 ; Mormon oratory , <; 57 ; Mciidaeo , story of , 514 ;
Marriages , yomigniid old , 777 ; Manchester opinion on India , 009 ; Metropolitan wants and grievances , I ' d ); Miscarriage of the ( Jiili Act , 7 <)< i ; Murder of Kli / . a Griinwood , H 7 ' 2 ; Mysterious lady , Om : S ; Menschikolf the , missionary , 91 H ; Moldavia , entry of lie Russians ' into , 703 , 990 ; Model dwellings for I lie industrial classes , 2215 ; " Mermaid , " lei ter from the editor of , ; W' 2 ; Mii' / . ' / . ini and Kossuth , authenticity of the proclamation , ' J . ' 1 ' . i ; Milton dinner , ISO ; Mcehi ' . s balance , and how he got it , 1204 ; Manchester on Indian government , 292 , ( 509 ; Murders , 154 , 10 H 7 , 1130 ; Ministers : it the Mansion House , . ' ( 14 ; Meridian , wreck of tins 1151 ; Model farmer oI'Tipt ice Hull , 705 ; Molesworth , dinner to Sir William , : > 14 ; Maine liquor law for England , I 03 S ; " Miles Gloriosus" on Reform , 1207 ; Marine education . 4 S 5 ; Mayors , Prince Albert ' s
speech to the , m IH 4 H , N . Nicaragua and Mosquitia , 225 ; Ninth ol November , K » H 2 ; Newman ' s ( Dr . ) sentence , 127 ; Newman . Queen versus , 202 ; Norton s ( the lion . Mr . ) defence , N 2 I ; Norton s ( Mrs . ) rejoinder , H 17 ; National delcnce new and wonderful shell , 74 ; Nationa Public School Association , 537 ; National Society and the Church catechism , 5 H 4 ; National del ' mees , 74 , 101 , ( 530 ; . Napier , Sir Charles . Jn . me . M , ni : »; Napier to his soldiers , 9 ( i ( i ; Napier and llrqiiliiirt Jit Manchester , 1 I 0 H ; North-west pnssaige , 9 ( 57 ; Northern seas , our Hca . nic . n in the , 990 ; Napoleon's will , IM 1 ; Nation's Meet , 772 ; News from Australia , 705 ; Navy reform , OHO ; No Mar-<| iiisatc , no property , 3 l > : t ; Newdcgalo and Spooner , by 1 hcmsolves , IIH 1 ; New York in six days , 015 ; New lUiilways , ' . (( 19 ; Nice steamer , IKS . 'i ; Newcastle meeting , 120 ( 5 ;
New colonial bishops , 392 ; Norfolk murder , 1136 ; Norwolk worthies—Lieutenant Cresswell , 1062 ; Northern strikes , 1208 ; Niagara , painful scene at , 753 ; New way to dig , 822 . Our own Eastern question , 774 ; Our sanitary condition , 967 , 1011 ; Oxford railway accident , 32 , 55 , 79 ; Oxford University election , 101 ; Oxford as it is , painted by a friend , 513 ; Oxford University reform , 631 ; Oxford tutor ' s report , 1161 ; Obsequies of Protection in Essex , 1011 ; "One more unfortunate , " 658 ; Oddities of the Chinese struggle , 848 ; Opinions on the Eastern question , 942 ; Oath-taking , 53 S ; O'Connor , Fcargus , 309 ; Official corruption of the Derby Government , 321 ; Our sanitary
state , 1061 , 1085 , 1111 , 1135 ; Our statesmen at the City feast , 725 ; Ocean penny postage , 70 G . Protection winds up its affairs , 151 ; Protection , obsequies of , in Essex , 1011 ; Public opinion on the Eastern question , 1010 ; Public education , 1035 ; Palmerston at Perth , 938 ; Palmerston on prayer and fasting , 1034 ; " Poor Brethren" and rich Governors , 1205 ; Poor-law Board , abolition of , 3200 ; Poor , parochial education for , 122 S ; Peace conference , 9 S 7 ; Perkin Warbeck among the fishes , S 21 ; Painful scene at Niagara , 753 ; Perth , Lord Palmerston at , 93 S ; Prorogation of Parliament , 818 ; Protestants in Spain , 847 ; Peter the
Great , political testament of , 608 ; Perjury , 632 ; Proceedings of royal personages , 631 ; Pictures of Australia , 561 ; Paris , a great exhibition in , 4 S 3 ; Palmer , Mr . Roundell , 511 ; Police aspects of English life , 632 ; Practical triumph in Ireland , 404 ; Parental depravity , 370 ; Political testament of Peter the Great , 60 S ; Poor , happier homes for the , 3 G 9 ; Parhelia , 180 ; Pierce ' s , President , first address to his countrymen , 269 ; Porcelain collections and Marlborough-house , 224 ; Progress of association , 77 ; Perjury , prevalence of , 275 ; Police rule , 154 ; Progress of the Anglo-American Alliance , 52 ; Practical use of the spy system , 129 ; Prince Albert ' s speech to the Mayors in 1848 , 1058 ; Prevalence of perjury ,
275 ; Protestant Alliance , 1160 ; Playfair , Dr ., at Sheffield , 105 S ; Poultry show , 55 ; Peace conference at Manchester , 98 ; Palmerston ' s , Lord , regulations for burialgrounds , 1205 ; President ' s Message , 1226 ; Polish Revolution of 1830 , 1159 ; Peace Congress , wind up of the , 124 ; Progress of railway accidents , 250 ; Progress of the Italian question , 247 ; Poverty , feelings of , 1 S 1 ; Peace conference and Lord Aberdeen , 224 . Queen versus Newman , 202 ; Queen and the army , 605 ; Queen in Ireland , 842 ; Queen at the Crystal Palace , 1059 . Railway accidents , 32 , 55 , 79 , 103 , 201 , 250 , 274 , 295 , 321 , 345 , 514 , 753 , 802 , 966 , 1112 , 1136 ,
1102 , 1181 , 1250 ; Railway accidents abroad , 920 , 1184 ; Railway reform , 730 ; Railway in India , 561 ; Russell , Lord John , on secular education , 403 ; Russell ' s , Lord John , speech at Greenock , 915 ; Reform meeting at Manchester , 120 ; Reform of commercial law , 113 ; Religious equality meeting at Kclls , 127 ; Religious persecution in tho free town of Hamburg , 201 ; Religious aspects , 1034 ; Reform of the navy , 080 ; Revenue , 28 , 344 , 051 , 991 ; Roman Catholicism and the progress of science , 152 ; Restaurant , a real , in London , 443 ; Ruge ,
Arnold , 560 ; Rotherhithe seizure—proceedings at Bow-street , 410 ; Russian publications in London , 1159 ; Rotherhithe "Conspiracy , " 5 S 5 ; Russian artist ' s widow , ( 532 ; Russia the civiliser , 963 ; Roebuck on education , 1084 ; Rival yachts , 81 H ; Republican simplicity , 657 ; Reformatory schools , 1228 ; Reform "( Mub debentures , 1039 ; Restitutions at Rochester , 77 ; Railways , new , 969 ; Roebuck at Shollield H 07 ; Romance of the diggings , 201 ; Revolution in China , 420 , 4 S 0 ; Royal Academy dinner , 410 ; Refugee question , 224 ; Respite of James Harbour , r > . Roundell Palmer , 511 ; Rights of
conscience , . Sanitary condition , our , 9 !> 2 ; Sanitary state of the ' nation , 103 S ; Strikes , 1080 , 1112 , 1135 , 1182 , 120 S , 1256 ; Stowe , Mrs . Beecher , in Scotland , 392 ; Stowe , Mrs . at Strill ' ordhouse , 404 ; Statue of Cumr de Lion , 560 ; Social experiments of America-, H 70 ; Sham nobility , 0 S 2 ; Sad story , 294 ; Secular education , " Lord John Russell on , 4 ( 53 ; Secularism , discussion on , 224 ; Spy system , practical use of the , 129 ; ttix-imle-bridgo , 200 ; Seamen ' s strikesil Southampton , 200 ; Sunday reform movement , 293 ; SI allord-house , tacts for , 293 ; Snow , death in the , IH 0 ; State of Asia ,, 1107 ; School fur tenant fanners , 1014 ; Shipwrecks , 993 ; Sanitary
condition , 907 , 1011 ; Slavery in Cuba , 1110 ; Scotch review of the Session , H 07 ; Simony , flH 2 ; Story of a will , 895 ; Shipwreck , shameful carelessness , : t 45 ; Singular conductor a , magistrate , 113 ; Stafford enquiry , 415 ; Soup kitchen , working of the 295 ; Strand accident , 921 ; Society of Arts , 1111 ; Served him right . 032 ; Sunday reform , 393 ; Sewage , London , 4 H 7 ; Spithead , 751 ; St . German ' s , Karl , in Dublin , 129 ; Society ol the Friends of Italy ,. *!; Station ! house , American reply to . f > 3 ; Sledge driving in New York , 103 ; Sabbatarians rebuked , Sandwich
1232 ; State of India , 1252 ; Islands , who is to have the , 1135 ; Stealing u mistress , 1237 ; Spirit-rapping trial , 1250 ; Scottish rights , 1001 ; Shaw , Sir Charles , on the Turkish army , 1059 ; Ntoairi-ploiigli , Mcchion the , 1014 ; Suppression of a strike , 274 ; St . Barnabus , I 1 H 3 ; Sinithllcld club Hhow , I 1 N 2 ; Sacred pigeons . 151 ; Sabbath ami the people , 273 ; Strike , suppression of n , 274 ; Shilling subscription in Jiid of European freedom , 150 ; Stallonl house , another feminine response to , 17 H ; Second address to the Americans against slavery , 512 ; Schoolboys once again , DH 5 ; Spiritual penmanship , " ( 157 ; Spaniwh nlavu-tradei'H , 403 ;
State of Cuba , 344 ; Suspense of war in India , 920 . Table-moving in Vienna , 894 ; Table-moving , more about , 442 ; Times , Palmerston , and Kossuth , 365 ; Times calumnies , 1133 ; Two Richards in the field , 370 ; Turkey and Russia , 1180 ; Tenant farmers , school for , 1014 ; Tranquil appearances at tho Cape , 319 ; Trade , gold , and corn , 8 ; Taxes on knowledge , 9 ; Trial of the Boomerang propeller , 394 ; Tithe litigation in London *; " 344 ; Testimony of a traveller in Italy , 1207 ; Tempter and the theif , 609 ; Testimonial to Kossuth , 439 ; The parson ' s , hand jn the labourer ' s pocket , 706 ; Tiptree-hall , model farmer of . 705 ; Tithe , claim for , in
Whitechapcl , 12 S ; Troops for the Mediterranean , 1206 ; Thames improvement , 1084 . "Uncle Tom" address , 292 ; University reform , 1181 . Victoria , wreck of the , 180 , 202 ; Von Beck affair again , 752 ; Very rough diamond , 202 . Wages movement , 406 , 486 : Wages , 514 , 562 , 585 , 009 , ( 5 S 2 , 1339 , 1061 ; Who invented the electric telegraph P 562 ; Workmen and wages , 632 , 657 , 082 , 707 , 731 , 752 ; Wondrous tale of " Smith , " 770 ; Working classes , 801 , 822 , 848 , S 72 , S 95 , 921 , 967 , 992 ; Will , story of a , 893 ; Wood , Sir Charles , at Halifax , 126 ; Woman ' s influence on politics , 152 ; Windsor Castle , fire at , 295 ; Wcsleyan reform , 872 ; Working man ' s country party , 485 ; William and Mary , loss of , 588 ; white
slaves of the west end , 321 ; Wellington monument in Somersetshire , 24 S ; Weather , the , ISO ; Whitcchapel , claim for tithe in , 128 ; Wreck of the Meridian , 1154 ; Wifebeating mania , 1136 ; Wreck of the Victoria , 180 , 202 ; Washington , "Mr . " 1134 ; Wicked wife , 6 S 3 ; War in Burmah , 150 , 200 ; Ward , F . O ., on the prcventability of epidemic cattle disease , 1253 ; Who is to have the Sandwich Islands , 1135 ; Wigan riots , 1062 ; Westminster Freehold Land Society , 1111 ; Wreck of the Dalhousie , 1003 ; Wife , a , 940 ; Wellington monument in Somersetshire , 1014 ; Working classes , 1015 . Yacht race , 800 ; Yankee challenge , 249 ; Young Ireland in London , 584 ; Yellow fever at New Orleans , S 72 ; Yacht , American citizen's , 501 .
MISCELLANEOUS . Adam , sudden death of General Sir Frederick , 803 ; Aaron ' s rod , found in the Thames , 874 ; Alderson . Baron , and the cabman , 633 ; Assault by a refugee , 708 ; Acapuloo , earthquake at , 80 ; Aztecs , 874 , 923 ; Acton murder , 1233 , 1257 ; Antiquarian discovery in Aldgate , 155 ; Accidental hanging , 104 ; Arctic search , 155 , 205 ; Agricultural dinners , 922 ; Accident to Lord Auckland , 34 ; Attack on a gaoler , 1209 ; Alerassant v- Moysey , 1233 ; Anti-State-Church Association , 993 ; Apsley-house , 103 ; Ashton-under-Lymc , disturbances at , 104 ; Aguila ' s concert , 444 ; Argo , the , 991 ; Australian , the , 227 . 251 , 275 ; Abduction ,
251 ; Agamemnon , sickness on board the , 323 ; Absconding debtors , 251 ; Accidental deaths , 104 , 1 S 2 , 203 , 824 , 947 Baths and wash-houses at Islington , 80 ; in Endell-strcct , 010 ; Banquet of the General Screw Company , at Southampton , 57 ; Bacton murder , 4 ( 5 ( 5 , 504 ; Bower , trial of Mr ., 10 ; Barnstaplo commission , S 73 ; Buenos Ayres , government of , 181 ; Bloomer , Mrs ., 1257 ; British and Foreign Bible Society , 251 ; Bannow-bar shipwreck , 34 ; Birmingham ia . il cruelties , 054 ; Boiler explosion , 4 ( 50 ; Bridgewater case , 011 ; Belfast , death of the Karl of , 202 ; Burglaries , 1209 ;
breach of promise , 1113 ; Boomerang pro peller , 994 ; Bellot , monument to , 1005 ; Bantry , murder , ( ill ; Brutalities to females , ' , 340 , 421 , 539 , 059 , OS I , 70 S , 874 , 101 ( 5 ; Hoard of Trade officials , 155 ; Jirodericlc , burning of the , 131 ; British Association at Hull , 873 ; Bridge-house Committee , 395 ; Budget meetings , 421 ; Buckingham , Silk , on India , 420 ; Butler v . Oliviera , 155 ; Bouverie , retirement of Colonel , 103 ; jiuihln ' : on cab regulations , 104 ; Burning a child , 101 ; Balloon accident , 824 ; Braintree church-rate ; system , H 97 ; Broken window in the rue de la Bourse ; ,
57 . Chobhatn , 121 , 538 , fiOl ; Coast fortifications . 1233 ; Cholera , 1233 ; Collisions , preventives against , 539 ; Compositors' wages movement , 778 ; Carrier ' s dog , 57 ; Conservative Land Society ' s ballot , 57 ; Cottie , death of , 503 ; Clapliam , abortion caso , 41 ) 0 ; Cheltenham Grammar School , alleged excessive correction , 1209 ; Chess match between Kngland and Franco , 1041 ; Cabinet-work at Marlhorough-liouse , 4 ( 5 ( 5 ; Cronstadt , lire at , 322 ; Colliery explosions , 575 , 415 ; Consumption , cure for , H 50 ; Chambers , Dr . K . ichard , death of , ; t 70 ; Children attacked by a rat , N 24 ; Church rates , H 90 ; City Hospice , ,- i 70 ; Colonial and international postage , 395 ; Conspiracy to defame the character of a surgeon , 1 H 2 ; Clerical railway defaulter , 155 ; Convicts , employment of , " 1 Ml ; Cl mil trey ' s grave , IU 0 ;
Coast fortifications , 130 ; Churchyard atSt , John's Wood , 130 '; Christopherat Lincoln , 130 ; Cab fares , 104 ; Clayton and Bulvvei treaty , 104 ; Coventry Labourer ' s Friend Society , 10 , 34 ; Chaplin , Rev . Kdward , accidental death of , 104 ; Colliery explosion , 033 ; Compensation to a passenger by the Melbourne , ( 533 ; Christmas show , 1209 ; Clill' , fall of , at ) Dover , HO ; Clauss , Mdllo ., 0 N 4 ; Creinorno , 824 ; Charge of the Bishop of Durham , 779 ; CentinariaiiH , 203 ; Coiners , 10 ; Catherine I laves at San l '' rancisco , r > 7 . > ennian , illness of Lord , (> 7 ; Dumas , and "Hail , Columbia , " 1234 ; " Digger" among thieves , ( ill ; Drowning * . 5 H 7 ; Derby Silk Mills burnt , down , OHli ; liHviug apparatus for the Russian frigate /' atlas , f > 7 ; Dalton , the chemist , statue to , 103 ; Devon volunteer ride battalion , i ;> 6 ; Damages for t he bite of a dog , 227 ; Doncaster Church . 323 ; Derby
bribery , 275 ; Dress of President Pierce , 296 Dog-stealing , 421 , 444 ; Dirty method of extorting alms , 421 ; Drainage of the Thames marshes , 1065 ; Department of Practical Art , 99 * ; Dorset elopement , 155 ; Dover beach , 34 ; Decimal coinage , 897-Douceurs for situations , 708 ; Dublin Exhibition , 515 ; Daylesford , 850 ; Diamond from Ophir , 57 , , Emigration dep 6 t at Southampton , 80 ; Emigration , 180 , 181 ; Early closing movement , 226 ; Eclectic debating Society , 155 ; Electric Telegraph at tho Houses of Parliament ,, 421 ; Economic Freehold Land Association , ISO ; Eton College , head mastership of , 103 ; Elliot , Ebenezer , monument to , 103 ; Etna , eruption of , 57 ; Exeter diocese , county meeting , 104 ; Enormous chimney near Warrington , 34 ; Ex-Royal refugees , 659 ; Entrance fees to clubs , 488 ; Explosion of a locomotive , 104 ;
Earthquake in Panama , 80 ; Elections , 659 , 824 , 874 , 968 , 1113 , 1137 , 1163 ; Execution of Saunders at Chelmsford , 323 ; of Sparkes , at Exeter , 346 ; of Dobson , at York , 370 . Female emigration , 104 , 448 ; Female cricket match , 708 ; Fifth of November at Exeter , 1088 ; Floods in the south of Ireland , 1065 ; Forgery on Earl Jermyn , 370 ; Fraud on Mr . B . Webster , 203 ; Funeral car of the Duke , 130 ; French steamer off Berwick , 130 ; Friday , and the Melbourne steamer , 80 ; Free Library at Hampstead 104 ; Frances Wright , death of , 57 ; Filopanti's lectures , 564 ; Fleet of merchantmen wind-bound , 80 ; Frankfort , Lord , 155 ; Frigates for the French Government , 80 ; Fleet at Spithead , 823 ; Floods , 1233 ; Fires , Pembroke Dockyard , 104 ; Wilton Abbey , 131 ; St . Hilary Church , Cornwall , 323 ; Doncaster Church , 323 564 ; Derby , 684 , 708 , 803 ; Scott Russell's ship-yard ,
897 . Grant , Robert , testimonial to , 181 ; Glasgow shipments to Australia , 130 ; Geology , Museum of Practical , 104 ; Godwin , recal of General , 80 ; Goldner ' s preserved meats , 130 ; Gutta percha factory burnt down , 564 ; Gale in the Mersey , 227 ; Greenfield , Elizabeth , at Stafford House , 444 ; Gavazzi riot , 731 ; Granville , accident to Earl , 57 ; Genoa , Duke of , 563 ; Giraffe parturition , 421 ; Glen Tilt , 296 ; Goods by railways , 1209 ; Goodwood Races , 755 ; Greene , Baron , resignation of , 731 ; Garrotte robberies , 203 , 296 , 684 , 1185 ; Gas explosion at Bootle , 708 ; Grinnell Arctic expedition , 131 ; Gibralter and the Spanish Government , 1233 . Hudson , 708 ; Hudson , York and North
Midland Railway Company , versus , 80 ; Hannay ' s lectures , 444 , 684 ; Howitt in Australia , 130 ; Hamesacken , 587 ; Herrings from Norway , 131 ; Herts Agricultural Association , 922 ; Halifax constituency , 103 ; Hampstead Free Library , 104 ; Hobbs and the lock controversy , 684 ; Highland School Society , 488 ; Holyrood , 874 ; Horrible death , 850 ; Her Majesty ' s Theatre , 181 ; Holyoake's lectures at Holmforth , 1016 ; Hanover , King of , 659 . Infanticide , 611 , 296 ; Ilford murder , 226 ; Industrial School at Birmingham , 103 ; Isle of Wight Savings'Bank frauds , 445 ; Intimidation of workmen , 116-1 . Jullicn at New York , 850 , 923 ; Johnson , " Captain , " 104 ; Jardin des Plantes , 57 ;
Jewish orphans , 46 G ; Juvenile delinquency , 1113 . Kalfirland , surprises in , 57 ; Kossta affair , 9 ( i 9 ; Kirwan ' s reprieve , 10 . Louis Napoleon's bride-cake , 101 ; Lafpnt , robbery at the lodings of , 421 ; Legal verbiage , 708 ; Liverpool fire , 4 H 9 ; Londonderry , Marquis of , and Moore ' s Diary , 515 ; Letter-carriers at Birmingham , 181 ; Leicester gaol inquiry , 993 ; Lawson observatory , 874 . Murders , 10 , 104 , 182 , 203 , 220 , by a lunatic , 227 , 275 , 4 ) 5 , 407 , 504 , ( ill , 1233 , 1257 ; Murderous assaults , 203 , 510 , OH-t , 755 , 1209 ; Manchester on Indian affairs , 39-1 ; Miracle at Bari , 395 ; Mormon tragedian and his critic , 370 ; Miss Sellon , 1202 ; Manchester ,
murder at , 104 ; Morris Moore , 994 ; JMarylobone workhouse , charges against , 1185 ; Ma yno . oth commission , 994 , 1010 ; Malt-tax meeting , 57 ; Manning , Itev . Mr . 103 ; Manslaughter , 251 , 445 , 504 , 1209 ; Metropolitan and Joint Stock Brewery , 182 : Metcalf v . Parker , 29 ( 5 ; Marlborough-house , 80 ; Methodist squabbles , 7 () H ; Muiiry , Lieutenant , 779 ; Milwall , tire at , H 97 ; Marco l ' olo , the , Hl ) 7 ; Milton Club , 155 ; Murder ami suicide at Poplar , ( ill ; JVIasson , Professor , inauguration of , HO ; Metropolitan Improvements , 708 ; Museum of Practical Geology , 104 ; Marine convulsion , 155 . Northern LighthouHes , 823 ; Nursing Sisters ' Hospital , 7 . 'J 1 ; Norton Case , K 74 , 92 b ; National Education Board , 010 ; Naphtha
Explosion , 947 ; Negro College ; , 010 ; Nuisance Removal Act , 922 ; Newspaper-tax , 1 ( 5 ( 5 ; New Forest murder , 10 ; New Natioiuil Gallery , 251 ; Nasniyth ' s ( loating mortar , 34 ; National Club and Mr . I ' ercival , 130 ; Nelson v . Attwood , Oil ; Narrow escape from a caged tiger , 34 ; Nuggets , 488 ; NewNpaper stealing , 510 ; Nugget of 340 ounces by the Marco Polo , 9 , Outrages in railway carriages , 104 , 340 ; Out ratfc on a Protestant Clnireh I i : w ; Oxford Karl of , death of , 103 ; Odd marriage at Wn . 1 brook , 57 ; O'Connor , Foargus , 202 ;
Obelisk at tho Crystal Palace , 155 ; Occupation of Itonie , 130 ; Onsknv , Marl of , and the National Gallery , 1010 . Piorco , election of , 57 ; Phillips , accident to Mr . Commissioner , 538 ; I ' arratt ' s life-raft , I 0 H 8 ; Poaching and violent attack , 275 ; Provostuhip of Eton . Dr . llautroy ' s election , 57 ; Pale-ale , rise in price of , 1041 ; Pitt v . KortoNcuo , 375 ; " Pig" ( tailing case at tlie Middlesex Sessions , ' 251 ; Paxhill fostivitioH , , 'J 22 ; Postman lit Osbornc . I ' M ; Preserved meats , 130 ; Panr / zi anti the publishers , 104 ; Panama , fever on board the , H () ; Purauit of marriage- under tlilll-
Iv Index To Vol. Iv.
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1853, page iv, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/scld_01011853/page/4/