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THE NOVEL OF THE SEASON . Will be published in a few days , in Three Vols ., T HE GOLD WORSHIPPERS By the Author of" Whitefriars , " &c ., &c . Parry and Co ., 32 and 33 , Leadenhall-street . To be had at upwards of 3000 Circulating Libraries .
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SERMONS on the COMMANDMENTS . By the Bev . E . B . Labken , M . A . 5 s . 6 d . cloth . Felham Bichardson , 23 , Cornhill . Also , by the same Author , SERMON on TOLERATION , preached before the University of Oxford . Price 3 d . The FROGS of ARISTOPHANES . Translated into English verse . Price Is . John Chapman , 143 , Strand .
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On the 31 st of July , THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW . No . XXVI . AUGUST . CONTENTS . 1 . The Scottish Universities . 3 . Pendennis—The Literary Profession . 3 . The English Language . * 4 . Messrs . Stephenson and Fairbairn ' s Tubular Bridges . 5 . The Liberties of the Gallican Church . 6 . "Wordsworth . 7 . The Method of the Divine Government—Mr . M'Cosh . 8 . Tennyson's " In Memoriam . " 9 . The Trial of Professor Webster . 10 . Christianity in India . Edinburgh : W . 'P . Kennedy . London : Hamilton . Adams , and Co . Dublin : J . M'Glashan .
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HUN TER-STREET ACADEMY . Conducted by Mr . Dawson and Mr . B . Dawson , B . A . The Ninetyfifth Half-yeakly Session commenced Monday , July loth . Junior S chool , Five Guineas per annum . Upper School ( English , Anglo-Saxon , Natural Philosophy , and the Mathematics ) , Six Guineas . The Ancient and Modern Languages are charged extra . Board and Instruction , Thirty Guineas for pnpils under sixteen ; above that age , Forty Guineas . 36 , Hunter-street , Brunswick-square , London .
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rpHE ROYAL BRITISH BANK , Incorporated A . by Charter , 17 th September , 1849 , for receiving deposits at interest , discounting bills , making advances on improved securities , granting cash credits , and transacting every other des cription of banking business on the SCOTTISH SYSTEM .
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GOVERNOR . , John Macgregor , Esq ., M . P . for Glasgow , late Secretary to the Board of Trade . COURT OF DIRECTORS . Edward Esdaile , Esq . Apsley Pellatt , Esq . John Gwynne , Esq . George Pearce , Esq . John Macgregor , Esq . M . P . Thomas Ritchie , Esq . William Daniel Owen , Esq . Charles Walton , Esq . general manager . —Hugh Innes Cameron , Esq . Chief Office—No . 16 , Tokenhouse-yard , Lothbury . Strand Branch—No 439 , Strand , corner of Agar-street . Lambeth Branch—No . 77 , Bridge-road , Westminster-brid ge . Islington Branch—No . 97 , Goswell-road . near the Angel . WHICH WILL BE SHORTLY OPENED . A sub-office ( Mr . Binge , Agent ) is now open at 22 , Yorkstreet , Westminster , and arrangements are in contemplation for other Branches . joint secretaries and solicitors—Messrs . Mullins and Paddison . The hours of public business are from nine a . m . to four p . m . daily , at the head office and branches ; and from twelve to three and six to eight o ' clock p . m . at the sub office . The Directors having by the Charter the peculiar privilege of gradually increasing the capital , will , when new shares are being allotted , give preference , after the existing shareholders , to depositors who may wish to become proprietors , according- to the priority of their applications , allowing , until a dividend be declared , three per cent , interest on all deposits set apart for shares . In accordance with the original purpose ol the Institution , and of the early promise of its promoters , viz ., to endeavour to make the proprietary body as numerous as possible , and the corporation , as far as the law will permit , a society for banking ' on the principles of a mutual benefit association , the shareholders and depositors will have a preference in the enjoyment of such benefits as the Bank can legitimately afford . Special Deposits , for shorter or longer periods than six months , will be received on such terms as may be arranged in each particular case . Forms of Application from Shareholders or Depositors , for new shares , or from parties desirous to open Accounts , will be supplied at the Bank , or sent by post to any who may require them . By Order of the Court of Directors , HUGH INNES CAMKKON , General Manager . 16 , Tokenhouse-yard , June 25 th , 1850 .
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WO RKING MEN'S TESTIMONIAL to SIR ROBERT PEEL . A PUBLIC MEETING of the Middle and Working Classes of the Metropolis will be held in the Great Koomof the WH 1 TTINGTON CLUB ( late Crown and Anchor ) , STRAND , on WEDNESDAY , August 7 , at Half-past Seven o'Clock in the Evening , to promote the Subscription commenced at the Belvidere Hotel , Pentonville . The Chair will be taken by Joseph Hume , Esq ., M . P ., who will be supported by several distinguished . Members of Parliament and other Gentlemen .
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LYNAM'S ROMAN EMPERORS , connecting Hooke and otheis with Gibbon ' s " Decline and Fa'l . " I ^ HE HISTORY of the ROMAN EMPERORS , from Augustus to the Death of Marcus Antoninus , carefully digested from the original Latin and Greek Authors . By the late Reverend Robert Lynam . Edited by the Reverend J . T . White . In 2 vols ., 8 vo ., price £ 1 12 s .. cloth . " It supplies , not merely to the English reader , but to the Latin and Greek scholar , a work that was much wanted . " — Morning Herald . " This is a work which will take a place among our standard literature . "—Oxford Herald . London : Printed for Simpkin , Marshall , and Co . ; Whittaker and Co . ; Hamilton and Co . ; Hatchard and Son ; Shaw and Sons ; Stevens and Norton ; Waller and Son . Cambridge : J . Deighton . Oxford : J . H . Parker .
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Tl / TONUMENTtotheMEMORYofEBENEZER ± V _ 1 ELLIOTT . The following Subscriptions have been already received towards the Elliott Monument : — £ s . d . R . Cobden , Esq ., M . P ., London 10 0 0 Town Trustees of Sheffield 10 0 0 T . Birks . Esq ., Mayor of Sheffield 10 0 0 Samuel Bailey , Esq ., do 10 0 0 Thomas Dunn . Esq ., do 10 0 0 P . Ashberry , Esq ., do 10 0 0 Bight Honourable the Earl of Carlisle , London .. 5 0 0 G . P . Naylor . ., Sheffield 5 0 0 F . Hoole , Esq ., do 5 0 0 Bramley and Gainsford , do o 0 0 H . Wilkimon , Esq ., do 5 0 0 H . HiHde , Esq ., do 5 0 0 H . E . Hoole , Esq ., do 5 0 0 T . Wiley , Esq ., do 5 0 0 J . W . Ha \ vksworth , Esq ., do 5 0 0 T . R . Barker , Esq . do 5 0 0 R . Bentley , lisq ., Rotherham 5 0 0 J . C . Wilson , Esq ., Sheffield 5 0 0 R . Leader , Jun ., Esq ., do 5 0 0 Proprietors of The Leader , London 5 0 0 Ibbotson , Peace , and Co ., Sheffield 5 0 0 J . and W . A . Charles , do 2 2 0 Fisher and Bramall . do 2 0 0 C . Hawksworth , Esq ., do .. 2 0 0 M . Hunter , Esq ., do 2 0 0 E . Liddell , Esq ., do 2 0 0 Reverend Jos . Hunter . F . S . A ., London 2 0 0 11 . Martineau , Esq ., Birmingham 1 1 0 R . Solly , Esq ., Sheffield 110 J . Ilobson , Esq ., do 1 1 0 P . E . Fisher , do 1 1 0 W . Fisher , Jun ., do 110 W . Favell , do 110 John Fowler , do . 110 G . Eadon . do 1 0 0 T . Rodgers , do 10 0 Broadhead and Atkin , do 10 0 Butler and Co ., do . 10 0 J . Rodgers , do 1 0 0 I . P . Cutts , do 10 0 G . Foster , do . 10 0 A . Chadburn , do . 10 0 F . W . Chadburn , do 10 0 J . R . do 10 0 John Beckett do 1 0 0 Marcus Smith do . 1 0 0 T . Oatcs do 10 0 F . Wever do 1 0 0 James Montgomery , do 1 0 0 Reverend E . R . Larken , M . A ., Burton by Lincoln 10 0 R . Toynbec , Esq ., Lincoln 0 10 0 Editor of the lieasoner 0 10 0 Subscriptions will be received by T . Birks , Esq ., Mayor of Sheffield ; and at the Leader Office , 9 , Crane-court , Fleet-street , London .
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THE WORKING TAILORS'ASSOCIATION , 34 , CASTLE-STREET , OXFORD-STREET , Opposite the Pantheon . A few Journeymen Tailors , anxious to rescue themselves and their class from the miseries and degradation consequent on unlimited competition , and from the abuse of the powers of capital as lately exhibited to the public by the Morning Chronicle newspaper , in his letters on " Labour and the Poor , " have resolved to seek a remedy in their own exertions rather th : m in any parliamentary enactment , and in some system which shall combine their own interest with the interests of other classes of society rather than in that return to old customs now chiefly advocated in the trade , by which the benefit of the master and journeyman ( but especially of the former ) is sought to be realized at the expense of the consumer . They have , therefore , united together on the cooperative principle , possessing first-rate talents in the Cutting and Working department , and being supplied by several benevolent gentlemen , with sufficient capital ( which they tire anxious to pay back on the first opportunity ) , they have commenced business on extensive premises in Castle-street , Oxford-street , to which and the accompanying list of prices attention is respectfully invited . It will be seen from the latter that they are at once able to compete with the slopseller , whilst realizing a fair profit themselves . They are mutually bound to devote one-third of their net pi ofits to the extension of their numbers . It now rests with the public to stamp their experiment with success by favouring them with a liberal measure of custom , and thereby demonstrate , on an ever-widening scale , that health , prosperity , and moial worth can be secured to the operatives , and cheapness guaranteed to the consumer , by the faithful realization of the brotherly and Christian principle of cooperation . They M'ish not to injure the trade of any truly " honourable" employer , and venture to hope that all who feel that custom itself ought to have its morality , and who are willing to do what in them lirs towards dealing fairly by the operative , will help them by their sympathy , and , as far as possible , by their orders . All who are friendly to this experiment , and wish it to succeed , should giv « it all the assistance in their power , and recommend it to others .
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THE PEOPLE'S POLITICAL AND SOCIAL LIBRARY . T OUIS BLANC'S HISTORY OF 1848 . Now publishing , neatly bound in boards , price One Shilling , or One and Sixpence post free , HISTORIC PAGES FROM THE REVOLUTION OF 1848 . By M . Louis Blanc . This is the most exciting and popular of all the Narratives yet published of these great and astounding events . Also , just ready , THE GOSPEL OF FREEDOM ; or , Social and Religious Doctrines . By the Abbe Constant . Price 4 d . ; post free , 6 d . Also , price One Penny , THE CATECHISM OF SOCIALISM . By M . Louts Blanc . George Vickcrs , Holywell-street , Strand , London .
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NEW AND CHOICE BOOKS . TWELVE THOUSAND VOLUMES PER ANNUM Is the present rate of increase at MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY , 28 , UPPER K 1 NG-STRKET , BLOOMSBURY-SQUARE . This supply comprises from Twenty to Two Hundred and Filty CopieB of all the best New Works . Fresh copies are added daily of Macaulay ' s England—Layard ' s Nineveh—Alison ' s Essays—Uurzon ' s Levant—Browning ' s Christmas Eve—Bailey ' s Angel World—The Lives of the Chief Justices—of Chalmers—Southey , &c—Murray ' s Andalucia—Modern Painters—Woman in France—Reginald Hastings—The Village Notary — The Caxtons—Margaret Maitlund—The Ways of the Hour—Antonina , &c , &c . SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION—ONE GUINEA PER ANNUM . The best and newest Works are exchanged weekly , carriage free , in every part of London and its neighbourhood , nt Two Guineas per annum . Country Subscription—lifteim vols . all new , or twenty-four vols . six months after publication—Five Guineas pur Annum . Literary Institutions and Book Societies supplied . A post-olllce order , payable to Charles Edward Mudie , will secure an immediate supply .
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HUNGARY AND BADEN . THE POLISH LEGION . When in 1848 the dawn of universal freedom awoke the oppressed nations , Poland , not finding a battle-field upon her own shackled soil , sent her devoted sons to meet their enemy in Hungary and South-Western Germany . The despots triumphed ; the right was trampled down . The Polish legions shared the ruin of their allies . Those who escaped slaughter were hunted from country to country , till , except in the British isles , no place of refuge remained / or them in Europe . About eighty reached here from Switzerland ; and in June last ninety-nine arrived at Southampton from Turkey . Of these , sixty-eight are now in London , ignorant of the English language , and therefore without likelihood of employment , in a state of utter destitution . A Committee ( elected on the 30 th of June by Poles , assembled for the purpose from among both the old and new refugees ) has been appointed to raise means for the support of these remaining ( about 80 ) exiles , until , by the efforts of the Committee , cm . ployment maybe found or opportunities afforded for their return to the Continent . For this purpose a Subscription List is opened at the Leader Office , U , Crane-court , Fleet-street ; and the Committee urgently request the contributions of all friends of European freedom . What England has already done is a guarantee of what she will do . Her sympathies for Poland preceded thoae for Hungary . Now they may unite in a common manifestation for both causes by lending a brotherly hand to their devoted victims . The grateful heart of the I ' oles has not forgotten the past , and cannot , therefore , but be confident in the future . The members of the Committee : —L . Ororski ( Colonel ) , Captain J . H . Rola- IIautoouowski , Bauas / . kiewicz , Major A . ruzuznziKCKi , Majewski , Lieutenant W . Lewanjjowski , Lieutenant-Colonel Fkkund . The accounts will bo open to the inspection of Subscribers nt 39 , Upper Norton-street , Portland-place , and will be published by the Leader . sunscnii'TioNs received : — Mr . Miles , 5 , Theberton-strent , Islington jCO 8 0 Mr . Mabbs , Upper-street , Islington 0 1 0 MissS . D . U 0 4 0 Two Friends of ditto 0 1 0 From a Friend of ditto 0 5 0 From a few Working Men , liond-stroet 1 0 0 The Loader Newspaper 110 Alfred Peppercorn ( I 3 C Helen Slatter 0 8 0 Bessie Burgess 0 2 0 S . L 0 1 0
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LIST OF PJRJCES . FOR CASH ON DELIVERY . £ 6 . ( 1 . Best superfine Frock Coat , with Silk Skirt Linings .... 3 18 0 Super ditto from 2 10 0 Best superfine Drees Coat 3 12 0 Superditto . . from 2 fi 0 Superfine Dress Trousers 1 12 u Superditto from 1 0 0 Superfine Dress Vest 0 18 0 Superditto from 0 12 0 Llama and Beaver Paletots from 2 2 0 Suit of Livery from 3 15 0 GENTLEMEN'S OWN MATERIALS MADli UP . Clerical and Professional Uobes made to Order .
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LIST OF PRICES SPECIALLY ADAPTED TO WORKING MEN . £ s . d . Fustian Jackets from 0 11 0 Good ditto Trousers from 0 9 b Ditto ditto Vests from 0 6 0 Ditto ditto Coats from 0 !•> 0 Doeskin Trousers from 0 14 0 Black Cloth Vests »' rom 0 8 0 Ditto Dress Coats from 1 !•> y Ditto Frock Coats from 2 0 0 Ditto Piiletots from 1 10 0 Silk Vests and other Fancy Good * in like proportion . WORKING MEN'S OWN MATERIALS MADK UP . N . 13 . —If purchase ™ will examine and take into consideration tho quality of our workmanship , we pledge oursulves to compete with the Sweaters and Slopsellers . ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES . Uomember the Address , THE WORKING TAILORS' ASSOCIATION " , 31 , CASTLE-STREET EAST , OXFORD-STREET , OPPOSITE THE PANTHEON , LONDON .
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MENTOR LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , No . 2 , Old Broad-street . Subscribed Capital £ 2 bO , UUO . President . —His Grace the Duke of RUTLAND , K . G . ViOK-PuiisiDENT . —Thu Itight Honourable the Earl FI 1 ZWILLIAM , P . U . 8 .. F . 8 . A . mmtcTOKs . John Dean Paul , Esq ., Chairman , ( it'orfje Berkeley Harrison , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman . Advantage * ottered by this Company , which is composed of Mutual and Proprietary Branches . Tlie , security of a subscribed capital of jC&O . OOO . In th « Mutual Brunch , thu whole of thu profits nrc divided amongst the holders of policies on which seven annual premiums have been paid . Ju the Proprietary Branch , the lowest possible rates of premium consistent with the securit y of the assured . Credit (; i \ eu for hulf tho premiums for the lirst seven years , nnd liu-rtNisiiiK' premiuniH coininc'iiciug at exceedingly low rates . IS aval niul Military men astiimul at the ordinary rate , when on horn ,, service , Wll | , moderate additional charge for licence to proceed to any part of thu world . n « entVIBUUl comillission llllt » vod to medical men , solicitors , and thu ' eompauy ! WhCr ° " mCdical rtfport is ffivell « tlie fee is I ) aid h ? All policies indisputable , except in cases of fraud . By order ot the Board of Directors LOUIS MORE , Manager .
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456 © ft * & * & & t *? [ Saturday , Aug . 3 , 1850 . _ - —* 1———— - ¦ i
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London : Printed by Uoiikrt Pai . mkii ( of No . « , Clipp « tow-tcrrn « e . in the 1 ' hHhIi of Kensington , Middlesex ) , lit the Otllce of KobiM't l ' uhuer ami Joseph CItiyton , No . 10 , Crnnceourt , Fleet . street , in the Tarisli ot © t . DujiKtnn . iii-the-West , in the City of London ; and published by Josbmi CbAYTON , junr . of and at the Publishinn-otHce , No . 2 fi . '> , Strnnd , in tlie Parish of St . Clement Donee , iu the City of Westminster . — Saturday , August 3 , 1 S 50 .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 3, 1850, page 456, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1849/page/24/