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¦71* THE LEADER. TNem ^
XT a vat A-\rr» tvttt tt atjv JNAVAJj AJ...
_ . VOLliNlMU tOKla. a ¦ PREinmcARY meet...
— GENERAL HOME NPWS. ¦¦> *¦& wo.-Lords J...
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J Uy Police A^"D Casuaxitifs *. ' : ' .....
txe described as of a high order . This person was taken before the Lord Mayor , and remanded on a ihargeof forging , and uttering a bill of exchange for 5001 ., ' purporting . to be accepted by Messrs . P . W . Flower and Go ., of Princes-street , with intent to defraud the London Discount Company , who are the prosecutors . Other bills , believed to be fictitious , acre held by this company , but the amount , as far as ' can yet be ascertained , is only moderate . The loss -will be further reduced by the proceeds of property seized by the company yesterday . At least one other discount establishment is involved , but is un- derstood to be covered to a considerable extent , There is a rumour that the total amount of the forgeries is not less than 20 , 000 _Z . The wretched woman , Hannah Foster , who at _Oldbury murdered her son and afterwards cut her own throat with a razor , is still alive , and with a possibility of ultimate recovery . On Monday the inquest on the body of the cliild was brought to a close , the jury returning a verdicls of insanity as regards the mother at the time she committed the act . A barbarous outrage and murder has been perpe- trated at Tipton , in Staffordshire . The victim is a young woman , not yet identified , but supposed to have belonged to Birmingham , whose body was found floating in the canal with marks of hideous ill- treatment . Three men are in custody supx > osed to be implicated in the foul deed . : . The ship Southampton , from London , . with 200 passengers , ran into and sank the Norwegian schooner Emmanuel , on Tuesday morning , off Start Point . . The weather ' was very tliick . The ¦ shi p ,, which was under all canvas , came down before the wind , and with , her bowsprit carried away the schooner ' s main- mast , arid knocked in four or five planks . The captain and crew scrambled on board the South- ainpton , which proceeded on her voyage after des- patching the Norwegians to Plymouth . After a number of adjournments the inquiry into the fatal accident at the Westminster Palace Hotel , involving the loss of seven lives , has been brought to a close . The result of the tests applied to prove" the strength of some of the timber was stated , although it did not appear to throw much light upon the cause of the catastrophe . Ultimately , a verdict was returned of " Accidental Death , " the jury expressing their inability to determine with ' whorn the blame lay . ¦ "
¦71* The Leader. Tnem ^
¦ 71 * THE LEADER . _TNem _^
Xt A Vat A-\Rr» Tvttt Tt Atjv Jnavajj Aj...
XT a vat _A- _\ rr _» _tvttt tt atjv JNAVAJj _AJNJJ JMlLillAJix . _Thts JVeio York journal of Commerce states that large orders were received from England for firearms . It says also that the rifled musket of the United States army is quite equal to the Minie or the Enfield . The same journal describes a couple of monster guns in process of construction — one for the United States Government , the other for the new Russian frigate General Admiral . The gun conforms in some degree to the description recently given in English pa- pers of the 'Armstrong' gun . It has arifled bore of a diameter capable of receiving a 4-lb . . ball , but the missile here employedis so elongated that the weight of metal is increased to 13 lb . The rear section or base is composed of lead , presenting a concave surface to the cartridge ' , with the view of its being forced into the grooves by the expansion of the pow- der behind it , _tluis preventing loss of explosive power by windage . A prominent object in the experiments made was to ascertain the effect of increasing the number of grooves . The remarkable accuracy finally obtained is shown by the fact that three balls were thrown through the same perforation , with only a trifling variation , at the distance of half a mile , The seamen of _^ he royal navy in the Moditer- ranean fleet are now being taught the use of tho rifle . Naval ofiicers have been sent to the military camp at St . George ' s Bay , and soldier instructors have been sent to the different ships Government are _sparing no nains in _making our _defeacOT more able to rosfst _invaSoi At G & iSX" andMpSJtSSSth so _^ t _w tiS _? S _^ ittoS ? £ S defence that one wuW iS _w _bmT 2 ? w 5 htv _^ _wlidSdarSd ai _« a _« rtV . « _t / rf ™ , c _^ a * _i f _+ _i .. v , i a A * 1 1 tt _, f r « T e _, ufl ° _ifT tat tho- whole Austrian army in the flold is now armed with a S fl SM TH ' _1 lth 0 ya 8 Wc ? J _?^ a a 8 n _7 q i ? the _SS _^ _hSi _?! 8 ] S _f fi _? S _l 1 _«"« Ji _f " _SfaMK _6 *? , _^ mo ! t n _?? * _SLm _\ a slmi ? G f a ? that sold by Colonel Colt with his revolvers , pointed in front , solid , flat behind , and with one annular hollow round it near the back . It is made to fill tho _grooves in the barrel by being forced . with tho ramrod _«* nio _* L Pioc _^ of steel projecting about an inch and _arquarter up the barrel from the breech ond , what S 8 h « fiS 2 _iJ Sft i la f \ T' « «? hfl _JUgfrS ar _° am 0 d with a heavy , short rifle , _ofithe _eamo bore . , - Another addition was made to tho British navy on Saturday afternoon , by the launch from Deptford _JOookyard . of the 26-gun sorew frigate Aradino , in tho _preaenco of many thousands of spectators . Tho
Xt A Vat A-\Rr» Tvttt Tt Atjv Jnavajj Aj...
Ariadne afterwards proceeded to Woolwich , to receive her machinery . Patrick Ford , ordinary seaman of the Doris , who was sentenced by court-martial to receive thirty-six lashes and six months' imprisonment for deserting from that vessel on the 22 nd ultimo , was taken on . board on Wednesday morning to receive the corporal punishment . After twelve lashes had been given the man fainted , and was ordered to be removed , The remaining portion of the punishment of the lash was remitted . On Wednesday morning the Queen distributed the Victoria Cross to Commander Young , Com- mander Salmon , Lieut .-Col . Sir H . M . Havelock , and several private soldiers , for gallant deeds performed in India . Madrid journals state that it has been discovered that the defences at Gibraltar cannot resist modern artillery ; and that the English are making extra- ordinary efforts in constructing new batteries and repairing the old . Incalculable quantities of war material have been collected , and a new battery , called Queen "Victoria ' s , now in course of construe- tion , was to be armed with thirty Armstrong guns of monstrous size . A review took place at Wormwood Scrubs yester- day morning at half-past 10 o ' clock . The 2 ndRegt . of Life Guards , the Royal Horse Guards ( Blue ) , the 15 th Hussars , and a battery of Royal Horse Artillery were ordered to take the field . The troops were commanded by the Earl of Cardigan . _;
_ . Vollinlmu Tokla. A ¦ Preinmcary Meet...
__ . _VOLliNlMU _tOKla . a ¦ _PREinmcARY meeting" of the inhabitants of St . George's , Hanover square , was held on Saturday evening , and was addressed by General Evans and Sir H . Seymour , the former of whom said he was one of those who , when a movement of this character was made a few years ago , endeavoured to support it in the House of Commons , and it was then pooh- poohed by the Government . The second circular issited by the present Government was an improve- ment on the first , which was encumbered with various restrictions His opinion was that there had not been so . important and so menacing a con- juncture as the present for the past half-century , and therefore he felt much gratified at the present defensive movement . Sir . H . Seymour agreed with Sir George Evans , that if the signs of the times merited credence , they stood on the brink of one of tne greatesfc crises the world had known in modern times . The more they exercised their judgment , and the less they gave way to feeling at this time , the better it would be . The object of this meeting he believed to be perfectly legitimate . In their own houses they secured the doors with good bolts and locks , and policemen patrolled the streets . All he wished was , that they should take the same care for the protection of this dear little island as they each took for their own . streets and dwellings . A large number of persons registered their names for the corps . A meeting has been held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , for the purpose of promoting the for- niation of a corps of respectable young men in humble circumstances ; and resolutions were adopted , de- daring the satisfaction of the meeting at the prompt response made throughout the country to _tlio call of the Government , anil expressing also the conviction of the meeting that funds supplied by the wealthy and middle classes might bo advantageously employed in enabling respectable young men and educated mechanics to acquire skill in rifle practice . A com- rnittee was appointed , and the proceedings termi- nated . Tho Hon . Colonel Scott , lato of tho Scots Fusilier Guards , a Crimean officer , has accepted t lie colonelcy of the Birmingham volunteer riflo corps . A meeting of tlie deputy-lieutenants of the county ° f Middlesex waa held on Wednesday , at which Lord Salisbury , as Lord-Lioufenant , presided , to eonstdor what stops should bq taken towards the formation of rifle corps in Middlesex . A resolution ¦ WM 0 Rfftad to tlM _^ thft _* _t' 18 _deputy-lieutonants should fonn thomsolves into committees in the several divisions in which they reside in tho county to organise the formation of a riflo corps in each loCftlUy ; _a _AmoHJFthe numerous meetings in tho country we _wayrnlirtion ono at Brtdportf where tho sum of 700 _i . was _svibacrlbod for tlte use of the corns . At Chelrosfora the volunteers _expresHod an opinion that Government ought to _suppV their arms , Tho townsmen of Derby will find any sum that is re- quirod in their _cHatrict . At Edinburgh the Uni- verslty , the Faculty of Advocates , and various other bodIe 8 hrfvq cone forvvard at ono meeting 6501 . Wfts _a _^ sorlbed . A _preliminary meeting at Yar- mouth resulted 'in a aubacriptfon of 3001 . for tho flrafc expenses . At _Tynemouth , rifle and artillery voluntoers drill twice a week . Tho Lord Mayor of York prealded at a meeting of his follow _cltiaons } and demonstrations have boon made in favour of tho
_ . Vollinlmu Tokla. A ¦ Preinmcary Meet...
patriotic cause at Newcastle , Roinford W « h r and _Wolverliampton . ' vvlSDecn >
— General Home Npws. ¦¦> *¦& Wo.-Lords J...
— GENERAL HOME NPWS . ¦¦> _*¦& wo .-Lords John Russell on Church _Buildivp At the meeting- of the City auxiliary to the London Mission , held on Saturday ; Lord John Russell whrt presided , delivered a speech . He advocated greater simplicity in the erection of places of worship as a means of attracting the poor . Mketiso op tjih Liberal Paktt . A private meetiug of the members of the opposition took place on Monday at Willis's Rooms , at which 268 gentlemen , representing every section and shade of Liberal opinion , were present . The resolution arrived at was to support an amendment to the Address , and an agreement was come to as to the line of policy and course to be adopted with _regard to the _Government . There were , however , three dissentient _^ , Messrs . Horsman , Lindsay , and Roebuck . Tl : je latter declared that he felt no ' confidence in the sudden change which had taken place in the relations between Lord Palmerston and Lord John Russell . lie remindedthe meeting that this country _, had both commenced and ended the war with Russia at the instigation of France , and declared his absolute want « f confidence in Lord Palmerston , who had already , he said , forfeited the confidence of the country hy truckling to that Power . State of the Thames .- —At a meeting of the City Commissioners of Sewers , on Tuesday , the present state of the Thames was brought under consideration . The water of the river is now in a high state of putrefaction ; in fact , during the last fortnight the same kind of gases have been evolved from it as . during the summer of last year . Dr . ? Letheby fears that it is but an earnest of what may be expected during the months of July and August , and it shows the necessity for immediate sanitary precautions , Sir Thomas _Picton . —On Wednesday morning the remains of the deceased hero were removed from . Bays ' water to their final earthly resting-place in _S-t _* Paul ' s . A long line of carriagesfollowed theeorpse , in some of which were distinguished officers of rank in the service , many of' them the companions in arms of the general . The carriage of the Commanderin-Chief , _liis Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge , headed the procession . Some time _Avas taken up in removing the coffin from the gun-carriage , and bearing it up the steps on the south side into the cathedral . It was there met by the Very Heverend the Dean Milman , Archdeacon Hale , the Rev . W . _Murrify , and several other prebendaries and minor canons , who preceded the body to the crypt , where a vault had been constructed for its reception not far from the _tornb of-Wellington _, Public Health . —The deaths in the metropolis last week fell below a thousand , viz ., to 998 , a number 78 less than the average . The deaths from scarlatina and diphtheria have considerably declined , and the health of 1 the metropolis may be _considered to bo in a very satisfactory state , notwithstanding the _offensive ¦ effluvia that the Thames is again giving forth . Dr . ' Letheby also reports very favourably of the health of the City . Hie total births in the metropolis for the week were 1 , 593 . Meeting of Roman _Catholics . — On Wednesday afternoon a meeting of persons professing the Roman Catholic faitli was held at St . James ' s Hall for the purpose of impressing upon the Governmenfc the necessity of granting them the privilege ot chaplains in workhouses and prisons . "Tho lion _, Charles _Langdalo was called to the chair , and there were on the platform Mr . _M'Caun , M . P ., Mr . 1 . U . Wegg Prossor , lato M . P _., Mr . Bowyer , Ai . l ., iJ | r . Manning , Mr . R , Swift , the Hon . _Mi \ btcmor , _jvir . H . W . Wilberforce , Mr . Bagshaw , Q . C ., t np vcrj Rev . E . _Hearno , V . G ., tho Rev . Canon <) Noni _, v . u _., Canon Oakley , & c , & c . The "Bishop of Bjrnnngham " wrote to say that the Catholics would never bo content until tfioy vow placed upon an absolute equality with their _feUow-eountrynum n tho mi- _, disturbed oxorcise of religion . _llesolutions in accordance with tho object of tho mooting were agreed to . , „ , Bast India Company . —Tho _general court culeJ for Wednesday having boon " counted out , " nine proprietors have sent in a requisition , in accordance with which another court will bo hold on the l ? tl instant , " for all tho purposes for which tho mooting of this day was called . " Ono of tho motions to be brought forward has reference to tho " advisability o . making application to Parliament for tho redemption of tlio til vidend on tho company ' s stock _betoro the right toolalm such rodomption from l »» _irllumont shall expire op the 1 st September next . „ _.,,,., _LoyiH _KosauTu _. _—It is said that M . Kossuth I _jn _* 1 loft Knglftiul , and that he has hail an Interview with M . do _Pornlgny , tho French Anibagmuior . bonit ' 300 _Hungarians hrtvo returned from _Amorlco _, nmi will follow him to Italy .
Leader (1850-1860), June 11, 1859, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/sldr_11061859/page/6/