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The advices from the "West Indies received by the mail—which left St . Thomas ' s on the 17 th of Marchspeak of the "want of rain in several of the islands . The weather at Demerara and Jamaica was , however , regarded as favourable , and the plantations were looking well . The Dean of Hereford , Dr 7 J . Merewether , expired at the vicarage , in Madley , about six miles from that city , on Thursday morning last , after a lingering illness . He was between fifty and sixty years of age , and had held the deanery for eighteen years . The dean ' s opposition to the elevation of Dr . Hampden to the Bishopric is fresh in the public recollection . The Morning Post refers to him in the following terms : — " The rise of Dr . Merewether may be referred to the period of his curacy of Hampton , when his late Majesty William IV . was residing at his house at Bushey . The xeal with which the young priest performed his ministerial duties , and the respect and affection with which he was regarded by the parishioners , soon reached the ear of the royal duchess , who became subsequently a constant attendant at the church . The first step towards that rank he afterwards attained was gained by his appointment to a chaplaincy to the Duke of Clarence , whose affection for him continued until death . " A numerous meeting of the landholders and farmers of West Kent was held at Bromley yesterday , to adopt measures for procuring a dissolution of Parliament , with a view to the restoration of Protection . Earl Stanhope was chairman and chief spokesmanin the usual strain . He turned aside to denounce the projected exhibition of the industry of all nations as injurious to the domestic interests of the country ; and he recommended all those who concurred in his view of the subject not only to refrain from giving it any encouragement or support , but to use their best endeavours to enlighten the public mind , and prevent those who might otherwise be deluded from giving any subscriptions towards carrying it into effect . The resolutions proposed were carried unanimously ; and , to judge from the spirit shown at the meeting , you might almost be deluded into thinking that the Protectionists are making some way .
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The amount of life lost in the wreck of the Royal Adelaide is now known . The official list of the passengers who embarked at Cork was received in town yesterday morning . It appears that 144 adults and 23 children left Cork in the ship bound for London . The crew , with the master , consisted of 24 men and one boy ; and 14 passengers having embarked at Plymouth , it follows that 206 human beings have met an untimely end by the disaster . An attempt was made upon the life of Mr . Butcher , edge-tool manufacturer , Sheffield , last Sunday , which
fortunately was unsuccessful . An " infernal machine , " described as a tin flask full of combustible materials , with an orifice at the top for insertion of a fusee , was flung at his bedroom window , which it broke , but did no other damage . Four men were seen running away from the house , by a watchman who heard the explosion , and who succeeded in apprehending one of them , named William Bailey , a file-grinder , and two of the others have since been apprehended . The Messrs . Butcher and their workpeople have had serious differences lately , and it is suspected that the outrage is in some degree connected with the ill-feeling thereby produced .
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STRUGGLES OF RELIGION TOWARDS EMANCIPATION . Freedom of opinion has never been so bravely and so openly vindicated as it was at the great meeting at the Manchester Town Hall on Eastei Monday . It was convened by the mayor on a requisition from the friends of the Lancashire Public School Association . The principal speakers were ministers of religion , and they took opposite sides ; but all of them without exception spoke with the utmost frankness . It is satisfactory in every respect , because , from the tenour of the discussion , the advocates of every opinion will find that the sturdiest and most manful assertion of a man ' s
opinions may be combined with the most generous recognition of freedom in others . By no means the least tribute to this perfect freedom of discussion was the appearance of the Reverend Hugh Stowell , a distinguished Canon of the Church , to oppose the system of the Lancashire Public School Association , or any system of tuition which is not united with religious instruction . He ,
a clergyman of the Evangelical party , recognized the right of public discussion in the broadest terms —without the usual limitations set even by the advocates of " private judgment . " He now found it not only generous but expedient and politic to demand in the face of that immense meeting a fearless uttering of arguments and a fearless listening to them .
His appearance is also useful to the cause , because he took up the strongest positions , and defended them with great vigour : he thus stimulated a corresponding vigour on the opposite side . He protested against the disassociation of Christian and secular instruction ; admirably answered by the Reverend William M'Kerrow , a United Presbyterian minister , who protested against " forcing religion
upon the community " : Mr . M'Kerrow showed that if you limit your tuition to Christians you cut off large classes of British subjects , — the Jews , the Hindus ; and not only so , but the great multitude of those abandoned classes in England who are at present incompetent to receive religious ideas , because they are so utterly unprepared by developement of the intellectual faculties . It would also exclude the
large and increasing number of our fellow-subjects whom it is a foolish hypocrisy to count statistically within the circle of " Christians . " Nor is this class of small importance . It was declared on the trial of Shelley , years ago , that " the literary men in Europe were infidels . " Shelley was persecuted socially , and of course had followers—now to be found in no mean proportion among the more intelligent and inquiring of the working classes : many boast of total infidelity , and some are avowed " Atheists . " There has
since been a reaction : in place of the " Infidels that formed a proscribed sect , of unknown extension , in Shelley ' s time , there now exists a much larger and more varying class of " Spiritualists , " still wanting a common name , but embracing a large proportion of the educated community , and extending far into those classes that pass by religious denominations ; individual freedom has been
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YEARS ENDED APltIL 5 . 1849 . lfcSO . Increase . Decrease . £ £ . £ . £ . Customs 19 , 129 , 829 18 , 535 , 263 .. 594 56 G Excise 12 , 650 , 114 12 , 792 , 713 143 , 599 -1 Stamps 6 , 041 , 351 6 , 351 , 429 313 , 078 — Taxea 4 , 318 , 903 4 , 332 , 779 14 , 076 — Property-tax 5 , 317 , 211 5 , 466 , 248 149 , 004 _ l ' ont-oflice 789 , 000 803 , 000 14 000 _ Crown Lands 100 , 000 160 , 000 60 , 000 _ Miscellaneous .... 143 , 651 198 , 410 54 , 759 — Total Ord . Rev .. 48 , 490 , 092 48 , 643 , 012 747 , 516 594 5 ( i 6 China Money ,. .. 84 . * 281 Imprest and other 84 , 281 Moneys 665 , 293 656 , 855 .. 8 , 438 Repayment * of Advances 427 , 761 553 , 319 125 , 588 Total Income ... 49 , 667 , 430 49 , 853 , 246 873 , 104 687 288 Deduct Decrease 687 , 288 * Increase on the Year .... . 185 , 816 QUARTERS ENDED APRIL 5 . 1819 . 1850 . Increase . Decrease . £ £ £ £ Custom 4 , 593 , 119 4 , 432 , 584 .. 160 535 «««•• 1 , 820 , 575 1859 473 38 . 898 _ Stamp 1 , 549 , 171 l , f >; M , 125 .. U oi 6 Taxes 148 , 101 ' 1771231 29 , 130 - Pioperty-tax 3 , 011 , 519 2 , 069 , 608 58 089 — PoBt-oMice 231 , 000 231 , 000 -i nnn Crown Lands .... 40 . 000 40 , 000 " _ Miscellaneous .... 98 , 792 47 , 900 " , ' . 50 832 cS ^ lVW ' ^'' 10 '' >' J 77 lO . a 95 , 9 !< r 126 , 117 225 , 413 ImprvatMoncjrsi&c ' . S 04 . 361 301 , 759 97 * 398 Z Repayments of Advances 87 , 648 91 , 400 3 , 752 __ Total Income ... 10 , 787 , 286 10 , 789 , 110 | 227 , 267 ~ 225 413 Deduct Increase j ..,, 225 , 413 Increase on the Quarter ,,.,., J , 851
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HftnUk Manx
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iLORD JOHN RUSSELL'S VISIT TO MANCHESTER . "We learn from the Court Circular , and other authentic sources of information , that Lord John Russell left home on Tuesday , with the intention of spending a few days at Manchester . As the first requisite for a premier in these degenerate days , according to Mr . Ferrand , is " that he shall have a cotton soul , " Ave may reasonably conclude that Lord John ' s visit to the manufacturing metropolis is for the double purpose of making himself more thoroughly acquainted with the merits of the Short Time question , and of ascertaining why it happens that the staple trade of Lancashire continues to languish , while every other branch of manufacturing industry appears to be in the most flourishing condition . But , unless Lord John has previously devoted a larger amount of time and attention to the subject than Cabinet Ministers generally bestow on such matters , he will find it difficult to reconcile the contradictory statements he will hear regarding the operation of the Ten Hours Bill , and the causes of the present depression in the cotton trade . The millowners will tell him that the reduction of the hours of labour prevents them from competing successfully with foreigners , who work twelve or thirteen hours a day in their factories ; and as a strict adherence to the law would lessen the total production of cotton goods and yarn throughout the kingdom , to the extent of one-eighth at least , they will aver that the nation would in that case be so much the poorer at the end of the year . On the other hand , the operatives will argue that so long as we are able to find foreign customers for £ 25 , 000 , 000 worth of our cotton goods and yarn , every year , we have little reason to be alarmed about foreign competition . And as for the argument that by working ten hours instead of twelve , the quantity of goods will be so much less , and will consequently leave us so much poorer at the year ' s end , they will contend that it is not founded on fact , because , although the goods may be less in bulk , through the reduction in the hours of labour , their exchangeable value may not be diminished , and , as two-thirds at least of those goods are sent abroad , it is to the market value , and not to the quantity , that we ought to look . On this point , however , it seems to us that the operatives are rather at sea . They ought to perceive that if the effect of the Ten Hours Bill be to raise the cost of cotton goods manufactured in England , as such reasoning would show , the necessary result of that measure must be to give a premium to foreign competitors . If the fact is so , let it stand as a fact . Alone it will not condemn the Ten Hours Act ; many other points would need to be made clear before it can be proved that in the long run the measure will entail an ultimate net loss ; aud the fact that it works well in districts now prosperous , as in Yorkshire , throws doubt upon its being the cause of the peculiar depression in Lancashire . Even if it were , the relief of the people from intolerable duration of toil is worth a great cost . But there are special causes for the recent depression in Lancashire quite sufficient for Lord John Russell to attain a distinct conclusion . Employers and operatives will both agree in telling him that it is mainly owing to the short supply of cotton , and the facilities which the present abundance of money give to speculators ; the natural rise in price produced by deficiency of supply is easily increased to a point which disturbs trade . And in connection with this part of the subject , it might be useful for Lord John to inquire whether the operations of the Ten Hours Bill , by greatly lessening the consumption of cotton during last
year , may not have acted usefully in moderating the disproportion between demand and supply . Another important question on which he will find great unanimity , is that relating to the actual condition of the factory operatives . Nearly all parties admit that the great bulk of the population in Lancashire is in a more comfortable conditio n at present , notwithstanding the dulness of the cotton trade , than it has been in for many years . At one of the P rotection meetings held a few months ago ,
Lord Stanhope spoke of 1842 as a year of remarkable prosperity . Of course he must have referred merely to the condition of the landowners , who were up to that time in a most blissful state of bucolic ignorance as to what was to befal them . So far as the working classes in the manufacturing districts are concerned , it may be safely said that the purchasing power of their wages is at least 50 per cent , above what it was in 1842 . Small chance , therefore , of obtaining their support for a " return "
to Protection . " Possibly Lord John ' s visit to Manchester may teach him to feel strengthened confidence in free trade , to doubt the " finality " even of that " comprehensive measure , " and to understand that counsel may be acquired by travel , not useless on his return to Parliament . That is if he is content to learn—to take in something more instructive than complimentary addresses .
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There is nothing so revolutionary , because there is nothing so unnatural and convulsive , as the strain to keep ^ thmgs fixed when all the world is by the very law of its creation , in eternal progress . —Dr . Arnold .
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We have received so large a number of letters on various subjects this week that toe are unable to acknotO ' ledge them individually , although many of them might claim attention from their ability . We cannot undertake to return MSS . In no case do we insert reviews of books written or forwarded to us by the author himself .
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U < &fa &tdfott . [ Saturday ,
Leader (1850-1860), April 6, 1850, page 34, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1839/page/10/