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4 Supplement to the Leader ana 1 Sat<unl...
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Ber Of Witnesses Were Examined, Not A Si...
attract mountebank seekers , wlio have alxvnys a keen eye to get ample valuefor their penny . According to the tabulated statement included in pp . 121-and 125 of the pamphlet , it appears that during the six . months ending the 31 st J > ecenil > er last , the Svliole amount of premiums received by the first attempt at " Consols Insurance" amounted to only £ 757 0 s . 2 d . Amove remarkable instance of unmistakable failure in the promulgation of any Assurance scheme , of the same ambitious - . pretensions , cannot be adduced . In consideration of this small sum the Association is under a contingent liability of as much ns £ 25 , 0 . 85 Is " , od . Now , if we suppose that , owing to the ' limited number of SI- lives at risk , any severe mortality should occur , such as has repeatedly happened amongst other small numbers of lh'es where similar risks were pending , ¦ w hence are to be derived the funds to discharge the claims , unless recourse be had to borrowing ? And hence the importation of all the worst possible evils of Assurance institutions which heedlessl y start with little or no guarantee capital to protect the Assured in their early stages . . There are , in this world , some men so ; -. extraordinary , possessing accomplishments so unique and mysterious , that , in defiance of soiuid financial laws , they will sustain and carry through weak institutions , and even so invigorate those that are involved that they speedily become beacons and guiding stars to all aspirants to fame and distinction . It would be rash in any ordinary mortal to -predict' with confidence , How far the objections which may be . Urged" against the weak financial condition of the ' . " Consols Insurance Association" at the . period of being launched , was compensated for . by the surpassing abilities of . the staff . The . ' . managing '¦ director has tried his hand in half-a-dozen previously established companies , -but with what success we do not venturo to determine ; but it- would be interesting and curious to . many to know what proportion of his former supporters still repose confidence in his leadership . Two-thirds of the advertised directors . aie , according to the Pott May ( tzlne Almanac , also Directors of other Companies , but not of those with which lie washimself formerly associated . They are lion ever undoubtedly highly respectable and ¦ responsible , ' arid-no mistake could be greater or more reprehensible than to suppose that these men were , as is sometimes the case , mere guinea parasites , sucking the vitals of the Association . The Actuary , as all others are , is of course a harmless and inoffensive person , who is exempted ; : from all responsibility as to the issue of the adventure ; protected under the same shield which shelters the barrister , he gives only opinions . To quarrel , therefore , with the opinion of an actuary would be a downright absurdity , because no one knows the groundwork of it but himself ; and ' as the medical man can at all times plead justifiable homicide by misadventure , so can the actuary lav equal claim tppvoteetion from acknowledged inexperience and want of data in an empirical craft Avhich is only asyet a candidate for admission to scientific distinction . " We find , however , that the actuary . of this , laudable scheme has suffered injustice at our hands— -of course unintentionally—in tlicpreceding remarks , for there has since been pointed out tons the important part which he played in the " Pemale Endowment Society , " by which he and the present solicitor of the " Consols Insurance Association" threatened to set the Thames on fire , but , somehow or other , didn't or 'couldn ' t , or wouldn ' t ; and by a most unaccountable and unexplained accident the name of this Amazonian , heroine in Assurance warfare nowhere appears in the narrative of this discriminating and impartial pamphlet . The remarkable modosty which therein shows itself in studiously keeping the Assurance adventures of its auth or's in the baekgvound , is certainly highly commendable ; and it is , therefore , to Ihi dcwply regretted and ever to bp remembered that . lloyal notions 6 f the value of self-abnegation are , in this country , at so 1 )\ v tin ebb , as to mako nothing short of-positive excellence worthy of the award of a Victoria nwdul . To use the choice term employed in ' their own morcenux already referred to , we have here si whole " biitph" of novelties palmed on our confiding simplicity , - as being the real Simon-1 ' ures of everything which , in this bold nnd ndventurous world , can lay claim to the smallest modicum of Assurance For this let us be thnukful , and at the same time not overlook in this or in any other like project , however plausible , the imperative necessity of the existence ) of those guarantee !? , so Ossentinl to success ' in every now wooer of our t ' tivours , am amply paid up capital , nnd skilful tuul proved officials . All experienced members of tho eoinnu'rcinl world must know thnt mo Lift ) Assurance scheme over proved successful which was ushered into existence under n flaunty display of banners , nnd with such n noisy flourish of drums and trumpets , Let all wlio . euro for sound digestion rHVniu from nulls and souKUets , wliothor tho rennet bo gastronomic oi financial .
4 Supplement To The Leader Ana 1 Sat<Unl...
4 Supplement to the Leader ana Sat < unlai / Analyst . [ April 14 , 1860 .
I He Le Abe Ii & Saturday An Alyst A Rkviewanj) Record Of Pomtic.Aii, Mtb-Kauv, Autistic, And Social Kvf.Nts. I'Liee Fivepeiiee; Stamped, Sixpetire.
CONTEXTS of No . 521 ( New Series No . 11 ) , AFRIE 7 , 18 G 0 : Conflicts nnd Compromises in the Cabinet . An Outlook Abroad . The liusiness or rariiameut . The Revenue— National Progress . 2 > eipho 3 at Fault . The Treaty between Spain and Morocco . Social . Shadows . The Fate of the Independent Member . Itise in Discount Philosophy on ristienlT-i . f ? afc Fuveitinisnts .. North Africa . Ifecent Tales . The Princes of Wales . Pluto ' s Pink-bus . The Papal Ideal Miscellaneous Books . Serial ? . Americanisms . Foreign Correspomlonee : ^ Home— Turin—Hanover . Uecord of the Week Entertainments . Parliament . London—Published at No . 18 , Catiierihe-street , Strand , W . C .
Just Published , Second Edition , price £ 6 10 s . per 1000 copies , A n Essay oil Life Assurance : Being a ¦ I'L Popular Kxposition of the suliject , anil a Plea for Its more General Adoption * By H . W . POHTKK , 1 $ . A .- » Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries and of ilio Statistical Society . . . - ' _ . Jntcudocl for Distribution by the Agents of T-ile . Assurance Companies . ' Tho object the Author has ' lind in view in this Kssay has hi-cn to-illustrate- ' ¦ ponuliir . manner the principles upon which J , ife Assurance depends ; aiid while lie his carelully abstained from advocating the claims of any particular class of ¦' Coinuanits—Indeed , from the mchtioi oftliu name of any one office—he h : is '¦ endeavoured to show the iinpoit-ince 61 the subject to that targe portion , of the community whose incomes are terminable . with tlieir lives . " — f ' rejnce . " lii this Kssav Mr ;' Porter points out the K""at sirirauta es to be derived from the i ' . riot ire of ' fii ' fe -Assurance ; toiiches brielly upon the principles on which that hract' -ce ' --U founded , ¦ describes the nature of the several institutions established lor tlie hwtraiu-e of lives , anil some of the various modes iu , wliich contracts of insiirime are framed , combats successfully ttrtaiu false ami very prevalent n . lions with regard to the system it ' seif . ii ' ii ' d concludes with such forcible observations as to the desirabli'iicss of persons' in- ordinary circmrista-rces . resorting to it , as must , u-e should think , have considerable Influence , upon any reader of them . AVe have " ood reason to believe that there are several cUssr ? ol our viist population by which this ' Kssiiy would be read wltti advanta «! o . ' - ^ . * s «/^« ce Magasive ^ "Mr II W Portcrr , 15 . A ., hus published , Uiroufih C . « c h . Layton , a faecontl Fditloiiot " An Fssav on Lite Asstuitme , ' in which ihe importance and necessity ; of Lire Assurance , together with its principle ;) , are forcib ' y illustrated . "—Morning " F ' v ' erv ' ottoinpt to lead men to understand tluv importanca of this subject is an attempt to 6 o . ff-iotl . "—iMei'arvCitv .-Uc ... \ rn . < , , , . ,, London : Ciivif es and KnwiN J ^ aYtov , ISO , Fleet Street , L .. C .
TO HOUSIC AND pKCOIl ' ATIVE PAINTERS . ¦ ri ^ he Master , Wardens , and Court of the I - ' i'AINTKUS . otherwise Painter Stainer ^ Company , HEKEIJY ( J |\ 'K XOTICB . thut with a view to emry out and perpetiiiitv the original design and u es of the Guild -inanely , to encourage and cultivate tlie Decorative . Branches of the Painting ¦ Train * , it is the intcntio . iof the Court to open their Ancient Hall for the Exhibition of Specimens of Sfarbliufr , ( iraniiiiv , and o'her Worlds of Decorative Painting in Oil or Distemper , and also Writing . All persons c-irryin" on the Tnide i > f Puinters or Decorators , arc hereby invited to exhibit their AViirk , in either of the Branches nanied . .,.,,, , ,. , A Certilicateof-Merit , signed by qompetc-nt . Judges , with thel-reedom oi the Comuanv . will be presented to those Artists who submit 1 I 16 I / cat specimens . Parties intending to contribute to the Kxhibition must , lodge a notice to that ¦ on i-ct witli tile Clerk of the Company , on < r hotore the ' 21 st of April , and no Works civn be received aftel-the 2 . " ith of i"Mny . The Exhibition will commence on the 1 st of June , nnd be continued until the 2- \ " peeimcns mu-t not exceed in dimensions'JO superficial feet , except by special permission of t lie Court . For further particulars npply to tlio undersigned , at the Hull > No . » , liittlc Trinity L \ uv , nenr . Oifnuoii Street West , City , 1 > C . „ „ , , „ jliirtter I ' uinters mid party vn prcsentuig their Card at the Hall , during the period of the Exhibition , will bo admitted toviuw the name . OMico lu ' Mira from Eleven till . Throe o ' clock . 'By Order o ( the Court , P . N . T 0 ! UI , INS , Ckik to the Company . Painters' Hall , Mnrcli 10 th , lSfiO .
Pe rfect Digestion , strong nerves , sound innff ' s , lerreshlnjj slcopr « n « l functional regularity Tcstored , without , medicine , JnQonvcnience . or oitpenso to 'the njQ « t J sordurcd , 'or onfiM'blwi Qonfliltntfon . by DU If A Hit V 3 br . notovA HJKAUTH UESTOIMNG «*• ¦) A " LHNTA AUAIUUA KdOD , whlph , at little <» v « r a penny pur meal , Hayes HI y times its coa | t-la niorliuiuc . and removes Indlgostlon ( dyHpopsia ) , hiibltuul con Rtlpiitlon , ilutuleiu-y , illaiTliwa .-dyienfery , norvousnc ? as , hllipu «« ncf 8 t | , <« vorj > . sou throats , catarrhs , colds , npisc . i in the enrs , rhvmnntiMn , Kout , lm » ur «¦ erunioifl , liystei ' ln , ncurntgln , irritability , hlccplcBHno ^ , ncldity , pnlpilatio , heartbuni , hondacho , dobillty , c ' cvM'on dom'y , cramps , spasnis ,. """ f" ? , "" . '' sioknosa , slitting , ( Its , oougli . KAthifin , broncliitla , consumptlo " , nl » o cliilUro n s complaintfl . . . . , A low out or many tliouanmla cures pro lioro quoted : rn ( . i ,, i 0 [ Certllloato No . Milrt . In our practice \ v « lutvo been enabled to nnprcciino tho virtues ot DU Harrv ' a Food . In Its oiruotoii chronioto *\ m * to , («« ( ? ZmlSi " nervousness , constipation . dlnrrliOM , on bilious and 1 yor uoinplnl 111 « . «*> " * - ¦• • nsthmn , ( lobUlty , and Inolplent consiimptlon \ vo Ijud It ( lie enfoHt remedy . Vi , Uns M . 'D ., F . U S 1 l > r . Uarveys Dr . BrlKht : Dr . ^ liorlHiidi Dr . VnmpbclI . PuckcU with full liirttructlons , In this . lib . . 2 a . ml . 5 alb . Is . ml . ( fl ' . . 5 ; 12 lb . ' - 'as 5 fainl . y caiilrtipr 8411 ) . KM , Hupor rt' « lucd . qunllly , fill * . » 2 « I l ( l . ' , ; :. The lOlh ,, 121 b .. imtl Mi \ U caulstpi-ri aru ttviit , onrrlnyj Irce , ou mcl | i of «*¦ olllce onlepby linrry Du Barry nnd Co ., 77 , UoffontStrort . London : j ! orti 1 m « . afiiaon niKlCo ., 18 U , Plcoadllly , l . ontlon , nnd through till ( Jrooors anil < -honilt . tr * .
KXTHAOHDINARY INVENTION l ? f DENTAL SUIWJBIIV . —To JI' '' i , ii ¦ v ISIoseley , of J > , Groavonor-Btroot , London , « uul H ' , Guy-Btroet , IJtitli , ni » y bo itttrlbuted on « of tho moat romarkublonnd . ueoful dlucovenoa of the tiuy , that of a aubstunod for tho oonatruotlon p . f nrtlflolnl tooth , ruiiib . »¦ »« pnlntcR , ao thoroughly nd'hqalvo hs tp Hx Bj-ouroly , v'H » out the uao of tl «««• troublosomtj luljunota , apiral snrlugfl . It U , hi iuot , tho n > o « t -poj fcotbiii > stituto for tlio nutnrnl tovth . tliat ofin V ona \ bly bo dosirod , nnd lun yba wM truly to attntn tho » r phis ultra oi art— H rnvr <>*( vv !< uw n-etvui . . 4 WJ }}« ot « noo , ftir which ft p ' ntont hns boon obtained , is chumlcnlly pvirillcil ^ i «' It . dla-rubbor , ivliiuh- oim bo moulded ( o cv « ry IreoRiilnrity ot tho gui ib n m toctli in tho most perfect manner , forming , us it wflrp , « n ' ' ° '' ' ? , ! , OHtuum to the teoth , kooplns the » i » fron » bocoming painful »» ™* W *\ ^ nm \ y of tho gum , tmd onablfiig tho pntient Co use aj . y fqr < io in mwtwnMnb ov sVVklns tho tooth tpgotlwr , without thq percussion or Piijt » " « "T uttcncla tho notion In general eusos . —Court Juitrnat . [ ADVMvnsfcMKM . J
Leader (1850-1860), April 14, 1860, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/sldr_14041860/page/4/