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State Exhibitions . — A return has been presented tt > the House of Commons , showing the number of persons admitted to the Tower , Kew Gardens Hampton Court Palace , &c , during each month of the last five ¦ years , and also showing the amount of fees taken by the Chapters of St . Paul ' s and Westminster , for the exhibition of those cathedrals . It appears that during 1849 no less than 168 , 000 visitors repaired to Hampton Court , and 137 , 000 to the Kew Botanic Gardens . In July nearly 50 , 000 visited Hampton Court . To Kew the largest number of visitors was in August , -when 31 , 100 persons took their pleasure in the gardens . The Tower does not appear to be by any means so popular a place number ot visitors to tne
of public amusement . The Armoury last year was 45 , 500 ; the number to the Jewel House 41 , 400 . The receipts , at 6 d . each person , fell somewhat short of the expenses . . With regard to Westminster Abbey and St . Paul ' s , the total sum received for fees at the Abbey in 1849 was £ 968 8 s . 6 d . Of this amount £ 739 was paid to the tomb-showers , £ 34 was paid for cleaning the monuments , and £ 195 was carried to the " Ornamental Fund , " from which , it seems , all the recent improvementS 4 » and decorations in the choir have been made . At St . Paul ' s last year the amount of fees taken was only £ 430 , the whole of which is given to the vergers . Since 1845 the receipts have fallen off every year , and last year they had decreased £ 150 upon the amount then received .
Foreign Wine and Spirits . —A parliamentary return has been printed , showing the quantity of wine and spirits imported , exported , and retained for home consumption , &c , in the year ended 5 th January last . The wine imported amounted to 7 , 970 , 067 gallons . The quantity retained for home consumption was 6 , 251 , 862 gallons . The quantities remaining in warehouse under bond on the 5 th January Jast were 8 , 983 , 557 gallons . Of spirits 10 , 509 , 774 gallons were imported in the year . Brandy was largely imported last year on account of the cholera—no fewer than 4 , 479 , 549 gallons , of which 2 , 187 , 358 gallons were retained for home consumption .
On the 5 th January last there were of spirits 8 , 998 , 174 gallons in warehouse under bond . Small Livings . —By a return , showing the unconditional grants made from the funds at the disposal of the Ecclesistical Commissioners , it appears that the number of livings to which grants have been made is 794 , and the amount of permanent annual augmentations is £ 44 , 089 , in addition to £ 31 , 000 a-year granted to districts constituted under the Church Endowment Act . The total annual payments are , therefore , £ 75 , 089 , requiring a capital sum of £ 2 , 436 , 000 to provide their payment in perpetuity .
Millbank Prison . —It appears , by the annual report i ust issued on the state of Millbank Prison , that the ' number of convicts in the prison on the 1 st of January , 1849 , amounted to 1144 ; viz ., males , 1058 ; females , 86 . The number received during the year was 3047 ; viz ., males , 2589 ; and females , 458 . The number disposed of was , males , 2692 ; females , 406 ; leaving i n custody on the 31 st of December last , males , 955 ; females , 138 . The number of deaths during the year was 94 ; viz ., males , 84 ; females , 10 . Of the 84 deaths among themale convicts , 18 were caused by consumption , 4 by other chronic diseases , 31 by Asiatic cholera , 7 by fever , 8 by erysipelas , 12 by simple inflammatory complaints , 2 by dysentery , 1 by
disease of the brain , and 1 by accidental violence ; of the 10 deaths among the females , 9 were caused by Asiatic cholera , and 1 by bronchitis . The proportional mortality therefore was , amongst the male convicts , 93 * 72 per 1000 ; amongst the females , 63 ' 59 per 1000 ; and , amongst the whole number , 89 * 23 per 1000 : the average mortality is 16 * 40 . The gross expense incurred on account of the prison from the 1 st of April , 1849 , to the 31 st of March , 1850 , was £ 31 , 821 18 s . 3 d . The gross earnings of the prisoners within the year was £ 4803 7 s . 6 dM and the net profit £ 3760 15 s . Gil ., which , deducted from the total expenses of the establishment , leaves the net expenditure for the twelve months , £ 28 , 061 2 s . 8 d .
Cheap Postagk in America . —The postal revenue , since the law of 1845 came into operation , furnishes a strong argument in favour of a further reduction , The subject has been much agitated , and public opinion is decidedly in favour of such a measure , which will meet with little or no opposition as soon as an opportunity offers for bringing it before Congress . The returns for the last four years , as compared with the previous corresponding period during which the old rates were collected , show the following result : — High Postage . Cheap Postage . Year 1812 .. dois . 4 , 546 , 000 Year 1846 . . dols . 3 , 487 , 000 1843 .. 4 , 296 , 000 1847 .. 3 . 955 , 000 1844 .. 4 , 237 , 000 1848 .. 4 , 371 , 000 1845 .. 3 , 289 , 000 1849 .. 4 , 705 , 000
Growth of the Australian Colonies . —It appears by a Parliamentary return , recently printed , containing returns of the population , trade , imports , revenue , and expenditure of each of the Australian colonies for the Inst ten years , that the gross population in 1839 was 170 , 076 , unu in 1848 , 333 , 764 , being an increase of 163 , 088 . The imports in 1839 were £ 3 , 376 , 673 ; and in 1848 , £ 2 , 578 , 442 ; being a decrease of £ 798 , 231 . The exports , however , have increased from £ 1 , 845 , 428 ; and in 1848 , £ 2 , 854 , 315 ; being an increase of £ 1 , 008 , 887 . The shipping inwards , in 1839 , was 267 , 353 tons ; and in
1848 , 353 , 321 tons ; showing an increase of 85 , 868 tons . The shipping outwards , in 1839 , was 267 , 133 tons ; and in 1848 , 341 , 583 ; being an increase of 71 , 450 . Statistics ov Paius . —TUc budget of the Prefecture of Police for 1851 has just been presented by M . Carlier to the Municipal Council . The whole amount of it is 7 , . 3 l ); j , 000 f ., oir lGf > , OOOf . less than the preceding year . This budget is divided into three sections , called respectively , general services , special services , and sundry expenses . The general services comprise the central
admiuistravices which absorb the greatest part of the budget of the Prefecture of Police ( about 3 , 700 . 000 f . ) . They comprise the halles , the ponts , weights and measures , markets , abattoirs , watering and lighting of the streets , &c . The service of the halles and markets extends to everything relative to eatables within Paris , in thirty-two places ; and outside to the markets of Sceaux , Poissy , Montmorency , St . Germain-en-Laye , and La Chapelle . The corn market , and everything relating to the flour trade and to the various baking establishments , occupy the surveillance of a great number of employes , and the five general abattoirs , as well as the three for pigshave each a special inspector . Amongst , ,,
tion , the commissaries of police , and the municipal police . The central administration comprises 280 employes , necessitated by the great amount of business transacted . The commissioners of police aie 48 in number , 24 with 6000 f . a year , and 24 with 5400 f . a year . There are also 48 secretaries , and each commissary has under his orders either one or two inspectors . The service of the municipal police employs 902 persons , including 25 officierade paix , 12 inspectors-general , 40 brigadiers , at 1800 f ., bO sub-brigadiers at 1600 f ., and 750 inspectors and sergensde-ville at from 1200 f . to 1500 f . The central administration costsu 897 , 000 f ., the commissaries of police , 567 , 000 f ., and the municipal policel 5280 O 0 f . It is the special
ser-, the special services the most expensive is the cleaning , watering , and lighting of the streets . The service for cleaning the streets in all its branches costs 900 , 000 f . a-year . The watering costs 114 , 000 f ., and now , under the system of macadamization , will probably cost much more . The lighting of the streets occasions an expense of l , 872 , 000 f . The number of gas-burners is 12 , 239 , and 500 others are to be established for the coming year . The number of oil lamps is 1595 . The oil lighting has been adjudged at 1 centime 288 millemes each light per hour , and the gas at from 2 centimes 44 millemes to 6 centimes each burner per hour , according to the dimension and the locality , independently of 4 centimes each
burner per day for cleaning and keeping in proper order . The whole of the expenses for cleaning , watering , and lighting is 3 , 027 , 000 f ., or 118 , 000 f . less than the preceding year . In the third section of the budget of the Prefecture of Police , namely , sundry expenses , the most important chapter is that of the sapeurs-pompiers . That body of men now amounts to 819 , causing an expense of 560 , 000 f ., being a reduction of 82 , 000 f . on the year . To sum up—the budget thus presented involves the idea of order maintained in the city , proper protection , supplies of food ensured , the public way kept clean and properly lighted , the city , in fact , rendered salubrious and safe from fire .
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HEALTH OF LONDON DURING THE WEEK . ( From the Registrar-General ' s Returns . ) In the week ending last Saturday the deaths registered in the metropolitan districts were 794 ; a number which shows that the diminished rate of mortality continues , and which , taking the corresponding weeks of ten previous years , is less than in the week of any year since 1842 . The average of the ten weeks is 877 , or , augmented in the ratio of increased population , 957 , compared with which the decrease of last week amounts to 163 . The whole number of deaths recorded as caused by the zymotic or epidemic class of diseases is 159 , to 393
whereas in the same week of last year they rose , and the corrected average of ten corresponding weeks is 227 . To take particular epidemics : small-pox carried off 6 persons , the half of whom were children ; measles was fatal in 17 cases ; scarlatina in 20 ; hooping-cough in 23 , all of these exhibiting a mortality of less than the usual amount . Typhus , of which 33 persons died , shows the ordinary amount of mortality ; but it is much less fatal than in the same weeks of 1847-9 . m On the other hand , diarrhoea continues to increase , as is usual at this period of the year , but its progress is not remarkable : in the last four weeks the deaths from it , for the most part among children , have been 17 , 18 , 33 , and ( last week ) 40 . The average is 27 . A case of English cholera is thus recorded : —On the 4 th of July , at No . 3 ,
Pembroke-place , Upper Marsh , Lambeth , a boy of 7 years , the son of an engineer , died of " English cholera ( 14 hours } , dropsy ( 9 days ) , effusion into the pleura ( 12 hours ) . " Exclusive of consumption , the deaths from diseases of the respiratory organs were only 70 , which is less than in any corresponding week of 1840-9 , having ranged from 76 to 96 . From consumption there were 121 , whereas they fluctuated in the ten corresponding weeks from 116 to 152 . On the 3 rd of July a greengrocer ' s assistant , aged 18 years , died in St . George ' s Hospital , to which he had been brought from Kensington , of " chorea ( 9 days ) , softening of spinal cord , " post mort . In the sub district of Saffron-hill , a skin-dresser , aged 43 , died from " diffuse inflammation of cellular membrane of chest and neck from the absorption of some animal poison ( 3 days ) . " A man and woman died from
intemperance . The mean reading of the barometer in the week was 29 * 785 inches . The temperature varied little during the week , and the mean was 59 6 dog ., slightly below the average of the same week in seven years . The wind blew during the first four days from the south-west , and afterwards generally from the west .
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MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE . Saturday . The buoyancy which characterised the English Stock Market last week , has given way during the last few days . On Monday and Tuesday the funds continued firm at the prices of the latter end of last week , but on Wednesday they began to show symptoms of a slight decline . Consul s , which , had closed on Tuesday at 06 jg
to 97 , opened next day at 96 |; and , after having touched 97 , receded to 96 f , closing at 96 | to 96 | . On Thursday owing to the continuation of small sales of stock after the receipt of dividends , the market for English Securities was again flat , with a further decline of | per cent in prices . In the course of the day Consols were done at 96 | to 96 f , and closed at 96 | to 96 | . Yesterday Consols opened at 96 f to 96 f , and remained steady all day at these prices . The variations in the price of English Stocks during the week have not been very remarkable . The range has been as follows : —Consols , 96 | to 97 ; Bank Stock , 210 A to 212 ; Three-and- a-Quarter per Cents ., 98 1 to 99 ; Exchequer Bills , 67 s . to 70 s . Business has been very dull in foreign securities , and the number of transactions extremely limited . The latest transactions comprised Buenos Ayres , for account , at 57 ; Chilian , 101 ; Ecuador , 3 }; Mexican , for money , 30 $ ; for the account , 30 , 30 J , and 30 £ ; Peruvian , for account , 8 l £ , £ , and \ ; the Deferred , 35 f ; Spanish Five per Cents , for account , 174 ; Dutch Two-and-a-Half per Cents ., 57 J for money , and 57 i and § for account ; the Four per Cent . Certificates , 884 , 89 , and 88 f .
4kfr«***Frf Nf 4rt Wiatter G Ox Jtflxu
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382 tRftt VLtaittt . [ Saturday
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Craraittrnol Malts .
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^ An Account , pursuant to the Act 7 th and 8 th Victoria , cap . 32 , for the week ending on Saturday , the 6 th of July , 1850 . ISSUE DEPARTMENT . £ £ Notes issued .... 30 , 152 , 515 Government Debt , 11 , 015 , 100 Other Securities .. 2 , 984 , 900 Gold Coin and Bullion 15 , 928 , 057 Silver Bullion .... 224 , 458 £ 30 , 152 , 515 £ 30 , 152 , 515 BANKING DEPARTMENT . £ £ Proprietors'Capital , 14 , 553 , 000 Government Secu-Rest 3 , 089 , 916 rities ( including Public Deposits ( in- Dead-weight Ancluding Exche- nuity ) 14 , 374 , 908 quer Savings' Other Securities ,. 11 , 943 , 840 Banks , Commis- Notes 10 , 695 , 955 sioners of National Gold and Silver Debt , and Divi- Coin 716 , 093 dend Accounts ) .. 9 , 564 , 513 Other Deposits .... 9 , 273 , 018 Seven-day andother Bills 1 , 250 , 349 £ 37 , 730 , 796 £ 37 , 730 , 796 Dated July 11 , 1850 . M . MARSHAix . Chief Cashier .
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FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening . ) Austrian 5 per Cents . 96 | Mexican 5 per Ct . Ace . 30 £ Belgian Bds ., 44 p . Ct . 92 Small .. .. — Brazilian 5 per Cents . 90 J Neapolitan 5 per Cents . — Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cts . 56 Peruvian 4 jJ per Cents . — Chilian 6 per Cents ... 100 Portuguese 5 per Cent . — Equador Bonds .. — 4 per Cts . — Danish 3 per Cents . .. — Annuities — Dutch 2 k per Cents ... 57 | Russian , 1822 , 5 p . Cts . — 4 per Cents . .. 884 Span . Actives , 5 p . Cts . 17 $ French 5 p . C . An . atParis 95 . 45 Passive .. — 3 p . Cta ., J uly 12 , 57 . 40 Deferred .. —
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Satur . Mond . Tues . Wedn . Thurs . FHd . Bank Stock .... 2104 211 212 211 3 perCt . Ked .. 97 | 974 V > h » 7 g 974 , 97 * 3 p . C . Con . Ans . 96 | exd 96 gexd 97 963 « 6 g 96 § 3 p . C . An . 1726 . •—3 p . Ct . Con ., Ac . 96 J 97 96 * 96 J 96 | 96 | 3 | p . Cent . An . 98 ? 99 98 | 98 | 98 | 98 J New 5 per Cts . —— LongAns ., 1860 . 8 ex d . 8 5-16 8 1-16 8 5-16 8 % 8 § Ind . St . l 0 £ p . ct . 26 . 04 Ditto Bonds .. 87 90 89 90 87 90 Ex . Bills , 1000 / . 70 p 70 p 70 p 70 p 70 p 67 p Ditto , 5 J 0 * . .. 70 p 70 p 70 p 70 p 7 > ' p Ditto , Small . 70 p 70 p 70 p 70 p 70 p
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SHARES . Last Official Quotation for the Week ending Thursday Evening . Railways . Banks . Caledonian .. .. 7 § Australasian .. .. 2 b Edinburgh and Glasgow 26 British North American — Eastern Counties .. 63 Colonial .. """ Great Northern .. .. 9 | Commercial of London .. — Great North of England 238 London and Westminster 27 . { Greats . & W . ( Ireland ) 31 London Joint Stock .. — Great Western .. .. 58 $ National of Ireland .. — Hull and Selby .. .. 97 National Provincial .. — Lancashire and Yorkshire 36 Provincial of Ireland .. 4 * Lancaster and Carlisle 54 Union of Australia .. ??* Lond ., Brighton , &S . Coast 81 A Union of London .. 1 * 1 London and Black wall .. 4 ] Mines . London and N .-Western 109 Bolanos - ~ Midland 34 Brazilian Imperial .. *— , North British .. .. 53 Ditto , St . John del Rey 1 « J *» South-Eastern and Dover 14 g Cobre Copper .. .. — South-Western .. .. 56 Miscellaneous . York , Newcas ., & Berwick 14 § Australia Agricultural — York and North Midland 14 g Canada .. .. ~ Docks . General Steam .. .. - East and West India .. — Penins . & Oriental Steam 79 ] London — Royal Mail Steam .. * >»* St . Katharine .. .. — South Australian .. —
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GRAIN , Mark-lane , July 12 . Wheat , R . New 40 s . to 42 s . Maple 30 a . to 31 s . Fine 42 —44 White 24 — 25 Old 42 —44 Boilers 25 —28 Whito 42 —44 Beans , Ticks . .. 25 —27 Fine 44 —46 Old 27 —28 Superior New 44 —48 Indian Corn .... »« ~~ " ~ z , Rye 24 —25 Oats , Feed .... 17 —18 Barley 19 —20 Fine .... 18 -19 Malting 22 — 23 Poland 19 — Stf Malt . Ord 46 —50 Fine .... 20 — Jl Fine 50 —52 Potato 18 — «| Peas . Hoe 27 — 2 S Jfc'iue ,... 19 — -W
Leader (1850-1860), July 13, 1850, page 382, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1846/page/22/