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This Day is published , HEARTS IN MORTMAIN AND CORNELIA . A NOVEL . One Volume , Post 8 yo ., cloth , price 10 s . 6 d . LONDON : JOHN CHAPMAN , 142 , STRAND .
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WOBKING TAILORS' JOINT STOCK COMPANY . 314 , Oxford-street , near Hanover-square The above Company consists of a hundred experienced Working Tailors , who guarantee the best articles at the following prices : — s DressCoats . ° from £ 2 5 0 to £ 3 12 c Frock ditto from 2 10 0 to 3 18 0 Venetian or Summer Cloth Dress ditto . 2 5 0 Ditto Frock , lined Silk 2 10 0 Black Waistcoats .. from 0 13 0 to 0 18 0 Fancy Quilting , or Lawn ditto 0 13 0 Black Trousers from 1 5 0 to 1 12 0 Linen Drill Trousers 0 16 0 Llama Cloth Paletots from 2 2 0 Alpaca ditto 10 0 Bochford Shooting Jackets from 116 0 Alpaca ditto 10 0 Youths'Suits from 2 10 0 Footman ' s Suit of Livery 4 0 0 Groom's ditto ditto 4 5 0 Coachman ' s ditto ditto 4 10 0 Page ' sditto ditto 2 12 6 All other articles at equally moderate prices . W . JEFFRIES , Manager .
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This day is published , in crown 8 vo ., cloth , 2 s . 6 d ., A MERICAN NOTES for GENERAL CIRCUJA- LATION . By Chablbs Dickbns . Cheap edition , corrected and revised throughout , with a new preface by the Author , and a frontispiece by C . Stanfield , K . A . London : Chapman and Hall , 186 , Strand .
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DB . CULVERWELL ON NERVOTTSN ESS , DEBILITY , AND INDIGESTION . Sherwood , 23 , Paternoster-row , and all Booksellers . Price Is . ; by Post , Is . 6 d . WHAT EAT , DRINK , and AVOID ; with DIET-TABLES for ALL COMPLAINTS . Care and forethought avert more fires than water extinguish ; so careful feeding avoids and cures more illnesses than physictaking prevents or removes . By B . J . Culverweix , M . D ., M . B . C . S .. L . S . A ., &c , twenty-five years resident practitioner in London , of whom the work may be had , or the author consulted . 10 , Argyll-place , Regent-street . At home daily till five ; Evenings , seven till nine . .
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Now published ( Houlston and Co . ) , price 7 dM No . 6 of THE PRESENT AGE ; or Truth-Seeker in Physical , Moral , and Social Philosophy . Contents : —Self-Possession , by Linton ; of Sincerity , by January Searle ; The Sabbath ; The Dovedale Poet , by Spencer Hall ; Social Scienee : or the Province of Government ; Homoeopathy , by Dr . Hayle ; Professor Carpenter on Alcoholic Drinks ; On Inspiration ; fee . Also , Part VII ., Vol . II ., price 2 s . ( Chapman , Strand ) , THE TRUTH-SEEKER ( Quarterly Review ) , containing Caliban ' s Letters on Carlyle and the " Latter-day Pamphlets ; " Theosophy of the Hindoos and Bhagvat Geeta ; Lectures on Social Science ; Life of Shelley ; and Papers and Poems by Linton , Maccall , Phillips , Lees , See .
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SERMONS on the COMMANDMENTS . By the Bev . E . B . Labken , M . A . 5 s . 6 d . cloth . Pelham Bichardson , 23 , Cornhill . Also , by the same Author , SERMON on TOLERATION , preached before the University of Oxford . Price 3 d . The FROGS of ARISTOPHANES . Translated into English verse . Price Is . John Chapman . 142 , Strand .
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Now published ,. WILD FLOWERS for CHILDREN . By Mr . Honeysuckle . Price Is . . MASTEB WOODBINE'S ALPHABET . 1 « . THE YOUNG LADYBIBD'S ALPHABET . 6 d . A GOOD CHILD'S ALPHABET . 4 d . THE TINY ALPHABET . 2 d . Flowers , Fruits , and Leaves , twopence the set . Ali . coloured . THE FLOWER and the STAB , or the Course of the Stream ; a Child ' s Story , with Twenty-five Engravings , Is . 6 d . C . Honeysuckle , 85 , Hatton-garden , London .
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NEW AND CHOICE BOOKS . TWELVE THOUSAND VOLUMES PER ANNUM Is the present rate of increase at MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY * 28 , UPPER KING-STREET , BLOOM 6 BURY-SQUARE . This supply comprises from Twenty to Two Hundred and Fifty Copies of all the beat New Works . Fresh copies are added daily of Macaulay ' s England—Layard ' s Nineveh—Alison's Essays—Curzon ' s Levant—Browning ' s Christmas Eve—Bailey ' s Angel World—The Lives of the Chief Justices—of Chalmers—Southey , &c—Murray ' s Andalucia—Modern Painters—Woman in France—Reginald Hastings—The Village Notary—The Cax tons—Margaret Maitland—The Ways of the Hour—Antonina , &c , &c . SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION—ONE GUINEA PER ANNUM . The best and newest Works are exchanged weekly , carriage free , in every part of London and its neighbourhood , at Two Guineas per annum . Country Subscription—fifteen vols . all new , or twenty-four vols . six mouths after publication—Five Guineas per Annum . Literary Institutions and Book Societies supplied . A post-office order , payable to Charles Edward Mudie , will secure an immediate supply .
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THE WORKING TAILORS ' ASSOCIATION , 34 , CASTLE-STREET , OXFORD-STREET , Opposite the Pantheon . A few Journeymen Tailors , anxious to rescue themselves and their class from the miseries and degradation consequent on unlimited competition , and from the abuse of the powers of capital as lately exhibited to the public by the Morning Chronicle newspaper , in his letters on " Labour and the Poor , " have resolved to seek a remedy in their own exertions rather than in any parliamentary enactment , and in some system which shall combine their own interest with the interests of other classes of society rather than in that return to old customs now chiefly advocated in the trade , by which the benefit of the master and journeyman ( but especially of the former ) is sought to be realized at the expense of the consumer . They have , therefore , united together on the cooperative principle , possessing . first-rate talents in the Cutting and Working department , and being supplied by several benevolent gentlemen , with sufficient capital ( which they are anxious to pay back on the first opportunity ) , they have commenced business on extensive premises in Castle-street , Oxford-street , to which and the accompanying list of prices attention is respectfully invited . It will be seen from the latter that they are at once able to compete with the slopseller , whilst realizing a fair profit themselves . They are mutually bound to devote one-third of their net profits to the extension of their numbers . It now rests with the public to stamp their experiment with success by favouring them with a liberal measure of custom , and thereby demonstrate , on an ever-widening scale , that health , prosperity , and moral worth can be secured to the operatives , and cheapness guaranteed to the consumer , by the faithful realization of the brotherly and Christian principle of cooperation . They wish not to injure the trade of any truly " honourable" employer , and venture to hope that all who feel that custom itself ought to have its morality , and who are willing to do what in them lies towards dealing * fairly by the operative , will help them by their sympathy , and , as far as possible , by their orders . All who are friendly to this experiment , and wish it to succeed , should give it all the assistance in their power , and recommend it to others .
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In 8 vo ., cloth , price 7 s . 6 d ., or free by post , 8 s ., AN ESSAY on the NEW ANALYTIC of LOGICAL FORMS , being that which gained the Prize proposed by Sir William Hamilton , in the year 1846 , for the Be " st Exposition of the New Doctrine Propounded in his Lectures . By Thomas 8 fencbr . Baynes . With an Historical Appendix by the Author ; and Note by Sir William Hamilton . Lately published in 12 mo ., cloth , price 5 s . 6 d ., or free by post , 6 s . 6 d ., LOGIC ; or , the ART of THINKING . Being the Port-Royal Logic . Translated from the French . With an Introduction . By T . S . Baynes . Edinburgh : Sutherland and Knox ; London : Simpkin , Marshall , and Co .
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LIST OF PRICES . FOR CASH ON DELIVERY . £ S . d-Best superfine Frock Coat , with Silk Skirt Linings .... 3 18 0 Super ditto from 2 10 0 Best superfine Dress Coat 3 12 0 Super ditto . . . ' . from 2 5 0 Superfine Dress Trousers 1 12 0 Superditto from 1 0 0 Superfine Dress Vest 0 18 0 Superditto from 0 12 0 Llama and Beaver Paletots . from 2 2 0 Suit of Livery from 3 15 0 GENTLEMEN'S OWN MATERIALS MADE UP . Clerieal and Professional Robes made to Order .
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FOR AUSTRALIA , New Zealand , Natal , &c—First-class SHIPS are constantly sailing for the above colonies at uniform rates of passage , by which families can also obtain superior cabin accommodation . For particulars apply to HENRY CAPPER and Co ., passage brokers , 6 , Charinjr-cross , who will be happy to afford information respecting any of the colonies , and of the Overland Route to India . Goods and Parcels shipped and insured .
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On Wednesday next , with a Portrait , THE OPINIONS OF SIR ROBERT PEEL , expressed in Parliament and in Public . Second Edition . With a Biographical Memoir . London : Arthur Hall , Virtue , and Co ., Paternoster-row .
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NEW VOLUME OF THE PHOENIX LIBRARY . Just published , 12 mo ., cloth , 450 pp ., price 3 s . 6 d ., T 7 « XTRACTS for SCHOOLS and FAMILIES Jld in AID of MORAL and RELIGIOUS TRAINING . Selected by J . M . Morgan . VOLUMES ALREADY PUBLISHED . UTOPIA ; or , the Happy Republic . By Sir T . More . 12 mo ., doth , price 2 s . 6 d . LETTERS on EARLY EDUCATION . Addressed to J . P . Greaves , Esq ., by Pestalozzi . I 2 mo ., cloth , price 2 s . 6 d . THE CHRISTIAN COMMONWEALTH . By J . M . Morgan . To which is added an Enquiry respecting Private Property . 12 mo ., cloth , price 2 s . 6 d . London : Charles Gilpin , 5 , Bishopsgate-street Without .
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TVfONUMENTtotheMEMORYofEBENEZER ItJL ELLIOTT . The following Subscriptions have been already received towards the Elliott Monument : — £ a . d . R . Cobden , Esq ., M . P ., London 10 0 0 Town Trustees of Sheffield 10 0 0 T . Birks , Esq ., Mayor of Sheffield 10 0 . 0 Samuel Bailey , Esq ., do 10 0 0 Thomas Dunn , Esq ., do 10 0 0 P . Ashberry , Esq ., do 10 0 0 Bight Honourable the Earl of Carlisle , London ., 5 0 0 G . P . Naylor , Esq ., Sheffield 5 0 0 F . Hoole , Esq ., do 5 0 0 Bramley and Gainsford , do 5 0 0 H . Wilkinson , Esq ., do 5 0 0 H . Ilinde , Esq ., do 5 0 0 H . E . Hoole , Esq ., do 5 0 0 T . Wiley , Esq ., do 5 0 0 J . W . Hawksworth , Esq ., do . ,, .... 5 0 0 T . R . Barker , Esq . do 5 0 0 R . Bentley , Esq ., Kotherham 5 0 0 J . C . Wilson , Esq ., Sheffield 5 0 0 It . Leader , Jun ., Esq ., do 5 0 0 Proprietors of The Leader , London 5 0 0 Ibbotaon , Peace , and Co ., Sheffield 5 0 0 J . and W . A . Charles , do 2 2 0 Fi sher and Bramall , do . * 2 0 0 C . Hawksworth , Esq ., do 2 0 0 M . Hunter , Esq ., do 2 0 0 E . Liddell , Esq ., do 2 0 0 Reverend Jos . Hunter , F . S . A ., London 2 0 0 B . Martineau , Esq ., Birmingham 1 1 0 R . Solly , Esq ., 8 heHield 110 J . Jlobson , Esq ., do . 1 1 0 P . E . Fisher , do 1 1 0 W . Fisher , Jun ., do . 110 W . Favell , do 110 John Fowler , do . 110 G . liadon , do . 1 0 0 T . Rodgors , do 10 0 Brotulhead and Atkiu , do ..., 10 0 Butler and Co ., do . 10 0 J . Rodgcrs , ' do . 1 0 0 I . P . Cults , do 10 0 G . Foster , do . , 1 0 0 A . Chadburn , do . 1 0 0 T F . W . Chadburn , do , 1 o 0 ~ J . R . do . 10 0 John Beckett do 10 0 Marcus Smith do 1 0 0 T . Oaten do 10 0 F . Wever do . ; 10 0 James Montgomery , do 1 0 0 Reverend E . It . Lurk en , M . A ,, Burton by Lincoln 10 0 R . Toynbee , Esq ., Lincoln 0 10 0 Subscriptions will be received by T . Birks , Esq ., Mayor of Sheffield ; and at the Leader Office , 9 , Crane-court , Fleet-street , London .
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LIST OF PRICES SPECIALLY ADAPTED TO WORKING MEN . £ s . d . Fustian Jackets from 0 11 0 Good ditto Trousers from 0 9 6 Ditto ditto Vests from 0 G 0 Ditto ditto Coats from 0 15 0 Doeskin Trousers from 0 14 0 Black Cloth Vests from 0 8 0 Ditto Dress Coats from 1 15 0 Ditto Frock Coats from 2 0 0 Ditto Paletots from 1 10 0 Silk Vests and other Fancy Goods in like proportion . WORKING MEN'S OWN MATERIALS MADE UP . N . B . —If purchasers will examine and take into consideration the quality of our workmanship , we pledge ourselves to compete with the . Sweaters and Slopsellers . ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES . Remember the Address , THE WORKING TAILORS' ASSOCIATION , 34 , CASTLE-STREET . EAST , OXFORD-STREET , OPPOSITE THE PANTHEON , LONDON .
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Now ready , complete , price One Shilling ; ( per post , One and sixpence . ) THE PEOPLE'S REVIEW of Literature and Politics . Excelsior ! Edited by Friends of " Order and Progress . " , . Contents . —Art before the Exhibition—Literature of American Individuality—The Infinity of Beauty—Benefit Building Societies—Calculations of Progress—The Correspondent—On tho Cure of Cataract—Ancient and Modern Notions of Democracy—The Democratic Review—Elliott ' s Last Poems—Constitutional Parallel ; between England and Hungary—Blue Book of the Factory Question—Fox , Newman , and Froude—The Politics and Prospects of Germany—History of the Taxes on Knowledge —Importance or the Polish Question in the Politics of Eutope—Journal of Psychological Medicine—The LookerOn—Mazzlni ' s Letter to the French Ministers—National Evils and Practical Remedies—The New Philosophy—Question of Foreign Colonisation Debated- —Recent Novels— Popular Doctrines Repressive of the Revolutionary Tendency—Tho 8 cience of Diet—Strafford , the Despot from Principle— -Stratford , the Despot in Practice-History of the Thirty Yoars' Peace—Truth-Seeker and Present Age—Twenty-six Cuts at the Times , by Bob Thin—Tracts on Christian Socialism . C . Mitchell , Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
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OLD GILT FRAMES made new in one instant , by merely touching the surface with SMITH ' S GOLD REVIVER , Is . fid . per bottle . GOLD VARNISH . Is . 6 d ., re-gilds defects ; may be applied by any one . ELECTRO LIQUID SILVER , Is . per bottle , renders old worn-oif plated articles as beautiful and as lasting as new . Cost and trouble less than cleaning . LACKER REVIVER , Is . 6 d ., for tarnished gold acker , or-mnlu , and bronze . The GERMAN FLY and BEETLE DESTROYER , Is . per bottle , clears the house at once , and is warranted Innoxious , except to those insects . These are the established preparations , manufactured only by SMITH and CO ., 281 , STRAND , exactly opposite N orfolkstreet . Wholesale Agents ; Messrs . Deanes , London-bridge ; Appleby , Soho Bazaar ; Mullcr , 63 , High Holborn , opposite Turnstile ; Coleman , Pantheon , Oxford-street ; Aplin , 23 , Lowther Arcade ; Flathcrs , Knightsbridge ; Ferrier and Pollock , Dublin ; and Mackay , Chemist , Edinburgh ,
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In Monthly Parts . pHURTON'S LIBRARY for the MILLION . V- / A reproduction in an abbreviated form , carefully condensed and rewritten , of such STANDARD AUTHORS an are at present too voluminous to suit the time , or a reprint in their entirety of such n » are too expensive to suit tho purse of tho general reader . Part I . JAMES'S HISTORY of CHARLEMAGNE . Complete , 1 h . Cd . Part II . rilKSUpTT'S HISTORY of the CONQUE 8 T of MKXICO . Condensed by tho Rovcrcnd J , H . Cauntrb . B . D . Is . Od . Vol . I . The above together in cloth , 3 « . 6 d . h . Churton , Publisher , 26 , llolles-atrcct .
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London : Ptinted by Rodert Pat . mkr ( of No . 3 , Chepstow-terrace , in the Pariah of Kensington , Middleaex ) , at the Office of Itobert Palmer and Joseph Clayton , No . 10 , Crane-court , Floet . » trect , in the Parish of &' l > unstan-in-the-We » t , in the City of London ; and published by Jo »« r " Clayton , junr . of and at the Publishing-onlcc , No . 205 , Strand , in the Parish of St . Clamtnt Danes , iu th « City of W « ttiaimt « r . — Matvavay July H , I 860 .
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384 ©!) * % tatttt * [ Saturday , July 13 , 1850 .
Leader (1850-1860), July 13, 1850, page 384, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1846/page/24/