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5S8 2 TH38 LEADER. [Satukdat, Jttke 16, ...
LONDON ; Printed , and Publiuliod by Ai,...
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5s8 2 Th38 Leader. [Satukdat, Jttke 16, ...
5 S 8 2 TH _38 LEADER . _[ Satukdat , Jttke 16 , 1855 .
MR . HIGHLEY mas JUBT _MUBBMI , . , n the CONSTITUTIONAL aud _LOOA L _EJECTS or DISEASE of " tb . _SCPRA-KENAI _ZSSSl _SSSJi . 'ESS _IS _^ SS , _» la " _DLING-8 _FBACTICAL CHEMISTRY . Course of Practical Chemistry for the Use of Medical Students . Arranged with express reference to the Three Months' Summer Course . By WILLIAM ODLING . M . B ., F . C . S , Professor of _Practical Che- xnistry and of Natural Philosophy at Guy ' s Hospital . Svo , price 4 _,. « d . IH * ie TJNITT Of MATTER . A Dialogue on the Relation _between the various Forms of Matter which aflfeotthe Senses . By ALEXANDER STEPHEN _WttSON Post 8 vo , P ric / 38 . ; by post , Ss . 6 d . * - IV IT ? AT , _VnRVWS nf the PRIMITIVE _JXiAAj Vl-CiWO OI xne _rxxxuxxxx v x _^ WORLD in its Geological and _Palseontological Phases . By Professor P . UNGER , of Vienna . 4 to . Illustrated by 14 exquisite Photographic Plates . _Priced . ?* he MICROSCOPE and its Application to Vegetable Anatomy and Physiology . By Dr . HERMANN SCHACHT . Edited , with the co-operation of the Author , by FREDERICK CURREY , M . A . Second Edition , considerably enlarged . Numerous Woodcuts . _Pricees . vi . -vTn-v rrnAT _TT 7 _'P r n 7 T ?< _5 "R _^ _T _^ _T-nf _^^ ni . _DTANICAli _LJilliiiib . ± _fy ± _Toiessor F . UNGER , of Vienna . Translated by Dr . B . PAUL . Numerous Woodcuts . Price 5 s . The original work was pubUshed at 8 s . 6 d . VII . _TPaTPAT _n-n _/ 1 ¦ _pATTTOTiOftTDATj _O"R- _ittWltAL antt _ff _/^ _, _^ , t _^ _V . r _. 8 ERVATKXNS . Part the First . By EDWIN CAN- TON , P . R . C . S ., Lecturer and _resistant Surgeon to the _Oharing-cross Hospital . Svo . IUttstrations . _Pnce 7 s . vni . x , AO m _„„! "Nrr » _T ? TTT "RAST WINDS 1 ± jA . b ± ana _iN UJiin-XiAOi vv _xxxxjv _, the Nature , Treatment , and Prevention of their Suffo- eating Effects ; embracing also the subjects of diet and _digesfion , _tfceir errors and penalties . By Dr . C B . GARRETT _, Thames Ditton , Physician to the Royal Humane Society , one of the Medical Officers to the Kingston Dispensary and to the _South-Western Railway . Fcap . 8 vo , 4 s . 6 d . _" :. r __ , _^_^ _ _ . _ ,, ~ c , m _ T 1 _ , r . c , r , / _AT , Tr , _TTT-nvnra [ GHLEY'S STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS _TVT * _mTTT _>» T _TTTorivMJvrYRTT'r'Tu * p _^ Va _pi _m o _, u . h of NATURAL HISTORY OBJECTS . Price 2 s . 6 d . eacn . Part I ., containing Views of— 1 . _CBYSTAts of Quartz . 2 . A _ConAiAOiD . 4 . _HuSTkuL _^^ _SL ) 6 . 8 _KVU . O _*** " * _" ) - In Envelope , 103 . Od . ; by post , _lla . _jxn nr _» _T \/ TT ) T _TPnmr 1 _QTnTTT < _4 TTTrTrEvR . r _» i _« lli , _COMrLiilJli _OAU-XlJ- _» UlXJJiX 6 ; Or Book of _Lonsos . Mounted with actual Glasses , to enable _Poraons to _pertain with exactness those _Spoctaoles boat adapted to their Sight at various periods of life . By J . T . HUDSON , Optician . 103 . Cd . ; by post , _frco . , This sot of spectacle _Rlasaea haa boon found invaluable , oraons living in country _districta and abroad , whoro tho loian ' a _aidcould not bo readily obtained . xi . _T » _-r . rr , _Tn-. T -xt _tattdatat _~ _v _T \/ _TTrtT > ri JABTERLY JOURNAL of MICRO- SCOPIOAL SCIENCE . Volume III . 8 vo . cloth , 17 a . Oontaininff , with Index , numerous Woodcuts . aUd Lithographic Plates . _CJust ready . xrr _^ DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of _HIGHLIOY' 8 EDUCATIONAL COLLECTIONS . oS . pocially _Eolootod for facilitating tho study of tho Natural La Medical Sciences and Art comprising CrystaHo- K raphy , Mineralogy , Geology , _Palooontology , Botany , Conojiologjr _, Oateology , Anatomy , _Phyfllology , Embryo- l ' _ostfroc . _tmiv _^ _tvt _SATVTini'T _TTimiT TV - _« o TT _i _. _iTiT _htim _. M . 'T NDON : SAMUEL HIGHL _10 Y , 32 , FLIUHT-HTKKh J ..
WORKS BY THE _EEV . CHAEI . _ES _KINOS 1 ET _, _bectobo _*™^ . . " " WESTWARD HO ! " or the T _w and Adventures of Sir _Amyas Leigh , Knight , of Bur- rough , in the County of Devon , in the Reign of Her XT 2 _SST _» _SrSJSSfk _& _SS Second Edition-. 3 vola . crown 8 vo . 11 . lls . 6 d . GLAUCUS : or , Wonders of the Shore . With Frontispiece . Fcap . Svo , cloth , 3 s . Gd . ALEXANDRIA AND HER SCHOOLS : being Four Lectures delivered at the Philosophical In- stitution , Edinburgh . With a Preface . Crown Svo . cloth , 5 s . _BTTAi ? TiTn _\ T T _ai » u , « PHAETHO _^; Or Loose Thoughts for . _^ ose Thinkers . SECOND EDITION . Crown Svo , boards , 2 s . ,.- , _~ , -, Macmiiun and Co ., Cambridge ; Beix and Daldx , 186 , Fleet-street , London .
"W O H !& S * V V _^ _•*¦ xv " _° By Tmj REV < _^ _^ MATOICE , _M-A-, CHAPLAIN OF LINCOLN'S INN . _AnivrTTNrT « _5 _TT ? _ATTVPT ? _-PTi'n-RTM-a « _5 _nn-Tvr AUMlJYIbTKATIVE _KEi OKM AS COJN- NECTED WITH WORKING MEN'S COLLEGES : An Address . iamo . sewed . 3 d . LEARNING AND _WORKING . Six Lectures delivered in Willis ' s Rooms , London , in June , T , __„_ _, _rri-nr-r , t > t-. t t _/~ _it / _-.- « . t _Vv-n _t . _^ _-iVt-i . _^ . t-X and July , 1854 . THE RELIGION OF ROME AND ITS INFLUENCE ON MODERN CIVILIZATION . — Four Lectures delivered in the Philosophical Institu- tion of _EdinhnTirh in _Bpcemhor _1 S 54 TnOnA _Vnlnmo _^ 8 vo , _StfYs ? DeCCmber " _^ _^ _^ V ° 1 Ume ' - THE _DOCTRINE OF SACRIFICE DE- DUCED FROM THE SCRIPTURES . With a Dedicatory Letter to the Young Men ' s Christian Associatiou . Crown 8 vo cloth 7 s 6 d ' ' THEOLOGICAL ESSAYS . SECOND EDITION " . > ith a now Preface and other additions Crown 8 vo cloth 10 s 6 d _Crowa 8 vo ' clott 1 ' 1 O a > 6 a > _Maomillaw and Co ., Cambridge ; Bbuc and Bildt _, 186 . Fleet-street , London . —— ———
— ' ' — ' "' ¦ a _^ t _^ _xt _TJATTrpmTTT _^ _m _, ¦ , , I A JNAX 1 _OIN _JiOU-LICiUJLbRE , and other J __^ poBMS , chiefly political . By HENRY LUSHING- TON . POINTS OF WAR . By FRANKLIN LUSH- INGTON . In One Volume , fcp . 8 vo , cloth . [ Next week _pfit 3 S A £ o"S _£ _S ° - Cambri _^ ° ; BE _" and _DAiDT - 186 _« Fleet street , London .
A GENERAL "VIEW of the HISTORY of the CANON of the NEW TESTAMENT during the First Four Centuries . By BROOKE FOSS WESTCOTT . M . A ., lato Follow of Trinity Collogo , Cambridgo . Assistant Mastor of Harrow School . Crown 8 vo , cloth , 10 g , 6 d . Mao « tx _, a ? _« nd Co ., Cambridge ; B Bx , L and Dax _. oY , 186 . Floot-stroet , London . ¦
~~ ~~~ _~~~ A RISTOTLE on the VITAL PRINCIPLE . XX . Translated from tho Original Text , with _Notoa . By CHARLES COLLIER , M . D ., F . R . S . Crown 8 vo , cloth . [ Just ready . Maomxiaan and Co ., Cambridgo ; David Nutt , 270 , Strand , London .
rpn n _„ TrkAT _^^ nrT _TP _ I _" _^ , ? , _« _, ri _« LIEF . ¦ _* - Complete in One Volumo , Crown 8 vo , oloth , 8 s . Od . MACMii , r , AN and Co ., Cambridge ; Bbw and _Daidv , 180 , Floot-atroct , London .
__ o » 0 _NTRTR 1 TTI 0 _KQ f _« _ni ? rrr _^ 7 _T _~^ 77 _~^ C ONTOinOY n _?? _tn BllIIISII PALiE- J _^ _S _^ _JtaSa _. _^ _tKI _tf _XlffiS _^ _dT _^ S & tho Tertiary . OrotncoouH , Oolitic , and I ' _uiiw ' / olo S nita of Groat Britain . With numerous Woodcuts , liy _VJ . 1 . DI . . _, / f . ? r ° rni ? ft oomploto _Scrioa of tho Autlio _. _' _s l ' apora _tcom tho "Annuls of Natural HlHbory" Maomiuan and Co ., Cambridge ; Beu _aiul _Dakoy _, 180 , Fl «« t-Htrcot , London . '
M _'J _^" pra _ _£ LE Y ' _^ k 1 > _^^ . ZZ Z _^ _« CELEBRATED SCIENTIFIC ME * E » h P ° rt ™ ' »» _«* X _»* _AKd _^ aef ' _26 22 ' _»*« * Hi , _^ a _. Hls un _. _» _Prtnco , _ffii K & P _.,, s . . r _ , George Biddell Airy . M . A ., D . C . L . ; George Allm _™ _tvt F . R . _C-S . I . ; David Thomas Ansted , F . R . S . rF . GS _? _&© l _? . _El _^ l _^ _BL _& _vEBllH _^ James Scott Bpwerbank , F . R . S ., & c . ; the Most NobL ? 1 Marq w S _-i ? _Wki ? _' _^ _., _?™^ D . C . L ., F . RS . ; y _^^ _itKt _^ _ffiKttbS _' _K Edward Doubledny , F . L . S . ; Charles Darwin M A p >' p and G . S . ; Michael Faraday , D . C . L ., F . R . S . ; Edward Forl _Sfd . _^ ll _/^^ lf SSSft L _^ _SnV jf F . R . S . ; John Edward Gray , F . R . S . and G . S .- Wilij £ ? 1 28 = _S _^^ _A . _S- <} _- ] _Si 5 _S _?^ # _i' _£ S D . C . L ., F . R . S . ; Joseph Dalton Hooker , M . D ., FES WUliamJardine , Bart ., F . R _^ . E . . ; _Rbv . William Kirby _. M l _^^ D ir p _gT JohnT _^' LL D ' _f _^ _f / B _^ _& _££££ ' _phiiP & _ff £ s . f ° sS ChlVles _^ yelf m _1 S _^ ( David William Mitchell , B . A ., F . L . S . ; Sir Roderick ImJ Murchison , F . R . S . ; Richard Owen , V . P . R . S ., FG . S i Robert Patterson , Belfast ; John Pnillips . F . R . S and ' _o Lyon Playfair , C . B ., F . R . S ., & c . ; Lovell Reeve , F _L-S B Stephen J . Rigaud . M . A ., F . RAS . ; Right Hon . _' '_ i _jt _agtagjm _^& _££ h £ _^ . £ _KlJS 0 S _^ _SiSi _* l 1 F . R . S . and G . S . ; Prideaux John Selby , F . L . S . and G . _ST- B Edwin Sidney , M . A . ; William Spence , F . R . S . and L . S . ' E _? % I _^ m _^^^ _hS _^ ( \ _^^^ M . D ., F . R . S . L . and E ., F . L . S . and G . S . ; George E . Wat house , V . P . E . S . ; John O . Westwood , F . L . S . ; T . B . Weate _Eaq . ; William Yarrell , V . P . L . S . and Z . S . _piTnTAfR _APRTP _TiVT _TATI _? ITm _^ Q rH 010 ( jKAFaiC _JJJliLIJNEAllOlNS of the Scenery , Architecture , and Antiqn ties o ± _Qreat Britain and Ireland , By hussell sedgfield . Folio PartS ) 21 s each . or separato piates _, 4 s . each . Contents op Paut . I .: 1 . The Norman Tower , Bury i _^^^ _" f _5 _^^ _o _?^ ' _^ B ; ary _A S _^ . w U _? d _w s - South Transept , Norwich Cathedral- 4 . The West Fro of Binham Priory , Norfolk . 5 . Part of the Cloister Norwich Cathedral . 5 * . The Precinct Gate , Norwich . Contents of Paet II .: 6 The Norman Tower , Bury S Edmunds ( No . 2 ) . 7 . St . Mary ' s Church , Bury St . E _m _^ n _fcg _^ _^ _Sffif A _$ Z _££ b _%£$ _; _^^^ VI _^^ _iSk \ _Aoy _^ _ofT _& a _3 _^ im _^ _orKiSr ' _^ _iTTt _^ duit in High-street , Lincoln . 15 . Bish ' opthorpo Palac 15 * . The Jew ' s House , Lincoln .- Contents of Part IV 1 C - _Tho East End of Lincoln Cathedral . 17 . The Chaph House , Lincoln Cathedral . 18 . Newport Arch ( Roman SS £ n > 8 l ! wSarBriS _^ > TOrkl _» Knmita w London : Samuel _HionLBT . 82 , gleet-street .
_-trm-crT _w > c _HIGHLEY'S POPULAR MEDICAL SERIES . MR . S . HIGHLEY intends issuing to the Public a Serii of MEDICAL TREATISES adapted for Poimlar Readin on such subjects wherein Professional Advico would n < ordinarily bi _^? called on , though information of a Media Nature would bo desirable : more especially in such instanci whero Popular Errors need bo corroctcd ; in cases whei cure depends more upon the pationt steadily following wel _dig ? stca rules , and on matters of Hygiene and _Phyaicaf Bdt ' A Practical Treatise _^ gEA BATIUNG AND _g EA AR By GEORGE HARTWIG , Ml ) . Illustrations . Fcap . 8 vo , prico 2 s . fid . : by post , 3 s . " The hygienic rules laid down are sonaiblo and plain , w havo been much pleased by the perusal of this treatise , an can safely rccommond it to the attention of bathers of a doscriptions . "—Medical Times . . ,. _seaXTe _^ _InTt _^ _SJ _^ tffiSt _^^ _SX _?^ 8 health : but in all _casoa the body should bo prepared to the shock , the proper period after a meal selected , no too long a time spont in tho water , othorwisc tlio _oonsiwu _" ° t " _ff _^ loso _m _^^ _v _- _o _a _^ _con _? _nt _^; _l _i _" _lS _0 _h _^ _I _^ _b _I _' _* _o _] _cVo _U _o _V _ver _; bather , whether ho bo in or out of health . " - Chemist . , Practical Observations on the _PftfiNtfRVATIOM OK _TtlK TEETH . 1 nl 1 jOl ! jU V Al 1 U 1 N VV _iULt _luum-By henry joudan , Dentist . Socond Edition . Illustrations ; prfoo 2 a . ' 1 ; , J ,, London : Samuiu _. _HiaiH-KY , _« _'A _FJoot-Htroot .
London ; Printed , And Publiuliod By Ai,...
LONDON ; Printed , and Publiuliod by Ai , _ifKK » Edmund Galloway , at " Tho _Loador" _OiUoo , No . 10 * , Strand , in tho County of Middlesex . —Juno 10 , 1 _HBD-
Leader (1850-1860), June 16, 1855, page 12, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/sldr_16061855/page/12/